2655 tweets gevonden.
Marietje Schaake zo 12 sep 2010, 17:49
Polls say 60% yes - 40% no in #Turkey #Referendum http://www.cnnturk.com/default.aspx
Marietje Schaake zo 12 sep 2010, 17:40
@Melaniee_B Bijvoorbeeld als iemand Turkey/Turkije/Referendum noemt :)
Marietje Schaake zo 5 sep 2010, 23:30
@HansAHCdeWit its a small start :) too many people in Turkey are not represented in political spectrum, pol.party law reform would be good
Marietje Schaake zo 5 sep 2010, 23:06
@HansAHCdeWit I am aware. Turkey needs a classical liberal party, D66 Turkey :)
Marietje Schaake wo 11 aug 2010, 00:33
RT @AJEnglish: Blast targets Turkey oil pipeline: At least two killed and one wounded in "terrorist" attack SE Turkey. http://aje.me/bpHmUX
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 6 aug 2010, 10:10
@RobJetten uhm... part time (anders krijg ik cold turkey :)
Marietje Schaake wo 4 aug 2010, 19:43
Seeking refuge, finding none #Iran #Turkey #EU http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/05/world/europe/05iht-letter.html
Marietje Schaake wo 4 aug 2010, 18:52
@SophieintVeld @Volker_Beck yes, a handful of us have been making noise for more #EU responsibility for #Iranian refugees (#Omid #Turkey)
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 4 aug 2010, 18:39
@MarietjeD66 ken je @Volker_Beck in New York Times: Deutschland &die EU müssen Verfolgte aus dem #Iran aufnehmen! http://tinyurl.com/23ya83f
Marietje Schaake vr 30 jul 2010, 14:27
(Via @vvanwilgenburg) #Turkey, #Iran to share real-time intelligence on terrorists http://bit.ly/9O6kGo
Marietje Schaake di 27 jul 2010, 12:13
@HansAHCdeWit in any case, in 'the EU', and also in the European Parliament, there are a wide variety of views on #Turkey #EU
Marietje Schaake di 27 jul 2010, 10:59
@HansAHCdeWit Equal treatment of men and women as well as human rights are and will be demand that stands visavis Turkey - EU membership
Marietje Schaake di 27 jul 2010, 09:22
Hear hear Cameron: "My view is clear. I believe it's wrong to say #Turkey can guard the camp but not be allowed to sit inside the tent."
Marietje Schaake vr 16 jul 2010, 13:02
@MaryFitzgerldIT heard nothing new actually. Clear what govt. wants but lacking popular support (constitutional reforms #Turkey)
Marietje Schaake do 15 jul 2010, 10:14
Meeting with Minister of Justice Ergin of #Turkey to discuss proposed constitutional reforms
Marietje Schaake wo 14 jul 2010, 16:08
#ALDE group confirms commitment to Turkey EU relations & accession process. Greek colleagues only talk about bilateral issues: spoils debate
Marietje Schaake vr 2 jul 2010, 12:04
@HansAHCdeWit Twitter from inside Iran is not always a reliable source... Also trying to do what I can re ref #Turkey
Marietje Schaake ma 14 jun 2010, 01:33
RT @gladyschavez: Hundreds take part in #Turkey Gay Pride rally - to denounce the killings of gays and disc.. http://yhoo.it/csPWD5
Marietje Schaake za 12 jun 2010, 11:40
Turkey needs more freedom of expression RT @sameerpadania: Turkish president uses @Twitter to condemn @YouTube ban http://bit.ly/aIFQ9N
Marietje Schaake vr 11 jun 2010, 22:25
RT @bbckimghattas: Phil Gordon says US concerned about deteriorating #Israel #Turkey relations US trying to calm tensions
Marietje Schaake za 5 jun 2010, 00:51
@narman goodto know, I read it in Hurriyet and asked people in Turkey to share their experiences
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 4 jun 2010, 19:59
"Turkey must remain firmly anchored in Europe" zegt Turkse minister v financien
Marietje Schaake vr 4 jun 2010, 16:17
Turkey closes access to Google... #fail http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=turkey-censors-google-for-ataturk-2010-06-04
Marietje Schaake vr 4 jun 2010, 16:11
:(( Turkish government shuts Google access to citizens in #Turkey. Any Turks on Twitter to comment?! This is not EU oriented move...
Marietje Schaake vr 4 jun 2010, 12:41
RT @bbcworld: Turkey says it is reviewing its economic and defence ties with Israel http://bit.ly/blXOfq
Marietje Schaake di 1 jun 2010, 18:49
EU should work with Turkey more, especially now RT @Reuters_Iran: Turkey seeks U.S. support vs Israel http://link.reuters.com/ked67k
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 25 mei 2010, 08:57
Meeting of Europarliament with NGOs in Istanbul. They stress the need to support 'Democratic opening' process for Kurdisch people in Turkey
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 25 mei 2010, 08:56
seated next to @skakeller in meeting of Europarliament delegation in Istanbul. Now meeting NGO's, discussing democratisation in Turkey
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 20 mei 2010, 10:52
@skakeller in meeting of EP Joint Parliamentary Committee with Turkey (as so often held hostage by Cyprus issue).
Marietje Schaake ma 17 mei 2010, 15:28
Too many panels without discussion these last days in Turkey. Professors just keep talking
Marietje Schaake za 15 mei 2010, 11:39
Dirk Verhofdtadt houdt mooi pleidooi Turkije bij EU, rechten individu, en liberalisme in Ankara op seminar over Democracy in Turkey
Marietje Schaake do 13 mei 2010, 14:55
RT @JulienFrisch: #Russia and #Turkey lift visa requirements: http://bit.ly/af2rYQ /via http://bit.ly/bO9m2O
Marietje Schaake wo 14 apr 2010, 17:03
Zelden zo'n volle dag gehad. Op weg naar Den Haag voor discussie adhv praatje over Democracy in Turkey #D66 19:00 in Dudok
Marietje Schaake wo 14 apr 2010, 00:41
Calling it a day, speeches on New Media and Democracy, Democracy in Turkey, and Public Broadcasting in the Digital Age tomorrow...
Marietje Schaake ma 12 apr 2010, 11:45
Working through countless emails, this week: speech democracy in Turkey, masterclass public broadcasting, dinner Min.Albania, to name a few
Marietje Schaake zo 11 apr 2010, 17:05
Iran, Turkey, New Media, Lisbon Treaty, Youth in Europe, youthunemployment > lively discussions with Jonge Democraten en Italia dei Valori
Marietje Schaake wo 7 apr 2010, 17:57
Will talk abput political developments in Turkey Apil 14 in The Hague http://tinyurl.com/ydcbovr
Marietje Schaake ma 5 apr 2010, 21:49
Tomorrow: #ALDE #ACTA hearing in the Europarlement, and follow up after trip to Turkey focused on Iranian refugees. Lots of work ahead!
Marietje Schaake vr 12 mrt 2010, 09:39
RT@gladyschavez: Turkish Reporters Finally Say The Gov't Should Drop Its Silly YouTube Ban (TechDirt) http://bit.ly/bSgyqD #Turkey
Judith Sargentini wo 10 mrt 2010, 17:29
aanwezig bij de oprichting van een groepje 'friends of turkey'. Een hele eerlijke cyprioot verklaart zich ook vriend.
Marietje Schaake wo 10 feb 2010, 17:03
@Inekris haha, the country Turkey ;)
Marietje Schaake wo 10 feb 2010, 13:33
Vote on the infamous Turkey's Progress Report 2009
Marietje Schaake wo 27 jan 2010, 08:02
Vote on #Turkey's progress report, and then flight to Bosnia this afternoon
Marietje Schaake ma 25 jan 2010, 15:08
Discussion on the #Turkey progress report 2009.... Get the party started...
Marije Cornelissen di 12 jan 2010, 15:00
RT @MarietjeD66 Credibility of European and Turkish side important in negotiations. Accession gives best leverage for reforms in Turkey.
MarietjeD66 di 12 jan 2010, 14:29
Credibility of European and Turkish side important in negotiations. Accession gives best leverage for reforms in Turkey.
Marietje Schaake di 12 jan 2010, 14:29
Credibility of European and Turkish side important in negotiations. Accession gives best leverage for reforms in Turkey.
Marietje Schaake di 12 jan 2010, 13:36
I´m in hearing Fule. He plans to go ahead with accession talks with Turkey, while remaining strict on the Ankara protocol.
Marije Cornelissen ma 4 jan 2010, 22:41
Delal Dink is carefully optimistic about reform in Turkey. With trials against military criminals, the state might gain control of politics.
Marije Cornelissen ma 4 jan 2010, 14:47
Dutch consul: 'Turkey is so interesting because nobody can be pidgeon-holed: conservative reformists, progressive conservatives, many more'
Marije Cornelissen ma 4 jan 2010, 14:38
Met the thoroughly likeable Osman Kavala, who organises cultural projects with Armenians and Kurds in East Turkey.
Marije Cornelissen ma 4 jan 2010, 07:55
Holidays are over. Just left my family blissfully sleeping in the hotel to go to first Istanbul meeting about Roma in Turkey.
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