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148 tweets gevonden.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 14 nov 2019, 16:06

Why does the @EU_Commission put international relations with the US & Australia first, and protection of fundamental rights of EU citizens second?🤦‍♀️

#PNR agreements are still violating #ECJ case law & must be adapted asap. My letter to @EU_Commission ⤵️


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 9 sep 2019, 20:08

Why did @EU_Commission quietly renew EU-Australia #PNR agreement until 2026? Will the Commission follow the same hush-hush 🙊🙈🙉 procedure for renewing the EU-US #PNR agreement, which is blatantly violating #ECJ case law and EU law? Read my letter 📝 to the Commission here 👇


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 30 jul 2019, 13:36

2 years after @EUCourtPress rejected 🇪🇺🇨🇦#PNR agreement, a renegotiated text is almost ready.

Can Canada disclose PNR data of EU citizens to the US, as the 🇪🇺🇺🇸PNR agreement has still not been amended & is not compliant at all with the ECJ’s standards?

My letter to @EU_EDPB⤵️


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 2 apr 2019, 12:15

Ten years after the EU-Canada #PNR agreement lapsed, and almost two years after the #CJEU struck down its successor, the @EU_Commission announces a new agreement has been concluded. We will scrutinise closely, in particular if it is ECJ-proof


Anne-Marie Mineur wo 16 jan 2019, 13:28

Helaas. Onvoldoende steun voor het verzoek om een ECJ-resolutie. @MarietjeSchaake vond het niet nodig om het rapport in te trekken. Is aangenomen.

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AnneMarieMineur wo 16 jan 2019, 10:03

Complimenten aan @MarietjeSchaake die vandaag laat weten dat ze luistert naar de grote druk op sociale media, en een breed verzoek steunt om eerst een uitspraak te vragen van het Europese Hof van Justitie.­ension-…­ Trek je het rapport dan ook terug, Marietje?


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 3 dec 2018, 17:27

@ManfredWeber @EUCourtPress We actually urgently need for the @EPPGroup to take position. Protection of values cannot be outsourced to the ECJ.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 3 dec 2018, 16:14

. @EPPGroup in a nutshell: unacceptable! Extremely disappointed! Oh, uhm, ECJ can you please speed up your process?...... Political responsibility anyone?

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Manfred Weber ma 3 dec 2018, 15:16

Extremely dissapointed by the refusal of the Hungarian government to agree with @ceuhungary on their double degree program. It is unacceptable that a university in EU today is forced to move elsewhere with their curriculum. #CEU


Judith Sargentini wo 21 nov 2018, 14:58

Good news, Małgorzata Gersdorf and her colleagues at the Supreme Court of Poland can continue their work as Polish gov did what is was supposed to do: respect the ECJ.

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Reuters Top News wo 21 nov 2018, 11:06

Poland backtracks on Supreme Court law contested by EU


Annie Schreijer (CDA) wo 7 nov 2018, 13:36

@JerommekeOnline Inderdaad voor vele ondernemers in meerdere sectoren en gezinnen. Ecologie en economie in disbalans. Heb al in 2016 gewaarschuwd voor starheid uitvoering en inhoud EU-natuurrichtlijnen. En ontbreken hardheidsclausule. #ECJ #PAS #stikstof


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 4 jul 2018, 18:22

European values becoming tangible throughout the EU. Sofia City Court recognises the rights of French-Australian rainbow couple Christina and Mariama, applying last months’ #Coman #ECJ ruling. 👏🥂🌈­/…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 4 jul 2018, 11:42

In answer to my question Polish PM @MorawieckiM seems to say he recognises the authority of the #ECJ in general, but not in the area of Justice, as in his view it is national competence. So the PL government will not respect any ECJ rulings on the PL laws on the judiciary?


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 28 jun 2018, 10:27

@MichalBoni @TimmermansEU @Weidenholzer Commission should go to ECJ over Polish judiciary before July 3rd, but @TimmermansEU will not confirm @EP_Justice


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 4 jun 2018, 16:01

Landmark ruling on recognition of #equalmarriage expected tomorrow #ECJ 🌈­…­

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EU Court of Justice ma 4 jun 2018, 15:32

Case C-673/16 Coman e.a. on the freedom of residence of same-sex spouses: #ECJ ruling tomorrow at 9.30 (­e.js…­)


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) wo 20 dec 2017, 11:20

Good news for workers of #Uber #ECJ rules Uber is a transport service and so can be regulated as such at national level via  @EUCourtPress


Kati Piri wo 13 sep 2017, 09:41

'ECJ judgments have to be respected. In the EU, the rule of law is not optional' #Hungary #SOTEU


Anne-Marie Mineur wo 6 sep 2017, 11:10

Goed nieuws: België gaat #CETA tóch voorleggen aan het Europese Hof. Zéér benieuwd wat daar uitkomt. #ISDS #ECJ…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 27 jul 2017, 10:35

Data Retention Dir had been scrapped by the #ECJ, followed by many natl courts. Now Italian gvt going in exactly the opposite direction­…­

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stefania maurizi do 27 jul 2017, 10:09

6YEARS of mandatory mass data retention=NO place to hide 4journalistic sources&human rights activists in Italy,@SophieintVeld @Snowden


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 25 jul 2017, 17:02

Final opinion #ECJ tomorrow morning on compatibility of EU-Canada #PNR agreement with EU law @EUCourtPress­Jo1_…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 12 jul 2017, 09:26

Benieuwd naar jullie zaak. Betwijfel of sleepnetwet ECJ/ECfHR-proof is. Vgl: mijn zaak tegen Franse surveillancewet­n…­­…­

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PILP NJCM wo 12 jul 2017, 09:07

Eerste Kamer stemt voor sleepnet. Wij kijken, samen met oa @bitsoffreedom en @privacyfirst, nu naar mogelijkheden voor een rechtszaak.­…­


Marietje Schaake di 16 mei 2017, 12:36

Find my response to the ECJ ruling on the EU-#Singapore #trade agreement here >>­ruling-…­


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 16 mei 2017, 10:28

Lees de ECJ uitspraak hier:­d/do…­ Ook van belang voor aanstaande Brexit-deal met VK. May zal niet blij zijn.


Anne-Marie Mineur di 7 feb 2017, 15:07

We do, but do you? Threats to MEPs, national and regional governments is not, nor is refusing to have #ECJ check th……


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 27 okt 2016, 16:20

@harmbult @NOS De toets bij ECJ is geen onbelangrijke. Oftewel, belangrijke toezegging;-) Maar blijft schaven aan een slechte deal.


Bas Belder wo 5 okt 2016, 14:14

Europe´s "Good terrorists": Because they might destroy Israel?: Erger dan dwaas. ECJ spoor bijster richting Hamas.


Judith Sargentini di 13 sep 2016, 16:51

ECJ Advocate General: EU-Morocco AssocAgreem doesnt apply to Western Sahara… thus Morocco may not export their fish


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 12 sep 2016, 19:45

Julian King in @ephearing on Adv Gen opinion on "If the #ECJ confirms the #PNR EU-Canada agreement, I will work with the court"


Judith Sargentini ma 11 jul 2016, 17:15

On #PrivacyShield @JanAlbrecht has strong doubts that bulk data collection is allowed by ECJ. Not #schremsproof.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 2 feb 2016, 09:29

@twrweb @edwardlucas @maxschrems I think id DID understand. That is precisely why a new EC decision has to meet the standards set by the ECJ


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 14 okt 2015, 20:19

Don't blame #ECJ for #SafeHarbor mess, blame #NSA for unbridled snooping, @EU_Commission for lax enforcement, businesses for weak compliance


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 14 okt 2015, 19:59

#ECR blaming #ECJ for upholding the law: the rule of law is soooooo 20th century.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 13 okt 2015, 16:46

@Marcvanderham everyone is conscious of that. But the problem wasn't created by the ECJ ruling, but by faulty #SafeHarbor and mass snooping


Judith Sargentini do 16 jul 2015, 10:59

Passenger Name Records, ECJ judgment brazenly disregarded, proposals on mass surveillance adopted… #PNR


Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) di 30 jun 2015, 17:20

28-extra-rechters-soap wordt steeds vreemder: @alemannoEU: ECJ Fight Club: EU’s top judge complains about MEP.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 11 mrt 2015, 11:31

@jjoerlemans @mvermeulEP analyse EP jur dienst: mag wel, maar natl wetten moeten door ECJ oordeel aan zelfde normen voldoen


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 11 mrt 2015, 10:48

Dutch court rules against national data retention law, in line with ECJ ruling. Good news


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 27 jan 2015, 09:35

EU Commission: EU PNR proposal to be in conformity with data retention ruling ECJ, accelerate work on data protection package @EP_Justice


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 14 jan 2015, 22:27

@GColinBarker @ALDEgroup not sure I understand your question. EP voted last Nov to request ECJ opinion on EU-Canada PNR agreement


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) vr 12 dec 2014, 11:57

ECJ no longer impartial RT EU judge gives Jean-Claude Juncker the ‘key taks’ of defeating Euroscepticism… #exit #eu


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 2 dec 2014, 17:05

Yess! ECJ bans practice degrading tests of LGBT asylum seekers in EU :) :)


Gerben Jan Gerbrandy do 20 nov 2014, 13:11

ECJ ruling & alarming report EEA on #airquality. EC? Considers repealing Air Quality Package!……


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 20 nov 2014, 00:17

Decision tmrw morn on @aldegroup proposal to refer EU-Canada PNR agreement fr ECJ opinion @EPP @ECR oppose. Will @TheProgressives support?


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 11 sep 2014, 15:27

ECJ deals serious blow to interchange fees!…


Erik Wesselius di 8 jul 2014, 14:44

Round 2. RT @matt_vella: Live-blogging #dalligate submissions in ECJ on


Erik Wesselius di 8 jul 2014, 14:37

Remarkable: EC publishes Barroso's full witness statement in ECJ case Dalli v Commission on line!Pq34UK #dalligate #EC


Erik Wesselius ma 7 jul 2014, 18:29

Impressive live blogging by @Matt_Vella of on ECJ court case Dalli - EU Commission #dalligate


Erik Wesselius do 3 jul 2014, 11:45

@SophieintVeld Gefeliciteerd met overwinning ECJ-zaak toegang documenten. Mijn NGO @corporateeurope procedeert ook…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 3 jul 2014, 08:51

waiting for ECJ ruling this morning in access to documents case (Council vs In 't Veld). Will court support transparency or not?

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