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58 tweets gevonden.


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 9 jan 2023, 11:23

Trade #bitcoin? Plant a tree! 431.6 million trees 🌳 are needed to offset the carbon footprint of bitcoin mining, according to trading platform Forex.­pact-…­


Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) za 3 dec 2022, 09:25

Does @ecb loathe #Bitcoin?

Yes, it's still volatile and the industry needs to mature.

But the fact that many people prefer the freedom of a decentralized alternative, attractive as store of value, painfully shows the shortcomings of its own policies.

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European Central Bank wo 30 nov 2022, 11:04

The apparent stabilisation of bitcoin’s value is likely to be an artificially induced last gasp before the crypto-asset embarks on a road to irrelevance. #TheECBblog looks at where bitcoin stands amid widespread volatility in the crypto markets.
Read more­at…­


Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) wo 30 nov 2022, 15:17

The #FTXScandal is not a failure of #Bitcoin
or the decentralized technology.

It is traditional fraud, like #Enron.

Instead of scapegoating an entire industry, we need to prevent this from happening again.

My intervention at the #FTX hearing ⤵️


Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) wo 30 nov 2022, 14:52

The #FTXScandal is not a failure of #Bitcoin
or the decentralized technology.

It is traditional fraud, like #Enron.

Instead of scapegoating an entire industry, we need to prevent this from happening again.

My intervention at the #FTX hearing ⤵️


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 20 nov 2022, 08:18

“Gold has a proven track record and is around 10 times the market capitalisation of bitcoin, Armstrong notes. But, he promises, give it another five to 10 years.”

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 20 nov 2022, 08:17

“I really thought that in a down market, in a high inflation environment, people might use bitcoin more, like in the way you do with gold. I think it turns out we were a little bit early for that.”


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 20 nov 2022, 08:17

“I really thought that in a down market, in a high inflation environment, people might use bitcoin more, like in the way you do with gold. I think it turns out we were a little bit early for that.”

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 20 nov 2022, 08:13

Coinbase’s Brian Armstrong: ‘I’m just as bullish on crypto as ever’ via @FT

“I think technology is my preferred way to improve the world, and not politics,” he says.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) di 8 nov 2022, 22:13

@lexhoogduin Bitcoin dat gedekt wordt door goud. Lijkt me een beter alternatief dan de digitale euro.


Paul Tang (PvdA) vr 30 sep 2022, 09:07

Zal dit bericht weer gevolgd worden door boze ontkenningen? Of durven bitcoin-bro’s eindelijk de feiten onder ogen te zien? #Bitcoin…


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 12 aug 2022, 07:48

“Abrdn’s investment, comes as BlackRock, the world’s largest money manager, has not only announced plans for a spot bitcoin trust for institutional investors but also agreed to link its Aladdin technology platform to the Coinbase crypto exchange.”

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 12 aug 2022, 07:45

Voor de mensen die dachten dat crypto-investeringen al tot het verleden behoren: Assetmanagers bet big on crypto despite market rout via @FT


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 6 jun 2022, 13:41

In a well timed op-ed @krogoff foresees: "a broad-based ban on digital currencies that do not permit users’ identities to be easily traced"


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) ma 6 jun 2022, 05:14

Encryptogeddon is coming for us all via @FT “Yes, you read that right. Our bank accounts, emails and other transactions will be vulnerable to hackers. So will digital assets, such as bitcoin, since most blockchains rely on similar encryption techniques.”


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 16 mei 2022, 11:52

One of the crypto-sector most influential executives is clear: #bitcoin 's Proof of Work is inefficient and cannot be scaled. Not a great use case for payments…


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 27 apr 2022, 18:04

Big attendance at @INATBA_org event on fighting money laundering through crypto-assets like #bitcoin.

The standards we have for the financial sector should count for the crypto sector too.

With @EvaKaili @ChrisBrummerDr @blocktav @marie180907 @dpsarrakis @coinbase @INATBA_org


Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) vr 1 apr 2022, 16:40

#Bitcoin stands for economic freedom and opportunity. That is why the left in the European Parliament is mostly against it. They want to plan, regulate and ultimately control.
Same reason why they never fully embraced the #freemarket.

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Patrick Hansen vr 1 apr 2022, 08:36

The worst aspect of some EU policies is that optics seem to matter most.

No one who understands #Bitcoin thinks that the EU POW-ban would have had a positive impact on sustainability.

No one who understand crypto thinks that the new TFR rules will have a positive impact on AML.


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 30 mrt 2022, 14:45

The #crypto sector demands to be taken seriously yet they refuse to take seriously their role in the fight against criminal money. Their aggressive campaigning only shows that strong regulation is urgently needed



Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 28 mrt 2022, 11:27

Another week, another social media storm by #crypto bro's.
Now about the "transfer of funds regulation". Just like bank transfers, transferring crypto like #Bitcoin should be accompanied with information about the person sending and receiving the funds. 1/…

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Patrick Hansen za 26 mrt 2022, 16:30

1/ I hate to ring the alarm bell again, but the EU Parliament leaves us no choice 🚨🚨

This time it concerns a crackdown on unhosted wallets in the upcoming crypto AML regulation (TFR).

The ECON committee vote is on Thursday and the draft includes some absolute red flags 👇


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 16 mrt 2022, 14:51

videoBitcoin PoW - completely misunderstood (by everyone) via @YouTube Is Bitcoin eigenlijk wel nuttig? Kijk deze 12 min. video en informeer je zelf. @paultang


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 14 mrt 2022, 15:10

40.000x zo vervuilend als bestaande betaalsystemen. Dat zijn #Bitcoin. Midden in een energie- en klimaatkrisis kunnen we dat er niet bij hebben. Vandaar stem ik vandaag voor milieueisen voor #Crypto munten. Alleen een duurzame crypto-sector heeft toekomst…


Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) zo 13 mrt 2022, 12:14

Some politicians have the tendency to overregulate the unknown. In the end, PoW is more secure. More miners turn to surplus renewable energy to improve profitability.
The energy argument is abused by "environmentalists".
We will vote against this provision. #Bitcoin

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Michael Saylor⚡️ za 12 mrt 2022, 21:29

The only settled method to create digital property is via Proof-of-Work. Non-energy based crypto approaches like Proof-of-Stake must be deemed to be securities until proven otherwise. Banning digital property would be a trillion dollar mistake.…


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 13 mrt 2022, 08:14

maandag 14 maart zal de ECON-commissie van het Europees Parlement stemmen over MiCA, het uitgebreide cryptoregelgevingsvoorstel voor Europa. Bepaalde partijen proberen Bitcoin, Ethereum, en andere populaire blockchains en crypto assets te verbieden.­zYLH8v…­


Paul Tang (PvdA) zo 30 jan 2022, 21:18

@jsblokland That's one to remember: comparing comparing transaction on Bitcoin to watching television :)

Why not compare energy use for Bitcoin and for Visa?…


Paul Tang (PvdA) vr 28 jan 2022, 10:38

De cryptosekte zal ongetwijfeld een banvloek over @digitaaldenken uitspreken.

Maar hij heeft natuurlijk gelijk

“deze technologie heeft geen enkele waardevolle toepassing opgeleverd, maar brengt wel reële schade toe aan het klimaat”



Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) do 2 sep 2021, 12:41

De @ecb voelt de hete adem van #Bitcoin in de nek. Door het eigen ruimgeldbeleid zien steeds meer mensen #BTC als store of value. Terecht of niet, de vraag die rest is: Wie heeft er - naast de ECB zelf - behoefte aan een gecentraliseerd digitaal alternatief? #digitaleuro

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Christine Lagarde do 2 sep 2021, 12:26

We @ecb believe that we should be ready and have the technology available to respond to people’s demands. That’s why we are launching a two-year investigation into a digital euro.

Read more about this work…

#Time100Talks @ProfKlausSchwab @TIME


Bart Groothuis (VVD) do 5 aug 2021, 09:59

@Marcvanderham @axelarnbak Zwakke schakel is niet #Bitcoin (want goed traceerbaar en transacties gaan bovendien soms ook in Monero of andere altcoins) maar om ramping on en ramping off; het inwisselen in fiat-geld met andere woorden. En om tumblers. Gaat dus om anti witwas wetgeving, niet zozeer om Bitcoin


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 17 mei 2021, 08:32

Zo lang één tweet de prijs bepaalt, is #Bitcoin zelfs geen interessant oppotmiddel, beleggingsobject. Waarom geen #tulpenbollen ?


Judith Sargentini vr 15 dec 2017, 23:20

EU agrees clampdown on bitcoin platforms to tackle money laundering

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Class CNBC ma 25 sep 2017, 16:32

#Draghi a @Europarl_IT: #Bitcoin? Prematuro considerarli un mezzo di pagamento futuro. Non è nostra competenza regolamentarli. #BitcoinCash


Cora van Nieuwenhuizen ma 25 sep 2017, 16:12

#draghi is niet van plan #bitcoin of andere #cryptocurrencies te gaan reguleren. Veel te vroeg, te klein deel van de markt qua risico.


Cora van Nieuwenhuizen zo 23 jul 2017, 12:45

13 Japanese bitcoin exchanges plan temporary trading halt ahead of system split | The Japan Times­/07/1…­


Cora van Nieuwenhuizen do 22 jun 2017, 16:42

@axbausch If you trade in Bitcoin. When paying something it should including VAT but just like with cash payments that is difficult to ensure.


Cora van Nieuwenhuizen do 22 jun 2017, 16:36

@BureauDonner The existence of bitcoin mixers/tumblers is causing problems.


Cora van Nieuwenhuizen do 22 jun 2017, 16:12

@dusseldorp Trade! And in payments it is more and more used for Tax Evasion just like cash. Also via bitcoin mixers or tumblers.


Cora van Nieuwenhuizen ma 20 mrt 2017, 14:18

Benieuwd waar dit gaat eindigen. Bitcoin verliest 20 procent in het weekend vanwege dreigende splitsing -


Cora van Nieuwenhuizen ma 13 mrt 2017, 12:36

Wat zullen de volgende SEC-uitspraken over ETFs doen? Bitcoin na roerig weekend weer meer dan 1.200 dollar waard -


Cora van Nieuwenhuizen wo 22 feb 2017, 04:12

Indian minister of Finance Jaitley: "virtual currencies are illegal in India" #bitcoin #fintech #blockchain #dlt


Cora van Nieuwenhuizen do 9 feb 2017, 10:36

In debate #panamapapers I asked about the role of #bitcoin in #taxevasion and #taxavoidance. No real reply. Little knowledge. #worrying


Cora van Nieuwenhuizen di 3 jan 2017, 09:57

Daarom wil ik virtual currencies ook in Anti Money Launderingwet. OM gaat achter Bitcoin-witwassers aan.… #BNR


Marietje Schaake wo 2 mrt 2016, 23:22

@TCorp did you participate today? If not, a video will be online soon. Focus was on all but bitcoin blockchain applications!


Marietje Schaake wo 17 feb 2016, 13:13

Join this seminar discussion on #blockchain beyond #bitcoin on March 2, in European Parliament


Marietje Schaake di 16 feb 2016, 10:19

Join me for this seminar discussion on #blockchain beyond #bitcoin March 2 in European Parliament…


Alexander Sassen van Elsloo za 12 jul 2014, 10:18

"@seeby: Absolutely fantastic article that explains the concepts that make Bitcoin work…" cc @willemkadijk


Matthijs Pontier ma 12 mei 2014, 19:39

@MFvGeel idee is dat bitcoin eerlijke kans moet krijgen als alternatief *naast* euro. Vervangen is op dit moment idd (nog) niet verstandig


Matthijs Pontier ma 12 mei 2014, 17:16

@MFvGeel Onze speerpunten gaan nu toch vooral over meer transparantie en democratische vernieuwing. En bitcoin nu alleen eerlijke kans geven

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