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410 tweets gevonden.


Karim Maassen zo 26 mei 2019, 14:30

Poland has filed a complaint against the European Union’s copyright directive #article17


Marietje Schaake wo 22 mei 2019, 15:10

This was not entirely unpredictable. The same will happen with the nee #copyright directive, which was adopted with a slim majority because many wanted to push back against ‘big tech’ ↘️

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Ryan Heath wo 22 mei 2019, 12:42

How Silicon Valley gamed Europe's #privacy rules
One year into the infamous #GDPR regulation, it turns out that the biggest winner from the overhaul meant to help citizens is in fact Big Tech… cc @karaswisher @profgalloway


Marietje Schaake ma 15 apr 2019, 13:33

+1Well, looks like the UK’s Tory government did not use its sovereign vote against the #Copyright law in Council this morning... CC @BorisJohnson ↘️


Marietje Schaake ma 1 apr 2019, 20:01

1) Assessing whether #copyright protected materials are uploaded is effectively only possible in an automated way: problem for free speech and SME’s 2) Will tech platforms opt to get licenses for smaller language areas or skip them? 3) Publishers right tried and failed in Germany

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Osman Coşkunoğlu ma 1 apr 2019, 19:13

Convincing arguments about #EU’s new #Copyright Directive 👇 relieved me a bit. Your counter-arguments @MarietjeSchaake ?…


Marietje Schaake ma 1 apr 2019, 17:09

Hope the Dutch government will vote against, it should going by its standing policy against articles 11 & 13 #Copyright ↘️

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Laura Kayali ma 1 apr 2019, 14:12

#Copyright officially at the agenda of the April 15 ... Agri Council (😂)­VI/E…­


Marietje Schaake ma 1 apr 2019, 14:27

Because big tech and big publishers are newly BFF’s after the #copyright vote?

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Donie O'Sullivan ma 1 apr 2019, 14:25

Zuckerberg just posted video of his discussion with the CEO of Axel Springer. Is it wise for news organizations to agree to take part in Zuckerberg’s “discussions” like this? Why not just ask for an interview?…


Lambert van Nistelrooij za 30 mrt 2019, 10:43

Het CDA heeft deze week in Straatsburg ingestemd met de nieuwe #copyright-wetgeving.

In mijn laatste videobijdrage leg ik uit waarom ⬇️

Voor meer informatie verwijs ik u ook graag door naar


Marietje Schaake do 28 mrt 2019, 16:15

This, I am afraid, is exactly the problem ↘️ #Copyright

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Paul Graham wo 27 mrt 2019, 21:23

Prediction: Article 13 will damage the EU more than it damages the internet. The EU believes it can push the future in the direction it wants. But the future has more mass than the EU. So what will happen instead is that the EU will push itself away from the future.


Marietje Schaake wo 27 mrt 2019, 12:31

No Boris, it is not ‘a classic EU law’, but the result of a POLITICAL decision, one that most of your TORY colleagues VOTED FOR! The UK can still be part of the blocking minority in the Council of Ministers. #Copyright ↘️

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Boris Johnson wo 27 mrt 2019, 08:55

The EU’s new copyright law is terrible for the internet. It’s a classic EU law to help the rich and powerful, and we should not apply it. It is a good example of how we can take back control


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 22:48

People corrected their votes on the record, which does not change the end result, but does reveal there would have been a majority for voting on amendments if MEPs would have voted as they later indicated they would have #copyright

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Wout van Wijk di 26 mrt 2019, 22:40

@MarietjeSchaake How so? There was a (small) majority against voting on the amendments: 312 in favour, 317 against.


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 22:44

People corrected their votes on the record, which does bot change the end result, but does reveal there would have been a majority for voting on amendments if MEPs would have voted as they later indicated they would have #copyright

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Wout van Wijk di 26 mrt 2019, 22:40

@MarietjeSchaake How so? There was a (small) majority against voting on the amendments: 312 in favour, 317 against.


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 21:31

A very inconvenient truth about the #copyright vote: after corrections of votes (allowed for the record but without changing the outcome of the vote) there would have been a majority for voting for or against 11&13. History is a dime on its side ↘️ (P. 51)­etDoc.d…­


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 19:42

The #Copyright law is NOT a blow to big tech, as lobby effectively spun >‘Operators of smaller websites argued against the bill, saying only giant tech platforms would have the resources to comply with the law. Google & Facebook already use filtering... ’


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 17:25

If I were the European Commission I would have presented this news on a day it would not be (predictably) overshadowed by the copyright vote... ↘️

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EUHomeAffairs di 26 mrt 2019, 16:16

For a common approach to 5G security, we propose 3 steps
1. Member states carry out a national security risk assessments
2. Combine into EU-wide review of 5G security
3. Turn that into a toolbox to mitigate security threats, secure infrastructure. #security #cybersec #5G


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 13:50

Didn’t the term ‘take back control’ lose any possible appeal after seeing the #Brexit meltdown... I worry many (young) people lost faith in European solutions for the open internet today. Hope they see the #copyright vote as the result of political choices, not as ‘EU failure’ ↘️

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Mehreen di 26 mrt 2019, 13:40

Team Juncker is celebrating #copyright by "taking back control" of the internet­…­


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 13:08

...and a load of courtcases on the interpretation too, a good day for IP lawyers 😢 #copyright

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Ryan Heath di 26 mrt 2019, 13:04

My guess is that today's #copyright vote will lead onto a rampaging #EP2019 campaign built on a youth / left nexis, and centred on Germany but prominent elsewhere.­…­


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 26 mrt 2019, 13:05

#Copyright in Digitale Markt van rapporteur @AxelVossMdEP aanvaard tijdens #EPlenary . Creatieve sector verdient eerlijk aandeel in verdiensten in digitale wereld: felicitaties van @Esther_de_Lange aan @EPPGroup rapporteur #Article13


Kati Piri di 26 mrt 2019, 13:05

Teleurstellende uitkomst #copyright - met slechts 5 stemmen verschil is aparte stemming over #Artikel13 voorkomen.

in reply to avatar

KatiPiri di 26 mrt 2019, 12:32

Vandaag stem ik tegen #Artikel13!

Contentmakers moeten eerlijk betaald worden, maar Artikel 13 is daar niet het antwoord op.

Algoritmen moeten niet de poortwachter van onze online content worden.

Red de gifjes!


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 12:58

Yep, we tried and I had high hopes we could have voted article 13 out at least but by 5 votes difference (sorry I tweeted 4 before) we could not vote on articles 11 & 13 again ↘️ #Copyright

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Laura Kayali di 26 mrt 2019, 12:53

#Copyright reform is ADOPTED with 348 votes in favor, 274 against. Articles 13 and 11 are IN.


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 12:54

European Parliament adopted the text and we did not have a chance to vote on articles 11&13 again. 4 votes difference on allowing for the amendments to be voted. New controversial copyright law underway for Europe 😢


Marietje Schaake di 26 mrt 2019, 10:47

D66 heeft ook de zorgen van bijv. auteursrechten experts en academici, de VN speciale gezant voor vrije meningsuiting, en internetgebruikers gehoord over #copyright directive


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 25 mrt 2019, 23:54

Duitse krant stelt dat Duitsland copyright wetgeving (met uploadfilter) accepteerde om van Frankrijk concessies te krijgen op NordStream2.... #dirtypolitics

Altmaier opfert Start-ups im Urheberrecht­on/w…­


Marietje Schaake ma 25 mrt 2019, 22:40

Hoping Europe goes Dutch tomorrow 😉💪🏻#Copyright 🇳🇱🇪🇺

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Netherlands at the EU ma 25 mrt 2019, 17:32

Tomorrow, the #EPlenary will vote on the final #copyright agreement.
We’d give you 13 reasons why it’s a flawed result, but here’s three reasons why
#article13 will break more than it fixes:


Judith Sargentini ma 25 mrt 2019, 18:20

Natuurlijk moeten we ervoor zorgen dat de makers van online content betaald krijgen voor hun werk, maar dat moet niet ten koste gaan van het vrije internet. Ook als het om een parodie of meme gaat.

Daarom stemt GroenLinks tegen de nieuwe copyright-wet. #Artikel13


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 25 mrt 2019, 18:19

Natuurlijk moeten we ervoor zorgen dat de makers van online content betaald krijgen voor hun werk, maar dat moet niet ten koste gaan van het vrije internet. Ook als het om een parodie of meme gaat.

Daarom stemt GroenLinks tegen de nieuwe copyright-wet. #Artikel13


Marietje Schaake ma 25 mrt 2019, 17:55

Thank you for supporting our line on #copyright, against article 13 > 5.000.000 and counting… ↘️


Marietje Schaake ma 25 mrt 2019, 17:26

We will vote against articles 11 & 13 and will vote against the entire directive if these pass. I know more @ALDEgroup members will do the same. Every vote will count... #copyright

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Laura Kayali ma 25 mrt 2019, 17:12

ALDE MEPs, such as @MarietjeSchaake, already announced they'd vote against.­…­


Marietje Schaake zo 24 mrt 2019, 16:33

We heard you before and we heard you now. Every vote will count on Tuesday, D66 will vote against articles 11 and 13 and against the entire directive if they do not get voted down #copyright ↘️

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netzpolitik za 23 mrt 2019, 17:34

More than 100.000 people took to the streets in 50 cities in Germany to protest against Uploadfilters and for an updated copyright-regime. It’s incredible, these are the biggest protests for an open internet ever! Stop #artikel13 in the European Parliament!


Judith Sargentini di 26 feb 2019, 16:04

Potverdrie, EPcommissie Juridische Zaken akkoord met controversiële update #copyright. Nu komt het aan op de finale stemming.­me…­


Paul Tang (PvdA) di 26 feb 2019, 16:00

Vandaag werd er ingestemd met nieuwe regels voor de bescherming van auteursrechten.

De nieuwe regels vraagt websites een uploadfilter te plaatsen.
Dan zouden filmpjes, foto’s & video’s bij voorbaat van het internet geweerd worden.
Red de meme! 👊🏼 #Artikel13 #Copyright

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Laura Kayali wo 20 feb 2019, 14:30

The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland, Italy and Finland won't endorse the #copyright reform today (discussions are happening as we speak) permanentrepresentations.n­l/permanent-repr…­


Marietje Schaake zo 17 feb 2019, 18:52

1500 people demonstrate against new #Copyright law in Cologne saying ‘I am not a bot’ ↘️

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FAZ.NET zo 17 feb 2019, 14:47

In Köln sind 1500 junge Menschen gegen die Reform des #Urheberrechts und sogenannte Upload-Filter auf die Straße gegangen:


Marietje Schaake do 14 feb 2019, 22:10

Quite a lot of lobbying for the new #copyright directive was centered around journalists benefitting. These certainly don’t see that ↘️

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IFJ do 14 feb 2019, 15:32

#EU #Copyrightirective makes a mockery of journalists' authors' rights by promoting buy-out contracts and bullying to force journalists to sign away their rights and giving publishers a free ride to make more profits while journos receive 0 @abellanger49…


Marietje Schaake do 14 feb 2019, 20:36

Including van your truly >> Harde kritiek op vernieuwd Europees copyright…


Marietje Schaake wo 13 feb 2019, 22:20

This evening a compromise on #copyright was reached. I am deeply disappointed. My response is here ↘️­n-europ…­


Judith Sargentini ma 11 feb 2019, 20:17

Collega Julia Reda @Senficon zit in de zoveelste onderhandelingsronde over #copyright en strijdt tegen de #uploadfilters

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Julia Reda ma 11 feb 2019, 20:11

The first “final” trilogue on #copyright is starting now. Probably negotiations will drag on until tomorrow and Wednesday. Will give a brief update later tonight. #SaveYourInternet #Article13 #UploadFilters


Marietje Schaake di 5 feb 2019, 18:05

You can’t make this #copyright nonsense up ↘️

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TF di 5 feb 2019, 17:17

Kenyan Govt. Protests as National Anthem Hit With YouTube Copyright Complaint


Judith Sargentini ma 21 jan 2019, 13:58

Blijf up-to-date in de #copyright saga met Groene collega Julia Reda @Senficon #safeyourinternet

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Julia Reda vr 18 jan 2019, 19:51

BREAKING: Council has failed to find an agreement on its #copyright position today. This doesn’t mean that #Article11 and #Article13 are dead, but their adoption has just become a lot less likely. Let’s keep up the pressure now!­…­ #SaveYourInternet

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Tjeerd Royaards do 6 dec 2018, 12:34

5 minutes of fame: yesterday as I talked about drawing Brexit cartoons on BBC World. Unfortunately, I can't share the entire video because of copyright, but I think I can get away with sharing a screenshot.


Marietje Schaake do 8 nov 2018, 08:58

💃🏻 ‘If Silicon Valley is infested with bro culture, in Brussels it’s about sisterhood -Whether it’s robots, blockchain, copyright, 5G or privacy, virtually all the leading MEPs addressing the digital revolution are women’ Women who shape Brussels ↘️­…­


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 13 sep 2018, 10:30

Gisteren namen wij in #Straatsburg een belangrijke besluit voor betere bescherming van de creatieve sector. Nu kunnen de onderhandelingen in #Brussels van start gaan. Waarom ik zo tevreden ben met dit besluit? Kijk verder👉 #Copyright


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 12 sep 2018, 13:39

Onderhandeling over #Copyright in de Digitale EU -markt kan beginnen: Europees parlement geeft met 438 stemmen voor en 226 tegen mandaat voor goede bescherming eigendom van bv. creatieve sector, artiesten en de vrije verspreiding van informatie via het internet

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Marietje Schaake wo 12 sep 2018, 13:02

Worst possible outcome on #copyright vote in European Parliament just now: article 13 adopted, no TDM exemption, etc. We tried....


Marietje Schaake wo 12 sep 2018, 13:19

My response to the missed opportunity to reform #copyright and the vote today is here ↘️­-disapp…­


Marietje Schaake wo 12 sep 2018, 13:02

Worst possible outcome on #copyright vote in European Parliament just now: article 13 adopted, no TDM exemption, etc. We tried....


Marietje Schaake wo 12 sep 2018, 09:37

Je vergeet nog stemming over copyright :)

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Jaap Jansen di 11 sep 2018, 21:12

Het Europees Parlement is morgen interessanter dan de Tweede Kamer. ‘s Morgens De Staat van de Unie met @JunckerEU, ‘s middags de scheiding der geesten in de christendemocratische fractie over Viktor Orban en Hongarije

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