907 tweets gevonden.
Marietje Schaake za 26 mei 2012, 20:21
Leuk, iemand stuurt een bedank email voor ons werk tegen #ACTA
Judith Sargentini vr 25 mei 2012, 23:18
RT @StopActaNow: "the impression that we have already won #ACTA… is absolutely not true" MEP Christian Engström is.gd
Marietje Schaake vr 25 mei 2012, 16:17
“@EDRi_org: Text of EDRi's speech to the EU Parliament's Civil Liberties Cttee on #ACTA - www.edri.org. Videos coming soon!”
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 25 mei 2012, 10:45
ACTA, de Eurowob, en mijn rechtszaken euobserver.com
Marietje Schaake wo 23 mei 2012, 13:38
@philipebels @Engstrom_PP can be tons of reasons, even if you wholeheartedly believe its bad China didnt participate not same as pro #ACTA
Marietje Schaake zo 20 mei 2012, 23:31
“@StopActaNow: G8 affirm significance of high standards for IP protection Camp David Declaration is.gd #ACTA #TPP”
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 15 mei 2012, 01:02
@Inekris yep! Interessant dat bedrijven vaker lijken te weigeren mee te werken aan dit soort zaken. Is ook relevant voor ACTA discussie
Ria Oomen-Ruijten vr 11 mei 2012, 12:32
Een actuele stand van zaken over #ACTA treft u aan op mijn website bit.ly
Marietje Schaake wo 9 mei 2012, 20:07
“@ChokePointP: RT @cfarivar: Switzerland says it won't sign #ACTA bit.ly”
Judith Sargentini di 8 mei 2012, 15:48
Opbeurend nieuws op t #ACTA front: Rapporteur grondrechtencommissie wil ACTA verwerpen - eepurl.com #EP
Judith Sargentini vr 4 mei 2012, 12:00
Blij dat Commissaris @NeelieKroesEU denkt dat #ACTA wordt afgestemd, maar we prijzen dag niet voor t avond is. Stemming in juli.
Marietje Schaake do 26 apr 2012, 20:13
It aint over till its over #ACTA, but Ill keep working towards effective alternatives, reform of IPR, no #ACTA @NMichaelBashour @digiphile
Marietje Schaake do 26 apr 2012, 12:29
Dont agree with notion that the objections against #ACTA have a political nature and not a substantial one as De Gucht said @StopActaNow
Marietje Schaake do 26 apr 2012, 12:27
De Gucht on #ACTA: we're willing to come back with answers. The climate is not ready to have a vote on this, as errors in substantive law EU
Marietje Schaake do 26 apr 2012, 12:26
De Gucht, on #ACTA: I have been thinking and discussing whether there is a real problem. Politically there is...but not on substance
Marietje Schaake do 26 apr 2012, 12:24
De Gucht, on #ACTA: why would you decline a referral to the ECJ? and is it wise? I am confident, even after opinion by dataprotection auth
Marietje Schaake do 26 apr 2012, 12:01
Many questions to Commissioner De Gucht on #ACTA who is before the international trade committee now. Answers to follow shortly
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 26 apr 2012, 10:33
@grootste56 voorzitter is onpartijdig....:) Maar er tekent zich een meerderheid af om #ACTA te verwerpen in het Europarlement
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 26 apr 2012, 08:26
Hele ochtend parlementaire commissie LIBE voorzitten. V.a 11h30 discussie over ACTA. Volg live via europarl.europa.eu
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 18:14
“@Europarl_EN: Following talk by @davidmartinmep, other political groups explain their position on #ACTA. Live here ow.ly”
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 16:18
Here is the #ALDE position paper on #ACTA (EN version) ow.ly
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 15:21
Press release #ALDE Verhofstadt #ACTA: www.alde.eu
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:58
Ah, proof :) RT @EDRi_org: #ALDE press conference confirms that the group will vote against #ACTA yfrog.com #EP
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:56
RT @ALDEvox ALDE calls on the Commission to initiate new talks with our partners to reach sectoral agreements on IPR protection. #ACTA
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:52
#ALDE on #ACTA statement: 'Clarity is essential in differentiating between tangible goods and digital information flows'
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:50
Statement on #ACTA: 'Openness of the internet and seizing opportunities of technological developments are fundamental for the #ALDE group'
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:47
Haha, ALDE's Nicolo Rinaldi: #ACTA EST FABULA (the play is over)
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:46
Rinaldi: 1st time we saw a trans-European campaign (the one against #ACTA). I pay a tribute to citizens who took time to see what #ACTA is
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:45
Rinaldi: we asked the European Commission not to rush, and to provide parliament and public with an assessment of #ACTA #ALDE
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:42
Verhofstadt: IPR enforcement needs to be rethought in the digital era #ACTA
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:41
#ALDE can not support #ACTA, we will seek a sectoral approach to IPR and in a transparent inclusive process
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:39
Guy Verhofstadt announces #ALDE group does not support #ACTA. Good to see our work paid off, we will now work on reforming IPR management!
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:38
Verhofstadt: #ACTA does not provide the right balance between IPR and fundamental rights
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 25 apr 2012, 14:36
EPP just announced its rather ambiguous position on #ACTA. ALDE.eu position crystal clear: against. @MarietjeD66
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:35
Starting now! Press conference with Guy #Verhofstadt on the #ALDE group position on #ACTA LIVESTREAM here www.europarl.europa.eu
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 14:34
EPP group has just asked the Commission to 'fix' #ACTA before they support it.... Hm. Now the #ALDE press conference on #ACTA
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 13:46
Vandaag! Today! 14.30 Press conference with Guy #Verhofstadt on the #ALDE group position on #ACTA LIVESTREAM here www.europarl.europa.eu
Marietje Schaake wo 25 apr 2012, 11:50
Vandaag! Today! 14.30 Press conference with Guy #Verhofstadt on the #ALDE group position on #ACTA LIVESTREAM here preview.tinyurl.com
Judith Sargentini di 24 apr 2012, 22:16
privacywaakhond uiterst kritisch over #ACTA. Mooi.http://t.co/Dc5BVckK #edps”
Judith Sargentini di 24 apr 2012, 12:14
Teleurstellend debat over #ACTA in subcommissie vh #EP. Collega MEPs suggereren dat we nog mogen wijzigen. Quod non. #takeitorleaveit
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 23 apr 2012, 18:22
Leuk: vanmiddag ca 50 scholieren op bezoek in EP, kenden allemaal ACTA discussie. Hoezo jeugd niet betrokken??!
Marietje Schaake ma 23 apr 2012, 17:50
Vanavond in Leuven om 20:00, gesprek over #internetvrijheid #acta #copyright www.dewereldmorgen.be
Marietje Schaake ma 23 apr 2012, 15:17
“@linotherhino: EP President @martinschulz will discuss #ACTA 26/4 at 14:30 CET. Such decisions must involve citizens chat.epfacebook.eu”
Marietje Schaake vr 20 apr 2012, 17:43
Here is the video SUMMARY of the #ACTA stakeholder HEARING I chaired last week ow.ly
Marietje Schaake vr 20 apr 2012, 17:42
Here is the video of the #ACTA stakeholder HEARING I chaired last week ow.ly
Marietje Schaake do 19 apr 2012, 19:45
Discussing #ACTA, once more... all I can say is it is not over yet...
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 19 apr 2012, 18:26
2 radiointerviews met BBC gedaan. Nu fractievergadering (oa #ACTA) dan de bloemetjes buiten zetten bij afscheid v mijn supermedewerkster
Marietje Schaake do 19 apr 2012, 12:38
“@Marcvanderham: Wereldleiders overwegen een "nieuwe #ACTA" webwereld.nl via @Webwereld - @MarietjeD66 stelt vragen aan Euro Raad”
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 18 apr 2012, 15:17
Drukdrukdruk intvw mt Vlaamse leerling-journalisten, intvw met Duitse radio ovr PNR, gesprek met ACTA lobbyisten, om 16h10 op Radio 1 VPRO
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