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192 tweets gevonden.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 9 jul 2014, 11:07

Now last block on Open Europe; migration, copyright, rule of law, money laundring and LGBTI rights. #JunckerTest


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 8 jul 2014, 18:45

#ALDEasksJuncker Juncker,hard pressed in hearing,seems to agree to propose LGBTI road map & unblock negotiations on transparency regulation


Kati Piri zo 22 jun 2014, 20:19

See you on 24th! “@ILGAEurope: @KatiPiri, come to our meet&greet w/ other #comeoutep2014 MEPs working for #LGBTI #equality for next 5yrs"


Matthijs Pontier ma 19 mei 2014, 14:42

'Door Conchita Wurst leven de EU-verkiezingen weer'… Stem voor LGBTI-rechten. Stem Piratenpartij | @ILGAEurope #EP2014


Bernard Naron ma 12 mei 2014, 13:02

RT @KatiPiri: Come out and vote for human rights, for LGBTI equality on 22 May! #humanrights #LGBT @COCNederland #EP


Kati Piri ma 12 mei 2014, 12:53

Come out and vote for human rights, for LGBTI equality on 22 May! #humanrights #LGBT @COCNederland #EP2014


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 28 apr 2014, 19:42

#EUdebate2014 @GuyVerhofstadt and @SkaKeller reminding @JunckerEU of #EPP members opposed to LGBTI rights and gender equality


Marietje Schaake do 13 mrt 2014, 15:46

On the need for EU action in light of anti-#LGBTI laws in #Uganda and #Nigeria…


Marietje Schaake do 13 mrt 2014, 13:48

Vanmiddag debat en stemming over homorechten in Afrika. Tijd voor harde maatregelen Europa! #LGBTI…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 13 mrt 2014, 12:11

@AdrianTippetts @mcashmanMEP vote on anti-LGBTI law in Lithuanian parliament has been postponed


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 4 feb 2014, 15:12

Rapporteur @UlrikeLunacek received 40.000 mails campaining against LGBTI rights.


Marietje Schaake ma 3 feb 2014, 21:04

Seems like the anti-LGBTI lobby got hold of the anti-#ACTA mailinglist :(( thankfully we make up our own minds, spam or no spam


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) za 1 feb 2014, 21:40

@chantalvandenb anti-homolobby verspreidt onzinverhalen over LGBTI rapport, in stemming in Europarlement volgende week


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) za 1 feb 2014, 21:32

Msg to silly homophobic lobby bombarding my mailbox: your lies&scare stories don't work. I will vote FOR LGBTI rights nxt wk @UlrikeLunacek


Judith Sargentini do 30 jan 2014, 12:12

Wij laten onze groene collegae @UlrikeLunacek en de #LGBTI roadmap heus niet zitten @vreer @MarijeC


Marietje Schaake di 28 jan 2014, 13:35

Unusual marketing by Corendon: 50% discount on flights to Sotsji when passengers will demonstrate for LGBTI rights…


Marietje Schaake do 16 jan 2014, 16:36

Good, resolution with strong condmnation violations #LGBTI humanrights won majority


Marietje Schaake do 16 jan 2014, 16:19

:(( @EPPGroup does not believe recent criminalizing #LGBTI's is an urgent matter and has not signed the joint text of our parliament


Marietje Schaake do 16 jan 2014, 16:08

:(( @EPPGroup does not believe recent criminalizing #LGBTI's is not an urgent matter and has not signed the joint text of our parliament


Marietje Schaake do 16 jan 2014, 15:39

Around 16:00 we will discuss #LGBTI humanrights violations in the world. Live via Expect reluctance from too many :(


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 16 dec 2013, 15:40

anti choice lobby now targeting @UlrikeLunacek report on #LGBTI rights.I am as determined to defend those rights,as they are to destroy them


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 10 dec 2013, 13:25

@DdJong onbegrijpelijk. We staan schouder-aan-schouder voor LGBTI rechten. Ook "nationale zaak"?

in reply to avatar

DdJong di 10 dec 2013, 12:57

Abortusresolutie komt niet in stemming door aanvaarding chr dem resolutie. Pijnlijk maar dat krijg je als #EP zich bemoeit met nat zaken.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 5 dec 2013, 10:49

@gaygranddad dank je :) En binnen EP steeds steviger meerderheid op de bres voor LGBTI.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 5 dec 2013, 10:05

Cross party coalition Europarliament calling 4 Roadmap LGBTI rights.EU Commission must act on this strong political message! @UlrikeLunacek


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 11 okt 2013, 10:56

Waarom Vladimir Simonko (Lithuanian Gay League) mij steunt:… #NCOD #LGBTI #D66 #stemsophie


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 11 okt 2013, 09:18

Happy National Coming Out Day! Jezelf kunnen zijn, dat is een groot goed! #NCOD #LGBTI #D66


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 25 jul 2013, 00:18

@MarcvdLinden @bobbyblok @mauricewijnen @COCNederland vrees dat er meer nodig is dan spandoeken voor LGBTI (en alle andere NGOs) in Rusland


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 19 jun 2013, 16:47

@VivianeRedingEU considers LGBTI road map not needed, as so much is being done already. I disagree...


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 6 jun 2013, 10:11

EP will draw up proposal for LGBTI rights road map. 14 EU countries also signed up. Finally progress! EU Commission made itself irrelevant


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 17 mei 2013, 11:03

@LGBTintergroup EP election & nomination EU Commission pres in 2014: ask candidates where they stand on LGBTI road map


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 17 mei 2013, 10:58

hope the 14 countries calling for LGBTI road map will also fight to unblock anti-discrimination directive in Council....


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 17 mei 2013, 10:53

refusal to put forward LGBTI road map is political mistake by EC. By dithering, EC is losing initiative, will be overtaken by events


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 17 mei 2013, 10:50

EU Commission has sole right to initiate legislation. But also duty of initiative. if EC fails on LGBTI road map it becoms irrelevant


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 17 mei 2013, 10:45

@ILGAEurope @vivianeredingeu if EU Commission fails on LGBTI road map, EP and Council shld join forces and do it together


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 17 mei 2013, 10:44

EP and majority of EU countries call for LGBTI road map. EU Commission must act now, or become irrelevant. EP & Council can join forces

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