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1347 tweets gevonden.


Bas Belder za 21 okt 2017, 07:33

Iran locked up an innocent British mother – but the government cares more about trade with Tehran…


Marietje Schaake di 17 okt 2017, 19:48

RT @MarietjeSchaake: Indeed, raising standards and modernizing #trade rules is the answer, and this is how Europe should lead, not by pr…

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EU in the US di 17 okt 2017, 15:22

.@jyrkikatainen: But the EU is not naïve free trader. Openness and competition are only good if they are fair and based on high standards.


Marietje Schaake di 17 okt 2017, 15:44

Indeed, raising standards and modernizing #trade rules is the answer, and this is how Europe should lead, not by protectionism­…­

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EU in the US di 17 okt 2017, 15:22

.@jyrkikatainen: But the EU is not naïve free trader. Openness and competition are only good if they are fair and based on high standards.


Marietje Schaake do 5 okt 2017, 10:41

RT @MarietjeSchaake: #Trade troubles in the special relationship >> ‘Trump opposes EU-UK WTO deal in blow to May’s #Brexit plans’ https://t…


Marietje Schaake do 5 okt 2017, 10:06

#Trade troubles in the special relationship >> ‘Trump opposes EU-UK WTO deal in blow to May’s #Brexit plans’…


Marietje Schaake ma 2 okt 2017, 15:32

Illegal according to which law? The ready made #surveillance #trade has many victims, see my case for regulation:­dual-us…­­…­

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Joseph Cox ma 2 okt 2017, 13:56

+1Google ads pushing malware explicitly to spy on wives, husbands. This sort of use would be illegal in many cases.


Marietje Schaake di 26 sep 2017, 20:01

RT @MarietjeSchaake: Why we need digital trade based on rules and principles: (see my proposals for EU leadership here:…

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Adam Segal di 26 sep 2017, 16:54

U.S. asks China not to enforce cyber security law doc submitted for debate at WTO


Marietje Schaake di 26 sep 2017, 19:45

Why we need digital trade based on rules and principles: (see my proposals for EU leadership here:­eeds-di…­­…­

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Adam Segal di 26 sep 2017, 16:54

U.S. asks China not to enforce cyber security law doc submitted for debate at WTO


Hans van Baalen di 26 sep 2017, 09:36

With Sri Lankan FM Tilak Marapana; Geoffrey Van Orden & Jan Zahradil ECR MEPs and Amb Rodney Perera: close ties are key for trade & security

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Jules Johnston ma 25 sep 2017, 15:25

@EP_Trade . @MarietjeSchaake "I believe there should be three elements..." - sound dies - this is infuriating

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Jules Johnston ma 25 sep 2017, 15:25

@EP_Trade . @MarietjeSchaake "I believe there should be three elements..." - sound dies - this is infuriating


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) wo 20 sep 2017, 11:15

Welcome @J_Dijsselbloem to @FNV Trade Union. Dutch workers deserve a pay rise! #Europe needs a pay rise too! @etuc_ces #OurPayRise


Marietje Schaake di 19 sep 2017, 03:39

RT @MarietjeSchaake: Ending the #trade in #torture tools is a step to eradicating it #torturefree is launched! With @MalmstromEU


Marietje Schaake ma 18 sep 2017, 23:59

Ending the #trade in #torture tools is a step to eradicating it #torturefree is launched! With @MalmstromEU @SalilShetty Andrew Gilmour @UN


Marietje Schaake ma 18 sep 2017, 23:05

Great European leadership using #trade to help end the deathpenalty and torture #TortureFree­…­

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Cecilia Malmström ma 18 sep 2017, 23:02

So proud to launch the Alliance for torture free trade with Argentina and Mongolia. 57 contries signing up here in New York #TortureFree


Marietje Schaake ma 18 sep 2017, 22:30

RT @MarietjeSchaake: Making plans to keep the same #trade arrangements with #Canada the UK has as a member of the EU. How to continue CE…

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AFP news agency ma 18 sep 2017, 20:47

On her first official visit to Canada, British PM Theresa May pushes for a post #Brexit trade agreement


Marietje Schaake ma 18 sep 2017, 22:20

Making plans to keep the same #trade arrangements with #Canada the UK has as a member of the EU. How to continue CETA after #Brexit ?­…­

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AFP news agency ma 18 sep 2017, 20:47

On her first official visit to Canada, British PM Theresa May pushes for a post #Brexit trade agreement


Marietje Schaake ma 18 sep 2017, 18:50

Glad we took the lead in Europe to limit this toxic torture trade. Launching a global Alliance for Torture Free Trade tonight at the UN­…­

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Omega Research ma 18 sep 2017, 16:00

New joint briefing identifies equipment that must be banned / more strictly regulated to achieve #TortureFree trade omegaresearchfoundation.or­g/publications/j…­


Marietje Schaake ma 18 sep 2017, 12:31

Looking forward to the launch today, #trade rules strengthening #humanrights very directly #torturefree­…­

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Torture-Free Trade do 7 sep 2017, 13:23

On 18 Sep., Alliance for #TortureFree Trade will launch at the beginning of @UN Gen. Assembly in New York. Register:


Marietje Schaake ma 18 sep 2017, 00:25

.@MalmstromEU with Minister Faurie from Argentina and Ambassador Sukhee of Mongolia presenting the Alliance for #Torture Free #Trade #UNGA


Marietje Schaake vr 15 sep 2017, 13:45

RT @MarietjeSchaake: EU Pushes for free-trade pacts with countries snubbed by U.S.…


Marietje Schaake vr 15 sep 2017, 10:17

EU Pushes for free-trade pacts with countries snubbed by U.S.…


Hans van Baalen do 14 sep 2017, 20:20

Cancelled #Myanmar trade mission. Human rights abuse against Rohingyas must stop. If not trade is off & sanctions on


Marietje Schaake wo 13 sep 2017, 09:32

@karmel80 Yes, hopefully helpful to diffuse rumors and keep the ambitious #trade agenda going, needed in a changing world. See my digital trade plan


Marietje Schaake wo 13 sep 2017, 09:30

RT @MarietjeSchaake: And my own contribution to a better #SOTEU >We need a digital #trade strategy for Europe serving the public interest h…


Marietje Schaake wo 13 sep 2017, 09:23

And my own contribution to a better #SOTEU >We need a digital #trade strategy for Europe serving the public interest­eeds-di…­


Marietje Schaake wo 13 sep 2017, 09:20

Commission ends ability of Council to stop release of negotiating mandates & makes transparent what it seeks in #trade agreements up front­…­

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Marietje Schaake wo 13 sep 2017, 09:18

'Commission will publish all draft negotiating mandates for #trade agreements, we are going to be transparent and end rumors' #SOTEU


Marietje Schaake wo 13 sep 2017, 09:18

'Commission will publish all draft negotiating mandates for #trade agreements, we are going to be transparent and end rumors' #SOTEU


Marietje Schaake wo 13 sep 2017, 09:16

'Europe is open for #trade but there has to be reciprocity. Trade means jobs and opportunities; we export high standards' @JunckerEU #SOTEU


Marietje Schaake di 12 sep 2017, 10:04

RT @MarietjeSchaake: Lots of #trade expected in the #SOTEU tomorrow incl: Juncker to lay out plans for screening foreign takeovers in EU ht…


Marietje Schaake di 12 sep 2017, 08:53

Lots of #trade expected in the #SOTEU tomorrow incl: Juncker to lay out plans for screening foreign takeovers in EU…

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Dustin Volz ma 11 sep 2017, 16:14

Fueling calls for cyber protectionism, Putin tells Russian tech sector to not use foreign software­…­


Hans van Baalen di 5 sep 2017, 13:54

Today I met Thai Ambassador to the EU H.E. Manasvi Srisodapol to prepare the @Europarl_EN Trade Mission. Free trade is a basic human right!


Marietje Schaake vr 1 sep 2017, 07:33

Clarity on mandates for #trade negotiations as well as ratification is essential if the EU is to be a global player­…­


Marietje Schaake wo 26 jul 2017, 08:59

I wish UK govt a lot of luck in turning its big words on trade into results. The EU remains its biggest trade partner Trump wont change that­…­

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Nick Ashton-Hart wo 26 jul 2017, 08:51

... Though the tweet does suggest the US is using the UK as a wedge on #trade vis a vis the EU. Which should worry everyone in both.­…­


Marietje Schaake wo 26 jul 2017, 08:48

Trump's language on the EU being protectionist is not only inappropriate but also inaccurate. We don't need Transatlantic #trade tensions­…­

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Donald J. Trump di 25 jul 2017, 14:16

Working on major Trade Deal with the United Kingdom. Could be very big & exciting. JOBS! The E.U. is very protectionist with the U.S. STOP!


Hans van Baalen wo 19 jul 2017, 22:27

Today I spoke on a panel debate at the Transatlantic week talking about the future of global trade. We had a very fruitful exchange! #Trade


Marietje Schaake di 11 jul 2017, 11:59

Discussing the political agreement between the EU & Japan on #trade with @MalmstromEU in the last trade committee session before summer 🇪🇺🇯🇵


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) di 11 jul 2017, 07:57

Einde aan aparte rechtspraak voor bedrijven ? #ISDS Katainen suggests dropping investment from trade deals @EURACTIV


Marietje Schaake do 6 jul 2017, 09:45

RT @MarietjeSchaake: EU-Japan trade deal is an important result at an important moment! 🇪🇺🇯🇵 My response is here:­politic…­


Marietje Schaake wo 5 jul 2017, 18:56

EU-Japan trade deal is an important result at an important moment! 🇪🇺🇯🇵 My response is here:­politic…­


Marietje Schaake wo 5 jul 2017, 16:42

That's original :) and good news for rules-based #trade 🇪🇺🇯🇵­…­

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EC AV Services wo 5 jul 2017, 15:50

🎥 Commissioner @MalmstromEU & Fumio Kishida painting traditional Japanese Daruma dolls to seal the #EUJapan FTA |!mf43Tf

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Cecilia Malmström za 1 jul 2017, 16:31

Hard work in Tokyo but a lot of progress. Some things remaining yet confident our leaders can announce political agreement at summit 6 July


Wim van de Camp vr 30 jun 2017, 11:54

On my way to Rome: annual conference @FIM_live Federation Int. Motocyclistes.
Road safety, sustainability, urban traffic, innovation & trade


Anne-Marie Mineur wo 28 jun 2017, 09:49

Een uitwisseling van ideeën over handel: “How to Save Trade Policy - New Ideas for a Globalised World”. Live via­ve…­


Marietje Schaake di 27 jun 2017, 10:07

Brussels vows to retaliate over US steel tariffs threat… #trade #Trump #China


Marietje Schaake ma 26 jun 2017, 17:15

Min.Gabriel expresses hope to see more #Trade agreements between EU and 3rd countries like Japan, comes out against protectionism #ecfr2017


Anne-Marie Mineur ma 26 jun 2017, 15:03

“European industry and trade originally asked us to work towards a trade based approach” says Karl Falkenberg. Not stalinist …? #TradeLabEU

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