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1105 tweets gevonden.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) zo 26 aug 2018, 12:10

@pressfreedom @javorbenedek @TimmermansEU @VeraJourova The murders of @DaphneCaruanaGalizia and @jankuciak must be resolved urgently. No impunity for people trying to silence journalists investigating corruption and crime. Freedom of the media also implies safety for journalists. Monitoring group of @EP_Justice to visit MT&SK in Sept


Bas Belder ma 20 aug 2018, 16:20

Dear friend dr. Bob Fu, thank you very much for sharing this important documentation. Is an English translation perhaps possible? As EP-rapporteur for EU-China I will come back to this new case of flagrant violation of religieus freedom in China next week in Brussels/AFET-meeting

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Bob Fu傅希秋 ma 20 aug 2018, 15:33

Last week at 12:30pm Aug 13 a Catholic Church in Lixia District, Jinan city, Shandong was totally destroyed by the CCP Govt as part of ongoing persecution. Here is the video and explanation.上周济南历下区天主教堂被土匪­式突袭强拆­


Marietje Schaake za 18 aug 2018, 18:41

Remembering @KofiAnnan “Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.” (Sharing a photo from the last time I saw him live at @MunSecConf )


Peter van Dalen (CU) vr 17 aug 2018, 15:44

This is Turkish dictatorship: pastor Brunson remains under arrest, request for freedom rejected 😱@ECPM_official @ecrgroup @janfigel @ACREurope…


Marietje Schaake zo 22 jul 2018, 10:26

50 years after #Sakharov wrote “Freedom of thought is the only guarantee against an infection of mankind by mass myths, which, in the hands of treacherous hypocrites and demagogues, can be transformed into bloody dictatorships,”


Peter van Dalen (CU) wo 18 jul 2018, 18:44

Not only the Turkish AKP but also the ruling Maldives party in the @ACREurope ? 😱 Mind you, human rights nor religious freedom exists on those islands!! @ECPM_official @ecrgroup @FoRB_EuroParl @BranoSkripek


Bas Belder za 30 jun 2018, 17:17

Dear Doctor Bob Fu, Great achievement! Warm congratulations from my wife, myself and of course my team in the European Parliament. Looking forward to cooperate for the freedom of religion of the Chinese people!­…­

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Bob Fu傅希秋 do 28 jun 2018, 11:26

Tkx God, family and friends. My PhD graduation at Durham University UK is held at 2pm at Durham Cathedral today. (9am US EST) My thesis is on how Best to protect religious freedom for all after critique Political Liberalism and Principled Pluralism…


Marietje Schaake zo 20 mei 2018, 09:18

For those who (like me) had not seen this yet. Glad to see a strong call against internet #censorship by the Freedom Online Coalition made at #RightsCon @FO_Coalition­…­

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OSCE media freedom do 17 mei 2018, 12:30

+2I welcome latest #FreedomOnlineCoalition statement on #InternetCensorship, signed by 30 govts of the @FO_Coalition incl. 20 #OSCE pS & I share their concern over the growing trend of state-sponsored Internet censorship, including when conducted in the name of security. #RightsCon


Kati Piri do 17 mei 2018, 19:01

New line of assault against freedom of speech in #Turkey, as opposition MP @GaroPaylan
faces criminal prosecution for speaking about the Armenian genocide. If even elected MPs cannot express their opinion, where does this leave normal citizens?

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Mark Lowen wo 25 apr 2018, 20:45

Heartbreaking news as staff at #Cumhuriyet, #Turkey's oldest newspaper, jailed for "aiding terror organisations". Incl chief ed #MuratSabuncu 7yrs 6months; cartoonist #MusaKart 3yrs 9months; #KadriGursel 2yrs 5months; #AhmetSik & #AydinEngin 7yrs 6months. #journalismisnotacrime


Bas Belder di 24 apr 2018, 13:20

China Aid president BobFu during our seminar: “situation of religious freedom, human rights and rule of law in China has fallen into the worst condition since end of cultural revolution in 1976” #HumanRights #china


Bas Belder di 24 apr 2018, 13:15

Our seminar on Religious Freedom and Human Rights situation in China under Xi Jinping just started with @BobFu4China @chinaaid, Bingwhu Wang (brother of imprisoned Bingzhang Wang) and Ching-yu Li (wife of imprisoned Lee Ming-che from Taiwan)


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) di 24 apr 2018, 12:34

+3Still no #livingwage 👎 Still no freedom of #tradeunions 👎 But no investigation of Bangladesh trade benefits? Together with @berndlange @LindaMcAvanMEP @ArneLietz at a hearing to put further pressure on the EU Garment initiative ✊


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 9 apr 2018, 17:01

Values worth fighting for. The campaign for a Europe of equality, freedom, solidarity and rights starts today. Are you in?­e…­


Peter van Dalen (CU) wo 7 mrt 2018, 11:21

About to start our meeting on human rights & freedom of religion #DefendTheDefender .Most courageous of some speakers to be here: they have, for instance in India and Pakistan, very difficult lives, and sadly in particular: the women


Peter van Dalen (CU) di 16 jan 2018, 09:42

Religious freedom plunges in Pakistan #FoRB Tomorrow 15h EP Strasbourg meet experts and people from Pakistan @opendoorsnl…


Peter van Dalen (CU) do 4 jan 2018, 16:47

USA government puts Pakistan on special watch list for severe violations of religious freedom. Important signal, also for #EU @FoRB_EuroParl @ECPM_official @ecrgroup @janfigel @AmbNaghmanaHash @eu_eeas @USCIRF @KnoxThames…


Bas Belder za 23 dec 2017, 10:09

"The overall situation on religious freedom and human rights in general is rapidly worsening in China", mailt een insider. Cruciaal punt is: vormen de 28 EU-lidstaten een gesloten front in hun stellingname tegenover Peking? Lees tegenovergestelde.


Marietje Schaake ma 18 dec 2017, 10:12

Let me know your thoughts #IGF2017 on where we are and what you would like from the EU for digital freedom­…­

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Marietje Schaake ma 18 dec 2017, 10:10

7 years ago I wrote this blog about #Tunisia and how the EU should lead on defending and expanding #internetfreedom little has changed 👉🏻­a-tunis…­


Peter van Dalen (CU) zo 17 dec 2017, 11:57

Devilish terrorists attack again christians in #Pakistan. Expect utmost action from government to protect freedom of religion!! @FoRB_EuroParl @janfigel @FedericaMog @EP_President @JFCautainEU @AmbNaghmanaHash @ecrgroup @SyedKamall @BranoSkripek @CLAASUK…


Marietje Schaake do 14 dec 2017, 19:14

The Trump administration lets down internet-users worldwide by scrapping #netneutrality This decision is a historic mistake, we need a level playing field, more fair competition on the open internet, more protection of consumers and more freedom of speech online!


Hans van Baalen wo 13 dec 2017, 19:15

Proud 🇪🇺 EP awarded #SakharovPrize to Democratic opposition in Venezuela. A free & democratic Venezuela would be a prosperous country and beacon of hope in the region. It’s now a prison for its people & source of instability. Let’s support the 🇻🇪 people’s fight for freedom!


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 12 dec 2017, 16:45

Shocked by statement of @EU_Commission that British people in EU27 lose freedom of movement cos of UK gvt choices. Dear Commission: British people are still EU citizens, you have to represent them and secure their rights after #Brexit like all other EU citizens!


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 7 dec 2017, 09:36

@otmarianna Most of us actually do. Not in a mock-consultation cum smear campaign, but in truly free and fair elections, on the basis of pluralism, media freedom, a vibrant civil society and free academia, as it should be in a robust democracy.


Marietje Schaake za 2 dec 2017, 14:34

It was a pleasure to honor Boris #Nemtsov and his dream of a democratic #Russia: Russians suffer from lack of freedom and rights, corruption #ALDECongress­…­

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Vladimir Kara-Murza za 2 dec 2017, 14:31

A great honour to join friends from across the European liberal family for the screening of “Nemtsov” at the annual congress of @ALDEParty. Thank you @MarietjeSchaake for hosting us.


Judith Sargentini di 21 nov 2017, 22:01

Another entertaining read about Zim, comes from the late Heidi Holland: Dinner With Mugabe: The Untold Story Of A Freedom Fighter Who Became A Tyrant­27…­ via @goodreads


Bas Belder do 9 nov 2017, 09:31

Fenggang Yang: In China today, Christians are at the frontlines of practicing and campaigning for individual freedoms (...) In sum, along with the Christian growth, freedom has expanded in Chinese society.


Kati Piri vr 3 nov 2017, 14:05

This is what happens when media freedom is curtailed, propaganda flourishes and opposition unable to unite. #Hungary­…­

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Zselyke Csaky wo 1 nov 2017, 22:23

According to the latest polls & with less than six months to go, support for #Hungary’s Fidesz is 61% among those certain to vote.


Kati Piri wo 1 nov 2017, 19:37

Welcome @candundaradasi in Amsterdam! Looking forward to his freedom lecture @DeBalie


Hans van Baalen di 31 okt 2017, 17:36

With Hakainde Hichilema, Zambian opposition leader who received 2017 LI Africa Freedom Award and Mmusi Maimane, DA leader: Freedom First!


Kati Piri di 24 okt 2017, 18:01

Sad and angry that @candundaradasi can't come to Freedom Lecture in Amsterdam due to possible interpol alert by #Turkey


Esther de Lange (CDA) di 17 okt 2017, 17:57

With freedom comes responsibility! - my message today at the #StarchEurope conference on the end of the #sugar and #isoglucose quota.


Peter van Dalen (CU) di 17 okt 2017, 15:51

In @ecrgroup @janfigel : ‘In 3/4 of the world there is no religious freedom. But: intolerance, discrimination, persecution, genocide’


Peter van Dalen (CU) di 17 okt 2017, 15:42

EU special envoy Figel speaker in ECR groupmeeting. The ECR is the first political EP-group to invite him, and reflect on religious freedom


Wim van de Camp wo 4 okt 2017, 15:11

Indrukwekkende speech Frans @TimmermansEU : referendum Catalonië niet legaal maar burgers meppen kan ook niet: freedom of speech.


Hans van Baalen zo 24 sep 2017, 18:06

'Prix International #ALDE' awarded to Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane for his democratic fight to restore freedom in South Africa!


Peter van Dalen (CU) wo 20 sep 2017, 15:50

Always both a pleasure and useful to meet our religious freedom ally @KnoxThames @FoRB_EuroParl @janfigel @christenunie @ecrgroup


Bas Belder wo 13 sep 2017, 09:46

ChinaAid: New regulations forecast grim future for China’s religious freedom­e…­


Marietje Schaake wo 13 sep 2017, 09:39

RT @MarietjeSchaake: 'Freedom is not something handed down to us, we need to fight for it, in Europe and in the world' #SOTEU


Marietje Schaake wo 13 sep 2017, 09:36

'Freedom is not something handed down to us, we need to fight for it, in Europe and in the world' #SOTEU


Hans van Baalen di 18 jul 2017, 16:07

Today @ALDEParty SecGen and I participate at #TransatlanticLab in DC: We should strengthen US-EU joint defence of international freedom!


Judith Sargentini di 11 jul 2017, 09:43

En hier de staat van de onafhankelijke pers in Nederland: Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom­…­


Bas Belder do 29 jun 2017, 08:46

Palestijnse schoolboeken propageren onverdroten haat jegens Joden. Nieuw onderzoek "Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin" in opdracht Bondsdagleden.


Hans van Baalen do 15 jun 2017, 11:11

I spoke with Leyla Mustafayeva, wife of jailed Azeri journalist Afgan #Mukhtarli. Without press freedom human rights cannot be guaranteed!


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) vr 9 jun 2017, 09:08

Denmark is a beacon of freedom of speech. There you can tell the truth about islam, a violent ideology.­s/denmark-r…­


Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) di 6 jun 2017, 21:49

'A common framework between the EU and UK to protect the freedom of business to operate across the UK single market'. What does that mean?


Marietje Schaake di 23 mei 2017, 11:01

Very powerful talk about hope never dying, despite the immense suffering of the Syrian people, still seeking #democracy & #freedom #OFF2017­…­

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Benjamin Bathke di 23 mei 2017, 10:49

+2Raed Fares, Syrian pro-democracy activist, citizen journalist & civil society organizer, was shot more than 40 times by #ISIS in '14 #OsloFF


Marietje Schaake ma 22 mei 2017, 14:40

One has to wonder why in a country where the freedom of expression and assembly are guaranteed... oh wait... #Saudi #notasinglehint­…­

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Toluse Olorunnipa ma 22 mei 2017, 13:12

Wilbur Ross says on CNBC: "There was not a single hint of a protester" in Saudi Arabia during Trump's visit.


Hans van Baalen wo 17 mei 2017, 20:58

Pleasure to meet H.H. Patriarch Filaret of Kyiv promoting religious freedom and tolerance today with my colleague Petras Austrevicius.

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