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16 tweets gevonden.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 2 dec 2021, 23:08

One battle won! But we will continue to stand with women and men in Poland and everywhere else, who fight the extremists and fanatics who want to deny women the right to decide about their own body! @strajkkobiet


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Robert Biedroń do 2 dec 2021, 17:40

Drakońskie prawo rodem z Watykanu nie przeszło! ❌

Co prawda Sejm zagłosował przeciwko projektowi ustawy karania za aborcję, ale wiemy, że prawica dalej będzie próbować zniewolić Polki.

Polska jest kobietą, więc czas na pełnię praw kobiet w naszym kraju! 🇵🇱♀️


Samira Rafaela (D66) do 2 dec 2021, 19:16

Important victory: The draft bill on a total ban and criminalisation of abortion is rejected in de Polish parliament. But the fight for women’s rights and bodily autonomy in Poland continues. #StrajkKobiet…

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#StrajkKobiet do 2 dec 2021, 14:51

Projekt całkowitego zakazu aborcji w Sejmie odrzucony.
Bełkot z mównicy pozostanie w naszej pamięci.
Farbka niech pozostanie w waszej.
Za odrzuceniem 361 posłów, przeciw 48, 12 wstrzymało się.,1…


Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 1 dec 2021, 10:19

+1Mind blowing 🤯 While the EU is getting closer to unlocking Poland’s funding out of the EU recovery fund, the Polish parliament is discussing a new law today which aims to imprison women who need access to abortion..

#Poland #StrajkKobiet


Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 20 okt 2021, 20:43

Activists & NGO’s do the work that’s needed to protect fundamental rights of Polish women.

Now it’s time the @EU_Commission does their work to protect the right to safe and legal abortions for Polish women.

Silence is not an option. #StrajkKobiet 🇵🇱🇪🇺


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) wo 20 okt 2021, 18:07

+1Een jaar geleden besloot het Poolse hof om abortus praktisch onmogelijk te maken in Polen.
Ik blijf strijden voor de activisten in Polen die zich blijven inzetten voor het recht op abortus. #MyBodyMyRights #strajkkobiet


Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 20 okt 2021, 14:33

Today marks one year since the introduction of the anti-abortion law in #Poland. Impressed by the work from Polish activists who risk their lives for change. It’s time the EU fights for you, for a change.

Silence is not an option @vonderleyen.
Debate at 15h #StrajkKobiet 🇵🇱🇪🇺


Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 20 okt 2021, 11:50

Today marks one year after the introduction of the anti-abortion law in #Poland.

Impressed by the work done by Polish activists who fight for change. Now it’s time the EU fights for you, for a change.

Silence is not an option @vonderleyen. 17:00h debate. 🇵🇱🇪🇺 #StrajkKobiet


Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 24 feb 2021, 17:05

Women’s lives are at risk!
#Polish de facto ban on abortion forces women to continue pregnancy, even when a fetus would not survive outside the womb. Violation of fundamental rights within 🇪🇺 is unacceptable. We will continue fighting for women’s rights. #StrajkKobiet


Vera Tax (PvdA) do 11 feb 2021, 16:39

Opposition leader @martalempart is facing a prison sentence of 8 years. This is no coincidence. This is step-by-step silencing the opposition.
#StrajkKobiet @RobertBiedron


Samira Rafaela (D66) di 9 feb 2021, 14:32

Over de ruggen van vrouwen is de Poolse regering hun niet-ethische agenda aan het doorvoeren.

Ik heb het vandaag wéér tegen de Commissie gezegd. Géén EU fondsen meer aan de Poolse regering, maar wel steun vóór de vrouwenorganisaties in Polen.#StrajkKobiet @RenewEurope @D66


Samira Rafaela (D66) do 28 jan 2021, 14:13

Another attack on the #RuleOfLaw and an additional attempt to limit #SRHR in Poland, putting the health of women and girls at risk. This ruling goes against all values we stand for in the EU. #StrajkKobiet…


Vera Tax (PvdA) do 28 jan 2021, 10:02

De dag waarvan we hadden gehoopt dat die niet zou komen, is er nu toch. Abortusrechten nog verder beperkt in Polen. Samen met collega’s zoals @RobertBiedron blijf ik me vanuit het Europees Parlement inzetten om Poolse vrouwen te helpen. #StrajkKobiet…


Samira Rafaela (D66) do 26 nov 2020, 19:18

The @Europarl_EN adopted the resolution on the right to abortion in #Poland. I'm glad that I could work on our resolution with my co-negotiator @karmel80 for @RenewEurope. The women in Poland are not alone. We will keep supporting you. #StrajkKobiet


Samira Rafaela (D66) vr 30 okt 2020, 16:59

As @RenewEurope FEMM-members we asked @EU_Commission what their concrete steps are in addressing the aftermath of the ruling on abortion in #Poland. We stand in solidarity with the women in Poland and we want action. #StrajkKobiet


Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 28 okt 2020, 20:19

Mijn lichaam, mijn rechten! Vandaag was ik aanwezig bij de demonstratie in Den Haag, uit solidariteit met de vrouwen in Polen🇵🇱. Het kan zo niet verder. Dank voor de organisatie🙏🏽 Mijn boodschap vandaag: jullie zijn niet alleen👇🏽 #StrajkKobiet #Poland #abortionishealthcare

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Renew Europe wo 28 okt 2020, 19:12

🇵🇱 Women’s rights are human rights! Our MEP @samiraraf participated in a protest today in The Hague in support of the #strajkkobiet movement in Poland for women's rights.
📢"Every woman has the right to have a safe and legal abortion", she said. #MyBodyMyChoice


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 20 mrt 2018, 22:55

RT in support of womens’ rights in Poland. Polish parliament to vote on total #abortionban robbing women of autonomy and dignity #StrajkKobiet

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