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14 tweets gevonden.


Bart Groothuis (VVD) za 2 jul 2022, 14:27

Unfortunately, my other amendments on deepfakes didn’t make it. I would rather had obliged platforms to detect and label deepfakes, whereas the current text demands the creators to do so. Well, ask that to president Putin and his internet trolls... Missed opportunity (5)

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Bart Groothuis (VVD) za 2 jul 2022, 14:27

Another groundbreaking aspect: large online platforms may no longer follow and track children’s online behaviour. The Internet wasn’t meant for that. How did this end up in the DSA? With @LSchreinemacher (former MEP, nowadays Dutch foreign trade minister) 👏 (4)


Bart Groothuis (VVD) do 27 jan 2022, 12:36

@MichielSteltman In het beste geval leidt het tot een inspanningsverplichting die platforms zal dwingen meer in defectie van deepfakes te investeren. Een watermerk tast overigens de vrijheid van meningsuiting niet aan, maar zorgt er wel voor dat deepfakes niet ongestoord viral kunnen gaan


Bart Groothuis (VVD) do 20 jan 2022, 13:13

What if president Putin decides to fabricate deepfake videos to legitimise a ground war in Ukrain? Europe must legislate deepfakes before accidents happen. Today we vote on my deepfake amendment to the Digital Services Act 👇


Bart Groothuis (VVD) do 20 jan 2022, 13:09

What if president Putin decides to fabricate deepfake videos to legitimise a ground war in Ukrain? Europe must legislate deepfakes before accidents happen. Today we vote on my deepfake amendment to the Digital Services Act 👇


Bart Groothuis (VVD) wo 1 dec 2021, 21:15

@politixs @TwitterSafety My aim is to further incentivise the detection of deepfakes, a best efforts obligation that will force platforms to invest more in defection. According to Berkeley University currently some 90% of research budgets is invested in deep fake technology, only 10% in detection


Bart Groothuis (VVD) do 6 mei 2021, 09:26

Deepfakes maakt veel mensen nerveus. Verbieden? Zolang we weten waar we naar kijken en we criminele daders opsporen, is een verbod niet verstandig. Het is ook een veelbelovende technologie. Vanochtend gaf ik op de radio 📻 tekst en uitleg over de plannen die we in Europa maken 👇

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Elise van Tienhoven do 6 mei 2021, 08:28

We lopen hopeloos achter... Waarschuwing van @bgroothuis
'Nederland moet zich beter wapenen tegen deepfakes'


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 21 apr 2021, 12:58

Zojuist presenteerde de Commissie de eerste grootschalige AI-wetgeving ter wereld. Maar ondanks goede bedoelingen ligt de lat veel te laag. Discriminatie, automatische biometrische identificatie en deepfakes worden niet effectief aangepakt. Mijn reactie👇…


Paul Tang (PvdA) vr 22 jan 2021, 09:36

Deepfakes are dangerous in many ways. From revenge porn to political deception at a large scale.

That is why I again propose to let all deepfakes be labelled as such­…­


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 23 nov 2020, 09:35

Na de fabeltjesfuik opnieuw een mooi verhelderend item @zondagmetlubach, maar ik deel niet je mening dat we machteloos zijn tegen deepfakes. In @Europarl_NL deed ik dit voorstel 👇


Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) di 12 nov 2019, 17:08

#deepfakes zoals deze kunnen democratie ondermijnen. Daarom vorige maand al vragen aan Europese Commissie gesteld. Zie ook…

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Catrin Nye di 12 nov 2019, 08:44

A video showing Boris Johnson endorsing Jeremy Corbyn for Prime Minister has just landed online, another shows Corbyn backing Johnson.

Confused? Well they’re deep fakes created by @FutureAdvocacy & I’ve been behind the scenes for the making of them for @VictoriaLIVE >


Paul Tang (PvdA) di 12 nov 2019, 16:27

Goed en veronrustend item. Niet of nauwelijks van echt te onderscheiden: #Deepfakes

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Catrin Nye di 12 nov 2019, 08:44

A video showing Boris Johnson endorsing Jeremy Corbyn for Prime Minister has just landed online, another shows Corbyn backing Johnson.

Confused? Well they’re deep fakes created by @FutureAdvocacy & I’ve been behind the scenes for the making of them for @VictoriaLIVE >


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 24 jan 2019, 14:05

+1#AI makes it possible to create #Deepfakes, in which you can make everyone say everything. Companies, gov. & citizens have to do their part for a fair and safe #digital society. If necessary through legislation, but personal responsibility is just as important #digitaldemocracy


Marietje Schaake do 15 nov 2018, 11:01

People’s human right to vote, by secret ballot and universal suffrage, is under threat. I have been working on electoral integrity. See what is at stake: #deepfakes, lack of #cybersecurity of election technologies, and foreign interference ↘️­-fakes-…­

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