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183 tweets gevonden.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 28 apr 2021, 09:31

🇪🇺Parlement heeft de @Frontex begroting niet goedgekeurd vanwege de zorgwekkende signalen over wanbestuur en pushbacks. Totdat het Europees Parlement haar onderzoek heeft afgerond en Frontex orde op zaken stelt, kan er geen groen licht komen.…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 22 apr 2021, 19:38

Frontex investigation update: tomorrow we have a hearing planned with both legal experts and Greek and Hungarian NGOs on pushbacks at European borders. Interested? Livestream available at 9.00 here: multimedia.europarl.europa­.eu/en/libe-workin…­


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 22 mrt 2021, 18:33

Parliament discusses humanitarian situation of migrants in Bosnia, and Danish Refugee Council mentions the elephant in the room: brutal pushbacks by Croatia, leaving migrants stuck in BiH without access to asylum or basic needs. The Commission has to end this shameless impunity.


Lara Wolters (PvdA) ma 22 mrt 2021, 16:07

Alleged involvement in illegal pushbacks of asylum seekers, undisclosed meetings with weapon lobbyists, a lack of fundamental rights monitors - there are too many concerns around #frontex so I cannot vote in favour of its budget discharge.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 23 feb 2021, 13:30

Het onderzoek naar mensenrechtenschendingen bij EU-grensagentschap @Frontex is begonnen! Ik ben een van de initiatiefnemers van dit onderzoek naar o.a. illegale pushbacks en zal de komende maanden namens het Europees Parlement het rapport opstellen.…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 12 jan 2021, 09:45

@Frontex Meanwhile, @GreensEFA urges the European Parliament to start an independent inquiry into @Frontex and the @EU_Commission's misconduct in preventing pushbacks and human rights violations at EU borders.­re…­

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Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 12 jan 2021, 09:44

The misconduct of director Leggeri remains a threat to the credibility and integrity of @Frontex. These allegations are yet another sign of his untenable position. I repeat my call on him to step down.…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 12 jan 2021, 00:08

Allegations of pushbacks being investigated, dawnraids by OLAF, Commission furious over incompetent staff management....#Frontex in trouble

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EUobserver ma 11 jan 2021, 18:45

"Olaf can confirm that it has opened an investigation concerning Frontex," Olaf's press office said in an email, on Monday (11 January).­505…­


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 7 jan 2021, 16:06

Pushbacks at our external borders have become a widespread practice. Why are these violations so persistent, and what can be done to stop them?

Read my new blogpost 'Pushbacks in the EU: how to end impunity?' in cooperation with @epc_eu­cks…­


Peter van Dalen (CU) za 26 dec 2020, 18:50

@m_de_boer @christenunie Onderzoek over Frontex en pushbacks loopt! Is enkele weken geleden gestart door de Europese Ombudsman. Ben benieuwd wat daar uit komt!


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) za 26 dec 2020, 14:19

Umpteenth record of pushbacks by the Greek authorities. How much longer will you turn a blind eye @MargSchinas @YlvaJohansson @vonderleyen @Frontex? We urgently need a parliamentary inquiry by @EP_Justice @Tineke_Strik @BirgitSippelMEP @jeroen_lenaers

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Erik Marquardt vr 25 dec 2020, 22:41

Die griechischen Behörden haben den gestrigen Weihnachtsabend offenbar genutzt, um Geflüchtete auf einer manövrierunfähigen Plastikinsel auf dem Meer auszusetzen. #leavenoonebehind


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) vr 18 dec 2020, 13:25

Belangrijke boodschap op internationale dag van migranten: Europese waarden moeten aan de grens worden bewaakt. Andere lidstaten en Commissie kijken weg van pushbacks. Parlement moet alles uit kast halen om deze schendingen te stoppen.…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 16 dec 2020, 18:21

Below my commentary on the danger of impunity of pushbacks. For the role of Frontex, read the blogpost on my website:­-he…­

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EuropeanPolicyCentre wo 16 dec 2020, 16:30

#Pushbacks at EU's external borders have become a widespread practice. Why are these #violations so persistent, and what can be done to stop them?

Read MEP @Tineke_Strik latest @epc_eu commentary to find out:…

#NewPact #migration #Frontex


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 14 dec 2020, 16:05

@Frontex’ accountability towards human rights?

Read my new blog post on the agency’s recent allegations of being complicit in pushbacks, and what needs to be done. 👇…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) vr 11 dec 2020, 18:10

Let’s combat pushbacks by the EU and reinforce protection and reception in third countries. Now.

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ECRE vr 11 dec 2020, 15:07

#ECREWeekly Bulletin @ecre

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Snowfall Increases Hardships of People Stuck in Europe’s Borderlands



Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 8 dec 2020, 10:59

De mensenrechten van migranten en vluchtelingen aan de Europese grenzen worden systematisch geschonden. Pushbacks vinden plaats in veel EU-landen, soms gepaard met geweld en vernedering, en klachten tegen autoriteiten worden vaak niet opgevolgd.

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Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 8 dec 2020, 10:59

Het @EURightsAgency bevestigt nu onafhankelijk de schendingen van mensenrechten van migranten en vluchtelingen aan de EU-buitengrenzen. Tijd om de stilte te doorbreken en om in actie te komen niet alleen vanuit @EU_Commission maar ook vanuit Nederland.…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 1 dec 2020, 14:52

During the Frontex hearing on pushbacks, the director insists that it may intercept vessels and direct them to another country. He fails to mention that first an individual assessment must be made to check if that third country is safe. A return without such check is a pushback


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 25 nov 2020, 10:49

Frontex replied to our questions on allegations of complicity in Greek pushbacks to Turkey. Next Tuesday, 13.50 pm we will have crucial exchange with mr. Leggeri in the LIBE committee. Read more on my website:­-mr…­


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 18 nov 2020, 11:29

Bewijzen tegen @Frontex en de Griekse regering van systematische pushbacks stapelen zich op. Niemand kan meer zeggen dat dit 'incidenten' zijn. Actie vanuit Europese Commissie kan niet langer uitblijven. Positie van Frontex-directeur Leggeri is onhoudbaar.­500…­


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 29 okt 2020, 16:38

Gisteren sprak ik met @bbvpro over de noodzaak van een onafhankelijk onderzoek naar de misstanden van Frontex op de Griekse wateren. Daar vinden illegale pushbacks plaats door mensen terug de zee op te duwen. De EU moet ingrijpen.

🎧Luister nu terug…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) vr 23 okt 2020, 16:19

Ongelooflijk. Frontex wist van Griekse pushbacks en is dus ook betrokken. Altijd heeft Frontex dit ontkend, maar dit onderzoek overtuigt. Ik eis opheldering van Frontex en Commissie, dit is een ernstige schending van mensenrechten.…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) vr 23 okt 2020, 16:14

We asked Frontex many times, but it always denounced it: Frontex complicity with pushbacks by Greece. Now revealed. We demand clarification from Frontex and the Commission about these flagrant violations of EU fundamental rights.­0/2…­


Kati Piri do 17 sep 2020, 15:05

#Moria is our collective moral failure.

What needs to happen now?
📌 evacuation
📌 relocation

What never again?
❌ rebuild a new Moria
❌ illegal pushbacks


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) zo 13 sep 2020, 23:32

Hulde aan NOS dat over pushbacks en wegkijken EU landen rapporteert. Het gebeurt aan de meeste EU buitengrenzen, onder goedkeuring van de andere landen. Gemeenschappelijk beleid van afschrikken en afschuiven.…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 15 jun 2020, 10:56

@EU_Commission This article in the Guardian suggests that the Commission is not only looking away, it is also actively covering up violent pushbacks at the Croatian border. The Commission has to take up its duty to defend fundamental rights beyond any doubt.…

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Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 15 jun 2020, 10:29

Another account of police brutality at our European borders. What is the @EU_Commission going to do to stop this? Despite our pressure to monitor, investigate and punish the violence by Croatian police, the Commission remains silent. Irresponsible.…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 7 mei 2020, 16:31

In debate with Commissioners Várhely and Johansson, I stressed today the need to include migrants and refugees in Covid-19 measures. They are victims of confinement, lack of access to health services and asylum procedures and even of pushbacks. Their health and lives are at risk.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 2 apr 2020, 11:52

According to Frontex, Turkey doesn’t readmit any returnees from Greece since March. But what about pushbacks by Greece? And why are asylum seekers still detained in Greece, if they can’t be deported anyway?


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) vr 14 feb 2020, 19:27

Indeed a timely publication, read my chapter on pushbacks in this volume.

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CEPS Rights and Security vr 14 feb 2020, 16:22

New collective volume edited by Sergio Carrera and @NowMarcoStefan with insights for #justicing #HumanRights at EU external borders. Timely in light of #ECtHR decision declaring #HotReturns by 🇪🇸 lawful

ECtHR ruling:­01-2013…­


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) vr 14 feb 2020, 19:25

Right after our working visit to the Croatian/Bosnian border, the Council of Europe ministers support my PACE recommendations on combatting pushbacks. Encouraging!……


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) zo 9 feb 2020, 17:02

Unfortunately, pushbacks take place in many European countries. When will the European Commission takes its role as Guardian of the Treaty seriously?­the-co…­


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) za 8 feb 2020, 21:49

+3Geschrokken dat #pushbacks met geweld veelvuldig voorkomen. Hoog tijd dat Kroatië een onafhankelijk monitoringssysteem instelt, klachten serieus onderzoekt en dat andere EU-landen niet langer wegkijken.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 28 jan 2020, 21:40

While confronting the Croatian minister with pictures of injuries from violent pushbacks, he simply puts the blame on the victims.­w-evid…­


Jannes de Jong ma 13 mei 2019, 22:49

@petervdalen in #EP2019 debat #Nieuwsuur beschuldigt @djeppink van selectief winkelen in Australisch model: @fvdemocratie wil alleen maar pushbacks, maar Australië neemt met 25milj inwoners per jaar 20duizend vluchtelingen over uit VN vluchtelingenkampen!


Judith Sargentini wo 16 sep 2015, 09:00

This is the time to start an art 7 procedure and take Hungaries voting rights in the Council. @JunckerEU @eucopresident #pushbacks

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