831 tweets gevonden.
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 15 sep 2021, 15:31
Yesterday the Parliament debated the climate package as presented in July. This is only a first step in delivering the Green Deal. Next question is where all future investments will go to. These crucial decisions are still ahead of us.
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 15 sep 2021, 09:34
Now talking on climate financing, a big hurdle for success in Glasgow. Finally, @vonderleyen addresses the United States explicitly. The US is totally falling behind in their international finance promises.
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 15 sep 2021, 09:30
After Social Europe (in French of course) no on to climate change.
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 14 sep 2021, 16:07
What we expect tomorrow from @vonderleyen’s State of the Union tomorrow: Green lawmakers urge EU to speed up climate change measures reuters.com/business/envir…
Rob Roos (JA21) vr 27 aug 2021, 14:05
3/ @EU_Commission confirms: "EU climate policy and legislation are fully in line with the EU’s obligations deriving from the Paris Agrmnt, the precautionary principle and the principle of intergenerational equity, and do not violate the human rights guaranteed by the Convention".
Rob Roos (JA21) vr 27 aug 2021, 14:05
2/ New important information – #EuropeanCommission confirms that “#ClimateEmergency” is merely a political and not a scientific concept.
Yes, this is the case Mr. @TimmermansEU 👆
Rob Roos (JA21) vr 27 aug 2021, 14:04
1/ Today I submitted another request to intervene in the DUARTE climate case at the European Court of Human Rights (@ECHR_CEDH) after being rejected before without any explanation. This new request is submitted on the grounds of important new information and an urgent need.
Rob Roos (JA21) wo 25 aug 2021, 19:51
Climate politics under the guise of human rights is a threat to the #RuleOfLaw
@ECHR_CEDH is setting itself up to be able to support the climate movement that wants to place democracy under judicial guardianship. Watch my interview with @lucasbergkamp
👉 youtu.be/iXJByx2pcvI
Rob Roos (JA21) wo 25 aug 2021, 19:51
Climate politics under the guise of human rights is a threat to the #RuleOfLaw
@ECHR_CEDH is setting itself up to be able to support the climate movement that wants to place democracy under judicial guardianship. Watch my interview with @lucasbergkamp
👉 youtu.be/iXJByx2pcvI
Bert-Jan Ruissen (SGP) do 19 aug 2021, 17:55
With 12,000 pages of new rules and proposals to curb climate change, it seems the European Commission is neglecting its promise to reduce red tape.
My opinion in @New_Europe this week:
New Europe do 19 aug 2021, 13:51
Climate proposals throw shadow over goal to reduce red tape dlvr.it/S5xFdF
Esther de Lange (CDA) di 17 aug 2021, 17:20
KliFi stands for climate fiction and draws us a picture of a future world that could happen if we fail to act, to our climate but also to our societies and to human interaction.
Public Libraries 2030 di 17 aug 2021, 10:00
#MEPLibraryLover @Esther_de_Lange recommends "KliFi" for all those looking for a book about human connection & listening to each other.
Explore the full #60Books list on mepbooksforsummer.eu
Marcel de Graaff (FvD) di 10 aug 2021, 19:07
Ipcc too alarmistic on climate change. No basis for policy making. So get lost with your green deal!
#ipcc eds6.mailcamp.nl/webversion.php…
Rob Roos (JA21) di 10 aug 2021, 16:58
Angstaanjagende verhalen weerlegd via klimaateconomie👇
‘Door klimaatverandering zal de gemiddelde persoon wereldwijd in 2100 'slechts' 436% zo goed af zijn als nu, in plaats van 450%.’
Don't buy the latest climate-change alarmism nypost.com/2021/08/09/don…
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 29 jul 2021, 19:14
Damning conclusions of the public inquiry into murder of #DaphneCaruanaGalizia: the state created an atmosphere of impunity, a “favorable climate” for anyone who wanted to “eliminate” Daphne. The murder cannot be made undone, but the report at least brings some justice
POLITICOEurope do 29 jul 2021, 17:16
A public inquiry into the assassination of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia has determined that the country bears responsibility for her death. politi.co/3BUvpLp
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 22 jul 2021, 21:52
European climate, energy and environmental state aid guidelines are being revised. Crucial for meeting our Green Deal targets: what should and what should not be supported by member states. Find here our Green contribution to the consultation process: extranet.greens-efa.eu/public/media/f…
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 14 jul 2021, 19:03
Ik snap dat mensen bezorgd zijn over een emissiehandelssysteem voor wegtransport en de gebouwde omgeving.
De komende maanden zal moeten blijken of het Climate Social Fund echt voldoende kan beschermen tegen de sociale impact hiervan!
Dat is essentieel voor @pvdaeuropa!
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 14 jul 2021, 19:03
Ook het invoeren van een koolstofheffing van de grens (CBAM) is positief.
Goed dat de Commissie stelt dat dit een alternatief is voor gratis uitstootrechten.
Het uitfaseren van deze gratis uitstootrechten moet wel echt sneller! Daar ga ik in het @Europarl_NL aan werken. 💪
Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 14 jul 2021, 17:15
Ik wil voorkomen dat de lasten op de smalste schouders komen te liggen. Die garantie heb ik niet. Er komt weliswaar een "Climate Action Social Facility" maar dat is voor de lidstaten. Wie zorgt ervoor dat dit ook bij die gezinnen terechtkomt die de steun het hardst nodig hebben?
Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 14 jul 2021, 17:15
Er is nu actie nodig om de klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. Dit rentmeesterschap zijn wij aan onze kinderen verplicht. Voor een reductie van 55% in 2030 hebben we niet alleen wetten en doelstellingen nodig maar ook oog voor de sociale kant van deze enorme opdracht.
Rob Roos (JA21) ma 12 jul 2021, 21:11
.@TimmermansEU and @EU_Commission.
Nuclear is the safest way to make reliable electricity, and climate scientists found that #NuclearEnergy has saved 1.8 million lives by preventing premature deaths from air pollution.
#NASA says: pubs.giss.nasa.gov/abs/kh05000e.h…
#Nuclear in #Taxonomy‼️
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 12 jul 2021, 11:03
Really each part of the climate package is under threat. And everytime it's shortsighted own interests taking over climate ambitions declared by our dear leaders. Politics at its worst: Automobilindustrie: EU-Kommission streitet um Enddatum für Verbrenner faz.net/-gqe-adn8a?GEP…
Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 7 jul 2021, 14:05
Make the EU global leader in green finance 🌱🇪🇺
We need the financial sector on board if we aim to tackle climate change.
Interview with @euronews 👇
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 30 jun 2021, 13:07
In two weeks time, the European Commission comes with its Climate and Energy package to deliver on higher 2030 climate ambitions. Will it be the promised ‘Man on the Moon’- moment? As @GreensEFA we stressed our key points in a letter: extranet.greens-efa-service.eu/public/media/f…
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) ma 21 jun 2021, 10:15
The @FinancialTimes has a quiz about climate change. I scored 9/12. Test your own knowledge at ig.ft.com/climate-change…
Rob Roos (JA21) zo 13 jun 2021, 12:03
Maybe the @EU_Commission, @TimmermansEU @DeCrooAlexander, #AngelaMerkel and other politicians are willing to listen to Bill Gates ⤵️
Stop shutting down #nuclear reactors and build new nuclear power plants to fight climate change. #taxonomy
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 9 jun 2021, 16:20
If only the @EU_Commission and @euco would show half the sense of urgency on the rule of law crisis, as on the climate change crisis or the covid crisis, the matter would have been long solved. ⚖️💶
Rob Roos (JA21) di 8 jun 2021, 22:27
Scaring our kids with insane and unnecessary #climate fear.
#Facebook's algorithms do it by filtering out climate facts and putting hysteria at the forefront.
People deserve a real and open debate about this topic! Watch this video ⤵️
John Stossel di 8 jun 2021, 20:56
I got censored again!
Facebook censor Emmanuel Vincent declared My Earth Day climate report “partly false.”
Now Facebook won’t show it to you. Worse, they’ll show all my videos to fewer followers!
They let Vincent censor me, even though my video got ZERO facts wrong:
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 26 mei 2021, 16:14
Meanwhile in the US.... ExxonMobil and Chevron braced for showdown over climate theguardian.com/business/2021/…
Anja Hazekamp (PvdD) wo 26 mei 2021, 11:02
Billions of subsidies for the meat industry are a disaster for our climate, our nature and animals.
Well done @GreenpeaceEU 💪
Tilly Metz MEP wo 26 mei 2021, 10:38
Loving this bold action by @Greenpeace 💚! The CAP negotiations continue, but still worlds away from the green revolution we need!
#stopgreenwashing #FixthisCAP
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) vr 21 mei 2021, 09:43
Climate on the Council agenda again. Now the 2030 target is agreed, it’s more difficult to force additional Council conclusions (not much leverage for Member States left). The fewer conclusions, the better for the Eur Commission (more room for manoeuvre to build the July package)
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 18 mei 2021, 12:47
Europe needs a much bolder Industrial Strategy that clearly shows we aim to lead the world towards climate neutrality.
@IEA also makes clear: no need for any investment in new fossil fuel supply. For @EU_Commission to finally adapt to.
Thijs Reuten (PvdA) wo 21 apr 2021, 07:02
Climate Law!👇🏼👏🏼 Geweldig nieuws! Hulde voor alle betrokken collega’s @Europarl_EN en @TimmermansEU cs #COP26 #EarthDay2021 #ClimateNeutrality 🌱
Paul Tang (PvdA) di 23 mrt 2021, 11:28
Science, not business interests, should guide us to climate neutrality. The EUs sustainable finance agenda needs commitment and ambition to transform our economy
Rob Roos (JA21) za 20 mrt 2021, 22:33
'John Kerry, President Biden’s “climate czar,” thinks cooperation with China on climate is crucial. But there’s no reason to believe Beijing will be any more honest in its negotiations on climate than it’s been on anything else.'
Idem for Mr. @TimmermansEU
Lucas Bergkamp za 20 mrt 2021, 22:05
“Beijing’s power grab in Hong Kong kills any autonomy the former British colony had left breaking all the promises China’s rulers made. It’s just one more reason there’s no point negotiating with the Chinese Communist Party on issues like climate change.” nypost.com/2021/03/14/chi…
Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 10 mrt 2021, 20:20
Clear signal by @EPPGroup and fellow MEPs: we must work towards an effective #CBAM to reach our climate goals and ensure fair competition with a level playing field. However, the abolition of free allowances is premature. Glad to see so many colleagues agree.
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 10 mrt 2021, 17:48
Unlike some political groups in the @Europarl_EN, most industry has made the decision to decarbonise and welcome the European Green Deal.
Let’s give them the clear legislation and investments they need to reach our common climate goals. 🌍✅
#CBAM #GreenDeal
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 9 mrt 2021, 18:09
Op-ed with Finnish minister @MikkonenKrista on the importance of sustainable finance and its taxonomy to make sure future investments help us to deliver on our climate and biodiversity targets: euractiv.com/section/energy…
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 9 mrt 2021, 14:13
UK considering to give aviation even more of a free pass.... Next UN climate summit is in Glasgow....
Kate Ferguson di 9 mrt 2021, 13:06
Treasury Minister Jesse Norman hints that air passenger duty could be slashed on domestic flights so Brits are encouraged to catch a plane within the UK
Rob Roos (JA21) zo 7 mrt 2021, 12:56
Popov is vertegenwoordiger van de European Climate Foundation. Hem vragen stellen over kernenergie is hetzelfde als een slager vragen naar veganisme.
Hele artikel staat vol onwaarheden. Hier een echt wetenschappelijk vergelijk 👉roadtoclimateneutrality.eu trouw.nl/a-b296a078
Rob Roos (JA21) zo 7 mrt 2021, 12:54
Popov is vertegenwoordiger van de European Climate Foundation. Hem vragen stellen over kernenergie is hetzelfde als een slager vragen naar veganisme.
Hele artikel staat vol onwaarheden. Hier een echt wetenschappelijk vergelijk roadtoclimateneutrality.eu👇 trouw.nl/a-b296a078
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) vr 5 mrt 2021, 10:33
China launched its 14th Five Years Plan (14FYP). Quite disappointing from a climate perspective. All previous statements reconfirmed, but questions on implementation remain (coal!). Also less certainty: China drops a 5 years GDP target. More analysis here: climateactiontracker.org/press/cat-comm…
Rob Roos (JA21) di 16 feb 2021, 23:49
Tucker Carlson: The great Texas climate catastrophe is heading your way foxnews.com/opinion/tucker… #FoxNews
Kati Piri vr 5 feb 2021, 16:37
I am proud to join many distinguished leaders and peers from around the globe in signing this letter emboldening President @JoeBiden to take bold climate action to build back better toward a new future together.
#climateaction #BuildBackBetter
Rob Roos (JA21) vr 5 feb 2021, 15:28
Our peer-reviewed study on #EU Climate Policy and renewables vs #nuclear energy is now available to download. A co-initiative with @KnotekOndrej
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 4 feb 2021, 17:33
Positive move from China indeed at the diplomatic climate front!
Terhi Lehtonen do 4 feb 2021, 12:53
This is encouraging for #COP26 and good news also for Europe. Impressively Xie Zhenhua met and had long exchanges with @Europarl_EN delegation MEPs at every COP negotiation for number of years. @BasEickhout @peterliese @AdinaValean @JytteGuteland @NilsTorvalds
Rob Roos (JA21) ma 1 feb 2021, 14:44
Ondertussen moet de hardwerkende burger betalen voor peperdure #klimaatregelen.
John Kerry Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, was one of the great climate hypocrites given his ownership of a private jet and a fleet of cars. #DoeWatIkZegNietWatIkDoe. skynews.com.au/details/_62277…
Rob Roos (JA21) vr 29 jan 2021, 14:24
📣Breaking! We did the numbers! Together with @RenewEurope MEP @KnotekOndrej I initiated a peer-reviewed, scientific study on #nuclear energy vs renewables, and #EU climate policy. The results are in. Game changer!
Watch this space👉
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 17 dec 2020, 11:47
I'm worried that EU-leaders are more and more interfering with the legislative process in the European Union. We saw this happening at the last #EUCO, both with Rule of Law and on Climate.
In my contribution to the plenary debate I asked @vonderleyen not to accept this.
Esther de Lange (CDA) ma 7 dec 2020, 18:38
Watch Frans Timmermans put his full weight behind the @EPPGroup position on the climate law (and warn against the ever increasing targets of other political groups - including his own...)
EPP Group ma 7 dec 2020, 18:06
The EPP Group endorses this message.
We support a #CO2 reduction target of at least 55% by 2030.
A target that allows new employment opportunities,
rather than destroying jobs. #EUClimateLaw #EUCO
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 7 dec 2020, 15:03
🔴 LIVE - President Biden: A boost for our global climate policy? pscp.tv/w/cpzcPjFyYVFa…
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 26 nov 2020, 16:04
In two weeks time the EU leaders will convene for a crucial EU summit.
We expect results on:
⚖️ Defending EU-values in 🇵🇱 and 🇭🇺
🇬🇧 Brexit: protecting social and environmental standards
💉 Fair distribution of vaccins
🌍 Higher climate targets for 2030
Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 23 nov 2020, 11:28
Have your say in the development of the EU’s green “taxonomy”! What economic activities should be seen as preventing, or adapting to, climate change? You can share your insights via
European Commission 🇪🇺 ma 23 nov 2020, 08:15
The EU's rules on taxonomy will be instrumental in getting investment in green economic projects.
Help us shape the criteria defining environmentally sustainable activities, under the EU’s Taxonomy.
📢 Join the consultation. #EUGreenDeal #EUHaveYourSay
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) vr 20 nov 2020, 14:44
Important work from the adopted Taxonomy Regulation published today; defining what we mean by Green investments for climate. 4 weeks of consultation starting now, so things can still be improved!
EU Finance 🇪🇺 vr 20 nov 2020, 12:51
🆕 Do you want to have your say on what economic activities can qualify as environmentally sustainable? Take part in our public consultation on the #EUtaxonomy for
🟢 climate change mitigation
🟢 climate change adaptation
#SustainableFinanceEU #EUGreenDeal ec.europa.eu/info/business-…
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) vr 20 nov 2020, 13:41
Very important conclusion from the EU Ombudswoman: ‘EU failed to properly assess climate risk of gas projects, watchdog says.’ Greens tried an objection by the EP but a majority voted against and let this slip through: euractiv.com/section/energy…
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