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494 tweets gevonden.


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 5 okt 2020, 13:40

Je verwacht van @AFCAjax fair play. En van iedere club. Dit is geen tijd om bonussen van publiek geld uit te betalen. #fairplay

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Rients Abma ma 5 okt 2020, 10:59

Ajax heeft voor 4,5 miljoen euro beroep gedaan op staatssteun via de NOW-regeling (inclusief NOW2), maar kent over boekjaar 2019/20 toch gewoon bonussen toe aan verschillende directeuren. Het is de vraag of dit niet strijdig is met geest en letter van de NOW2-regeling.


Paul Tang (PvdA) di 22 sep 2020, 09:57

One can say a lot of (bad) things about banks, but they usually pay taxes, if profitable. The European tech sector now surpasses the European banking sector. Let them also pay their fair share. #digitaltax #taxjustice…


Paul Tang (PvdA) di 15 sep 2020, 11:18

The 750 billion-package alone won't be enough for a fair and sustainable recovery. Only with real own resources can we make polluters pay and make corporates, not middle classes, help repay our debt.


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 27 aug 2020, 13:23

How to make sure profit and wealth do not escape their fair contribution, especially in a time of crisis? Saturday, September 5th, I'll moderate a panel on
#TaxJustice during Reset! With @GPerezinParis, Arjan Lejour and @toveryding. Register and be there:


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 25 aug 2020, 11:21

During the meeting on Belarus in the foreign affairs committee, the political groups again urge for new and fair elections, a halt to human rights violations and concrete EU support for the people in Belarus, independent media and opposition parties. multimedia.europarl.europa­.eu/en/afet-commit…­


Kati Piri do 20 aug 2020, 00:10


➡️ Sanctions without targeting Lukashenko would be a slap in the face of Belarusians.
➡️ Demanding new, free elections only logical when declaring 9 August polls ‘not free, nor fair’

EU leaders must get serious about defending freedom.


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) do 23 jul 2020, 17:00

+1Commission President @vonderleyen promises to deliver upon

- reinforced Youth Guarantee
- fair labour conditions for platform workers
- new occupational health & safety strategy
- binding pay transparency

When she sticks to this, she will find me on her side to fight for it!


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 2 jul 2020, 10:00


This is the exact reason that #taxpirates Ireland or Luxembourg should not be allowed to lead the Eurogroep

Of course, Europe should stand up against Trump and introduce a fair #digitax on #bigtech!

#taxjustice #fairtax…


Kati Piri do 18 jun 2020, 10:22

UK’s expectation to keep the benefits and rights of a Member State, without agreeing to any obligations, is simply not realistic.

The EP wants a comprehensive 🇬🇧 🇪🇺 deal, but not at any costs. Fair competition is a red line.


Kati Piri vr 12 jun 2020, 19:09

MEPs in Foreign Aff. and Trade cttees just adopted my & @CHansenEU’s report about #Brexit. 💪

Current negotiations reached stalemate. Time for paradigm shift by UK government. A comprehensive, fair agreement is in the best interest of both EU and UK citizens.


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 11 jun 2020, 12:56

I wholeheartedly welcome the new @Europarl_EN sub-committee on taxation. It is, now more than ever, essential that we create a fair European tax system to
✅ prevent tax fraud and tax evasion
✅ end the tax race to the bottom
✅ make our economy fair and more sustainable


Liesje Schreinemacher di 9 jun 2020, 18:55

We need a free ánd fair trade deal! 🇪🇺🇬🇧 Tonight @MichelBarnier joined our @RenewEurope group meeting. The lack of progress of the EU-UK negotiations is worrying, but I agree that an orderly #Brexit in all its dimensions is in the interest of both parties


Liesje Schreinemacher ma 25 mei 2020, 19:47

Today I called for fair competition in our new partnership with #UK. Getting rid of a level playing field would be a great mistake. We need clear guarantees for #EU businesses, incl. SMEs @Europarl_EN


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 7 mei 2020, 16:50

Over 10 minuten gaan we live! Fair Capitalism in de corinacrisis. Is onze steun aan bedrijven een kans om mens en milieu boven winst te zetten?
Met @ARakhorst en @frankheem.
Tune in via­egister/87041…­


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 19 feb 2020, 15:19

This morning I co-hosted a conference on the trials after the crackdown in the Rif. Convincing evidence that all rules for a fair trial were violated, and that the violations are continuing. I urge the EU to start an independent investigation.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) za 25 jan 2020, 18:02

It was an honour to give the opening speech at the #HohenheimerTage on Migration Law yesterday. New legislation is not the answer to the deadlock in Europe. EU countries first have to start complying with the current rules, and focus on a fair and workable Dublin reform.


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 23 jan 2020, 10:53

+2We did it! In 24 hours time some 130 MEPs have signed the call to US Congress. 🤝

✅We need to stop bullying each other.
✅We need to tax digital giants
✅We need to work together to create fair taxation.

@SenFinance @WaysMeansCmte


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 20 jan 2020, 18:07

Apple: dodges billions of dollars in tax

Apple (@tim_cook): "We desperately want it [=taxation] to be fair"



Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 8 jan 2020, 11:08

We cannot allow that the US 🇺🇸 seek to stop us taxing tech giants. A Digital Services Tax is key to ensure all pay their fair share.
The EU 🇪🇺 should stay united behind France 🇫🇷 during this American assault - to defend our sovereignty.



Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) wo 18 dec 2019, 12:38

I call upon the European Commission that - when the initiative for a fair minimum wage comes to the table - it will cover ALL workers and makes sure that discriminatory minimum wages for people with disabilities are prohibited in all member states.


Bert-Jan Ruissen (SGP) do 21 nov 2019, 12:49

@eaAgriFood A3: More action is needed for a fair value chain. Farmers will need better bargaining power for better prices. We need a real discussion on #competition policy.
#eaAgriFood #EUAgriFood


Bert-Jan Ruissen (SGP) do 21 nov 2019, 12:39

Farmers work long hours to provide for our food, but incomes are extremely low. If farmers do not get a fair price, support is needed!
Keeping food and farming in our own rural areas is a public interest @eaAgriFood #eaAgriFood A1

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EURACTIV Agri & Food do 21 nov 2019, 12:32

Q1 - Is financial support to farmers still important in today’s Europe? #eaAgriFood


Bert-Jan Ruissen (SGP) do 21 nov 2019, 12:33

Zo meteen neem ik deel aan twitterdebat over de toekomst van #landbouw #FutureofCAP.
Stay tuned for @eaAgriFood Twitter Chat ‘A fair deal for farmers?’ #eaAgriFood.

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EURACTIV Agri & Food do 21 nov 2019, 11:26

Today’s #eaAgriFood Twitter Chat will start in 1 hour, at 12:30 CET.

Join us and agri journalists @gerardofortuna & @NatashaFoote to discuss 'a fair deal for farmers'.

Details on how to join in➡️


Annie Schreijer (CDA) vr 8 nov 2019, 14:15

+3Samen voor de #export!
Met @mvonmartels @BisschopRoelof @abomlemstra @MChahim e.a. op Trade Fair Aalsmeer 2019 over duurzame gewasbescherming, groene middelen EU en akkoord “gezonde teelt” voor innovatieve Nederlandse topsector sierteelt.

#trotsoptelers #trade


Esther de Lange (CDA) di 22 okt 2019, 18:27

+1Glad to catch up with our outgoing agri and incoming trade commissioner @PhilHoganEU, to discuss farming, trade and fair competition. The right man to safeguard our trade interest in times of Trump, Xi and Brexit. #EPPfamily


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 9 okt 2019, 20:34

My colleague @fabienne_keller arguing in @LeHuffPost for a coherent, fair and effective common European asylum and migration policy 👇

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Fabienne Keller 🇪🇺 wo 9 okt 2019, 12:42

📰 "Nous n’avancerons pas sur l’#immigration sans coopération européenne" - retrouvez ma tribune dans @LeHuffPost
#asile & #migration au cœur des engagements @Renaissance_UE au @Europarl_FR 🇪🇺­us-nav…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 8 okt 2019, 21:58

Former senior policy manager of @Google calling me a “populist”, in the same league as @vestager and @jo_leinen. I will wear that as a badge of honour. I am proud of what we achieve for civil liberties, data protection and privacy, fair competition and fair taxation 💪🇪🇺

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POLITICO Europe di 8 okt 2019, 11:51

OPINION: Europe is under assault from two forms of populism. Both are worth fighting


Esther de Lange (CDA) di 8 okt 2019, 19:54

Agriculture is clearly not within Timmermans’ comfort zone. The key question of @MaireadMcGMEP about the link with competition law (ensuring fair prices, banning unfair trading practices etc) remains unanswered #EPhearings2019


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) di 1 okt 2019, 10:26

‘Equal work for equal pay must be implemented scrupulously. This is also in the interest of sending countries. We must protect fair free movement.’
Klinkt voor mij als muziek in de oren. Gelijk loon voor gelijk werk, dat was mijn doel als rapporteur op de detacheringsrichtlijn.

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Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) di 1 okt 2019, 10:13

Schmit wil gelijke rechten voor platformwerkers:
In California, where the platform economy was invented, there is a law now that platform workers are workers.
Also in Europe, platform workers should get all the same rights. I will sit with @vestager, to work on a good standard.


Samira Rafaela (D66) ma 30 sep 2019, 11:38

It is Monday, first day of a full week of #EPhearings2019!

Looking forward to extract promises on fair trade, the position of youth and human rights from the esteemed Commission candidates. Trade as an instrument for good!

(Good to have Simone Veil watching over us...)


Kati Piri di 10 sep 2019, 13:56

Proud that S&D @TimmermansEU will lead EU’s Green New Deal. 💪
With 10 social-democrats in EC, we can ensure free, fair and sustainable policies.


Marietje Schaake vr 28 jun 2019, 19:45

The EU offers the world the opposite of zero-sum: rules around flows of trade, to streamline, make them more fair and based on high standards. Well done @MalmstromEU #Mercosur ↘️…


Marietje Schaake vr 28 jun 2019, 19:16

The EU offers the world the opposite of zero-sum: rules around flows of trade, to streamline, make them more fair and based on high standards. Well done @MalmstromEU #Mercosur ↘️

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Hans von der Burchard vr 28 jun 2019, 18:53

BREAKING: EU and Mercosur reach #trade agreement after 20 years of negotiations.


Leo van Oudheusden zo 16 jun 2019, 11:31

Sign the petition to demand all profit made off of unsustainable #GreekDebt are returned. Keeping 8 billion € is not fair! #GreekCrisis @mariofcenteno. Greek people need to get their money back.­st…­


Matthijs van Miltenburg za 25 mei 2019, 21:40

The European elections should be free and fair! Mr @_LiviuDragnea, Europe is watching you! 🇪🇺🇷🇴🇪🇺

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Clotilde Armand za 25 mei 2019, 21:34

Peste o sută de delegați USR PLUS nu au fost primiți sâmbătă seara în secțiile de votare pentru a asista la pregătirea alegerilor de duminică.
Dle Dragnea, aveți toate motivele din lume să vă fie frică.


Frans Timmermans vr 24 mei 2019, 18:46

Still campaigning for a fair, free and sustainable Europe.

Tonight in Milan, Italy with @nzingaretti @pdnetwork



Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 24 mei 2019, 18:32

Ontzettend bedankt iedereen die op ons gestemd heeft gisteren en in het bijzonder ook degenen die mij persoonlijk hun vertrouwen gaven. Stem voor stem telkens weer een eer.🌹Zondag de definitieve uitslag, maar het is sowieso prachtig. Aan de slag! 🤝fair 🗣free ♻️sustainable


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 23 mei 2019, 20:29

Nog een half uur te gaan! Als je nog niet geweest bent doe het nog even. 🤝fair🗣free ♻️sustainable #ItsTime

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Partij van de Arbeid do 23 mei 2019, 20:00

Je hebt nog een uur om het verschil te maken! Twijfel je nog over iets? Vraag het ons! 👉 📲


Nilüfer Vogels wo 22 mei 2019, 14:58

@mrymschfr @vulkaanrots @VoltNederland Fair enough. Maar duidelijker dan dit kan ik niet zijn. Onze ambitie is eigen fractie, maar door restricties van het EP, je moet minimaal 25 MEPs hebben uit 7 verschillende landen, denken wij dat die deze ronde niet haalbaar is. Wij zitten politiek tussen D66 en GL in, dus 1/


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) ma 20 mei 2019, 11:56

Nog drie dagen tot de Europese verkiezingen op 23 mei! Check mijn agenda op Facebook en zoek mij op. Maar ga stemmen! Samen maken we Europa sterker en socialer! #ItsTime 🌹Kies #020Oost in Europa, PvdA, lijst 6 nummer 8! 🤝fair🗣free♻️sustainable­t…­


Frans Timmermans za 18 mei 2019, 14:20

Great morning in Budapest, supporting my @mszptweet colleagues. We are fighting for a free, fair and sustainable Europe.


Frans Timmermans za 18 mei 2019, 11:37

We have our own answers to the challenges people are facing in Europe.
#ItsTime that companies making big profits in Europe pay fair taxes here.
We need a fair minimum wage in every member state of the European Union.
We need to put an end to the pay gap between women and men.

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TimmermansEU za 18 mei 2019, 11:35

Look who Orban’s friends are. Strache, you will hear more about him today. And Salvini and Farage. They all admire Putin. Is that good for Hungary and for Europe? I don’t think so!


Frans Timmermans za 18 mei 2019, 09:21

We need a strong socialist family in the European Parliament to fight for fair taxation of big companies

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TimmermansEU za 18 mei 2019, 09:21

We want a Europe that helps people who can’t find housing, because it is becoming too expensive


Dirk-Jan Koch do 16 mei 2019, 09:36

@Politicalpygmy @groenlinks Fair point Amy, gelukkig hebben we wel een vrouwelijke partijvoorzitter @KEikelenboom (die natuurlijk vanaf achter de schermen al die mannen aanstuurt🤭😉 )


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) wo 15 mei 2019, 11:13

Esattamente! Italiani in Olanda che votano liste Olandese il 23 Maggio possono direttamente votare @TimmermansEU 🌹@PvdA o sulla stessa lista 6 vostro candidato binazionale 🇮🇹🇳🇱 a numero 8 😄 #ItsTime @pdnetwork 🤝fair🗣free♻️sustainable

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Gabriele Vernucci 🇮🇹🇪🇺 di 14 mei 2019, 23:19

Tutti insieme sosterremo @TimmermansEU e il @PES_PSE @pdnetwork.
Una nuova Europa, una Europa più forte!


Matthijs van Miltenburg di 14 mei 2019, 10:51

Cheers @vestager and @EU_Commission 👍 for being an effective watchdog for the sake of consumers and fair competition!

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Margrethe Vestager di 14 mei 2019, 10:36

Good news: Consumers in BE have payed more for their favourite beer because of @abinbev 's deliberate strategy to restrict cross border sales between the NL and BE. That’s illegal and has now stopped. We have fined @abinbev €200 mil More info:


Frans Timmermans za 11 mei 2019, 18:17

Campaigning in Tübingen for a fair, free and sustainable Europe. #ItsTime

@PES_PSE @spdde


Frans Timmermans do 9 mei 2019, 12:28

Today, on Europe Day 🇪🇺 #ItsTime to celebrate what we have achieved so far. And #ItsTime to look to the future and the new Europe we will build together after the European elections on 23-26 May. We are fighting for a fair, free and sustainable Europe.


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) di 7 mei 2019, 13:03

Fairness in Europe. Workers deserve fair wages. 💪👏👷‍♀️👷‍♂️#ItsTime Timmermans calls on all EU members to adopt minimum wage @EURACTIV­e…­

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