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96 tweets gevonden.


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) do 9 feb 2023, 12:32

Weer een stap verder. De milieucommissie keurde net mijn nieuwe wet voor een koolstofheffing aan de grens goed.

In april de finale stemming en vanaf 1 oktober is het eindelijk zo ver. Dan betaalt de vervuiler - binnen en buiten Europa.

Trots 💪

#CBAM #GreenDeal #ClimateAction


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) do 9 feb 2023, 12:19

Another big step: today the @EP_Environment adopted the agreement on a European carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM).

Next step: final adoption in the plenary in April!

Entry into force: 1st of October 2023. Historic!

#CBAM #carbon #border #climate


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 8 feb 2023, 13:56

Received some nice mail today!

A full version of the Carbon Border Adjustment Regulation. #CBAM 🤩

Next up: vote in the @EP_Environment tomorrow!

#climate #cbam #europeanparliament


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) zo 18 dec 2022, 02:36

ETS, CBAM and SCF rapporteurs celebrating the trilogue agreement
@Esther_de_Lange @peterliese


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) za 17 dec 2022, 10:05

“ Revenues from the CBAM are intended to go into the EU’s internal budget with a loose commitment to provide climate finance to countries outside the bloc, according to those familiar with the draft text.” Belasting dus. Prijs van producten gaat omhoog. U betaalt dat uiteindelijk

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) za 17 dec 2022, 10:02

EU’s trading partners: world-first carbon tax is protectionist via @FT
The US and South Africa have said “carbon border adjustment mechanism”(CBAM), the world’s first major import tax on greenhouse gas emissions, will unfairly penalise their manufacturers.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) za 17 dec 2022, 10:02

EU’s trading partners: world-first carbon tax is protectionist via @FT
The US and South Africa have said “carbon border adjustment mechanism”(CBAM), the world’s first major import tax on greenhouse gas emissions, will unfairly penalise their manufacturers.


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 13 dec 2022, 09:29

Follow the Parliament’s press conference on #CBAM 👇

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ENVI Committee Press di 13 dec 2022, 08:34

Press conference with @MChahim & @pcanfin on the details of the deal this morning at 09.30 CEST.

Follow live here on Twitter.

Information to journalists on how to ask questions remotely here👇…


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 13 dec 2022, 08:26

@timbales CBAM is een feit. Er komt een gelijk speelveld én dat betekent dat ook buiten de EU voor CO2 uitstoot betaald gaat worden.


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 13 dec 2022, 05:33

Provisional deal on #CBAM!

Historic legislation is worth staying awake for 😇

More info 👇…


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) ma 12 dec 2022, 10:38

On my way to Strasbourg for @ep plenary week

Will be a chaotic week, due to the shocking corruption scandal. No stone can be left unturned!

But also trilogue time: tonight the (hopefully) final #CBAM trilogue, and by the end of the week the jumbro trilogue on ETS and SCF!


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 4 okt 2022, 13:35

🇪🇺Today we had the 2nd political trilogue on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism #CBAM.

I want to thank the @EU2022_CZ @EU_Taxud @gerass_thomas @PaoloGentiloni for the work done!💪

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EU2022_CZ di 4 okt 2022, 09:59

#TRILOGUE | The second trilogue on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism has just begun in Strasbourg. It will help to prevent carbon leakage and encourage partner countries to establish carbon pricing policies to fight climate change. #CBAM



Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 4 okt 2022, 10:07

🏭Door #CBAM zullen buitenlandse producenten van geïmporteerde producten dezelfde koolstofprijs betalen als de Europese industrie.🌿

#GreenDeal #FitFor55

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 4 okt 2022, 10:07

🇪🇺Vandaag hervatten we de onderhandelingen met de lidstaten en de @EU_Commission over de definitieve versie van het koolstof grensheffing mechanisme (CBAM).


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 4 okt 2022, 10:07

🇪🇺Vandaag hervatten we de onderhandelingen met de lidstaten en de @EU_Commission over de definitieve versie van het koolstof grensheffing mechanisme (CBAM).


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) ma 19 sep 2022, 12:03

🗓️Wednesday 28/9
⏰14.00-15.30 CET
What is the scope for #transatlantic cooperation on #CBAM legislation, Climate Clubs, and 'green' subsidies?

@Bruegel_org event with @SenWhitehouse @DavidKleimann & @rebeccawdell

Register👇for the livestream…


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) za 16 jul 2022, 12:05

4⃣ De klimaatstemming in het Parlement ✅

Vorige maand nam het @Europarl_NL een positie aan op de belangrijkste klimaatrapporten uit het pakket. Ook over mijn rapport over een CO2-heffing aan de grens #CBAM

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) za 16 jul 2022, 12:04

3⃣ Het IPCC klimaatrapport 🚨

Het rapport - geschreven door klimaatwetenschappers - toonde nogmaals aan dat we sneller zullen moeten vergroenen om onze doelen te halen.

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 22 jun 2022, 15:36

Today the @Europarl_NL has officially adopted my report on #CBAM. 🤩

It hasn’t been an easy ride, but I’m happy with this result and ready to start negotiating with the Council.

One step closer to a fully functioning carbon border adjustment mechanism! 💪


Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 22 jun 2022, 16:57

The center did hold: ETS, CBAM and SCF adopted. Thanks to S&D and Renew for the cooperation, to Greens for the support. As EPP member I am happy that our key priorities are covered, allowing industry space to make the transition, as a European I am proud we found common solutions


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 22 jun 2022, 16:37

#ETS and #CBAM rapporteurs celebrating the vote🥳


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 22 jun 2022, 15:36

Today the @Europarl_NL has officially adopted my report on #CBAM. 🤩

It hasn’t been an easy ride, but I’m happy with this result and ready to start negotiating with the Council.

One step closer to a fully functioning carbon border adjustment mechanism! 💪


Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 15 jun 2022, 08:30

BREAKING #FF55 - Late last night we reached a provisional agreement on ETS and CBAM as EPP, SD and RE negotiators. We will now take it to our respective groups this morning and - if agreed - will table the agreed amendments at 1 pm today @EPPGroup


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 15 jun 2022, 08:30

We reached tonight a provisional agreement on ETS and CBAM as EPP, S&D and RE negociators. It is submitted to our respective group this morning. And if agreed will be tabled at 1 pm today.
And we start communicating at 11 if everything is fine.
@Esther_de_Lange @pcanfin


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) do 9 jun 2022, 15:33

There still seems to be confusion on the phase out of free allowances in #CBAM and #ETS:

Let me clarify: the EPP/ITRE position to phase-out free allowances by 2034 is WORSE than the Commission proposal.



Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) do 9 jun 2022, 08:01

@timbales Er is veel mis met ETS, wat we nu aan het herstellen zijn. CBAM zorgt voor een gelijk speelveld en dat de vervuiler betaald. Verder maken sommige sectoren winst met verkoop overbodige gratis rechten.…


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) do 9 jun 2022, 07:46

@timbales @diederiksamsom Je verkondigt perfect de positie van de lobby. Echter vrije rechten en CBAM kunnen enkel samen bestaan als je imports niet volledig afrekent op de co2 uitstoot.


Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 8 jun 2022, 16:12

3/ Why is this so important for us? It is not about paper realities. It is about making sure that CBAM works in practice so that we protect jobs in Europe, while having the most ambitious climate laws in the world.

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Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 8 jun 2022, 16:05

2/ Too bad, as there is agreement between the constructive center parties on 95% of the content in plenary. Trying to bring through a socialist-liberal amendment on CBAM without EPP was a risky strategy that failed.


Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 8 jun 2022, 16:05

2/ Too bad, as there is agreement between the constructive center parties on 95% of the content in plenary. Trying to bring through a socialist-liberal amendment on CBAM without EPP was a risky strategy that failed.

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Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 8 jun 2022, 15:57

1/ Who said the European Parliament was boring, he? Emotions running high as Socialists team up with the ‘usual suspects’ (Greens, far Left and far Right) to vote against the revision of ETS - the central part of the climate package.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 8 jun 2022, 14:02

Vote on Social Climate Fund is easier. Important that SMEs remain excluded. Final vote not taken to allow alignment with ETS. On CBAM no vote take, since we have the same issue on free allowances there. So ETS, Social Climate Fund and CBAM back to the ENVI committee.

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) wo 8 jun 2022, 12:38

Het slot van het debat gisterochtend.


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 8 jun 2022, 10:24

De #ClimateLaw & 55% #GHG reductie vereisen actie!

1⃣Sneller emissies reduceren
2⃣Gratis emissierechten sneller afbouwen
3⃣Een ambitieuzere #CBAM

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 8 jun 2022, 10:24

📍Vandaag is het zover! Het @Europarl_EN 🇪🇺 stemt vandaag over het eerste deel van het #FitFor55 pakket.

Het is belangrijk dat er VOOR een ambitieus klimaatbeleid wordt gestemd. Het is tijd om te leveren.


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 7 jun 2022, 11:36

Some want to have #CBAM and keep free allowances. You cannot have your cake, eat it & have the cherry on top. It frustrates me that they pretend to fight for the climate goals. I take the climate law very serious. SO let’s not make laws knowing we will break them! #Fitfor55


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 7 jun 2022, 11:28

The vote on CBAM is tomorrow; we have 1 day left. Maybe instead of reading emails of lobbyists, it is time to listen to our children&grandchildren and all voices of our young generations. It's time for the EP to deliver what is needed for the climate law & for future generations.


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 7 jun 2022, 09:40

Important debate today in @Europarl_NL on the ‘fit for 55’ climate package.

Watch it here: 👇…

Crucial vote tomorrow 👊



Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 25 mei 2022, 16:04

🇪🇺werkt aan een importheffing voor producten die van buiten Europa komen en in het land van herkomst níet belast worden met een CO2-prijs. #CBAM is het onderwerp van de vierde aflevering van de Energeia Carbon Podcast die vanaf vandaag te beluisteren is!

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Energeia_Nieuws wo 25 mei 2022, 09:30

Een koolstofheffing aan de Europese grens


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 18 mei 2022, 21:04

I have been receiving a lot of enthusiastic reactions to CBAM this week. This one tops it! 🥳 #CBAM #envi #environment #eugreendeal #fitfor55 #climate


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 17 mei 2022, 12:34

All compromises were adopted!! 🥳🥳🥳

@EP_Environment gives a clear signal for an ambitious and future-proof CBAM!!

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 17 mei 2022, 09:34

‼️ Crunch Time ‼️

After months of negotiations, the @EP_Environment is voting on #CBAM today.

What's on the table? 👇


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 17 mei 2022, 09:34

➔ Strong anti-circumvention measures.

➔ Three review moments to guarantee the functioning of CBAM.

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 17 mei 2022, 09:34

➔ Hydrogen, organic chemicals and polymers are added to the sectoral scope from the beginning.

➔ Extra financial support for Least Developed Countries.

➔ A gradual phase-out of free allowances by 2030.


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 17 mei 2022, 09:34

➔ A centralized system with one EU CBAM authority.

➔ The immediate inclusion of indirect emissions.

➔ A clear timeline for inclusion of all EU ETS sectors before 2030.

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 17 mei 2022, 09:34

‼️ Crunch Time ‼️

After months of negotiations, the @EP_Environment is voting on #CBAM today.

What's on the table? 👇


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 17 mei 2022, 09:34

‼️ Crunch Time ‼️

After months of negotiations, the @EP_Environment is voting on #CBAM today.

What's on the table? 👇


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 17 mei 2022, 09:25

➔ A centralized system with one EU CBAM authority.

➔ The immediate inclusion of indirect emissions.

➔ A clear timeline for inclusion of all EU ETS sectors before 2030.

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 17 mei 2022, 09:25

‼️ Crunch Time ‼️

After months of negotiations, the @EP_Environment is voting on #CBAM.

What's on the table? 👇


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 17 mei 2022, 09:25

‼️ Crunch Time ‼️

After months of negotiations, the @EP_Environment is voting on #CBAM.

What's on the table? 👇


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) ma 16 mei 2022, 18:47

In +-15 minutes we start! No need to register. Join me and ask your questions about #CBAM

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) ma 16 mei 2022, 11:54

⏰Tomorrow the @EP_Environment of the #EuropeanParliament will vote on the #CBAM proposal.

🗳️As rapporteur on this file I invite you all to join me tonight at the online briefing on the upcoming #vote.

⏲️Tonight, 16/5/22 at 19.00 (CEST)


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) ma 16 mei 2022, 12:34

Luisteren mensen!👇🏼Is echt interessant en belangrijk. En ook hoopvolle boodschap. We kunnen het. Echt! #CBAM #FightClimateChange

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) ma 16 mei 2022, 10:40

Straks om 13u praat ik in @denieuwsbv op @NPORadio1 over een belasting op CO2 aan de Europese grens. Industrie die naar Europa importeert, gaat straks betalen voor zijn uitstoot van broeikasgassen. Deze week stemmen we hierover in Brussel en het wordt heel spannend! #CBAM


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) ma 16 mei 2022, 12:32

Dinsdag komt het moment van de waarheid, wanneer de commissie stemt over het EU-emissiehandelssysteem (#ETS2)📊en mechanisme voor koolstofgrenscorrectie (#CBAM)💥, voordat ze haar definitieve standpunt over alle zes de dossiers inneemt.
#FF55 #EUGreenDeal @EP_Environment

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) ma 16 mei 2022, 12:32

Vandaag stemt ENVI over de verdeling van de inspanningen (#ESR), de verandering in landgebruik en bosbouw (#LULUCF)🌳, de luchtvaart amendementen ✈️en de richtlijn hernieuwbare energie (#RED)🌿.


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) ma 16 mei 2022, 11:54

⏰Tomorrow the @EP_Environment of the #EuropeanParliament will vote on the #CBAM proposal.

🗳️As rapporteur on this file I invite you all to join me tonight at the online briefing on the upcoming #vote.

⏲️Tonight, 16/5/22 at 19.00 (CEST)


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) ma 16 mei 2022, 10:40

Straks om 13u praat ik in @denieuwsbv op @NPORadio1 over een belasting op CO2 aan de Europese grens. Industrie die naar Europa importeert, gaat straks betalen voor zijn uitstoot van broeikasgassen. Deze week stemmen we hierover in Brussel en het wordt heel spannend! #CBAM

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