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100 tweets gevonden.


Marietje Schaake di 7 mei 2019, 21:20

I hope rightsgroups worry equally about the privatization of speech and content moderation without a single regulatory effort, by Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter algorithms: for profit, intransparently, without oversight, or redress, based on ‘terms of use’ at best ↘️

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Donie O'Sullivan di 7 mei 2019, 20:49

"Human rights groups warn the public backlash against tech companies is being used as a pretext to censor speech."


Marietje Schaake wo 1 mei 2019, 21:59

Want to know more about #measles with all the new outbreaks reports? Can’t make this up! Still up there, hit 1, unsponsored ’Melanie’s Marvelous Measles’. Sick algorithms ↘️


Marietje Schaake di 23 apr 2019, 18:27

The recent measles outbreaks remind us that we need systematic oversight of the way algorithms and online information ecosystems steer people’s behaviour; to prevent future epidemics, whether medical or political >> my new oped on @FT is here ↘️…


Marietje Schaake ma 1 apr 2019, 08:00

For anyone seeking to understand how @YouTube is gamed, manipulated and used for disinformation, whether to make money, to change minds or both. This video shows why accountability of algorithms can not wait ↘️

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Smarter Every Day zo 31 mrt 2019, 19:48

New Video: "Manipulating the YouTube Algorithm."
I have reason to believe there are coordinated attacks against and attempts to manipulate our most used Social Media Algorithms. This is the first of a 3 part series explaining how it happens on @YouTube.…


Marietje Schaake di 19 mrt 2019, 15:56

We need more research into the workings of algorithms, intended and unintended consequences, there is no sector that has billions of customers, that is as unregulated as the big tech companies ↘️

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Edelman Brussels di 19 mrt 2019, 15:41

“We don’t know enough”, says @MarietjeSchaake about the impact tech platforms have on our democracy, trust and us Europeans. #TrustSummit2019


Marietje Schaake za 23 feb 2019, 19:14

But who takes corporate responsibility for a harmful or tasteless decision made by an algorithm? >> Expect mischief as algorithms proliferate…


Marietje Schaake do 21 feb 2019, 21:07

The self-fulfilling prophecy of algorithms proposing more, and more, and more of what you once sought. We need oversight and accountability >> When Algorithms Think You Want to Die ↘️…


Marietje Schaake di 5 feb 2019, 10:34

The challenge with discussing the removal of content at scale online, is that the company’s business and profit models themselves, the intransparent algorithms and their impact on promoting or demoting content are not addressed by company reps #comoatscale


Marietje Schaake vr 25 jan 2019, 21:05

Scout’s honor and good intentions are not enough, too many examples of tweaked algorithms solving zero. Independent oversight is crucial ↘️

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CNN vr 25 jan 2019, 21:01

YouTube is making changes to its recommendation algorithm, which serves up new videos for users to watch, in an effort to crack down on the spread of conspiracy theories on its platform


Marietje Schaake vr 11 jan 2019, 20:36

The mess called @YouTube manages to build algorithms that work to maximize profit, but fail to demote conspiracy lies >> Searching for news on #RBG? YouTube offered conspiracy theories about the Supreme Court justice instead ↘️­ogy/201…­


Marietje Schaake vr 11 jan 2019, 20:20

Senator @MarkWarner is right: “It’s inexcusable that YouTube continues to shirk its responsibility to the public by allowing misinformation and hoaxes to flourish...”> More on the mess called @YouTube algorithms that work to maximize profit, bit fail to demote consoiracy lies ↘️

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Tony Romm vr 11 jan 2019, 19:09

NEW: Looking for RBG on YouTube? Users who searched for the SCOTUS justice's initials this week saw hoaxes saying she was nearly dead. YT served up a QAnon conspiracy and virtually no news. Me + @drewharwell on YouTube's enduring trouble with truth­ogy/201…­


Marietje Schaake vr 7 dec 2018, 17:36

About the need for the rule of law online, the accountability of business models and algorithms & more ↘️ Can democracy survive technology? 🎥 Our panel at The GovTech Summit 2018


Marietje Schaake ma 12 nov 2018, 09:50

‘There is an important conversation to be had around how we govern algorithms’ @JustinTrudeau at #GovTechSummit


Marietje Schaake wo 10 okt 2018, 17:10

Are algorithms good at HR? ‘ Inc's (AMZN.O) machine-learning specialists uncovered a big problem: their new recruiting engine did not like women.’ ↘️­…­


Marietje Schaake za 8 sep 2018, 08:34

It is also clear we need to ensure independent oversight and not accept mere promises to improve with in transparent tweaks of algorithms ↘️

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Raju Narisetti za 8 sep 2018, 02:38

Imagine if @McDonalds says because we serve tens of millions of burgers each year we can't promise all our burgers are safe to eat. How did we allow @facebook & @Twitter to blame scale for their inability to fix their platforms for stuff like this (while touting scale for ad $$)­…­


Marietje Schaake di 26 jun 2018, 10:43

I would say politicians are accountable in elections & through media, but algorithms used for maximum profit by the big tech companies are unaccountable, even though potential impact on democracy is great­…­

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Michael Walsh di 26 jun 2018, 10:25

@MarietjeSchaake My point is that Politicians have peddled fake news (at least aka spin) for a long long time - sounds like you have competition


Marietje Schaake di 26 jun 2018, 09:57

There are oversight mechanisms for public media/offline media. The fact that the article refers to all kinds of corrections underlines the gap I identify with regard to social media/algorithms­…­

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Daniel Schwammenthal di 26 jun 2018, 09:51

@MarietjeSchaake Agree. But we must also hold traditional media to higher standards, particularly public broadcasters. These persistent "errors" fuel not just anti-Israel but also anti-Jewish sentiments here in Europe.……­ate-tv…­


Marietje Schaake vr 22 jun 2018, 10:36

At #CDS2018 @JoeBiden higlights the Honest Ads Act that should ensure more transparency and accountabilty and counter the damage to democracy caused by the profit models and algorithms of @facebook @YouTube @Twitter and other tech platforms


Marietje Schaake di 19 jun 2018, 17:08

After Anthony Bourdain’s death, conspiracy theories flourished on @YouTube fueled by algorithms ↘️↘️­a…­


Marietje Schaake ma 23 apr 2018, 08:29

On the importance of researching and overseeing algorithms ↘️­-a…­


Marietje Schaake wo 7 mrt 2018, 15:28

Maybe the one thing uniting progressives and conservatives: concern about the intranslarent algorithms and bias of tech platforms >> New Foils for the Right: Google and Facebook­…­


Marietje Schaake vr 16 feb 2018, 17:30

What would that imply for algorithms? >> ‘I am in favor of free speech for humans not for bots’ @ericschmidt at #MSC2018


Marietje Schaake do 2 nov 2017, 01:15

Well, they do know what to charge advertisers... transparency is not exactly the strength of big tech and their algorithms­…­

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Kamala Harris wo 1 nov 2017, 17:47

Earlier at the #TechHearings, I asked Facebook, Google, and Twitter how much they’ve profited from Russia propaganda. No one had an answer.


Marietje Schaake ma 20 mrt 2017, 15:00

We need oversight: what algorithms & other decisions @YouTube makes on filtering/taking down content visavis……


Marietje Schaake wo 1 mrt 2017, 15:39

RT @MarietjeSchaake: No 'teenager' on perfecting algorithms for profits, should've taken concerns (incl mine) on manipulation & election…


Marietje Schaake wo 1 mrt 2017, 15:31

No 'teenager' on perfecting algorithms for profits, should've taken concerns (incl mine) on manipulation & election……


Marietje Schaake za 4 feb 2017, 16:02

RT @MarietjeSchaake: Worried about "fake news" the future of journalism & social media algorithms sucking us into filter bubbles? Semina…


Marietje Schaake za 4 feb 2017, 14:46

Worried about "fake news" the future of journalism & social media algorithms sucking us into filter bubbles? Semina……


Marietje Schaake zo 8 jan 2017, 22:41

How to ensure fair competition in the digital economy? What oversight of #algorithms? Spoiler: it may not be possib……


Marietje Schaake di 6 dec 2016, 10:15

RT @MarietjeSchaake: Holding Artificial Intelligence #AI to account: can #algorithms be developed to strengthen the rule of law online? htt…


Marietje Schaake di 6 dec 2016, 09:50

Holding Artificial Intelligence #AI to account: can #algorithms be developed to strengthen the rule of law online?…


Marietje Schaake zo 13 nov 2016, 07:32

RT @MarietjeSchaake: The video with a discussion between experts on #algorithms I hosted is available here… https://…


Marietje Schaake zo 13 nov 2016, 06:37

The video with a discussion between experts on #algorithms I hosted is available here…


Marietje Schaake do 10 nov 2016, 15:59

RT @MarietjeSchaake: Here is the video of the discussion on #algorithms and accountability I hosted last Monday:… ht…


Marietje Schaake do 10 nov 2016, 15:53

Here is the video of the discussion on #algorithms and accountability I hosted last Monday:…


Marietje Schaake di 8 nov 2016, 16:05

The initiative came from a pilot project in European Parliament! #algorithms…


Marietje Schaake ma 7 nov 2016, 13:30

Ill post the video online as soon as it is available! #algorithms…


Marietje Schaake ma 7 nov 2016, 11:35

In the context of #algorithms > read what happened when YouTube took down my video…


Marietje Schaake ma 7 nov 2016, 10:59

Follow us via live-stream as we discuss #algorithms and accoutability, starting in a few minutes!……


Marietje Schaake di 1 nov 2016, 22:24

RT @MarietjeSchaake: Including the idea of 'distributed audits' of #algorithms > sending data through to see the outcome…


Marietje Schaake di 1 nov 2016, 22:18

Including the idea of 'distributed audits' of #algorithms > sending data through to see the outcome…


Marietje Schaake ma 10 okt 2016, 09:48

RT @MarietjeSchaake: BLOG 'When YouTube took down my video' > share your story and join me for a seminar on #algorithms and #transparency h…


Marietje Schaake vr 7 okt 2016, 13:38

BLOG 'When YouTube took down my video' > share your story and join me for a seminar on #algorithms and #transparency…


Marietje Schaake do 6 okt 2016, 11:37

If these and other transparency questions in times of mass use of #algorithms interest you, join me for this event!……


Marietje Schaake wo 5 okt 2016, 18:02

What? Debate with myself and @MalmstromEU in Europarliament does not meet @youtube community standards? #algorithms


Marietje Schaake vr 10 jun 2016, 14:56

Discussing #algorithms > #eurodig16 > key Qs about how to ensure the rule of law applies online: transparency, accountability and oversight


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 17 nov 2015, 09:39

profiling not very effective tool for predicting terrorist attacks, too rare to develop meaningful algorithms @fborgesius @ComMeijers

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