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638 tweets gevonden.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) di 9 aug 2022, 08:15

After 9 August 2020 Lukashenka became even more relentless, more cruel. Many more political prisoners were taken and free media and ngo’s were closed. In addition Lukashenka is fully complicit to Putin’s war crimes in Ukraine and must be treated accordingly. #StandWithBelarus 2/2

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) di 9 aug 2022, 08:13

Two years ago today, the people of Belarus massively voted for @tsikhanouskaya and for democracy. Lukashenka’s crackdowns will not discourage them. Belarus will be free! #StandWithBelarus

Няхай жыве свабодная, незалежная і дэмакратычная Беларусь!🤍❤️🤍 1/2


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 8 aug 2022, 15:33

What of the denial by Ukraine and Armenia of the suggestion they had ordered the wire-tap of @androulakis?

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Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 8 aug 2022, 15:33

If the use of #Predator is illegal in Greece, will the Greek authorities give top priority to investigating the matter? Has all possible evidence been secured, ao at the Athena officies of #Intellexa? Will the Greek authorities invite @Europol to assist with the investigation?


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) vr 5 aug 2022, 10:38

When you start a war to destroy the evidence as soon as you have your puppet in the White House.

And you can use defamation tactics against the whistleblower.

“Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19! DNC Globalists Created Covid!”­m/p/russian-mil-…­


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) do 4 aug 2022, 07:57

Yep, Zelensky is a war criminal.

“Ukraine: Ukrainian fighting tactics endanger civilians - Amnesty International”­…­


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) wo 3 aug 2022, 13:37

EU wants dialogue concerning Taiwan.

How about dialogue concerning Ukraine? We are running towards disaster because of the suicidal sanctions.

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Reuters wo 3 aug 2022, 10:10

EU urges dialogue to reduce risks amid Taiwan tension


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 3 aug 2022, 07:46

“Er meinte, die wirklich relevanten Probleme seien lösbar, darunter ein Kompromiss für die ostukrainische Region Donbass sowie die Frage einer möglichen „bewaffneten Neutralität“ für die Ukraine als Alternative zu einer NATO-Mitgliedschaft.” Schröder is lobbyist voor Rusland.

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 3 aug 2022, 07:34

Schröder bemiddelt in Moskou over een “verhandlungslösung”. Ukraine-Liveblog: Schröder: „Der Kreml will eine Verhandlungslösung“ via @faznet Er habe sich vorige Woche in Moskau mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin getroffen.…


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 3 aug 2022, 07:34

Schröder bemiddelt in Moskou over een “verhandlungslösung”. Ukraine-Liveblog: Schröder: „Der Kreml will eine Verhandlungslösung“ via @faznet Er habe sich vorige Woche in Moskau mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin getroffen.…


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) wo 3 aug 2022, 00:26

This is great news for queer Ukrainians, many of whom are fighting Russia’s atrocities and war crimes. And once more a clear sign that Ukraine is committed to European values of freedom and equality and its European path.🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ (Read 🧵👇🏼)

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maksym.eristavi 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 di 2 aug 2022, 18:33

in a historic move president zelenskyy has just promised queer ukrainians to put forward a civil partnerships law with an open road to marriage equality after the martial law ends


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) di 2 aug 2022, 08:53

This is why we must suffer because of corrupt Ukraine.

The western oligarchs want to control food production. Farmers must be destroyed.

WEF agenda.


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Pelham ma 1 aug 2022, 11:49

In 2014 Ukraine borrowed 17 Billion from the World Bank (IMF). In return they had to lift the ban on private sector land ownership in the country. Since then Monsanto, BlackRock and Vanguard have purchased over 20 million hectares or 70% of all Ukraine farmland


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) vr 29 jul 2022, 23:09

One of the most awful warcrimes of Zelensky. Fragments of HIMARS rockets found in the ruble of the prison that held Ukrainian POW’s.

This criminal was sheered in most Western parliaments.

Stop supporting Ukraine.

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Daily Mail Online vr 29 jul 2022, 22:41

Russia says 40 POWs are killed in Ukrainian shelling


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) di 26 jul 2022, 11:51

Important message for the weeks to come:

‘Decision-makers should not allow themselves to relax too much this summer. Instead, they should maintain pressure on Russia and provide immediate support to Ukraine.’

Read more👇🏼with @ecfr @PawelZerka 1/2…


Peter van Dalen (CU) za 23 jul 2022, 13:32

This is the Kremlin villain => lies every day!! Promised yesterday that the #Ukraine could export its grain. Main port: #Odessa .Today: missiles on the sea-port of that city. #Putinwarcriminal

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SUSPILNE NEWS 📰 za 23 jul 2022, 11:19

The #Russian army launched Kalibr cruise missiles at the #Odesa sea trade port, Operational Command South reports.

Two missiles were downed by air defence forces, and two more hit the port's infrastructure.



Marcel de Graaff (FvD) wo 20 jul 2022, 21:24

One day US developing bioweapons in Ukraine is Russian propaganda, next day these crimes are confirmed by Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“Hunter Biden played role in funding US bio- labs contractor in Ukraine: e-mails”…


Peter van Dalen (CU) wo 20 jul 2022, 16:17

This billionaire is sick, very sick. He gets richer at the expense of Ukraine, and with his soldiers stealing everything there that is loose and stuck #PutinWarCriminal @tassagency_en

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TASS wo 20 jul 2022, 15:50

The idea of total domination of the ‘golden billion’ is racist and neocolonial, dividing the peoples into first and second-rate, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, speaking at the Strong Ideas for a New Time forum:


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) za 16 jul 2022, 23:16

The strategy is to weaken Russia. In fact, it is weakening the West.

This proxy is suicide of the libtards.
The common people are paying the price and end up in a totalitarian technocracy.

There is no legitimacy to support Ukraine. They are war criminals.

End the sanctions!


Malik Azmani (VVD) do 14 jul 2022, 13:48

Proud 🇳🇱 is leading the way to secure justice for the thousands of victims of Russia's dispicable invasion of Ukraine.

Increased collaboration between @IntlCrimCourt, @EU_Commission & 🇪🇺 Governments, using joint investigation teams, is the key to accountability.#UAC

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Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs 🇳🇱 do 14 jul 2022, 08:17

video📺 Now #LIVE! | Watch the start of the #Ukraine Accountability Conference on YouTube.

With host @IkennaAzuike and guests @ChloeBaszanger, @goedeleliekens, Myroslava Krasnoborova en Bela Kubat. #UAC


Peter van Dalen (CU) vr 8 jul 2022, 16:10

I have 6 new followers from Ukraine 🇺🇦, and more last week. See!petervdalen


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) di 5 jul 2022, 16:51

Macron jaagt niet alleen Afrikaanse leiders tegen zich in het harnas maar ook in Macedonië maakt hij meer problemen dan dat hij oplost. Daarbij: in Oekraïne mislukte hij ook. Leuk artikel.Inside Emmanuel Macron’s failed one-man diplomacy mission on Ukraine­…­


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) ma 4 jul 2022, 18:14

In de EU gaan we morgen stemmen over de geldigheid van in de Oekraïne uitgegeven rijbewijzen. Maar ik vraag me toch af : is dat verstandig? Buy Ukrainian Driver License Online - Registered Driving License Ukraine­iver-license…­


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) za 2 jul 2022, 09:48

Excelent thread. NATO would be crushed by Russia as it is now in Ukraine.

NATO is already losing this proxy war in Ukraine as it lost in Syria.

The end of US hegemony is near, as is the end of the liberal NWO.


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Will Schryver vr 1 jul 2022, 22:46

🧵Why the US/NATO could never win and will never fight a war against Russia – unless the #EmpireAtAllCosts cult somehow seizes the reins of power, in which case, it will become the biggest catastrophe in US military history, and likely result in a nuclear war:



Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) ma 27 jun 2022, 17:49

+1Great meeting @stephenharper at #IDUForum2022 in Berlin. Interesting speakers and panels on #Ukraine, #Taiwan and protecting our free market democracies @idualliance.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 23 jun 2022, 20:46

Congratulations for the citizens of Ukraine and Moldova. But this moment should have been the kick off of the negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, visa liberalisation for Kosovo and a concrete perspective for Bosnia Herzegovina. The WB citizens deserve to come closer.

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Charles Michel do 23 jun 2022, 20:20

Agreement. #EUCO has just decided EU candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova.

A historic moment.

Today marks a crucial step on your path towards the EU.

Congratulations @ZelenskyyUa and @sandumaiamd and the people of Ukraine 🇺🇦 and 🇲🇩

Our future is together.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 21 jun 2022, 12:02

During our meeting with the BiH presidency, we expressed full support to BiH's EU future. But we also told Mr Dodik very clearly that he cannot continue his secessionist policies, actively support Putin's war in Ukraine while at the same time advancing on the EU path.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) ma 20 jun 2022, 14:56

Another sign Ukraine is serious regarding upholding the European values they are defending now with their lives for nearly 4 months. #StandWithUkraine

🇺🇦 Parliament Finally Ratifies Convention On Preventing Domestic Violence - via ⁦­i…­


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 17 jun 2022, 13:01

Historisch. De EU belichaamt hoop van miljoenen Oekraïners die snakken naar vrijheid zonder angst. Het recht om te bestaan. Ik reken erop dat 🇳🇱 en andere EU-lidstaten die zich nog niet uitspraken de kandidaat status voor Ukraine ook omarmen. #UkraineIsEurope 🇪🇺❤️🇺🇦


Peter van Dalen (CU) vr 17 jun 2022, 12:44

The Ukraine may have inplemented the quantity of 70% of the #EU rules. But what counts is the quality of next 30% on e.g. rule of law, combat corruption and media-freedom

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Ursula von der Leyen vr 17 jun 2022, 12:09

Ukraine has already implemented roughly 70 % of 🇪🇺 rules, norms and standards.
Yet important work remains to be done, on the rule of law, oligarchs, anti-corruption and fundamental rights.
The process is merits-based. So progress depends entirely on Ukraine.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 16 jun 2022, 17:40

Excellente nouvelle! Une décision juste, d'importance stratégique pour l'Ukraine et la Moldavie, mais également pour le futur de l'Union Européenne

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Olivier le Bussy do 16 jun 2022, 17:33

A la veille de la publication de l'avis de la Commission et une semaine avant le sommet européen, les dirigeants 🇩🇪 Scholz, 🇫🇷 Macron, 🇮🇹 Draghi et 🇷🇴 Iohannis, en visite à Kiev, se prononcent en faveur de l'octroi à l'Ukraine du statut de candidat d'adhésion à l'🇪🇺


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) do 16 jun 2022, 17:23

Voorbereiding van de EU-top volgende week. Scholz in Kiew: „Die Ukraine gehört zur europäischen Familie“ via @faznet…


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) di 14 jun 2022, 08:18

Ukraine is now shelling residential areas in Donetsk to draw Russian troops away from Severodonetsk.

These nazi’s are committing war crimes and Western governments are just fine with it.

Disgusting! Stop supporting nazi’s; stop supporting Ukraine.


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) ma 13 jun 2022, 11:08

Organ harvesting by Ukrainian doctors performed on injured Ukrainian troops.

The level of evil of this totally corrupt country is unprecedented.

Ukraine must never be part of the EU or NATO.

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John Galt ⓩ 🇫🇷 ma 13 jun 2022, 10:31

Already since 2014 analytics have been talking about active systematic removal of organs from civilians and participants of the military conflicts around the Donbas area. On September 29, 2014 the OSCE Special Representative for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) za 11 jun 2022, 10:36

The #EUCO should grant Ukraine candidate status now. Also a wider strategy including accession of Moldova, Georgia and the Western Balkans. In these times of tectonic geopolitical shifts, the EU needs a vision for the future, not for the past.

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Kira Rudik vr 10 jun 2022, 11:29

#Denmark and the #Netherlands 🇩🇰🇳🇱 have opposed granting #Ukraine #EU candidate status - @Bloomberg. In a situation where we are a shield for the whole of Europe, why do some countries keep tripping us up in the way of integration? Do they really want to face russia point-blank?


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 8 jun 2022, 13:19

My congratulations to the well deserved winner! By awarding @QuoVadisAida this year's @luxaward, the European Parliament sends out a strong signal that we may never forget the tragic past of Srebrenica and Bosnia. Sadly, a story that is again very relevant with the war in Ukraine

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CULT Committee Press wo 8 jun 2022, 12:28

🍾✨QUO VADIS, AIDA? has just won the @luxaward - as announced by @EP_President - congratulations!


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) zo 5 jun 2022, 20:18

Orban is right as always. Zelensky and his nazi army are committing war crimes.

It’s not our war!
#ukraine #russia

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Chebureki Vibes zo 5 jun 2022, 18:51

🇭🇺 Hungarian PM Viktor Orban responding to Zelensky: “I don’t care about the United States and Ukraine. I am a Hungarian by nationality, and I do not want to lose my country because of an idiot who made a massacre in the center of Europe, and with whom, with Russia."


Peter van Dalen (CU) za 4 jun 2022, 19:53

Read carefully what this war criminal @MedvedevRussiaE is spouting out here: first ruthlessly attack millions of innocent families in the Ukraine, and then complain about a few Russian families @KremlinRussia_E being sanctioned. Here you look lie and deceit straight in the face!

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TASS za 4 jun 2022, 13:30

Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council Dmitry Medvedev has criticized the West for illegitimate sanctions against family members of Russian politicians:


Rob Roos (JA21) vr 3 jun 2022, 15:20

Russian aggression against Ukraine should be condemned. But we should ask ourselves: are the energy sanctions actually hurting Russia, or are we shooting ourselves in the foot? There is evidence for the latter conclusion...

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Rob Roos (JA21) vr 3 jun 2022, 15:19

Affordable energy is necessary for everything we do in life. The EU's #RePowerEU agenda does nothing to solve the problem - it makes it worse.

We should let go of renewable targets. For now, we should use all of our fossil and nuclear capacity to ensure energy delivery...


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) zo 29 mei 2022, 09:22

Excellent interview 👇with colleague @sikorskiradek on the war in Ukraine, why imperialists will not be appeased but encouraged if territory is ceded, and why the costs of supporting UA now will be lower than the long term costs of a Putin victory

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Radosław Sikorski MEP 🇵🇱🇪🇺 zo 29 mei 2022, 08:51

Former Polish foreign minister reacts to Kissinger's suggestion that Ukraine cede territory 👇 @CNN @cnni @EPPGroup @grupaepl…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) za 28 mei 2022, 20:52

Corruption is a poison, but it is a problem that can be fought effectively. Our choices should be driven by a strategic geopolitical vision for the future of Europe. Granting candidate status to Ukraine 🇺🇦 is vital for Ukraine and for the EU.

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Olena Halushka za 28 mei 2022, 12:31

Zelenskyi is very tired. I would answer the question about corruption differently. Yes, there are still corruption-related problems in Ukraine. But it is crucial to recognize big progress made since 2014 & even since 2016 when the referendum was held. A short thread /1


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) di 24 mei 2022, 07:30

Romania is taking it’s responsibility to ship grain from Ukraine to the rest of the world. #UkraineWar #Romania #ECR

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) di 24 mei 2022, 07:26

Ciucă has participated in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was the Chief of the Romanian General Staff from 2015 to 2019, and from 2019 to 2021, he was the Minister of Defence. The right person at the right place at the right time.


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 23 mei 2022, 17:42

On the day Russia invaded Ukraine, Russian oligarchs drove and flew their yachts and planes outside Europe to avoid the targeted sanctions. Much later, EU Member States found out.­…­


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) ma 23 mei 2022, 12:06

Countless Romani refugees from Ukraine face discrimination and bureaucratic limbo. This has to change!

The deadly dangers of war make no distinction between people. EU countries should never do that either.


Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) zo 22 mei 2022, 14:32

@Walrathis Eind maart kwam daar nog een 10-punten plan voor sterkere coördinatie tussen de lidstaten bij Home Affairs Council: 10-Point Plan on stronger European coordination on welcoming people fleeing the war against Ukraine

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Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) zo 22 mei 2022, 14:32

@Walrathis Twee weken na activering van de richtlijn heeft de Europese Commissie operationele richtlijnen opgesteld voor de lidstaten om enigszins geharmoniseerde toepassing in alle lidstaten te voorzien (­ntent/…­)


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 22 mei 2022, 08:22

He proposed that private actors such as oligarchs should be persuaded to “contribute towards reparations for Ukraine, on a voluntary basis”. “There should be a political discussion about that . . . which I would like to be part of,” he said. Yeah right.

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 22 mei 2022, 08:19

German finance minister urges EU to rein in public spending via @FT

“We will not be taking advantage of the general escape clause [but] will return to our national debt brake, which is anchored in our constitution,”


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 20 mei 2022, 20:19

Listening to an interesting discussion about the impacts of Russia’s war in Ukraine and #Russian influence on BiH and the region.…


Malik Azmani (VVD) do 19 mei 2022, 17:28

More EU teams needed to prosecute war crimes by Russia in Ukraine. Read my op-ed in @euobs 👇

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EUobserver do 19 mei 2022, 17:00

[Opinion] Meetings with Eurojust and the ICC in The Hague have convinced me that we need more joint collaboration on war crimes committed in Ukraine. By MEP @MalikAzmani of @VVD and @RenewEurope #ICC #Ukraine­998­


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) ma 16 mei 2022, 22:05

Well, well, Germany, France and the EU allow energy companies to buy gas in rubles.

This makes 2 things very clear:
1. Germany and France dictate the EU.
2. No way sanctions are going to hurt Russia

So stop supporting nazi’s in Ukraine. Let the US fight this proxy by itself.

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Visegrád 24 ma 16 mei 2022, 20:20


European Commission, France and Germany all announced that European energy companies should be allowed to pay for gas in rubles at a closed meeting between EC representatives and EU diplomats in Brussels on late Friday evening.

Poland & the Netherlands were outraged.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 13 mei 2022, 12:31

Cette décision du président Macron peut geler les ambitions de l´Ukraine et doit être plus précise parce que certains pays des Balkans ont fait déjà un grand progrès vers l’UE.…

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Emmanuel Macron ma 9 mei 2022, 17:20

Pour rassembler notre Europe dans la vérité de sa géographie, sur l’assise de ses valeurs démocratiques, l’Union européenne ne peut pas être la seule réponse. Pour structurer politiquement notre continent, je souhaite engager une réflexion sur une Communauté politique européenne.


Malik Azmani (VVD) di 10 mei 2022, 14:54

+1Great discussion at @Eurojust on the fight against organized crime, terrorism as well as war crimes in Ukraine.

Strengthening international cooperation is key to bring war criminals to justice! #jointinvestigationteams


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 5 mei 2022, 19:49

It is extremely important we make sure the evidence and testimonies regarding sexual war crimes committed by Russian soldiers in Ukraine will be properly collected and secured, both in Ukraine and among those who fled. Good that member states like 🇳🇱 stand ready to help👇🏼 2/3

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 5 mei 2022, 19:49

🇺🇦🇪🇺Today parliament adopted the resolution on the impact of the war on women and girls, presented by @TheProgressives@RobertBiedron and with an equally committed and inspiring response by commissioner @YlvaJohansson 1/3


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) wo 4 mei 2022, 07:57

Today at 20.30 a special #instalive with Ukraine’s #DanaOhanska 🇺🇦About defending Ukraine, what we can do and about Dana’s activities now that she is in 🇳🇱 because of the war


#standwithukraine #westandwithukraine #sanctions #defendukraine🇺🇦


Peter van Dalen (CU) di 3 mei 2022, 16:32

This is a frightening development…….Putin may soon officially declare war on Ukraine, US and Western officials say…

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