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958 tweets gevonden.


Wim van de Camp do 4 okt 2012, 15:09

@raymondgradus Ook in aanwezigheid van @smuresan, EPP adviseur voor Economie en Wirtschaft


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 10 sep 2012, 19:13

Debat abt European role in CIA renditions/ black sites. EPP group still in denial. Feels human rights violations are okay


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 4 jul 2012, 12:55

EPP attempt to delay #ACTA failed


Judith Sargentini wo 4 jul 2012, 12:55

david martin: the EPP life saving machine for #ACTA is played out. And ideed it is


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 4 jul 2012, 12:55

EPP claims #ACTA opponents are clueless. Who knows. But most supporters are really not much better informed


Judith Sargentini wo 4 jul 2012, 12:54

En ja hoor, de EPP wil de stemming over #ACTA uitstellen. Daar gaan we dus eerst over stemmen


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 4 jul 2012, 12:52

EPP group last ditch attempt: calls for #ACTA vote to be delayed


Marietje Schaake di 3 jul 2012, 17:06

MEP Mazzoni (EPP) on #ACTA: we have our own responsibilities as a parliament, we have to respect the voice of 2,5 million citizens, rejects


Marietje Schaake di 3 jul 2012, 15:51

Ah, Mr Caspary: for the EPP the freedom of internet is also important, we looked at legal opinion on #ACTA and are in favor


Judith Sargentini di 3 jul 2012, 15:39

EPP collega vindt dat als we #ACTA afwijzen dat we dat ook met Kyoto moeten doen. 'apfeln mit birnen' vergelijken, noemt duitse collega dat.


Judith Sargentini ma 2 jul 2012, 22:37

Leg uit @WimvandeCamp @EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for postponement of the vote


Judith Sargentini ma 2 jul 2012, 22:36

Beg your pardon? @EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 21:01

2 uur geleden: @EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling @shoe22


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:47

“@bendrath: Alert! RT @EPPGroup #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.”


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:46

Helder @vrijschrift “@EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.”


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:46

.cc@_rubeneg clear “@EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.”


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:45

.@RiaOomenRuijten “@EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.”


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:44

Ow, confusion...?! “@EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.”


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:34

“@Vrijschrift: @RiaOomenRuijten @MarietjeD66 @EPPGroup Het was een tweet van de EPP zelf, zie


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:07

@RiaOomenRuijten @eppgroup ik beroep me alleen op info vanuit EPP zelf, mijn inbox stroomt overigens ook vol....

in reply to avatar

RiaOomenRuijten ma 2 jul 2012, 20:05

#ACTA @MarietjeD66 wanneer komen verontschuldiging voor uitzetten gerucht dat @EPPGroup uitstel zou vragen. Mijn box loopt daardoor vol!


Judith Sargentini za 30 jun 2012, 14:46

M'n mailbox stroomt vol tegen #ACTA. Wees gerust ik stem er tegen. EPP poogt de stemming nog uit te stellen. We bereiden ons voor op trucs.


Corien Wortmann do 28 jun 2012, 14:14

Open exchange at @EPP summit showing determination to support the clear positive signs but evenly tackle the middle + shortterm challenges


Corien Wortmann do 28 jun 2012, 11:03

11.30 @EPP Summit where I will represent the @EPPGroup. I will call for full participation of the EP in future work on the VRompuy proposals


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 21 jun 2012, 15:49

Next item in LIBE: CIA renditions and black sites. No EPP colleagues present. Apparently indifferent to human rights violations


Marietje Schaake do 21 jun 2012, 10:55

31 eligible voters in INTA committee, EPP 11, S&D 8, ALDE 3, ECR 3, Greens 2, GUE 2, EFD 1 and N.I. 1 (background info on #ACTA vote)


Marietje Schaake wo 20 jun 2012, 18:37

All ALDE is 3, of which I am one.... It is much more important what #EPP does! #ACTA @jerezim


Marietje Schaake wo 20 jun 2012, 17:23

If not true EPP will ask for secret ballot, question is who is misleading who! “@EPPGroup: the #ALDE Group is misleading everybody on #ACTA


Marietje Schaake wo 20 jun 2012, 15:59

It would be a real shame.... “@telecomix: Transparent much? RT @MarietjeD66 Breaking: EPP says it will ask for secret ballot on #ACTA


Marietje Schaake wo 20 jun 2012, 15:15

“@ALDEvox: #EPP plans to request secret ballot on #ACTA vote trade comm. What are they trying to hide? MEPs must be accountable to voters.”


Marietje Schaake wo 20 jun 2012, 14:54

“@boriszz: RT @MarietjeD66: Breaking: EPP says it will ask for secret ballot on #ACTA


Marietje Schaake wo 20 jun 2012, 14:46

Breaking: EPP says it will ask for secret ballot on #ACTA


Corien Wortmann za 16 jun 2012, 11:15

#EPPFFMKosovo ended with pressconference together with LDK President Mustafa about the visble progress made and BIG challenges ahead @EPP


Corien Wortmann vr 15 jun 2012, 19:22

Good to experience engagement in LDK in challenging times at #EPPFFMKosovo together with @strijbis , @diogobelford and other @EPP friends


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 13 jun 2012, 09:45

Yesterday as EPP EIT spokesman proposed smaller KICs for regions showing promising excellence & specialisation #CDA


Lucas Hartong di 12 jun 2012, 09:18

EPP fractie (christendemocraten, ook CDA) laaiend op zelfstandige lidstaten. Voorzitter Daul staat te stomen. Hij haat soevereiniteit!


Marietje Schaake do 24 mei 2012, 15:43

@President_IFLRY I agree, I tried to mention as many names as possible. Now lets hope #EPP will vote for the joint motion for resolution


Marietje Schaake wo 23 mei 2012, 00:13

Remarkable to see the difference between the way the #EPP in the European Parliament acts towards #Ukraine and #Azerbaijan #doublestandards


Marietje Schaake wo 23 mei 2012, 00:09

“@vaisbrodas: #Azerbaijan #EPP decides not to sign critical resolution on #humanrights abuses ahead of #Eurovision #12points for #freedom


Marietje Schaake wo 23 mei 2012, 00:04

Wow, after hard work & long negotiations #EPP chooses not to support a joint text on #Azerbaijan #Eurovision #realpolitik over #humanrights


Wim van de Camp di 22 mei 2012, 19:58

EPP group and EPP party concentrate tonight on economic growth. Not instead of budgetcut's but in combination with healty national budgets.


Corien Wortmann di 22 mei 2012, 19:35

European Summit: sustainable growth needs strong foundation. #EPP


Wim van de Camp wo 9 mei 2012, 12:51

Now Hans Gert Potttering, Manuel Barroso and Herman van Rompuy in meeting EPP group to memorate the day of Europa, every year on the 9th may


Wim van de Camp wo 9 mei 2012, 11:43

Now in the EPP group (@EPPtweet) an evaluation of the elections in France and Greece. Of course we are disappointed, but also very hopefull


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 25 apr 2012, 14:36

EPP just announced its rather ambiguous position on #ACTA. position crystal clear: against. @MarietjeD66


Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:34

EPP group has just asked the Commission to 'fix' #ACTA before they support it.... Hm. Now the #ALDE press conference on #ACTA


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 19 apr 2012, 13:23

@EPPGroup funny interpretation by EPP group&unprofessional comment. In reality EPP rubberstamps violation of EU fundamental rights


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 19 apr 2012, 10:44

Excellent analysis of EU-US PNR agreement by EPP colleague Engel (LU): agreement offers no safeguards beyond existing laws.

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