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1217 tweets gevonden.


Wim van de Camp do 4 okt 2012, 10:01

@eppgroup Next week we will celebrate 20 years EU Single market. This is one of the core competences of the EU. Peace freedom and prosperity


Wim van de Camp wo 3 okt 2012, 18:57

@eppgroup Next week we celebrate 20 years of Single Market in the EU: a great result for economy and welfare of our people #4Freedoms4Growth


Ria Oomen-Ruijten wo 12 sep 2012, 18:27

Nu @EPPGroup na middag met spannende debatten. #Roemenië debat beschamend voor alle kanten van het politieke spectrum


Wim van de Camp do 6 sep 2012, 12:23

@EPPGroup Now leaving for visit to the European University Institute. There we will have lunch and a meeting with the Italian Prime minister


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 18 jul 2012, 15:11

@eppgroup I hope you will use the hashtag Hungary the next time as well


Marietje Schaake wo 4 jul 2012, 12:55

Proposal by @Eppgroup to send #ACTA back and wait for ECJ rejected


Ria Oomen-Ruijten di 3 jul 2012, 21:11

@EPPGroup afgelopen.ltste resolutie M. Oosten conflict. Morgen inhoudelijke discussie. Als onderhandelaar loop ik niet weg van council 14/5!


Ria Oomen-Ruijten di 3 jul 2012, 20:43

@EPPGroup na discussie over #acta nu bepalen of we uitstelverzoek steunen. Onhaalbaar in plenaire. Maar Free vote voor tekst.


Marietje Schaake di 3 jul 2012, 16:42

It seems that the @EPPGroup members have forgotten that #ACTA text cant be changed anymore....


Judith Sargentini ma 2 jul 2012, 22:37

Leg uit @WimvandeCamp @EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for postponement of the vote


Judith Sargentini ma 2 jul 2012, 22:36

Beg your pardon? @EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 21:01

2 uur geleden: @EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling @shoe22


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:47

“@bendrath: Alert! RT @EPPGroup #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.”


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:46

Helder @vrijschrift “@EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.”


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:46

.cc@_rubeneg clear “@EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.”


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:45

.@RiaOomenRuijten “@EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.”


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:44

Ow, confusion...?! “@EPPGroup: #EPP will ask during tomorrow's debate on #ACTA for a postponement of the vote until we have ECJ's ruling.”


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:34

“@Vrijschrift: @RiaOomenRuijten @MarietjeD66 @EPPGroup Het was een tweet van de EPP zelf, zie


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 20:07

@RiaOomenRuijten @eppgroup ik beroep me alleen op info vanuit EPP zelf, mijn inbox stroomt overigens ook vol....

in reply to avatar

RiaOomenRuijten ma 2 jul 2012, 20:05

#ACTA @MarietjeD66 wanneer komen verontschuldiging voor uitzetten gerucht dat @EPPGroup uitstel zou vragen. Mijn box loopt daardoor vol!


Ria Oomen-Ruijten ma 2 jul 2012, 20:05

#ACTA @MarietjeD66 wanneer komen verontschuldiging voor uitzetten gerucht dat @EPPGroup uitstel zou vragen. Mijn box loopt daardoor vol!

in reply to avatar

MarietjeD66 ma 2 jul 2012, 17:51

Ik zie mijn eigen inbox :) terwijl 1 x mijn naam en #ACTA googlen genoeg info geeft om me geen mails te sturen... @hapeeg


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 17:30

yep! “@EDRi_org: @MarietjeD66 @EPPGroup That makes more sense! Now on to the debate and the vote!” #ACTA


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 16:35

They proposed then to postpone as well, so I think it is in line with their wish to wait for ECJ on #ACTA @EDRi_org @eppgroup


Marietje Schaake ma 2 jul 2012, 15:38

Yep @eppgroup will indeed ask for a postponement of the vote on #ACTA this week, we will go to plenary with ALDE MEPs to object


Corien Wortmann do 28 jun 2012, 11:03

11.30 @EPP Summit where I will represent the @EPPGroup. I will call for full participation of the EP in future work on the VRompuy proposals


Marietje Schaake wo 20 jun 2012, 18:06

#ALDE got clear signs @EPPGroup will ask for secret ballot on #ACTA, but they now deny. We welcome transparent vote!


Marietje Schaake wo 20 jun 2012, 17:34

“@jonworth: @EPPGroup So your group won’t be demanding a secret ballot then? You can confirm that? #acta @MarietjeD66


Marietje Schaake wo 20 jun 2012, 17:23

If not true EPP will ask for secret ballot, question is who is misleading who! “@EPPGroup: the #ALDE Group is misleading everybody on #ACTA


Marietje Schaake wo 20 jun 2012, 16:25

Rules allow it! “@AnonyOps: @EPPGroup wants to avoid accountability with secret #ACTA vote. This shall not stand. (via @MarietjeD66)”


Corien Wortmann wo 13 jun 2012, 22:36

Gluckwunsch Deutsche Kollegen @EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann wo 13 jun 2012, 22:20

A little bit better here but WE WANT MORE: 2 - 1 Germany - Netherlands @EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann wo 13 jun 2012, 21:26

Dramatic development here but a lot of joy as well because of our German friends @EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann wo 13 jun 2012, 20:54

The game has started. We all song our hymns. Lot of tension in the room Germany - Netherlands @EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann wo 13 jun 2012, 16:37

Exiting evening to go. Dutch members are invited by German @EPPGroup colleagues to jointly look at the footballmatch tonight. Hope we win!


Wim van de Camp wo 13 jun 2012, 09:18

@EPPgroup: today again a lot of work and many discussions on the financial situation of Europe: preparing the EU summit of 28 and 29 of june


Ria Oomen-Ruijten di 12 jun 2012, 20:30

Na @EPPGroup en debat plenaire #middenoosten nu eten en vergaderen met #benelux collega's @jeanlucdehaene wil als apart punt #ek2012 kijken


Ria Oomen-Ruijten zo 10 jun 2012, 20:28

Nu koffer maken plenaire Straatsburg met #oranjejurk voor voetbal #ek2012 waar Nl en Duitse collega's @EPPGroup woensdag samen vieren


Corien Wortmann do 7 jun 2012, 15:59

This afternoon @EPPGroup seminar: Reforms for Growth and the EU semester Interesting moment to discuss the countryspec recommendation of COM


Ria Oomen-Ruijten wo 6 jun 2012, 10:36

#EPPgroup nu, daarna bezoek #limburg jonge ambtenaren en #leuk met @euHvr ontvang ik NL scholieren dan lunch met @AgnesJongerius


Wim van de Camp wo 6 jun 2012, 09:30

Now in @EPPgroup Spanish minister of Economy, Luis de Guindos. First sight information about how Spanish government is handling the crisis!


Wim van de Camp di 5 jun 2012, 11:44

@EPPGroup XVIe Meeting with representatives of the National Parliaments. The economic crisis is big, but challenges to resolve it are bigger


Wim van de Camp do 24 mei 2012, 20:27

@EPPGroup Let Greece stay in the Euro. Now it get's all the attention of the financial markets! Otherwise all their attention goes to Spain!


Marietje Schaake wo 23 mei 2012, 20:05

“@vaisbrodas: @EPPGroup changed their mind & will sign joint text on #humanrights #Azerbaijan. Let's see if they vote for it! @MarietjeD66


Ria Oomen-Ruijten wo 23 mei 2012, 18:24

“@thijsberman: Vanmiddag besloten: Het EP zoekt andere plek voor de ACP-EU sessie. Wilde @EPPGroup maar as meeting #acp in Dk is beslissend


Wim van de Camp di 22 mei 2012, 20:29

@EPPGroup. concentrates on economic growth. Not instead of budgetcut's, but in combination with healthy national budgets. No time to loose.


Corien Wortmann wo 9 mei 2012, 13:02

#Barosso: today it seems sound bites are more important than consistency and determination in solving the problems #eurocrisis #EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann wo 9 mei 2012, 12:38

Impressive ceremony remembering Europeday in times of great difficulties, with Joseph Daul, HG Poetering, Van Rompuy and Barosso. #EPPGroup


Corien Wortmann ma 7 mei 2012, 08:28

Growthpact Draghi and #EPPGroup completely different from that of Hollande. H wants to spend billions we don't have, we want real solutions


Corien Wortmann do 26 apr 2012, 22:44

Thanks to Minister @JCdeJager majority in Dutch Parliament supports ambitious program to meet EU targets budgetcuts + reforms @EPPGroup

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