112 tweets gevonden.
Marietje Schaake ma 11 feb 2013, 18:20
Certainly ambition does... NL not mentioned “@_cypherpunks_: Does size matter? Small states and EU foreign policy: euobserver.com”
Marietje Schaake vr 26 okt 2012, 13:14
@asteris thanks!! the ambition is of course awesomeness everyday ;)
Marietje Schaake di 18 sep 2012, 13:13
“@jan_techau: A Farewell to Foreign Policy Relevance: Europeans showed 0 foreign policy ambition in Riga #RigaConf bit.ly”
Marietje Schaake vr 23 mrt 2012, 15:16
'Europe is not over, we have barely began' - @sikorskiradek at #BF7, refreshing tone, perspective and ambition these days
Gerben Jan Gerbrandy wo 8 feb 2012, 11:40
Great editorial Ft on air transport and #ETS. Ambition should stay, instrument could vary. on.ft.com
Marietje Schaake ma 23 jan 2012, 14:47
Same ambition for free expression in #Turkey?! Via @IvanCNN: #Turkey PM: "French law is against 'freedom of expression/human rights'"
Marietje Schaake ma 12 dec 2011, 12:16
Hm, Ashton on EU #digitaldiplomacy. Welcome ambition but where is knowledge of tech in EEAS (looked hard never found) euobserver.com
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 14 jul 2010, 09:24
Pfff RT @greens_climate US senators are scaling back the ambition of the energy and climate bill...again http://bit.ly/brLiF7
Marietje Schaake di 9 feb 2010, 09:41
#ALDE Guy Verhofstadt want break with past: strong commission, ambition, integrated Europe
Judith Merkies vr 15 jan 2010, 10:46
Hedegaard doing well, shows ambition & vision. However, will she realize ambitions without clear mandate & so many other env commissioners?
Marietje Schaake do 14 jan 2010, 17:25
#Kroes expresses ambition to European Roaming market without borders
Marietje Schaake zo 15 nov 2009, 13:42
Talking to Major Rexhepi of Mitrovica about his poss. ambition to be next minister for European integration (grapevine: likely will be)
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