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706 tweets gevonden.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) ma 12 dec 2022, 10:09

Het ‘Rapid Action Batallion’ in #Bangladesh, in verband gebracht met buitenrechtelijke executies en verdwijningen, kreeg onder meer training in Nederland. Dat is zorgelijk. #humanrights #RAB

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Sami do 8 dec 2022, 19:10

“Services which can be used for internal repression, especially by an organisation so clearly linked to human rights violations, can be obtained in the Netherlands with such ease should certainly raise eyebrows in The Hague.” @thijsreuten via @AJEnglish


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) za 10 dec 2022, 13:19

Human tragedies and severe fundamental rights violations on EU soil.👇🏼Same pattern with member states and Frontex, from the cages and illegal pushbacks to deadly shipwrecks off our coasts; Denial or simply looking away. #HumanRights #Humanity

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Lighthouse Reports do 8 dec 2022, 07:08

This week we released footage of Bulgarian border forces shooting a Syrian refugee. They denied it. The EU’s called for an investigation

This wasn’t an isolated incident. Today we place it in a wider system at EU borders reliant on black sites, cages & torture



Thijs Reuten (PvdA) di 25 jan 2022, 18:13

Binnenkort beginnen de Winterspelen in China. Mensenrechten worden er stelselmatig en op grote schaal geschonden. Tenminste alle 🇪🇺 lidstaten moeten diplomatieke boycot afkondigen. Niets te vieren met China.

#NothingToCelebrateWithChina @TheProgressives #FreeUyghurs #HumanRights


Rob Roos (JA21) vr 21 jan 2022, 17:16

How about the #RuleOfLaw and #HumanRights @EU_Commission and @Europarl_EN?

In the field of human rights, violation of the bodily integrity of another is regarded as an unethical infringement, intrusive, and possibly criminal.
#Austria #VaccinationMandate­2…­


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) di 21 dec 2021, 14:35

De @UN commissie tegen marteling heeft opnieuw de Marokkaanse autoriteiten opgeroepen uitlevering van #IdrisHasan niet door te zetten.

Lees meer via @SafeguardDefend 👉🏼…

Of in draadje hieronder👇🏼

#Uyghurs #FreeIdrisHasan #HumanRights #LongArmOfBeijing

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 17 dec 2021, 17:37

Er deugt van alles niet aan zaak rond #IdrisHasan

👉🏼Waarom kwam @INTERPOL_HQ ‘Red Notice’ er eigenlijk op 🇨🇳 verzoek?
👉🏼Waarom is zaak in Marokko doorgezet na intrekken verzoek tot uitlevering?
👉🏼Wat heeft nieuwe Marokkaanse regering gedaan?…


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 10 dec 2021, 13:09

CFSP-rapport in 1 min 5 seconden.👇🏼

Vanochtend is in de buitenlandcommissie van het Europees Parlement gestemd over het jaarlijkse CFSP-rapport. In januari stemming in de plenaire vergadering.

#EUforeignpolicy #humanrights
#StrategicAutonony #StrategicCompass


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) di 7 dec 2021, 15:56

Grande notizia! Great news!

Patrick Zaki - onderzoeker en voorvechter van mensenrechten - zat sinds 7 februari 2020 gevangen in Egypte. Uiteraard moet hij ook volledig worden vrijgesproken, maar hij is weer vrij! #PatrickZaki #humanrights

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Pietro Bartolo di 7 dec 2021, 12:51

Finalmente #Patrick è libero. Non poteva esserci una notizia migliore in vista delle prossime festività natalizie. Ora non ci resta che aspettare la sua assoluzione.

#PatrickZaki #Egitto


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) ma 30 aug 2021, 22:35

Well deserved. I admire his tireless fight for transparency, #RoL and fundamental rights in Poland. Congrats to @Adbodnar! #freespeech #freepress #democracy #HumanRights

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Věra Jourová ma 30 aug 2021, 21:13

+1Without free speech, democracies will crumble. Those who defend and uphold free speech are heroes of democracy.

This is why I am honoured to hand in the 1st Free Speech Medal by @PressRedakcja in the “Institution”category to former Ombudsman Adam Bodnar. Congratulations!


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 29 jul 2021, 08:01

De lange arm van Beijing. China achtervolgt en intimideert gevluchte Oeigoeren over de hele wereld en schuwt daarbij geen enkel middel. Marokko moet een eigen afweging maken en Yidiresi Aishan niet uitleveren. #uyghurs #HumanRights…


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 8 jul 2021, 09:36

Juist nu recent een ultra conservatieve president is gekozen met duizenden doden op z’n geweten, is vrijlating van de onschuldige Ahmadreza Djalali zeer dringend. Hij is in zeer slechte mentale en fysieke conditie. @Free_Djalali @UNHumanRights #FreeDjalali #humanrights #urgencies

in reply to avatar

Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 8 jul 2021, 09:36

Vandaag spreekt @Europarl_NL o.a. over een in 🇳🇱 minder bekende in Iran onschuldig ter dood veroordeelde professor verbonden aan de @VUBrussel en de UPO in Navara. We moeten de diplomatieke druk maximaal opvoeren! Zie ook petitie van @AmnestyBEL👇🏼 (1/2)


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) za 3 jul 2021, 11:09

Dank @leenvervaeke en @volkskrant 🙏🏼 Dit is waarom we president Xi niet met rust laten. Grootschalige, langdurige mensenrechtenschendingen zijn geen binnenlandse aangelegenheid, maar een zaak van de internationale gemeenschap. @UNHumanRights @amnesty #HumanRights #UyghurGenocide

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Alex Burghoorn za 3 jul 2021, 08:20

In weekendkatern Zaterdag van @volkskrant dit indrukwekkende naschrift van @leenvervaeke bij haar twee onthullende verhalen van afgelopen maand uit Xinjiang, de regio waar China Oeigoeren onderdrukt. Lees die vooral ook nog eens (voor links zie👇) 1/3


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 2 jul 2021, 14:19

Tja dat is dan jammer voor Xi. Tenminste als hij bedoelt dat wij eisen dat China de universele mensenrechten 🇺🇳 respecteert die 🇨🇳 zelf onderschrijft en ook controle daarop mogelijk maakt. Verschuilen achter ‘is onze zaak’ kan niet! #humanrights…


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) di 15 jun 2021, 20:24

My 🇧🇪 S&D colleague @Mariearenaps chair of @EP_HumanRights explains👇🏼 why it is so important that the 🇺🇸 are back on the 🌎 stage with @JoeBiden For example when it comes to EU-US coordination on sanctions and human rights violations. #multilateralism #HumanRights @HelsinkiComm

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TV5MONDE Info di 15 jun 2021, 16:27

Après le G7, l'OTAN, Joe Biden rencontre les dirigeants de l'UE. Les Européens attendent que l'on se coordonne en matière de droits humains. Paul Germain, correspondant de TV5monde à Bruxelles a recueilli à ce sujet les propos de Marie Arena, députée belge S&D (@Mariearenaps)


Samira Rafaela (D66) do 8 okt 2020, 21:36

In the past 6 months at least 30.000 Ethiopian migrants are put into cruel inhumane detention centers. These men, women and children have the right to have a dignified life; they have the right to safely return to their homes.
My contribution👇🏽#HumanRights…


Samira Rafaela (D66) ma 28 sep 2020, 18:41

Recent cases of brutal sexual violence in #Pakistan require urgent attention. This is becoming a pattern, which is why I am calling @JosepBorrellF to take action. EU-Pakistan relationship must be based on respect for #humanrights and,in particular, the protection of #womensrights


Samira Rafaela (D66) do 17 sep 2020, 17:13

The terrible events in camp #Moria are unacceptable. How can we tolerate #humanrights violations in #Europe? Europe: let's practice what we preach.


Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 9 sep 2020, 18:30

We promote #humanrights around the globe. Let’s looks at ourselves now. Therefore these questions to @EU_Commission👇🏽Solutions for humane migration policies have been on the table for a long time,but a number of Member States decided to walk away from that table.#Moria #MoriaCamp


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 8 sep 2020, 19:26

+1For years, the @EU_Commission procrastinated with the EU Fund for #HumanRights & #RuleOfLaw #Litigation. A recent study ordered by the Commission now confirms: this is much needed & feasible. So, no more excuses please, when will the Commission finally set up the Fund?👇

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Renew Europe wo 15 jul 2020, 11:44

✋Violence against women has worryingly increased during the lock-down measures due to #COVID19. Renew Europe says enough!
🙋‍♀️ @samiraraf: "We need to understand that women’s rights are human rights!"
📰 Read more:


Rob Roos (JA21) do 30 apr 2020, 09:34

Hoogste tijd dat ook de ‘#HumanRights’ van de mensen in ONS land gaan meetellen.
#BroekersKnol zegt niets te kunnen doen tegen illegale criminelen vanwege de Human Rights en het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (#EHRM).

Zeg dan dat verdrag op!…


Samira Rafaela (D66) do 1 aug 2019, 20:25

Pragmatic solutions on #migration? I was hoping for humane solutions. Rule of law is fundamental. I hope it will have more priority in your @vonderleyen work than in this tweet. #HumanRights #Orban #EU #Europe

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Ursula von der Leyen do 1 aug 2019, 15:22

Good talk with PM #Orban about my political guidelines. Agreed on need for fresh start & pragmatic solutions on #migration. Also discussed🇪🇺competitiveness + need to bring EU institutions closer to member states. #ruleoflaw is crucial, applies to all. Strong #defenseunion needed.


Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 17 jul 2019, 11:17

De Venezolaanse vluchtelingenstroom is nu de op één na grootste ter wereld, na Syrië. Gisteravond, in mijn eerste speech, in het Europees Parlement, riep ik de Commissie op om actie te ondernemen. #Venezuela #Curacao #Aruba #Bonaire #HumanRights


Marietje Schaake vr 14 jun 2019, 13:33

Great to see #trade strengthening #humanrights 💪🏻

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Cecilia Malmström vr 14 jun 2019, 10:53

Very honoured to meet with @mbachelet discussing the @TortureFree initiative and trade and human rights in general. Thanks for your support!


Marietje Schaake wo 12 jun 2019, 13:37

The uncontrolled surveillance market and its impact on #humanrights is a major topic at #RightsCon2019 as well ↘️

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Marietje Schaake vr 7 jun 2019, 17:11

Surveillance technologies are hardly controlled, but have massive impact on human rights and security. Thanks @BMakuch for inviting met on CYBER Podcast with @motherboard and showing why this matters. Listen here ↘️­ast/cyb…­


Marietje Schaake ma 6 mei 2019, 23:13

Human rights are like oxygen, invisible until we gasp for our last breath >> MUST WATCH >> then know... act... never remain silent as the #humanrights of others are violated. Thankyou for your leadership and outspokenness @raad_zeid 🙏🏻↘️


Marietje Schaake zo 5 mei 2019, 23:11

Good to see raising our voices against #HumanRights violations worked ↘️ #Brunei says it won't enforce gay death penalty after backlash


Kati Piri do 2 mei 2019, 16:50

❤️🌹 aan ouders van Nasser Zefzafi, de politieke gevangene in Marokko die veroordeeld is tot 20 jaar gevangenisstraf. Nasser was afgelopen jaar finalist voor EP Sakharov prijs. #HumanRights


Marietje Schaake do 18 apr 2019, 12:44

My last resolution as an MEP deals with the appalling #humanrights situation in #Brunei where sharia law foresees stoning for #LGBTI my response here ↘️­pean-pa…­


Marietje Schaake wo 17 apr 2019, 18:46

This is so important, Loujain is one of many #Saudi women fighting for #humanrights >> Loujain al-Hathloul Is on the 2019 TIME 100 List | ↘️…


Marietje Schaake di 16 apr 2019, 12:12

European Parliament will debate and adopt a resolution on #humanrights violations in #China this week. Europe can not look away ↘️

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charlotte geater 🥞 ma 15 apr 2019, 23:41

the horrible Notre Dame news has also made me think of the historic mosques that have recently been destroyed in China, as part of the ongoing attempt to destroy the Uighur culture­ree/…­


Marietje Schaake vr 29 mrt 2019, 17:50

I could not have said it any better ;) #LGBTIetc rights are #humanrights 🏳️‍🌈

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BEYONCÉ LEGION vr 29 mrt 2019, 07:00

"Who you make love to, and take that ass to Red Lobster, is your human right." —Beyoncé #GLAADawards 👑🏳️‍🌈


Marietje Schaake do 28 mrt 2019, 16:19

This should be stopped, #LGBTIQetc rights are #HumanRights ↘️

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CNN do 28 mrt 2019, 02:10

A new law which comes into effect from next week will punish homosexual sex and adultery with death in the small southeast Asian kingdom of Brunei


Marietje Schaake do 28 mrt 2019, 14:16

What staggering hypocrisy! These humanrights activisits in Saudi Arabia should be freed, not tortured >> #Saudi women activists detail torture allegations in court ↘️­/amp/id…­


Marietje Schaake do 14 mrt 2019, 11:51

We will vote on a resolution on #humanrights in #Iran at noon, calling for the release of Nasrin Sotoudeh. See my intervention during the debate this morning #FreeNasrin ↘️

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Frederiek Elemans do 14 mrt 2019, 11:48

video'The obsession of Iranian authorities with Nasrin Sotoudeh and their insistence to silence her should only encourage us to hear what she is standing for: the universal human rights of all Iranians. She deserves our unequivocal support' - @MarietjeSchaake


Marietje Schaake wo 13 mrt 2019, 15:33

It is an absolute schandal, tomorrow we will adopt a resolution calling for the release of #NasrinSotoudeh as well as the respect for the #humanrights of all in #Iran ↘️

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Sarah Leah Whitson ma 11 mrt 2019, 16:33

BREAKING: #Iran Human Rights Lawyer #NasrinSotoudeh Says She Has Been Sentenced to 38 Years in Prison. 38 years. 38 years. 38 years.­3/irania…­ via @ICHRI


Marietje Schaake do 7 mrt 2019, 01:30

Indeed #FreeNasrinSotoudeh who won the Sakharov Prize for her extraordinary courage defending #humanrights in #Iran ↘️

citeert avatar wo 6 mrt 2019, 18:04

“Sotoudeh’s pathbreaking work defending women in Iran, as well as her consistent attempts to uphold the rule of law, should not be penalized with such a blatant miscarriage of justice," says @pen_int #FreeNasrin


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 4 mrt 2019, 17:02

As a an #euelections2019 candidate, I just signed the pledge #ComeOut4EU by @ILGAEurope to support #humanrights & #LGBTI #equality:


Judith Sargentini ma 18 feb 2019, 15:07

How @INTERPOL_HQ’s rednotices are misused by it’s member states to arrest Humanrights’ defenders and refugees. Follow the presentation in @EP_HumanRights @fairtrials

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DROI Committee Press ma 18 feb 2019, 14:56

Today's @EP_HumanRights meeting starts at 15.00. It will begin with a presentation of a study on Misuse of Interpol’s Red Notices and impact on human rights - recent developments. Full agenda ---> FOLLOW LIVE


Marietje Schaake ma 18 feb 2019, 10:56

Always good to see EU commitment to universal #HumanRights but why no reference to #LGBTI rights and digital rights, where we could have made an important difference? ↘️

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EU Council Press ma 18 feb 2019, 10:20

Today, @EUCouncil adopted conclusions on EU priorities in @UN #HumanRights Fora
"All human rights are to be realised worldwide, whether they are civil and political rights, or economic, social and cultural rights"


Marietje Schaake zo 10 feb 2019, 10:11

The government of #Turkey deserves support in this case, in fact the silence of many others on #humanrights violations in #China is deafening ↘️

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Kenneth Roth zo 10 feb 2019, 08:02

Turkey denounces China's mass detention of 1M Uighur Muslims to force them to renounce Islam, calling it "a great embarrassment for humanity." Turkey notes they are "are subjected to torture and political brainwashing in concentration centers and prisons."


Marietje Schaake vr 1 feb 2019, 09:14

As #Saudi puts #humanrights defenders in icecold places. Very sad to see Dutch dance icon @tiesto (as well as @MariahCarey) participated in this make belief of a country where people are free to dance (was the audience men only?)


Marietje Schaake ma 28 jan 2019, 23:33

At last a Western leader speaks up >> France's Macron raises #humanrights on visit to #Egypt…


Marietje Schaake do 20 dec 2018, 09:43

I asked parliamentary questions to learn whether products made in forced labor camps in #China may have ended up in Europe, and how to prevent these #humanrights violations and illicit #trade (great investigations by @AP journalists) ↘️­ort-of-…­

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Dake Kang 姜大翼 di 18 dec 2018, 03:42

Forced labor makes its debut in Xinjiang's internment camps. One camp's sportswear is ending up in the United States. My deep dive, with @mendozamartha @yananw, on how China is now forcing tens of thousands of its minority detainees to work in factories:…


Marietje Schaake wo 19 dec 2018, 12:34

The joint meeting between Members of the Grand National Assembly of #Turkey & Members of European Parliament starts. Lots of tough issues on the agenda: humanrights democracy & rule of law, the war in Syria and the people who fled for shelter and safety, trade relations & more


Marietje Schaake di 18 dec 2018, 17:04

Glad to hear an Egyptian court ordered the release of Amal Fathy, arrested after posting a video about sexual harassment. But as you can read in the European Parliament’s resolution we adopted last week, so much more needs to be done! #Egypt #humanrights

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Marietje Schaake do 13 dec 2018, 19:15

Today we adopted a strongly worded resolution on #humanrights in #Egypt >>­/…­


Marietje Schaake za 15 dec 2018, 14:05

Correction @wrightr interviewed @JZarif who failed to answer about #humanrights violations in #Iran at #DohaForum

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Marietje Schaake za 15 dec 2018, 13:53

Glad that @bbclysedoucet is pushing @JZarif on the imprisonment of #NasrinSotoudeh and #humanrights violations in #Iran at #DohaForum, to no avail, Zarif starts ranting about the US


Marietje Schaake za 15 dec 2018, 13:53

Glad that @bbclysedoucet is pushing @JZarif on the imprisonment of #NasrinSotoudeh and #humanrights violations in #Iran at #DohaForum, to no avail, Zarif starts ranting about the US


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 14 dec 2018, 17:46

In light of the worsening #RuleOfLaw #HumanRights situation, we need EU support for litigation more than ever. That’s why I sent a letter @EU_Commission @VeraJourova about the litigation fund I got included in the #EUBudget but which is still not set up. It’s time to act.


Marietje Schaake do 13 dec 2018, 19:15

Today we adopted a strongly worded resolution on #humanrights in #Egypt >>­/…­

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