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3418 tweets gevonden.


Marietje Schaake di 20 feb 2018, 18:00

The world has run out of actions and outrage too?! Not willing to stop the bloodshed caused by Assad, Iran and Russia. It is so shameful and sad #Syria­…­

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Kareem Shaheen di 20 feb 2018, 13:47

U.N. issues blank statement on Syria, says it has run out of words


Marietje Schaake di 20 feb 2018, 12:54

With colleagues we wrote a letter urging unequivocal EU support and the release from prison for women in #Iran #hijabprotests­er-to-h…­


Marietje Schaake ma 19 feb 2018, 16:25

Kom ook en praat mee over Europa en Iran met @ThomasErdbrink als gastspreker op 22 maart, @SPUI25 in Amsterdam. Gratis maar graag aanmelden!


Bas Belder ma 19 feb 2018, 08:23

Israeli General Dismisses Iran’s Claim Jewish State’s Invincibility Is Crumbling­isr…­


Bas Belder vr 16 feb 2018, 05:46

Iran defies EU demands about its missile program, destabilizing role in region… via @MiddleEastInst


Bas Belder do 15 feb 2018, 09:19

Iran and Hezbollah Intend to Remain in Syria, US Ambassador Nikki Haley Warns UN Security Council­ira…­


Bas Belder ma 12 feb 2018, 23:03

Dr. Raz Zimmt: The launch of the Iranian unmanned aerial vehicle from Syria into Israeli territory signals
another stage in Iran’s efforts to entrench in Syria and gain a central role in shaping reality in Syria in the post-islamic State era.


Bas Belder za 10 feb 2018, 08:02

Member States of the EU, look at the result of years of appeasement policy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran nowadays in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen.­…­

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Emily Landau za 10 feb 2018, 07:35

EU: stop and reassess ur Iran policy. The regime is hegemonic, highly aggressive and getting more dangerous by the minute. Continuing to appease aggression and violence will end in terrible war. You must wake up and change course


Bas Belder wo 31 jan 2018, 20:21

Hoorde minister Gabriel en miste enige kritische zelfreflectie op
rol EU en lidstaat Duitsland in deze Iraanse machtsontplooiing onder dekmantel barslechte nucleaire deal met Iran met dank aan Brussel/Berlijn.­…­

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INSS wo 31 jan 2018, 14:45

The Hon. Mr. @sigmargabriel: "We share Israel’s concern about Hezbollah, and many other extremist forces supported by Iran. Iran has profited greatly from the various crises that have unfolded in the Middle East”.


Marietje Schaake ma 29 jan 2018, 20:22

U.S. seeks to boost case against #Iran in #Yemen conflict with U.N. Washington visit


Bas Belder do 25 jan 2018, 12:11

Excellent insights by Dr @RZimmt on balance of power against instability in the region; since Iran-challenge is multidimensional, not just one strategy to be pursued #MidEastShift conference in EP with @MEPvistisen @AJCTAI

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masih alinejad di 23 jan 2018, 15:33

Brave 31-yr-old woman stood up against #ForcedHijab w/19 month old child has reportedly been arrested. She is still missing. #WhiteWednesdays persian hashtag #دختر_خیابان_انقلاب_کجاست was retweeted 19K times. We ask international community to join us #Where_Is_She #IranProtests


Bas Belder vr 19 jan 2018, 07:12

Iran rejects missile talks in defiance of Western pressure… via @MiddleEastInst


Bas Belder vr 19 jan 2018, 07:11

Hamas leader vows new intifada against Israel in letter to Iran's Khamenei… via @MiddleEastInst


Bas Belder di 16 jan 2018, 19:23

Citeerde in debat mensenrechtenadvocaat Shirin Ebadi die leiders Europa in hun jacht op lucratieve handelscontracten met Iran meegeeft dat zij "de handen schudden van mensen die het stenigen van vrouwen toelaten en politieke oppositie in hun land laten vervolgen en vermoorden".


Bas Belder di 16 jan 2018, 19:15

Tijdens debat deze namiddag over situatie in Iran heb ik de EU gevraagd aan welke zijde de EU zich schaart in de Islamitische Republiek. Aan die van moedige Iraanse betogers die haken naar economisch welzijn en politieke vrijheid of aan de kant van het schrikbewind in Teheran.


Marietje Schaake di 16 jan 2018, 17:38

The EU is not clear enough to Iranian authorities and calling them to respect #humanrights and to stop supporting Assad #Iran #iranprotests­…­

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ALDE Group di 16 jan 2018, 17:35

Situation in #Iran | For the EU to be credible we need to be heard on all fronts: "#humanrights & foreign policy are not part of the nuclear deal, we can confidently address these topics any time & we are free to adopt more individual EU sanctions" @MarietjeSchaake #EPlenary 🇪🇺

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Marietje Schaake di 16 jan 2018, 13:25

The debate on #Iran #Iranprotests is now scheduled for 16:20 CET, but experience shows this often gets delayed. Follow live ⏬­…­


Marietje Schaake di 16 jan 2018, 13:25

The debate on #Iran #Iranprotests is now scheduled for 16:20 CET, but experience shows this often gets delayed. Follow live ⏬­…­

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Marietje Schaake ma 15 jan 2018, 16:23

Tomorrow afternoon the European Parliament will debate the situation in #Iran. Ill tweet the time details when they are known. Follow live here:­/en/hom…­


Marietje Schaake ma 15 jan 2018, 16:23

Tomorrow afternoon the European Parliament will debate the situation in #Iran. Ill tweet the time details when they are known. Follow live here:­/en/hom…­


Bas Belder vr 12 jan 2018, 21:49

Atomabkommen: Trump setzt Europäer wegen Iran unter Druck… via @faznet


Marietje Schaake do 11 jan 2018, 16:31

Talked to @BBCNewshour about the need for EU support for the Iranians that stand up against repression and corruption. Listen here ⏬­nd-iran…­ #Iran


Marietje Schaake do 11 jan 2018, 13:47

About to speak live to @BBCNewshour about EU and US approach to #Iran…


Bas Belder do 11 jan 2018, 12:39

Op agenda plenaire zitting EP Straatsburg dinsdagmiddag 16 januari 2018 debat over de situatie in Iran. Hoop dat EU-Hoge Vertegenwoordiger Mogherini aanwezig zal zijn.


Marietje Schaake do 11 jan 2018, 08:51

Lets hope the talks about the deal do not distract the EU from addressing #humanrights and Iran’s toxic role in the region...­…­

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Carl Bildt do 11 jan 2018, 07:59

As Trump will announce next step in his anguish and turmoil over the Iran nuclear deal, EU leaders will see Iran FM @JZarif in Brussels to strengthen their support for it.


Bas Belder ma 8 jan 2018, 21:00

More than 10,000 Afghans sent by Iran to Syria reported killed and injured… via @MiddleEastInst


Marietje Schaake do 4 jan 2018, 18:53

Even na 19:00 bespreek ik met @vpro @bbvpro de situatie in #Iran #IranProtests op @NPORadio1


Marietje Schaake do 4 jan 2018, 12:49

The question is not how strong the demonstrations (and feelings of discontent) are, but rather the ongoing levels of strong repression #IranProtests #Iran­…­

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Jon Gambrell جون do 4 jan 2018, 08:30

Strength of #Iran protests uncertain after a week of unrest (from @AP)…


Bas Belder do 4 jan 2018, 09:50

Nizan Feldman/Sima Shine: "it is not surprising that slogans voiced during the current public protests in Iran rail against the investment of resources in arenas outside of Iran." Want budget Revolutionaire Garde 30 % hoger 2018/financiering militaire expansie Syrië/Irak/Jemen.


Bas Belder do 4 jan 2018, 09:37

Dr. Raz Zimmt: "If the Iranian leadership (...) continues to disregard the deep social and demographic processes underway in Iran, the protests are likely to intensify further, to the point of posing a genuine threat to the survival of the regime."


Bas Belder do 4 jan 2018, 08:08

Nieuwe publicaties over situatie Iran op website Raz Zimmt over "The Protest Movement in Iran: A Significant Challenge to the Regime" en Nizan Feldman/Sima Shine over "Iran's Economic Situation - Two Years after the Removal of the Sanctions".


Bas Belder wo 3 jan 2018, 19:51

Student über Proteste in Iran: „Ich will ein freies Leben haben – und einfach nur weg“… via @faznet


Bas Belder wo 3 jan 2018, 19:50

Student über Proteste in Iran: „Ich will ein freies Leben haben – und einfach nur weg“… interview met Iraanse muziekstudent (26). Verschaft inzicht in sociaal-economische nood/legt grote angst voor meedogenloos ayatollahregime bloot. Complimenten redactie!


Bas Belder wo 3 jan 2018, 18:03

Sechs Antworten zu den Protesten in Iran… via @NZZ/Eerlijke, zakelijke berichtgeving waarbij de repressie van staatswege (ook weer knokploegen op motorfietsen/beruchte Basij) duidelijk wordt vermeld.


Marietje Schaake wo 3 jan 2018, 13:14

Ehm, because the entire article I am linking to is about #Iran and not about other places­…­

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margotdor wo 3 jan 2018, 13:12

@MarietjeSchaake why "in the Islamic republic of Iran"? Is this not the case in, say EU or China?


Marietje Schaake wo 3 jan 2018, 13:08

RT @MarietjeSchaake: The economic is political and vice versa, and can not be seen as separate in the Islamic Republic of #Iran. #Iranprote…


Bas Belder wo 3 jan 2018, 11:29

In Iran is failliet van de islam nu kristalhelder feit via @volkskrant/vlammend artikel van insider Keyvan Shahbazi


Marietje Schaake wo 3 jan 2018, 11:15

The economic is political and vice versa, and can not be seen as separate in the Islamic Republic of #Iran. #Iranprotests­…­


Bas Belder ma 1 jan 2018, 23:22

Nuchtere kijk van Iran-expert dr. Raz Zimmt: als regime Iran werkelijk gevaar loopt door massale demonstraties, zal het niet aarzelen alle repressiemiddelen in te zetten om te overleven. Met dit schrikbewind doet de EU, inclusief Nederland, graag zaken...­…­

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The Jerusalem Post ma 1 jan 2018, 21:46

Iran regime will use 'all necessary force' to suppress protests, says expert


Marietje Schaake ma 1 jan 2018, 15:29

Jij ook een goed nieuwjaar Peter! Ik sta nog gewoon hoor 🥂 Hier een blogje met wat meer info over mijn bezoek aan Iran in 2015 en de kwestie gedwongen hoofddoek:­sit-to-…­­…­

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de gewone man © ma 1 jan 2018, 12:53

Dit is @MarietjeSchaake van @D66 IN FUNCTIE (dus in kruip-stand...):


Marietje Schaake zo 31 dec 2017, 18:05

Overigens worden niet-hoofddoek dragende vrouwen vanaf gisteren niet meer vervolgd als ik het goed begrijp. Hoop dat dat ook voor toeristen, diplomaten en politici op bezoek geldt #Iran­…­

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Marietje Schaake zo 31 dec 2017, 18:02

Moeten vrouwelijke politici dan niet reizen en manlijke wel? Zie hier mijn blog over mijn overwegingen bij bezoek voorheen, en de schande die hardliners ervan spraken #Iran:­sit-to-…­­…­


Marietje Schaake zo 31 dec 2017, 18:02

Moeten vrouwelijke politici dan niet reizen en manlijke wel? Zie hier mijn blog over mijn overwegingen bij bezoek voorheen, en de schande die hardliners ervan spraken #Iran:­sit-to-…­­…­

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Yoeri Albrecht zo 31 dec 2017, 12:57

Ik neem aan dat in #2018 politici bij bezoek aan Iran het fatsoen zullen hebben om de hoofddoeken thuis te laten. Solidariteit met onderdrukten. #iranprotests…


Marietje Schaake za 30 dec 2017, 23:19

Given that everything I say and vote for is public, it is not too difficult to see I stood & stand with the people of #Iran and their universal human rights #Iranprotests­…­

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Rastakhiz za 30 dec 2017, 22:45

I don’t know where Europe stands on #Iranprotests but I saw European Parliamentarian @MarietjeSchaake quoting tweets from a guy with pro #Iran regime agenda. #NotAGoodSign­…­


Marietje Schaake za 30 dec 2017, 21:32

Iranians know how to use VPN’s and many have satellites, yet the state can use restrictive laws on expression or satellites any time on people #Iran #Iranprotests­…­

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Christian H. Cooper za 30 dec 2017, 19:57

This is materially false.

I have travelled all over Iran, everyone has free access to Twitter, Facebook. This police state doesn’t exist. Repressive, yes. But nothing like this. 25 years ago? Yes. & probably the last time you were back there.­…­

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Sadegh Ghorbani za 30 dec 2017, 15:11

Tehran governor denies earlier reports that schools will be closed, saying the decision is still pending.­…­


Bas Belder za 30 dec 2017, 16:14

Voor goede achtergrondinformatie over gebeurtenissen Iran zie bijdragen Iran-kenner dr. Raz Zimmt. (zie website Tips altijd welkom!


Marietje Schaake vr 29 dec 2017, 22:13

RT @MarietjeSchaake: ‘Demonstrators also chanted "leave #Syria, think about us”, criticizing #Iran's deployment of troops to support Assad…


Marietje Schaake vr 29 dec 2017, 22:05

RT @MarietjeSchaake: How do you read and interpret people’s chants ‘we do not want an Islamic Republic’? #Iran #Iranprotests…

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Adnan Tabatabai vr 29 dec 2017, 18:19

This is certainly not the beginning of a revolutionary movement. But the #Rouhani government and #Iran’s entire political elite must finally take socioeconomic grievances of ordinary #Iran|ians seriously and adress them properly. (10/10)


Marietje Schaake vr 29 dec 2017, 21:59

How do you read and interpret people’s chants ‘we do not want an Islamic Republic’? #Iran #Iranprotests­…­

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Adnan Tabatabai vr 29 dec 2017, 18:19

This is certainly not the beginning of a revolutionary movement. But the #Rouhani government and #Iran’s entire political elite must finally take socioeconomic grievances of ordinary #Iran|ians seriously and adress them properly. (10/10)

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