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111 tweets gevonden.


Liesje Schreinemacher di 24 nov 2020, 11:15

Happy to see that @ThierryBreton is also on board with my amendment to @Europarl_EN DSA report that digital services should have a legal representative within the EU if they want to offer their services here👩🏼‍💻

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Laura Kayali di 24 nov 2020, 10:50

Thierry Breton on the Digital Services Act: You'll need to have a legal representative in Europe if you want to offer services here.


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 9 nov 2020, 12:50

What Amsterdam, Barcelona, ​​Berlin, Bordeaux, Brussels, Krakow, Munich, Paris, Valencia and Vienna have in common? @Airbnb is a thorn in their side.

Hotels owners are clear: we should use the Digital Markets Act to label AirBNB as gatekeeper! #DMA #DSA


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) vr 30 okt 2020, 13:53

In Europa werken we aan nieuwe regels voor de digitale markt #DSA. Het is tijd dat we de macht van de grote techbedrijven aan banden leggen, zodat zij niet bepalen wat jij en ik online te zien krijgen.

Onze vier eisen voor een vrijer internet 👉­a-…­


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 29 okt 2020, 10:49

Google wants to ‘reset the political narrative’. They will lobby agressively against the new DSA-rules. But don’t worry. We will not back down. Our internet should serve the interests of the people. Not of Big Tech. Especially in these times.…


Paul Tang (PvdA) vr 16 okt 2020, 09:51

Als zelfs dit conservatief-liberale kabinet zich uitspreekt tegen de marktmacht van big tech, is dat het ultieme bewijs dat het tijd is om op te treden. #DSA…


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 1 okt 2020, 10:36

It’s time to fire the gatekeepers from their self-imposed jobs. @Google, @Facebook, @Apple, @Microsoft and @amazon we’re coming for you!

I’m glad the Commission advanced with its ex-ante regulatory framework. Looking forward to December 2nd #DSA


Liesje Schreinemacher di 29 sep 2020, 18:17

Congratulations @alexagiussaliba! A majority of the @EP_SingleMarket voted in favour of the DSA initiative report. It is important that the current e-commerce rules are updated to make sure consumers can buy safe products on online marketplaces!👩🏼‍💻

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Alex Agius Saliba ma 28 sep 2020, 16:19

#DSA @imco #Report - gets 86% majority in @EP_SingleMarket . Heartfelt thanks to my super assistant Desislava for her hard work! #cheers


Paul Tang (PvdA) vr 25 sep 2020, 13:21

You can either fight the system or break the system. That’s why I proposed in my #DSA report to make non-curated content rankings the default.

Echo chambering threathens solidarity and thus our society, more than we know, due to that echo chambering.…


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 16 sep 2020, 12:22

Loud and clear was the message of @vonderleyen in #SEUTO to the tech giants in the US: data hoarding needs to stop.

One European digital identity, as I proposed in my DSA-report, is one of the steps we need to take. I’m glad she took it aboard.­…­


Liesje Schreinemacher di 2 jun 2020, 17:37

Wetgeving over nieuwe #technologie moet een balans zijn tussen genoeg ruimte voor #innovatie & voldoende waarborgen om (grond)rechten te garanderen ⚖️ Ik sprak met @considerati over #AI & de #DSA 👉


Paul Tang (PvdA) di 24 mei 2016, 17:14

Zelfs looptijdverlenging en vaste rente helpt Griekenland niet om de staatsschuld onder de 100% te krijgen #IMF #DSA

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