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999 tweets gevonden.


Bas Belder za 13 apr 2019, 13:06

Hartgrondig eens met Derk Jan Eppink/interview Trouw: “Brussel moet meer respect tonen voor Trump. Om voorzitter Jean-Claude Juncker van de Europese Commissie valt veel meer te lachen.”


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 9 apr 2019, 17:45

@CarolineGruyter In de wereld van vandaag - Trump, klimaatverandering, kapitaalstromen, een sterk China, Facebook&Huawei, etc - is het geen nationale macht maar machteloosheid. Door een verenigd Europa verliezen we geen macht, maar krijgen we macht terug. Grip op de wereld van nu.


Marietje Schaake di 9 apr 2019, 07:01

Trump threatens new EU tariffs on helicopters, motorcycles, cheese and wine ahead of #trade talks ↘️­s/…­


Marietje Schaake wo 20 mrt 2019, 16:03

In 5 minutes, Ill be live on @euronews #RawPolitics on: #Brexit shenanigans, #Orban and whether the EPP will keep him in the club any longer, Trump and trade, and perhaps some surprises ↘️


Marietje Schaake do 14 mrt 2019, 00:13

Senate breaks with Trump on Saudi-led war in Yemen­…­


Marietje Schaake di 26 feb 2019, 18:42

Im sure those in Europe not too keen to take back European born jihadists, as Trump is urging, are taking notice too ↘️

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The Atlantic di 26 feb 2019, 18:29

Before Hoda Muthana joined ISIS in Syria, she was born and raised in the United States. Now she wants to come back with her young son and take responsibility for her actions—but the U.S. says she's not a citizen. @kcalamur reports:


Marietje Schaake vr 22 feb 2019, 14:05

Trump Won’t Rule Out Using Stolen Data in 2020 Campaign >> Candidates who do rule it out: sign ↘️­20-can…­


Marietje Schaake wo 20 feb 2019, 15:27

Today I talked to some American visitors, one of whom encouraged Europeans to look beyond Trump’s words, at his actions. Here words are actions ↘️

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Marietje Schaake wo 20 feb 2019, 15:24

This is deeply disturbing, even if we hear President Trump bashing journalists and media daily >> Trump declares New York Times 'enemy of the people' ↘️­…­


Marietje Schaake wo 20 feb 2019, 15:24

This is deeply disturbing, even if we hear President Trump bashing journalists and media daily >> Trump declares New York Times 'enemy of the people' ↘️­…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 19 feb 2019, 17:42

Beschamend en onnodig. Een pakket fatsoenlijke en effectieve asielmaatregelen ligt klaar, het Europees Parlement heeft consensus bereikt, maar nationale regeringen blijven blokkeren. Ze willen Fort Europa bouwen. De Europese evenknie van Trump’s muur.­/2…­


Marietje Schaake ma 18 feb 2019, 10:15

Democrats offer European allies the promise of a post-Trump future. But can they deliver?  #MSC2019­urope/d…­


Marietje Schaake do 14 feb 2019, 22:20

Love is love ❤️ on #ValentinesDay and always, may love trump hate

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The Late Show vr 1 feb 2019, 06:12

.@EllenPage is fed up with leaders who promote hatred and intolerance. #LSSC

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Bloomberg Economics wo 13 feb 2019, 11:34

On trade, Donald Trump behaves more like a state-interventionist than a laissez-faire guy


Marietje Schaake di 5 feb 2019, 15:25

Spoke with @terischultz about Europe’s stakes in the State of the Union that President #Trump will give tonight #SOTU ↘️…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 31 jan 2019, 16:34

Sarah Sanders says 'God wanted Trump to be president'. BBC News. ⁦He indeed has a habit of putting mankind to the test 🙄 ⁦…


Bas Belder wo 23 jan 2019, 06:10

Martin Kramer/Sandbox on “Trump’s Mideast Strategy: disaster or opportunity”: “Long experience also has taught Jews not to presume the consistent and timely support of any other polity. That’s why there is a state of Israel, and why it can’t ever be too strong.”


Marietje Schaake vr 18 jan 2019, 14:30

‘Cohen's testimony marks a significant new frontier: It is the first known example of Trump explicitly telling a subordinate to lie directly about his own dealings with Russia.’ ↘️

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BuzzFeed vr 18 jan 2019, 04:25

President Trump Directed His Attorney To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project


Paul Tang (PvdA) vr 18 jan 2019, 08:11

Waarom we vrije, onafhankelijke nieuwsgaring bepaald niet aan #Google kunnen overlaten ...

#Google maakt voor verspreiden van nepnieuws een verdienmodel, hitst daarmee Trump-aanhangers, populisten en racisten op, en vervuilt berichtgeving.


Marietje Schaake di 15 jan 2019, 08:42

And still many administration officials plat down Transatlantic rifts when confronted. We need to see Trump for who he is ↘️

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Vaughn Sterling di 15 jan 2019, 05:13

Senior administration officials told The New York Times that several times over the course of 2018, Mr. Trump privately said he wanted to withdraw from NATO.


Marietje Schaake wo 9 jan 2019, 06:59

In this letter to @SpeakerPelosi, we call on the new Congress to object to the #Trump administration as it attacks & downgrades the EU. We look forward to working together to modernize our strong #Transatlantic relation, to meet global challenges ↘️­er-to-u…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 8 jan 2019, 22:35

Trump downgrading EU diplomatic status, without even notifying. Europe needs to wake up: transatlantic relations have changed profoundly. This is not a blip, this is the new normal. The EU must reposition urgently, and assume its role in geopolitics.…


Marietje Schaake di 8 jan 2019, 10:26

🤔 Does the Danish government not see what a golden move it would be to nominate @vestager for the European Commission again? Her reputation is stellar all over the world. Party politics should not trump quality and experience ↘️

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Lewis Crofts di 8 jan 2019, 09:31

"This time next year, I'm probably unemployed," quips @vestager to @AndreasKarker…


Marietje Schaake di 8 jan 2019, 09:13

I would hope high. The Trump administration is getting away with obnoxious treatment of allies ↘️

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Rem Korteweg di 8 jan 2019, 09:03

If accurate, all 28 should coordinate a demarche.



Esther de Lange (CDA) ma 31 dec 2018, 22:04

“Wie alle hoofdpijndossiers mijdt, zal in tijden van Trump en Xi gemakkelijk worden vermalen”. Moge dit alvast zowel een waarschuwing zijn voor de EU als een oproep tot meer eenheid in 2019

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Tijn Sadée za 29 dec 2018, 15:18

De opties die Europa heeft, ingeklemd tussen de 'Grote Beesten'. @LuukvMiddelaar lezen is een must voor slaapwandelaars:… via @nrc


Marietje Schaake do 27 dec 2018, 15:36

Over een paar minuten live op @BNR bij De Wereld met Bernard Hammelburg over Turkije, Trump en Syrië ↘️


Marietje Schaake do 27 dec 2018, 09:12

Exclusive: White House mulls new year executive order to bar Huawei, ZTE purchases #China #Trump­…­


Marietje Schaake ma 24 dec 2018, 19:49

Dutch headline: #Trump tweets stockmarkets down further ↘️

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Donald J. Trump ma 24 dec 2018, 16:55

The only problem our economy has is the Fed. They don’t have a feel for the Market, they don’t understand necessary Trade Wars or Strong Dollars or even Democrat Shutdowns over Borders. The Fed is like a powerful golfer who can’t score because he has no touch - he can’t putt!


Marietje Schaake za 22 dec 2018, 19:28

US envoy to anti-IS coalition quits over Trump’s #Syria move­ational…­


Marietje Schaake do 20 dec 2018, 23:42

‘Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours (...), I believe it is right for me to step down....’ #Mattis #Trump

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Chris Jansing do 20 dec 2018, 23:36

James Mattis resigns as Defense Secretary with a clear statement of disagreement with President Trump’s policies

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AFP news agency do 20 dec 2018, 12:02

#BREAKING Trump is 'right' to withdraw US troops from Syria: Putin


Marietje Schaake do 20 dec 2018, 07:50

Must read on the dramatic US strategy-change-by-tweet on #Syria, with Trump going in the opposite direction as his security and Syria officials ↘️

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Josh Rogin wo 19 dec 2018, 19:27

"Trump appears to be discarding his entire Syria and Iran strategy at a single stroke, giving up any and all U.S. influence in the region — and disregarding the advice of his top national security officials."­s/2018/…­ @washingtonpost


Marietje Schaake wo 19 dec 2018, 09:12

Sad to see so many warnings about phishing, hacking and other vulnerabilities in the EU’s IT systems were not taken seriously >> Hacked European Cables Reveal a World of Anxiety About Trump, Russia and Iran


Marietje Schaake wo 19 dec 2018, 04:53

‘The Trump Foundation, for instance, purchased a $10,000 portrait of Mr. Trump that was displayed at one of his golf clubs.’ >> Trump Foundation to Close Amid Lawsuit Accusing It of ‘Willful Self-Dealing’


Marietje Schaake di 18 dec 2018, 08:16

A sober must read on #Transatlantic rifts under President #Trump ‘ your friends enemies long enough, and eventually they may start to believe you’ >> How Trump Made War on Angela Merkel and Europe­8/…­


Marietje Schaake di 11 dec 2018, 10:18

Credit where credit is due: Ambassador Sondland is representing #Trump almost literally > slamming the EU, slamming France, pushing take it or leave it deals, calling the Pompeo speech subtle, and obsessing with trade deficits ↘️­…­


Marietje Schaake za 8 dec 2018, 15:54

Trump cheering on the #Yellowjackets that cheer him on

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Donald J. Trump za 8 dec 2018, 13:34

The Paris Agreement isn’t working out so well for Paris. Protests and riots all over France. People do not want to pay large sums of money, much to third world countries (that are questionably run), in order to maybe protect the environment. Chanting “We Want Trump!” Love France.


Marietje Schaake za 8 dec 2018, 07:25

One of the most damaging impacts of the Trump Presidency is that #Transatlantic partners are not focussing together on the challenge of the Chinese economic, technological and political model. More in @nytimesbusiness ↘️

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NYT Business za 8 dec 2018, 02:41

"We need to stand together as defenders of the liberal order,” says E.U. official @MarietjeSchaake of the U.S. on a policy toward China.


Marietje Schaake vr 7 dec 2018, 14:12

‘Trump is pretty much all alone in lusting for a #trade war, but he has virtually dictatorial authority over trade’ 💥 The Art of the Imaginary Deal


Marietje Schaake di 4 dec 2018, 13:55

Worrying but confirming #Trump policy, some people in Europe are still doing ‘wishful listening’ on the #Transatlantic relation #pompeoatGMF

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sophia bengtsson di 4 dec 2018, 11:40

If you zoom out, Secretary of State Pompeo sounds statesmanlike in his praise for George Marshall and the US-EU cooperation after WW2. But if you listen, he criticizes everything Marshall fought so hard for: multilateralism & the liberal international order. @gmfus #pompeoatGMF


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 3 dec 2018, 22:55

In de kwestie #migratiepact #Marrakech wil Baudet dat Nederland aansluit bij Trump, Orbán en FPÖ. @RobJetten @D66 is blij dat Nederland het Pact onderschrijft en wil samenwerken met andere landen aan een effectief en humaan migratiebeleid


Marietje Schaake zo 2 dec 2018, 07:40

Trump, Xi Agree to Temporary Truce in Bid to Contain #Trade War #G20­s/…­


Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 28 nov 2018, 11:36

Blij dat @EU_Commission wél leiderschap blijft tonen voor het klimaat. In tijden waarin Trump het klimaatrapport in twijfel trekt en China toch nieuwe kolencentrales bouwt is dit een goed signaal, niet alleen voor het klimaat maar ook om minder energie-afhankelijk te worden.

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Miguel Arias Cañete wo 28 nov 2018, 10:07

A #ClimateNeutralEU will increase Europe’s GDP by 2% by 2050. Today, Europe pays €266bn a year in energy imports. In a #ClimateNeutralEU, energy imports will fall by over 70%. The money we save (€ 2-3 trillion up to 2050) could be invested in modernizing our economy instead.­…­


Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) di 27 nov 2018, 10:57

Obama: “after Brexit, UK will be at the back of the queue for trade with US”

Nigel: “Obama is a loathsome figure”

Trump: “after Brexit, trade between UK and US might be difficult”

Nigel: “Trump is right”


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Nigel Farage ma 26 nov 2018, 22:52

Trump is right. This Brexit deal closes off our global opportunities.


Bas Belder do 22 nov 2018, 21:11

Historicus Michael Wolffsohn brandt idee Europees leger af in Judische Allgemeine. “Voorstel Macron/Merkel koppelt ons van VS af. Veiligheidspolitieke zelfmoord. Helaas heeft Trump ook hier gelijk: Europa moet eerst eens zijn NAVO-plichten nakomen.”


Marietje Schaake do 22 nov 2018, 06:30

Actually the abuse of national security to restrict #trade by the #Trump administration is controversial, not just the response

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Chris H-Hildebrandt do 22 nov 2018, 06:20

EU and China break ultimate trade taboo to hit back at Trump­…­


Marietje Schaake wo 21 nov 2018, 21:29

Judiciaries should be independent >> Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts calls out Trump for his attack on a judge­/…­


Marietje Schaake wo 21 nov 2018, 10:59

Every word in this piece >> In Pardoning Saudi Arabia, Trump Gives Guidance to Autocrats


Marietje Schaake ma 19 nov 2018, 18:09

Trump tariffs on EU cars would destroy U.S.-Europe trade truce, senior official in Brussels says­s/…­


Marietje Schaake za 17 nov 2018, 07:25

Trump not convinced MBS knew, CIA thinks MBS will ‘survive’ even as CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal #Khashoggi assassination­ational…­

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