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222 tweets gevonden.


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 17:10

“@NathalieTocci: #MSC50 panel on Ukraine. Brezinski kicks off by sayong there cannot be a solution without compromise given the geography”


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 17:08

“@KadriLiik: #Ukraine, if you weren't watching #MSC50 before, then please switch on now! Your session has started.”


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 16:33

Vm Bondskanselier Schmidt zelfde punt als Terlouw vrg week: bankmanagers over de hele wereld mismanagen geld en politiek deed niets #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 16:22

.@dmiliband: Russia thinks UK is a declining country, UK thinks Russia is a declining country, and we may both be right #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 15:56

“@carlbildt: Henry Kissinger: If West Berlin would have been attacked there was no question but US would have gone to war. #msc50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 15:55

@jonworth @thechangeagent :) hope to see you both soon. Not speaking at #MSC50 this year....


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 15:45

.@DMiliband in the humanitarian world, 90% of funding is Transatlantic, but trend can be observed that 'abroad' is not our business #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 15:42

“@NYTimesCohen: "Incredible profundity in German!" Kissinger on hearing translation of his own words in English (removes headphones) #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 15:40

“@paulsen_thomas: Bahr: NATO is in Russia's interest because it sets limits to German power in Europe. #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 15:29

“@SlaughterAM: Very striking, as @IlvesToomas points out, that NOT A WORD re NSA surveillance from Kerry or Hagel, even when in #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 15:07

Yes, it happened, @dmiliband and @sikorskiradek were just called 'young chickens' at #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 14:57

Dinosaur session: Kissinger, Giscard d'Estaing, Schmidt, @sikorskiradek, Bahr and @DMiliband at #MSC50 hope the future will see more women


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:57

But did his words convince? “@javiersolana: “@MunSecConf: "We're not withdrawing from anything" - Kerry at #MSC50””


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:51

Kerry: 'not deterred one iota (!) on #TTIP, lets get it done and then wage the political fight' >> disagree, must continuously engage #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:49

Now 2 questions on #TTIP, is there enough Congressional support? #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:47

Simple but true words by Hagel: maintaininf statusquo is also a risk > often overlooked, especially visavis #Syria over past 3 years #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:41

“@vali_nasr: Kerry on peace process: not optimistic but hopeful. #MSC50 #MSC2014


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:41

“@StevenErlanger: #MSC50 Americans not only don't deal with eur concerns abt pivot to asia, but don't even mention it”


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:37

“@FredKempe: #secdef Hagel echoes #secstate call for "Transatl Renaissance." Key now is leadership on Ukraine, Syria, TTIP, etc. #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:35

Secr Hagel highlights missile defense #Poland against missiles from #Iran > while most focus on diplomacy-successes in Iran talks #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:32

“@SCClemons: At #MSC50 @DeptofDefense Hagel: China & Russia hi-tech modernization challenging US defense collaboration around world #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:30

Secr Hagel identifies NATO as center of Transatlantic security/strategic relation and calls it the most successful peace movement #msc50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:23

Diplomatic words by Secr Kerry: our challenge is to renew the promise of the legacy of the Transatlantic relation #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:20

“@joshrogin: Kerry strong words: "Nowhere is the fight for a democratic, European future more important today than in #Ukraine." #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:20

Kerry now mentions 'our democracy is a work in progress, we come to this with humility' >> not sure that was enough #NSA #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:17

“@tkesho3: #Syria minimally covered by Kerry's speech, apparently climate change is a bigger security threat to speak about today #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:16

Kerry: 'Must continue to put pressure on Assad regime to meet UN principles' >> if thats all he'll say on #Syria, that's very little #msc50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:11

Kerry: if we are ambitious, #TTIP will do for our prosperity what NATO did for our security #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:10

Kerry: need boost in prosperity, security & common values for a Transatl renaissance. >> would make sense if he addressed lack trust #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:07

Secr Kerry: we are not immune to extremism, from US, EU, UK, Australia, jihadists flock to #Syria #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:05

“@ulrikeguerot: Gauck, von der Leyen & Steinmeier #MSC50: three speeches that pave the way for a new German foreign policy..”


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 11:03

Secr Kerry recalls how rebuilding Europe post WWII it was not just buildings the Marshall rebuilt, but an idea #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 10:57

Secretaries John Kerry and Chuck Hagel will address the Q: A Transatlantic Renaissance? Hope they'll be serious about EU concerns! #MSC50


Marietje Schaake za 1 feb 2014, 10:55

“@joshrogin: Here's my article from last night's session on Syria with Brahimi #MSC50 (warning: it's depressing)”


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:45

Mr. Jarba of the #Syrian opposition is now speaking at #MSC50


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:40

“@vali_nasr: Indyk: Congress is focused on #Iran not peace process #MSC50 #MSC2014


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:36

“@janraudszus: Military force changed the momentum in Bosnia not international courts that came afterwards #MSC50


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:35

.@emmabonino asks why the conference does not ask for a ceasefire, such as an olympic truce #syria #MSC50


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:32

“@joshrogin: #MSC50 @amslaughter compares world ignorance of Syria to world ignorance of the Holocaust. #shitjustgotreal


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:31

Can nuclear deal #Iran exacerbate regional rivalry, and make the stakes in #Syria higher? #MSC50


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:24

“@tkesho3: It breaks my heart to see Syrians drowning because they can't get to Europe as refugees safely UN High Repr for Refugees #MSC50


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:24

Speakers rightfully point out how little EU has done to share burden by taking in refugees #Syria #MSC50


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:20

.@emmabonino asks: Int. Community does not share same assessment. Must also ask who will be in charge after transition in #syria? #msc50


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:19

“@Aristot73: @MarietjeSchaake what if for some "non-solution" is a victory in itself?” #syria #MSC50


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:17

Brahimi: always those believing in a military solution. The opposition perhaps not as much anymore. The regime believes it can win #MSC50


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:15

Brahimi: regime #Syria says they accept communique, repeat priority is terrorism, foreign intervention, money and weapons #MSC50


Marietje Schaake vr 31 jan 2014, 23:13

Guterres: conflicts only solved when official negotiations are matched with discrete parallel talks, now too many are stakeholders #MSC50

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