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1217 tweets gevonden.


Corien Wortmann di 15 apr 2014, 19:26

The @EPPGroup meets with outgoing @BarrosoEU and our @EPP top candidate @JunckerEU


Corien Wortmann di 15 apr 2014, 12:23

Historic agreement on #SRM approved with overwhelming majority 580 +, 88 -. Banking Union completed. @EPPGroup played played crucial role


Corien Wortmann di 8 apr 2014, 09:58

To chair my last @EPPGroup Workinggroup with 45! items on the agenda. Many collegues worked hard to conclude files before #ep elections


Corien Wortmann do 3 apr 2014, 12:45

Congrats @peterliese @eppgroup Thanks to you, smart agreement reached with Council on ETS airtransport, now supported by solid majority #EP


Corien Wortmann wo 2 apr 2014, 18:14

Plenary in Brussels reopened with new roof and light. Happy that we can have plenary sessions in Bxl again @EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann ma 24 mrt 2014, 13:17

EU-US cooperation in financial sector legislation is crucial for our economies. Thats why we'r in Washington this week. #EP #ECON @EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann do 20 mrt 2014, 13:34

At @EPP summit with our Heads of State and Governements. Proud to explain on @EPPGroup succes on #SRM. Now bankingunion complete!


Corien Wortmann wo 19 mrt 2014, 10:05

Trilogue with Council on Banking #SRM from 3 pm until ??, agreement in sight ONLY when they are prepared to substantially move @EPPGroup


Marietje Schaake di 18 mrt 2014, 11:17

This morning the @EPPGroup voted against EU-#Iran strategy, based on unknown red-lines. Wrong signal at the wrong moment!


Corien Wortmann do 6 mrt 2014, 10:22

About to chair pannel at @EPPGroup seminar with Irish Minister @Paschald Spanish Minister Mendez de Vigo and former EPPresident HG Poetering


Ria Oomen-Ruijten di 4 mrt 2014, 12:10

WG EPPGroup FOREIGN AFFAIRS confirms yesterday's voting result #Turkey progress report!


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 26 feb 2014, 16:24

@cdaeuropa @WimvandeCamp @EPPGroup Speeddaten is als pitchen.In enkele minuten je kernpunten aanreiken. Wat vinden de bloggers er van? #CDA


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 20 feb 2014, 10:51

RT @Corien_Wortmann: Eurogroup president @J_Dijsselbloem in #EP #ECON Committee. He is more an ally of the @EPPGroup then of the left #Troj


Corien Wortmann do 20 feb 2014, 10:33

Eurogroup president @J_Dijsselbloem in #EP #ECON Committee. He is more an ally of the @EPPGroup then of the left #Trojka #6pack


Corien Wortmann di 18 feb 2014, 18:51…. See page 16: '3 x flexibility' should help to make progress in Trilogues on #SRM BankresolutionMechanism @EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann di 18 feb 2014, 10:23

This morning long meeting to chair of @EPPGroup Workinggroup Economy and Environment. Many issues we want to conclude before EP elections


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 29 jan 2014, 10:43

@EPPGroup @AlainCadec Goede zaak, er volgt nog een uitwerking op technisch level; ik verwacht dat uitbreiding pulsvisserij er in blijft #CDA


Corien Wortmann wo 22 jan 2014, 15:14

Es gibt schon Carnaval im Europaparlement mit @EPPGroup Kollege Axel Voss.


Corien Wortmann di 21 jan 2014, 17:49

@EPPGroup ENVI collegue Christofer @Fjellner is present in Transport Committee. For good reason: Ecocombi should be allowed cross border


Marietje Schaake do 16 jan 2014, 16:19

:(( @EPPGroup does not believe recent criminalizing #LGBTI's is an urgent matter and has not signed the joint text of our parliament


Marietje Schaake do 16 jan 2014, 16:08

:(( @EPPGroup does not believe recent criminalizing #LGBTI's is not an urgent matter and has not signed the joint text of our parliament


Corien Wortmann wo 15 jan 2014, 14:53

video@eppgroup gives a wake up call to the Council on #SRM in #EP debate with @antonissamaras


Corien Wortmann di 17 dec 2013, 13:32

Temperature is rising. 86 pages of EPP's voting list is ready. EPP Press release as well. Will follow after the vote around 6 @EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann wo 11 dec 2013, 12:06

Council's representation :) 100% female #LuxPrize with Doris Pack as @EPPGroup representative


Corien Wortmann ma 9 dec 2013, 12:31

With EPcollegues at ECB to discuss Bankingunion. Both EP + ECB want a SINGLE resolution authority + SINGLE fund. Vote EP 17/12 @EPPGroup


Marietje Schaake do 21 nov 2013, 15:50

Sad trend @EPPGroup: negotiating tough on text joint resolution, other groups agree on compromise, and then EPP withdraws after all...


Corien Wortmann do 21 nov 2013, 12:31

The impressive load of reports we vote today @EPPGroup @Europarl_EN @ManfredWeber


Corien Wortmann wo 20 nov 2013, 16:48

In an intense meeting of the @EPPGroup Presidency with heads of national delegations. Real EPP family like


Lambert van Nistelrooij vr 15 nov 2013, 09:13

Nu in panel over #energie en #duurzaamheid in regio's en steden bij @EPPGroup bureau meeting in Amsterdam. #EPPinNL


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 14 nov 2013, 10:04

@tijnsadee @EPPGroup @WimvandeCamp daarom hervormen we de EU Investeringsfondsen , deze week eindstemming in EP, Solidariteit anno 2014 #CDA


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 12 nov 2013, 08:41

@EPPGroup #CDA ontvangt donderdag&vrijdag EUR. PARLEMENT in Nederland over betere aanpak in EU: modern industrialiseren anno 2014 ! #VDL


Wim van de Camp vr 25 okt 2013, 18:10

#FF volg nu ook het twitteraccount van onze christendemocratische fractie (Europese Volkspartij / EVP) in het Europees Parlement @EPPGroup


Ria Oomen-Ruijten vr 25 okt 2013, 14:54

#FF volg nu ook het twitteraccount van onze christendemocratische fractie (Europese Volkspartij / EVP) in het Europees Parlement @EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann vr 25 okt 2013, 10:23

#FF volg nu het Twitteraccount van onze christendemocratische fractie in het Europarlement @EPPGroup


Ria Oomen-Ruijten do 10 okt 2013, 10:08

Trieste dag #wilfriedmartens overleden! Hommage; overtuigd Europeaan! Als zijn plaatsvervanger in @EPPGroup was zijn drive mijn voorbeeld!


Ria Oomen-Ruijten di 1 okt 2013, 11:23

Over Cultuur en bindende clausules voor sociaal en milieu in #EU_China bilateral investment agreement weer interne discussie in @EPPGroup .


Ria Oomen-Ruijten di 10 sep 2013, 20:58

Forse discussie @EPPGroup #milieu_effect_rapportage! Terecht! Voorstel verwart wetenschappelijk effectrapport met vergunning!


Corien Wortmann vr 12 jul 2013, 22:28

@EPPGroup delegation to visit UN ass SG Robert Orr to discuss MDG's as well as energy and climate change policies


Corien Wortmann do 11 jul 2013, 17:56

Feel welcome at New York Stock Exchange. @EPPGroup #NYSE


Corien Wortmann wo 10 jul 2013, 14:48

Breakfast with journalist of Wallstreet Journal, followed by workingvisit to Homeland Security, then by train to New York @EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann di 9 jul 2013, 16:06

To the Hill, meetings with several Congres men and women on TTIP Trade negotiations, Prism, financial services legislation eo @EPPGroup


Ria Oomen-Ruijten di 9 jul 2013, 10:42

Now succesfull vote on tackling youth unemployment report @EPPGroup @jskrzydlewska in social affairs committee!


Corien Wortmann di 9 jul 2013, 00:52

Tonight diner @EPPGroup Presidency delegation with Congresmen on the Trade negotiations at a club in Congres.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 3 jul 2013, 17:58

Humor! “@ER_Korhola: We lost this time but I am proud of the #EPPGroup for being consistent in its…


Corien Wortmann di 25 jun 2013, 12:56

Working lunch with David Bakradze and our political frends of opposition party UNM from Georgia. Grim democracy over there @EPPGroup #EPP


Corien Wortmann wo 12 jun 2013, 09:57

@EPPGroup president Daul: we need a strong European Commission In Europe of 27 MemberStates we need a strong referee


Marietje Schaake do 6 jun 2013, 11:00

Members of @EPPGroup in European Parliament seem eager to forget (or even deny) that the AK Party is an observer member since 2005 #Turkey

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