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99 tweets gevonden.


Lambert van Nistelrooij vr 17 nov 2017, 16:57

My latest article in reaction to the 7th #Cohesion report @Parlimag: more synergies with @EU_H2020 and scaling up smart specialisation strategies


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 15 nov 2017, 11:39

Today EU Council General Affaires: on Cohesion policy 2.0 Keep EU together. Succes! @MonaKeijzer our Dutch negotiator @cdaeuropa @EPPGroup


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 8 nov 2017, 18:13

RT @LvNistelrooij: Future of Cohesion policy @EPPGroup : those who deliver, should get faster access to funding #7CR


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 8 nov 2017, 17:29

+1Future of cohesion policy. We don't need more building blocks, we need a building. Europe needs to stand together: united we are strong


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 8 nov 2017, 17:10

Future of Cohesion policy @EPPGroup : those who deliver, should get faster access to funding #7CR


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 7 nov 2017, 14:53

Tomorrow EPP-hearing on 7th Cohesion Report. It is time to take stock and address lack of evaluation of impact research/cohesion instrument


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 7 nov 2017, 07:54

@EPPGroup organises tomorrow hearing on EU Seventh Cohesion Rapport: results and the way foreward. You are Welcome!


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 12 okt 2017, 21:11

@AndreyNovakov @Europarl_EN EPP coordinators @EPPGroup :First factfinding 7th Cohesion Rapport: conclusions are missing...Time To Act, EPP


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 11 okt 2017, 22:19

@EP_ThinkTank Be ther! we touch role of Cities&Regional Hubs in EU. Missing link in 7th Cohesion Rapport. To fast track: Cities in the lead!

in reply to avatar

LvNistelrooij wo 11 okt 2017, 14:46

16 October @EP_ThinkTank STOA event 'New Technologies and Regional Policy' register here #CohesionPolicy #REGITECH


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 10 okt 2017, 10:33

@MarcJoulaud MEP @EPPGroup the just nominated European Parlement Rapporteur for the 7th Cohesion Rapport. @CohesionAlliance @EPP_CoR


Matthijs van Miltenburg di 10 okt 2017, 10:28

+1"Cohesion policy should evolve...Cohesion Policy 2.0. So no revolution but evolution! But doing more with less money!" @EP_Regional (2/2)


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 27 jun 2017, 07:59

Second Day EU Cohesion Forum: where competitiveness 2.0 and Solidarity 2.0 meet. Keep EUROPE together, we owe to next generations #EU7CF


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 26 jun 2017, 16:43

Eurocom. @GOettingerEU :cristal clear! Cohesion: If EU would not have this policy we should invent it now. #EU7CF


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 26 jun 2017, 14:54

@MaxSattonnay @CCRECEMR @pierremoscovici Combining Macro Economic Policy and Cohesion policy: not just by the Capitals: All regions&cities !


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 26 jun 2017, 14:47

Central Question for Cohesion in opening speech @jyrkikatainen #EU7CF : Structural refoms precondition for Next period EX Ante Conditions


Lambert van Nistelrooij vr 16 jun 2017, 10:18

@NicolaMichelis Yes! Cohesion policy stays ON track. Good step To more visibility and EU branding #LettheStarsShine @CorinaCretuEU


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 24 mei 2017, 14:05

@CorinaCretuEU gets the opinions of regions on the Future of Cohesion policy. Continuity needed: EU Back On track!


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 24 mei 2017, 13:58

Approach dr. Schneider On the future of Cohesion : more needed than ever!! @EPPGroup @EPP_CoR @EUintheregion


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 24 mei 2017, 13:30

Start of the meeting "Future of EU Cohesion policy" : presentation and Debate for the post-2020 periode @EUinmyregion


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 30 mrt 2017, 11:16

@EPP_CoR @EPPGroup start of EPP Working Group on future of Cohesion is announced: we start TODAY at 15.00 . Join the Party!


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 29 mrt 2017, 17:45

@EPP starts working group Future Cohesion Policy. Keep Europe together, investing in all people. Good initiative!


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 8 mrt 2017, 15:43

EU: 90% of #Horizon2020 to "Old member States", 75% of Cohesion goes "New members States" #S2Einno What after 2019?


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 1 mrt 2017, 18:54

Yes! @JunckerEU :White Paper&proposal social dimension of EUROPE. Cohesion Anno 2017: no gifts, investing in people!


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 28 feb 2017, 15:51

RT @LvNistelrooij: @EPPGroup Regie With @MarkLemaitre DG Regio on the need of political support for Cohesion in the EU now. Keep Europe Uni…


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 28 feb 2017, 15:42

@EPPGroup Regie With @MarkLemaitre DG Regio on the need of political support for Cohesion in the EU now. Keep Europe United! #WhitePaper


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 15 feb 2017, 22:51

@AndreyNovakov asks for Masterplan Cohesion Funds: Too late start Operational programs urges for reshufle to prevent backlock of payments.


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 25 okt 2016, 17:04

Day of WorkProgramme Eur.Commission. I miss the COHESION principle; is the EU sailing away from her roots? #EPP #EUBudget2017 #Cannotbetrue


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 12 okt 2016, 15:46

Cohesion Policy is the bridge that reaches out to the people in the EU. I say no against further balkanisation.……


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 11 okt 2016, 10:13

#EWCR Cohesion Policy out of sight out of mind? My key message: more visibility ESI Funds. Read my article……


Lambert van Nistelrooij vr 30 sep 2016, 19:24

At pressconference #EPP :future proposals Cohesion Policy: further symplification, more speed Investments in EU #CDA


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 29 sep 2016, 08:28

#EPP Debate On future Cohesion Policy yust started, Bucarest: for Solidarity , against Balkanisation of Europe. Top!


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 30 mei 2016, 09:32

Opening Conferentie Cohesion policy: #PactofAmsterdam Cities in the Spotlights, breakthrough #EPP is present #CDA


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 17 mei 2016, 15:26

We start the Croatian visit with mrs Matulic On the Cohesion Funds in this country that joined EU in 2013 #EPP


Marietje Schaake wo 7 okt 2015, 15:50

Merkel: We need the cohesion and courage that Europe always showed then it really mattered #MerkelHollandeEP


Lambert van Nistelrooij vr 10 okt 2014, 11:28

Representive EUR. INV. BANK On Council Regional Development&Cohesion in Milaan: we will intensively support regional Investments #EIB #RIS3


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 1 okt 2014, 09:25

Commissioner designate promisses to find a solution together on 23,4 billion gap in cohesion payments #cretu #ephearings2014


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 1 okt 2014, 09:22

How will the commissioner-designate solve the payment/commitment gap in cohesion.# cretu #ephearings2014


Lambert van Nistelrooij vr 21 jun 2013, 16:03

#Cohesion policy reform: progress in many areas but no final agreement. Committee vote in July.…


Marietje Schaake vr 14 jun 2013, 15:10

Europe faces the choice between cohesion and irrelevance. #China #EU #Trade #US…


Gerben Jan Gerbrandy wo 14 nov 2012, 11:45

New proposal Rompuy #EUbudget 2014-´20. Cuts on CAP&Cohesion! Innovation +. Own resources VAT&FTT. Promising move. What will MS do now? #mff


Wim van de Camp wo 17 okt 2012, 09:13

Opening of @eppgroup Study days: "The answer is more Europe". Now employment and social cohesion, promoting growth and jobs in solidarity!


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 4 jul 2012, 15:13

EP sidelined by Council on major dossiers. Writing down cohesion rules in MFF negotiation box not in line with Treaty!


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 28 jun 2012, 23:15

Spending #EU cohesion money twice or a real proposal? We wil see soon.....


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 2 mei 2012, 11:43

No more old school thinking focussing only on cohesion for poorer regions..but Europe 2020; smarter, greener, inclusive


Gerben Jan Gerbrandy di 24 apr 2012, 16:11

More EU governments should fall! RT @ceebankwatch: Member States set to block greening of next #Cohesion Policy


Ria Oomen-Ruijten vr 16 sep 2011, 12:32

@silva Peneda need to discuss in connection to econ governance: investments generating growth and/regional cohesion


Ria Oomen-Ruijten vr 16 sep 2011, 10:09

Chairing a meeting in Malte on compatibility of economic governance and social cohesion @PM lawrence Gonzu; econ governace needs human face

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