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958 tweets gevonden.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 19 apr 2012, 09:47

@bueti sure, as there are dissidents in EPP as well


Corien Wortmann wo 18 apr 2012, 12:13

King Abdullah of Jordan in EP "A long spring is evolving in Arab World". And he is an important partner to achieve this #EPP #EPPGroup


Ria Oomen-Ruijten do 12 apr 2012, 15:37

#EPP women nice discussion on how to improve upcoming principles program in a gender neutral way


Ria Oomen-Ruijten wo 14 mrt 2012, 19:31

#Kasparov in group also remembers first visit European parliament on invitation #EPP group in 1991 and discussion we had on role opposition


Corien Wortmann wo 14 mrt 2012, 19:11

Big applaus for Gary Kasparov during @EPPGroup meeting. Decent fighter for democracy in Russia #EPP


Corien Wortmann do 1 mrt 2012, 13:56

Mood is good at EPP summit. We still have a difficult time ahead be we are reaching a turning point in the Eurocrisis #EPP


Marietje Schaake do 1 mrt 2012, 12:04

“@Europarl_EN: RT @europarlpress: @ElliKoestinger #EPP - #EP has to take financial lobby acting behind #ACTA very seriously”


Corien Wortmann di 21 feb 2012, 14:43

Van Rompuy wants to stay as President EUSummit and Eurozone Summit: Excellent news we need his expirence and diplomacy! @EPP @EPPGroup @HvR


Judith Sargentini do 16 feb 2012, 18:03

@EUNewsService the democracy in Italy? Worked hard on that before but was outvoted by the EPP


Corien Wortmann wo 15 feb 2012, 15:36

Big applaus for PM Mario Monti in EP. A true Italian and European. Visionair on deepening EU integration @EPPGroup #EPP


Corien Wortmann wo 15 feb 2012, 15:23

Mario Monti: we need budgetary discipline AND economic growth. Opening up our internal market is key @EPPGroup #EPP


Corien Wortmann wo 15 feb 2012, 15:22

Impressed by courageous Mario Monti who praises the European Parliament for what we achieved in #6pack @EPPGroup #EPP


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 9 feb 2012, 16:53

EPP claims that fundamental rights violations were as bad under socialists. But EP rapporteur on fund. rights from Fidesz was silent on it


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 9 feb 2012, 16:51

EPP keeps pointing at other fundamental rights violations in other countries, but two wrongs don't make a right


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 9 feb 2012, 14:52

Warm support of EPP Christian Democrat group in Europarliament for Orban government


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) vr 3 feb 2012, 13:04

@ASavelkoul Hedegaard against? Where did you get that feeling from? EPP is split; all pressure needs to be on them now. Still a good chance.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 18 jan 2012, 16:41

Don't understand the EPP. If all allegations against HU are indeed false, then EPP should embrace Art 7,1 as opportunity to clarify


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 18 jan 2012, 16:33

EPP is in complete denial.


Judith Sargentini di 17 jan 2012, 10:41

Schultz krijgt meerderheid en wordt voorzitter van t EP. Tja. Dealtje tussen EPP en S+D betaalde uit.


Judith Sargentini di 10 jan 2012, 16:11

@VriendKlei helaas streep door de rekening. Soc.dem in EP steunt aanpakken Hongarije niet. Koehandel met EPP over steun aan soc.dem voorz EP


Judith Sargentini di 13 dec 2011, 09:49

Order order in the House. Tories kwaad over opmerkingen EPP voorman Daul over de rebate vh VK #UKisanIsland


Ria Oomen-Ruijten do 8 dec 2011, 14:14

@epp congres Pres Sarkozy spreekt en groot gevolg met/rond hr Berlusconi neemt plaats in zaal


Corien Wortmann wo 23 nov 2011, 14:33

In Armenia at Memorial Genocide Complex together with Minister of Education and #EPP delegation


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 16 nov 2011, 15:15

videoI uploaded a @YouTube video 2011 11 16 L epp tv


Corien Wortmann wo 9 nov 2011, 19:23

@zerohedge Happely this will not fly. Resistance amongst smaller MS and in EP. EPP group in EP wants strong governance as broad as possible.


Corien Wortmann ma 7 nov 2011, 19:39

Zo spreken op groot EPP-Event met keynote van Barosso, Peter Spiegel van FT en Prof Hans Geeroms #Eurocrisis


Thijs Berman do 27 okt 2011, 11:17

"Het is niet altijd het beste paard dat de haver krijgt", zegt (boer) Daul (voorz, EPP) aan Barroso; zal bedoelen dat B meer lof verdient.


Ria Oomen-Ruijten do 6 okt 2011, 21:30

#epp vrouwencongres in Malaga de zaal geinspecteerd en nu met collega,s eten op terras.


Corien Wortmann wo 28 sep 2011, 12:34

Big victory for EPP inreform economic governance inEurope.Urgently needed signal to financial markets that Europe wil solve its debtsproblem


Lucas Hartong wo 28 sep 2011, 11:47

Leden snoepreisje Seychellen komen vooral uit zuidelijke landen en EPP (groep waar CDA bij zit). En maar zwetsen over solidariteit! Ja ja.


Corien Wortmann vr 16 sep 2011, 16:51

#EPP welcomes that also ECOFIN agreed on last outstanding issues 6pack Important signal for confidence financial markets. Final vote EP 27/9


Corien Wortmann vr 22 jul 2011, 12:39

#EPP supports conclusions of Council to safeguard Eurozone. Agreement on voting rules Stab&GrowthPact = missing link for structural solution


Corien Wortmann do 14 jul 2011, 03:13

After verry interesting diner with Businesscommunity in South Carolina. Drink with #EPP collegues with a lot of fun


Corien Wortmann di 12 jul 2011, 19:44

#EPP presidency meets.with US Chamber of Commerce to discuss (agsin) debt crisis but also financial services regulation and its equivalence


Corien Wortmann di 12 jul 2011, 17:36

#EPP presidency delegation at the National Security Council to meet EU Director Sherwood-Randall. Discussion on Middle-East, Libya, PNR eo


Corien Wortmann ma 11 jul 2011, 21:11

#EPP presidency visits the Supreme Court including a view in the courtroom next is a visit to the Library of Congres


Corien Wortmann ma 11 jul 2011, 18:13

Very interesting meetings at #EPP studytrip to VS. We'll get quickly used to American habits. Even Joseph Daul is drinking Coca cola


Thijs Berman ma 11 jul 2011, 14:51

EPP (Fine Gael) Ierse collega Gay Mitchell wordt de presidentskandidaat voor zijn partij. Straks even feliciteren. Conservatief maar prima.


Corien Wortmann ma 11 jul 2011, 14:27

#EPP delegation meets with EU ambassador. Issues are debtburden, high unemployment figures, polarisation and Teaparty's infl on pol. agenda


Corien Wortmann zo 10 jul 2011, 11:45

At Schiphol airport for studytrip to Washington of #EPP group presidency. Efficient security thanks to bodyscanner, EP approved last week


Corien Wortmann do 23 jun 2011, 12:59

We won al the votes to assure fiscal and economic growth in EU! 100 % #EPP 98% agreement with Council. Let's solve the last hurdle soon!


Judith Sargentini do 16 jun 2011, 11:31

debat over seizoensarbeid: EPP vreest dat nwe regels leiden tot meer 'sans papiers', maar dat is kop in zand vr huidige illegale arbeiders.


Judith Sargentini di 7 jun 2011, 18:39

Rapporteur Coelho (EPP) speaks truth: we can't afford double standards in EU, when Romania and Bulgary are ready to join Schengen the should


Corien Wortmann di 31 mei 2011, 12:18

T is weer ns zo n dag voor n ware vergadertijger #beniknietmaarmoetsoms voor t goede doel. Vanav. diner EPP presidency met Barosso en Comms


Lucas Hartong di 24 mei 2011, 13:31

EPP-lid Matera ging vanochtend door lint: "Eurokritische politici moeten weg uit Europees Parlement". Tsja, dan is EUSSR niet ver weg meer.


Corien Wortmann vr 20 mei 2011, 16:25

In Vilnius we gave support to our #EPP friends from Belarus opposition. We must step up our efforts against Lukashenko's regime in Belarus.


Corien Wortmann vr 20 mei 2011, 16:20

Our visa were refused so we met our #EPP friends from Belarus opposition in Vilnius. Their Leaders are still in prison and work is blocked.


Judith Sargentini di 29 mrt 2011, 16:38

de EPP legt uit waarom de nwe hongaarse grondwet zo goed is.. Christelijk, gezinsgericht, en gericht op Groot Hongarije.....


Thijs Berman zo 20 mrt 2011, 13:33

@SophieintVeld @dicknieuwenhuis Geen frontbenchers? sorry, Strasser was leider van Oostenrijkse EPP. Severin is n.b. vicevoorz S&D groep!

in reply to avatar

Sophie in 't Veld (D66) zo 20 mrt 2011, 13:31

@dicknieuwenhuis geen flauw idee. In elk geval geen echte front benchers


Thijs Berman zo 20 mrt 2011, 12:58

Ernst Strasser (EPP, Oostenrijk) afgetreden, nu Zoran Thaler (Slovenië) en Adrian Severin (Roemenië) nog, meteen uit socdem groep zetten.

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