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Judith Sargentini di 21 jan 2014, 12:40

Ik houd niet van madammen met een bontjas. Bont-promotie in het EP


Judith Sargentini di 21 jan 2014, 12:39

De bontlobby heeft n tentoonstelling in t EP. Zie ook volgende foto met #tweedehandsjassen.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 21 jan 2014, 12:17

@Tpfh @ewaldeng Zie alleen al ons eigen Energie-akkoord. was er nooit geweest zonder EU-doelstelling. Rol EU is echt niet zwart-wit.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 21 jan 2014, 12:17

@Tpfh @ewaldeng En de strijd is nu om als EU alle landen verder te krijgen. Maar zonder Commissie was er in Europa minder gebeurd.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 21 jan 2014, 12:16

@Tpfh @ewaldeng Klopt niet. Landen kunnen zelf verder gaan, zoals Duitsland met Energiewende. EU trekt juist landen als Polen erbij.


Laurence Stassen di 21 jan 2014, 11:49

#Erdogan met open armen ontvangen in #Brussel. Gemiste kans om voor eens en altijd de deur dicht te gooien! #PVV #EU


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:43

I have to leave EU-#Iran hearing for interview on 'Part Two' on @bbcpersian more later!


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:41

Parsi: we can not afford to ignore #Iran, a real relation requires compromises from both sides, it will be helpful in long run


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:40

“@koertdebeuf: Egypt tourism revenues drop 41% to 5,9 billion in 2013. In 2010 revenue was still 12,5 billion.


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:40

Parsi: we'll never be able to change Iran, may be able to facilitate a movement from within. What kind of relation does Europe want w Iran?


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:39

Parsi: human rights dialogue EU-Iran was not perfect according to Eu standards, but helped discussion in #iran itself


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:38

Rouzbeh Parsi: after all these years of admonishing #Iran, not much as happened, because we did not have much of a relation (Eu and Iran)


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:36

Posch: without solution to nuclear issue, no other cooperation can be realized. Now Syria/regional agenda are mingling and hard to untangle


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:35

Posch: as soon as stance on Israel changes, more cooperation possible w Europe/West, is easier when #Iran doesnt follow revolutionary agenda


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:33

Posch: nationalist and sectarian (Shia vs Sunni) cards played, also by #Iran, are to the detriment of security in the Middle East


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:32

Posch: Western and Iranian analysts share analysis of threat of radical Islamic terrorism in the Middle East (post-Al-Qaeda networks)


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:31

Posch: Iranian security elites read the current developments in Middle East as a change from tension with Saudi Arabia, and fear extremism


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:30

Posch: Pragmatism trumps ideology in #iran


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:29

Posch: Rouhani made a smart move by going for 'strategic flexibility' regarding nuclear issue, deal is not a deviation from Isl.Revolution


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:27

Now speaking Walter Posch: a small extremist minority still exists, but the majority of Iranians wants dialogie in #iran and internationally


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:25

We would like to start EU-#Iran #humanrights dialogue under leadership of the EU Special Representative


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:23

We also discussed drug trade, war in #Syria, exchanges of students, reviving the economy, and other topics during our visit to #iran


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:19

Important moment of trip was with #Sakharov Prize winners Nasrin Sotoudeh and Jafar Panahi, they are symbols of the many repressed in #iran


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:18

.@tarjacronberg now summarizing our visit to #iran last December


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:14

There ought to be #EU diplomatic representation in #Iran, so that we can be closer to civil society and more directly and forcefully engage


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:13

Nuclear deal reached and start of implementation seen as historic, but issues such as #humanrights also key for the #EU-#Iran relations


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 11:10

Ill be live tweeting from the hearing on EU-#Iran relations in the foreign affairs committee in the European Parliament starting now


Peter van Dalen (CU) di 21 jan 2014, 10:43

@velioz Dat we het oneens zijn is duidelijk, maar waarom starten met schelden? Ik vind dat absurd


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 10:35

#CPDP2014 gasten zijn van harte welkom vanavond 19:30 Brussel, discussie over technologie in de netwerksamenleving…


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 10:05

Good: Comm. De Gucht launches consultation on investment protection after many raised concern #ISDS #TTIP…


Corien Wortmann di 21 jan 2014, 10:04

Transportcommissie met grote meerderheid tegen Commissievoorstel uitbreiding ETS luchtvaart en voor ICAO aanpak va 2016. Verstandige lijn


Marietje Schaake di 21 jan 2014, 10:00

Komt allen vanavond @deBuren gesprek over technologie en de netwerksamenleving met @stefvangrieken & @mauritsmartijn…


Corien Wortmann di 21 jan 2014, 09:57

@adriaanschout .... en geschiedenis #6pack herhaalt zich nu in Bankenresolutie autoriteit #SRM. Wederom steun van ECB trouwens


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 21 jan 2014, 09:57

Spannende week, na de heldere uitspraak van het EUR. Parlement voor bindende energiedoelen naar 2030 nu EUR. Commissie (Oettinger) aan zet


Wim van de Camp di 21 jan 2014, 09:27

@EWdeVlieger Goede morgen, hier Wim van de Camp in Brussel. Wel even wakker worden, hé.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 21 jan 2014, 09:26

@renecuperus Complex is het. Maar steeds complexere wereld vraagt daar om. Je kunt ogen niet sluiten voor behoefte aan nieuwe vormen.

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