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837 tweets gevonden.


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 27 mrt 2019, 18:03

Van alle miljarden die door ons land gesluisd worden zien werkende Nederlanders weinig terug.

En de 1% van de multinationals, zoals Google, Facebook & Nike des te meer. [9/10]

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Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 27 mrt 2019, 18:03

Recent bestempelde Oxfam Nederland, Malta, Luxemburg, Ierland en Cyprus als belastingparadijs. Dit advies, neemt het Europees Parlement nu over.… [8/10]


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 27 mrt 2019, 14:04

+189% of official gov websites & 52% of public health websites of EU member states allow companies like @Google @facebook to track people’s online behavior🙄 EU MS must protect their citizens& speed up #ePrivacy negotiations. My& @BirgitSippelMEP’s letter to @EUCouncil & @EU_EDPB⤵️


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 27 mrt 2019, 12:03

@GerbenKoopman @bdenh Waarom zouden bedrijven alle winstbelasting kunnen doorberekenen? Het is niet wat onderzoek laat zien. En dat is logisch. Neem een eenvoudig voorbeeld. Google en Facebook zijn gratis. Hoe moeten ze hogere winstbelasting aan ons doorrekenen?


Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 27 mrt 2019, 09:18

Staan we de roofbouw van big tech zoals Google en Facebook toe of doen we er wat aan? De EU kijkt gelukkig niet weg: “if you want to understand where big tech is heading, look not to Washington and California, but to Brussels and Berlin”

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The Economist wo 27 mrt 2019, 03:15

While America dithers on regulating big tech, the European Union is acting


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 19:42

The #Copyright law is NOT a blow to big tech, as lobby effectively spun >‘Operators of smaller websites argued against the bill, saying only giant tech platforms would have the resources to comply with the law. Google & Facebook already use filtering... ’


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 18:41

Guess who makes those community standards? (Wait for it...) >>> Facebook!

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Frances Townsend di 26 mrt 2019, 18:39

This is infuriating 😡: Neo-Nazi Groups Still Allowed On @facebook Because They ‘Do Not Violate Community Standards’­na…­


Peter van Dalen (CU) di 26 mrt 2019, 11:17

@matthijnbuwalda Door de recente onderhandelingen zijn rechten voor auteurs en musici nu voldoende gewaarborgd. Maar uploadfilter dat wordt bepaald door Facebook en Google gaat te ver: dat onderdeel moet er uit. Dus geen ruil maar én én 😉


Paul Tang (PvdA) zo 24 mrt 2019, 10:53

We gaan stemmen over een nieuwe richtlijn rondom auteursrechten.

Voortaan moeten Facebook/Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Soundcloud e.a. zorgen dat alle content op het sites auteursrechtelijk beschermd is.

Maar wat is nou het probleem? [2/5]

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Paul Tang (PvdA) zo 24 mrt 2019, 10:53

Dinsdag is er een belangrijke stemming in het Europees Parlement. Over een onderwerp dat in Duitsland en elders veel losmaakt, maar in Nederland nog niet echt.

Waar dit over gaat? Een draadje... [1/5]


Marietje Schaake do 21 mrt 2019, 17:28

With power should come responsibly and over power should certainly come oversight ↘️ ‘...passwords had been stored in unprotected plain text accessible by the company's employees.' >> ‘Hundreds of millions' of user passwords exposed within #Facebook­…­


Marietje Schaake di 19 mrt 2019, 20:14

A step closer to the rule of law online >> The far-reaching settlement compels Facebook to withhold a wide array of detailed demographic information — including Zip codes, gender, age — from advertisers when they market housing, credit & job opportunities­s/econo…­


Paul Tang (PvdA) za 16 mrt 2019, 13:07

Over een paar uur begint de Hackathon in Annabel!

Er is vanaf 16:00 een livestream op Facebook - @pvdaeuropa & @PartijvandeArbeid.

Je kunt vragen stellen aan de sprekers door #Hackathon99 te gebruiken!

Zin in!! 🔥


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 14 mrt 2019, 14:38

Gesponsord door Google & Facebook: de liberale fractie ALDE waartoe D66 en VVD behoren.

Lobbyisten met een stemkaart ...…


Paul Tang (PvdA) di 12 mrt 2019, 16:56

Unbelievable that a fair tax on the tech giants was blocked today ....

Of the hook: Facebook, Google, Airbnb, Uber, Amazon, and all other companies with huge profits and minimal taxes

#dst #digitax #taxjustice

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Valdis Dombrovskis di 12 mrt 2019, 15:05

#digitax agreement was not possible today, but the work on this issue will continue, including in international fora where we hope for the #EU countries to speak with one voice #taxfairness


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 11 mrt 2019, 18:59

De donkere kant van #Facebook: er wordt veel geld besteed aan #nodeal maar onbekend is door wie ... #democratie…


Marietje Schaake vr 8 mrt 2019, 22:27

‘What is happening in China offers clues to not only how Facebook may carry out its shift, but how the internet more broadly might change.’ >> Mark Zuckerberg Wants Facebook to Emulate WeChat. Can It?


Marietje Schaake vr 8 mrt 2019, 10:26

‘The few genuinely new steps that Mr. Zuckerberg announced on Wednesday seem all too conveniently aligned with Facebook’s needs, whether they concern government regulation, public scandal or profitability.’ By the always great @zeynep


Marietje Schaake do 7 mrt 2019, 09:23

Curious to see the practical implementation of these ideas, as well as how privacy promotors in Europe will respond to @facebook ↘️

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MSNBC do 7 mrt 2019, 04:36

Zuckerberg said he was shaking up the company to focus less on sharing and more on creating private experiences.


Marietje Schaake wo 6 mrt 2019, 05:38

Amazon is sick: ‘Once relegated to tabloids and web forums, health misinformation and conspiracies have found a new megaphone in the curation engines that power massive platforms like Amazon, Facebook, and Google‘ ↘️ by @noUpside…


Marietje Schaake za 2 mrt 2019, 15:47

Facebook withholding data on its anti-disinformation efforts, EU says­/201…­


Marietje Schaake do 21 feb 2019, 23:35

Fubar >> Despite promises of greater oversight following past advertising scandals, a Times review shows that Facebook has continued to allow advertisers to target hundreds of thousands of users curious about topics such as “Joseph Goebbels,” “Josef Mengele,” “Heinrich Himmler,”

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Raju Narisetti do 21 feb 2019, 17:25

.@facebook decided which users are interested in Nazis — and let advertisers target them directly - via ⁦­…­


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 18 feb 2019, 09:35

Hard conclusions:

- Facebook labelled 'digital gangsters'

- Electoral laws not fit for purpose

#FakeNews #NepNieuws #datavakbond…


Marietje Schaake za 16 feb 2019, 14:13

Revealed: Facebook enables ads to target users interested in 'vaccine controversies'­/201…­


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 14 feb 2019, 11:50

Duister geld voor #nodeal en Britse regering laat het aan #Facebook ...
Terecht dat @LodewijkA vóór de verkiezingen duidelijkheid wil over afzenders van politieke ads #ps2019 #ep2019­ree/…­


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 7 feb 2019, 11:09

Een voorbeeld om te volgen! Zo krijgen we weer zeggenschap over onze data #techgiganten #facebook #bigdata #datavakbond… via @FT


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 4 feb 2019, 20:42

Strong EU rules, weak oversight? Dieselgate in Germany&France, sick cows in Polish slaughter houses, money laundering by Dutch&Danish banks, EU agriculture funds fraud in Romania&Slovakia, Facebook/Cambridge Analytica violating EU privacy laws in UK. Read our questions here 👇


Anne-Marie Mineur ma 4 feb 2019, 19:36

@ouwehenk Dank voor uw bericht. Ik snap uw punt. Maar Facebook is voor veel mensen, waaronder ik, een heel handig medium om veel mensen te bereiken. Ik denk na over een alternatief, maar dat heb ik niet meteen voor handen.


Marietje Schaake wo 30 jan 2019, 21:47

When is someone going to start a lawsuit to assess whether a paid add on #Facebook got actual or fake account likes in return? > Does Facebook Really Know How Many Fake Accounts It Has?­…­


Marietje Schaake wo 30 jan 2019, 08:01

Facebook, along with Google and other tech giants, today represents “the greatest threat to the global order in my lifetime.” >> ‘Zucked’ An Anti-Facebook Manifesto, by an Early Facebook Investor (@Moonalice)


Marietje Schaake di 29 jan 2019, 11:12

#Facebook has blocked the ability to automatically pull ad targeting information from a number of external organisations including ‘ProPublica’ and ‘Who Targets me’. Is that compatible with the EU Code of Practice? My Q’s here ↘️ #EUtackledisinfo­ementat…­


Marietje Schaake ma 28 jan 2019, 19:04

He is right, but lawmakers should write them >> Nick Clegg: It’s time to write the rules for Facebook­…­


Marietje Schaake ma 28 jan 2019, 10:26

‘...very soon, these Chinese apps will have more data and insights about the next billion Indian internet users than any other platform, including Facebook and Google.’ >> #India is losing the AI battle to #China, one app at a time­m/home/sunday-ti…­


Marietje Schaake do 24 jan 2019, 16:41

Benioff at #WEF19 ‘Facebook and Twitter need to change their CEO’s and their boards. Why dont they get on a stage and say: Im sorry, we are now going to put trust first?’


Marietje Schaake do 24 jan 2019, 09:13

‘Facebook has consistently been tone-deaf about major concerns brought to their attention’ >> Inside Facebook’s fight against European regulation ↘️­…­


Marietje Schaake vr 18 jan 2019, 22:42

Discussing the role of Facebook in eroding trust in liberal democracy, the company’s responsibility and that of lawmakers ↘️ Raisina 2019


Marietje Schaake wo 16 jan 2019, 15:59

@NewsAMorgan @euronews Is that a ‘no’ to the question whether Facebook sponsors The Cube?


Marietje Schaake di 15 jan 2019, 18:40

Does anyone know whether Facebook sponsors #TheCube on @euronews?

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euronews di 15 jan 2019, 18:38

#TheCube | "The direct battle for votes might be going on in the corridors of power in Westminster but this is the digital front".

Which groups have been spending the most on Facebook ads to edge today's Brexit vote? @NewsAMorgan breaks down the battleground on Facebook.


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 7 jan 2019, 16:48

Om 🕔 17.00 uur!!
Samen met voorzitter Bas van der Gaag ga ik met jullie in gesprek over de macht van de techreuzen en het belang van de datavakbond tijdens een Facebook 🔴 LIVE. Je kan onder het bericht op de page 👇🏼 al je vragen stellen.­4…­


Marietje Schaake wo 19 dec 2018, 19:17

We’ve made a start in Europe and there is more where that came from #Facebook

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Anand Giridharadas wo 19 dec 2018, 13:58

Yeah, deleting Facebook is cool, but have you ever tried regulating it?


Marietje Schaake wo 19 dec 2018, 14:37

Politicians present on Facebook, (including myself) should


Marietje Schaake wo 19 dec 2018, 04:33

💥 Complete lack of oversight >> ‘Facebook also allowed Spotify, Netflix and the Royal Bank of Canada to read, write and delete users’ private messages....’ >> As Facebook Raised a Privacy Wall, It Carved an Opening for Tech Giants


Marietje Schaake vr 14 dec 2018, 22:05

Could the ‘bug’ have been prevented? And who will be held to account? >> #Facebook says a new bug allowed apps to access private photos of up to 6.8 million users ?tid=ss_tw-amp


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 13 dec 2018, 13:03

Met grote meerderheid steunt @Europarl_EN mijn voorstel voor #digitaks op techgiganten als @Google, @facebook, incl streaming als @netflix: 451 vs 69!

Dankzij conservatieven en liberalen blijft wel het tarief te laag en e-commerce als @amazon buiten schot

#taxjustice #pvda


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 12 dec 2018, 19:59

Iedereen moet een eerlijke bijdrage leveren, juist de multinationals en zeker de techgiganten als Google en Facebook maar ook Uber en Airbnb ...

Mijn voorstel presenteerde ik mijn ambitieuze voorstel in het Europees Parlement

#taxjustice #fairtaxation #pvda #theprogressives


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 12 dec 2018, 16:46

@Eivissa749 @TheProgressives @MJRodriguesEU @Avaaz @EPPGroup @ALDEgroup @ecrgroup How much do you pay Facebook and Google?
Nothing, in money at least. You pay in data ...


Judith Sargentini wo 12 dec 2018, 10:58

Seems opposition in Budapest is RIGHT NOW blocking access to the parliament in Budapest to prevent the vote on the new labour law - dubbed slave law. Live on Facebook:­/…­


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 3 dec 2018, 18:43

Let the countries follow tomorrow!

The ECON committee of the European Parliament expresses broad, cross-party support for an ambitious #digitax for tech giants including Netflix

#taxjustice #fairtaxation #google #facebook


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 26 nov 2018, 13:46

De kernvraag is nu: hoe verbindt de oude wereld van het geschreven en gesproken woord 📰 zich met de digitale wereld 💻? Zit er toekomst in samenwerking met bijvoorbeeld @Google en @facebook of worden we te afhankelijk van deze platformen ❌?…

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LvNistelrooij ma 26 nov 2018, 13:46

De komst van het internet brengt veel veranderingen met zich mee, zo ook bij de lokale omroep. 📲 Jongeren zitten en masse op de nieuwe media 📻 de ouderen houden zich vooral bezig met de lokale journalistiek. Tijd voor een ommezwaai, meer aansluiting met de wereld van morgen🌐


Marietje Schaake wo 21 nov 2018, 17:14

More and more need for the rule of law online, versus the law of Facebook ↘️

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Ray Corrigan wo 21 nov 2018, 17:13

The @EFF, @HumanRightsWatch, and Over 70 Civil Society Groups Ask Zuckerberg to Provide All Users with Mechanism to Appeal Content #Censorship on #Facebook


Marietje Schaake wo 21 nov 2018, 17:04

Interesting, alleged Russian trolls seek redress after being banned from @facebook leading to many core questions about the basis of content take-down, terms of use versus rule of law, and the power of the platform ↘️

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Bloomberg Government wo 21 nov 2018, 16:50

Self-proclaimed Russian media outlet accuses Facebook of censorship, saying the world’s largest social network has gone overboard in its crackdown on fake news.­s/…­

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