2655 tweets gevonden.
Marietje Schaake do 24 mrt 2011, 16:40
Roundtable on #Turkey shaken up by news that Radikal newspaper was raided by police. Makes discussion about #pressfreedom even more urgent
Marietje Schaake do 24 mrt 2011, 12:49
Preparing for the roundtable I am hosting this afternoon on Turkey, its democratic values and regional ambitions. Welcome your thoughts!
Marietje Schaake wo 23 mrt 2011, 15:34
Good to see room will be full during the roundtable on Turkey, democratic developments and regional ambitions Im hosting tomorrow
Marietje Schaake wo 23 mrt 2011, 09:36
RT @HDNER #Turkey seizes cargo of #Iranian plane bound for #Syria http://bit.ly/gjsQl5
Marietje Schaake di 22 mrt 2011, 15:33
Ashton: #Turkey is probably the most strategic partner for the #EU (colleague asks why #Turkey was not in the Paris meeting on #Libya)
Marietje Schaake ma 21 mrt 2011, 19:22
RT @pauldebendern Turkey, country I lived in for 4 years and @lynseyaddario for 7 years, helped get Lynsey and colleagues released
Judith Sargentini zo 20 mrt 2011, 15:54
What would the Muslimbrotherhood think about Turkey? is it an inspiration of a (more) democratic state with a Muslim Party in power?
Ria Oomen-Ruijten wo 9 mrt 2011, 19:25
On proceeding around secrecy Calendar vote in epp disappointment/short memory look reach/turkey/bulgarie asked by?
Marietje Schaake wo 9 mrt 2011, 08:01
My article on #Turkey and #pressfreedom in @HDNER today http://tinyurl.com/6y6bthe
Marietje Schaake di 8 mrt 2011, 16:40
Some of the main points pointed out in the European Parliament´s #Turkey progress report: #pressfreedom, rule of law, separation of powers
Marietje Schaake di 8 mrt 2011, 16:34
Concerns about the PKK end of ceasefire, and pressfreedom in #Turkey are voiced by Ria Oomen-Ruijten in debate about #Turkey progress report
Marietje Schaake di 8 mrt 2011, 16:31
Rapporteur Oomen-Ruijten emphasizes importance of checks and balances, division of powers and the independence of the judiciary in #Turkey
Marietje Schaake di 8 mrt 2011, 16:29
Fule: the government of #Turkey must lead by example(based on fundamental values) for the benefit of its own citizens, and for the region
Marietje Schaake di 8 mrt 2011, 16:28
Fule encourages #Turkey to be a stable partner in relation with Arab World, based on standards and values that are associated with the EU
Marietje Schaake di 8 mrt 2011, 16:21
Commissioner Fule underlines important time for #EU #Turkey relations, and states commetment to enlargement
Marietje Schaake di 8 mrt 2011, 14:54
I will be tweeting about the debate on #Turkey which starts at 16:00, also live via the European Parliament's website
Marietje Schaake ma 7 mrt 2011, 16:18
#Libya, #Iran, #Turkey, #Pakistan, #Belarus and the #UN #Humanrights Council on the agenda... Lots of very urgent issues....
Marietje Schaake ma 7 mrt 2011, 08:18
En route to Strasbourg, this week: #Libya, #Iran, #Turkey, #Pakistan and the #UN human rights council on my agenda
Marietje Schaake za 5 mrt 2011, 00:08
Thanks, am closely following #pressfreedom and #netfreedom in #Turkey @MeltemArikan
Marietje Schaake di 1 mrt 2011, 16:38
Now discussing the political party threshold in #Turkey, which needs to be informed to include diverse voices on political scene
Marietje Schaake di 1 mrt 2011, 16:36
For the #ALDE group, lack of press freedom, cultural and free expression, and free association in #Turkey are important concerns
Marietje Schaake di 1 mrt 2011, 16:34
Discussing the #Turkey report, as well as UN Human Rights Council and the Urgency resolutions on human rights violations
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) zo 13 feb 2011, 19:48
@woukevscherrenb de ultieme cold-turkey van verslaving aan de macht?
Marietje Schaake do 10 feb 2011, 09:10
Stemmen over EU Gulf Cooperation Council, Montenegro's integration, and Turkey progress report
Marietje Schaake di 1 feb 2011, 15:49
Always amazed at the lack of European thinking among Greek and Greek Cypriot members when it comes to Turkey
Marietje Schaake di 25 jan 2011, 08:38
Breakfast meeting about #Turkey and EU-Turkey relations, lots to discuss and improve
Marietje Schaake di 18 jan 2011, 10:26
Finished amendments to #Turkey report, focus on rule of law, due process, separation of powers, press- and internet freedom
Marietje Schaake do 9 dec 2010, 11:46
Discussing the draft progress report on #Turkey. Time for Cypriot and Greek Members to start acting more constructively
Marietje Schaake di 16 nov 2010, 09:33
RT @Berlaymont EU Observer: Turkey objects to Iran-centric Nato shield http://bit.ly/cQissD
Marietje Schaake ma 15 nov 2010, 19:10
@lissnup @bgurdogan Yes but #Turkey has many English speakers, the translation should be #crowdsourced. Is there digital version of book?
Marietje Schaake di 9 nov 2010, 19:45
@fgeerdink Commissioner Fule wont comment on allegations in the media on secret negotiations between the #EU and #Turkey (@euractive)
Marietje Schaake di 9 nov 2010, 19:45
Commissioner Fule wont comment on allegations in the media on secret negotiations between the #EU and #Turkey (@euractive)
Marietje Schaake di 9 nov 2010, 19:37
Its important to achieve new momentum on EU-Turkey says Fule. Any process on the bi-lateral front with Cyprus would accelerate the process
Marietje Schaake di 9 nov 2010, 19:35
Commissioner Fule can not guarantee that there will be another negotiating chapter with #Turkey opened by the end of this year
Marije Cornelissen di 9 nov 2010, 18:01
RT @GreensEP Green statements on 2010 EU Enlargement Package: on western Balkans http://bit.ly/9w4D3h; on Turkey http://bit.ly/c94AiL
Marietje Schaake do 4 nov 2010, 09:51
RT@hicisleri Interviewed @MarietjeD66 on Turkey-EU cultural relations, civil rights, freedom of speech&Turkish internet laws @HDNER today
Marietje Schaake wo 3 nov 2010, 11:38
Let's start a #youtube alert from #Turkey the one in my hotel works too RT@HansAHCdeWit @MarietjeD66 youtube is still working properly.)
Marietje Schaake wo 3 nov 2010, 08:32
And YouTube is banned again in #Turkey after a few day re-opening :(
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) za 30 okt 2010, 22:58
Mooi! RT @MarietjeD66: Good news, YouTube no longer banned in #Turkey (via @GladysChavez)
Marietje Schaake za 30 okt 2010, 22:57
Good news, YouTube no longer banned in #Turkey (via @GladysChavez)
Marietje Schaake ma 25 okt 2010, 16:03
In a hearing on #humanrights in #Turkey in the European Parliament
Marietje Schaake zo 10 okt 2010, 16:34
@RabahGhezali Am in Turkey so cant watch YouTube...
Marietje Schaake do 30 sep 2010, 12:01
N.Deniz finds it unacceptable and inexplicable why the position and participation of women is not improving. It is a huge issue in Turkey
Marietje Schaake do 30 sep 2010, 11:17
Asli Aydintasbas: noone has explained to me why YouTube is banned. And Facebook entries can lead to a lawsuit in Turkey
Marietje Schaake do 30 sep 2010, 10:06
Pelin Batu: ironic that with all the criticism on military in Turkey, European's reason number 1 pro accession argument is the strong army
Marietje Schaake do 30 sep 2010, 09:26
Hosting a seminar with Burak Erdenir, Pelin Batu, Asli Aydintasbas and Nahilde Deniz on #Turkey, Media and Culture in relation to the #EU
Marietje Schaake wo 29 sep 2010, 10:13
What future for civil liberties, rule of law, trust between people & institutions, freedom of expression in #Turkey? http://bit.ly/9Obtjm
Marietje Schaake di 21 sep 2010, 10:00
30 sept, seminar on #culture and #media in #EU #Turkey relations http://www.alde.eu/en/details/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=23849 culture media EU Turkey
Marietje Schaake zo 12 sep 2010, 18:33
Now 58 % yes - 42 % no, outcomes still moving #Turkey #Referendum http://bit.ly/aCP2V7
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