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1217 tweets gevonden.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 19 apr 2012, 13:47

@EPPGroup you confuse a majority vote with a legal appraisal.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 19 apr 2012, 13:30

@EPPGroup that is nonsense, as your own member Engel explained very adequately


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 19 apr 2012, 13:23

@EPPGroup funny interpretation by EPP group&unprofessional comment. In reality EPP rubberstamps violation of EU fundamental rights


Corien Wortmann wo 18 apr 2012, 12:13

King Abdullah of Jordan in EP "A long spring is evolving in Arab World". And he is an important partner to achieve this #EPP #EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann wo 14 mrt 2012, 19:11

Big applaus for Gary Kasparov during @EPPGroup meeting. Decent fighter for democracy in Russia #EPP


Corien Wortmann di 13 mrt 2012, 15:09

EP debate on PVV website. Danish Presidency: Freedom of expression does not equal the right to say everythinh about everyone. @EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann di 13 mrt 2012, 09:14

V. Rompuy: "we have reached a turningpoint in the crisis, we now need a stronger middle and longterm strategy for growth. #agreed @EPPGroup


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 28 feb 2012, 12:40

EU KICs can learn from US: Kansas aviation cluster creates nearly 20% of manufacturing jobs @EPPGroup @innovationunion


Corien Wortmann di 21 feb 2012, 14:43

Van Rompuy wants to stay as President EUSummit and Eurozone Summit: Excellent news we need his expirence and diplomacy! @EPP @EPPGroup @HvR


Corien Wortmann wo 15 feb 2012, 15:36

Big applaus for PM Mario Monti in EP. A true Italian and European. Visionair on deepening EU integration @EPPGroup #EPP


Corien Wortmann wo 15 feb 2012, 15:23

Mario Monti: we need budgetary discipline AND economic growth. Opening up our internal market is key @EPPGroup #EPP


Corien Wortmann wo 15 feb 2012, 15:22

Impressed by courageous Mario Monti who praises the European Parliament for what we achieved in #6pack @EPPGroup #EPP


Ria Oomen-Ruijten wo 7 dec 2011, 17:07

@EPPGroup Impression that explaining speech #PM Fillon on german/french EU proposals is minimising the agreement


Ria Oomen-Ruijten wo 7 dec 2011, 14:24

@EPPGroup in Marseille lekker zometje moet nu als Vz werknemersclub spreken over guur soc.econ klimaat


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 16 nov 2011, 15:31

voorproefje: vrijdag als rapporteur EP over de toekomst van het Europees Regionaal Beleid te gast bij @EPPGroup TV


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 10 nov 2011, 17:36

Vandaag goede hoorzitting van @EPPGroup over externe dimensie #energie leveringszekerheid met Commissaris Oettinger.

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