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Doorzoek de tweets van de parlementariërs

749 tweets gevonden.


Corien Wortmann di 4 okt 2011, 13:49

Exceptionally room in EC building full of women thanks to the invitation of Neelie Kroes. Digital world still male oriented. Change needed


Marietje Schaake di 4 okt 2011, 13:24

Impressive talk by @marthalanefox on #technology and #women! She's called the UK's digital champion :)


Marietje Schaake di 5 jul 2011, 18:15

Discussing Europe's digital agenda with @NeelieKroesEU, asked her about #netneutrality #copyright reform and #opendata


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 16 jun 2011, 11:52

Digital Agenda Assembly in Brussel: 2 dagen debat, toekomst #ICT in Europa en de wereld


Marietje Schaake wo 15 jun 2011, 22:59

Calling it a day, will discuss social media at the Digital Agenda Assembly. What would you want to discuss if you were there? #Daa11eu


Marietje Schaake ma 6 jun 2011, 19:06

Should video link #pdf11 :) RT @AlecJRoss Speaking at UN with @Ariannahuff @NancyLublin on Media Activism In a Digital Age. #netfreedom


Marietje Schaake ma 30 mei 2011, 13:15

Good points on digital #literacy and the need to keep an open internet accessible for all people #eurodig


Marietje Schaake di 3 mei 2011, 16:49

Thanks! RT @anderssjoman Just uploaded 'Voddler developing digital services online - brussels' to SlideShare.


Marietje Schaake di 3 mei 2011, 13:28

Leah Postma Cons. Rights NL: 'Entertainment industry needs to catch up with digital revolution, they haven't yet'


Marietje Schaake di 3 mei 2011, 13:12

Joe Karaganis: 'In the future, distribution of media distribution cant be controlled. All will go digital. The DVD is crushed as an object.'


Marietje Schaake vr 29 apr 2011, 12:58

Op gastcollege Leeuwarden studenten ontmoet die werken aan een Europees project Digital Agenda goes local!


Marietje Schaake di 19 apr 2011, 12:43

Just debated the need for the harmonization of the #EU's digital market and the importance of #copyright reform. Will upload the video asap


Marietje Schaake di 29 mrt 2011, 18:51

Commissioner Barnier is in te #ALDE group, am asking him about completing the digital single market, and #copyright reform


Marietje Schaake za 26 mrt 2011, 19:03

#EU needs to complete Europe's common digital market, indeed @sikorskiradek #BF11


Marietje Schaake do 24 mrt 2011, 08:45

At breakfast where @NeelieKroes talks about cloudcomputing and the EUs digital agenda


Marietje Schaake di 25 jan 2011, 19:55

Discussing 'trust' with a variety (20 male 2 female) business and civil society leaders from ICT, digital abd media world


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 18 jan 2011, 10:40

gesprek met European Digital Media Association over aansprakelijkheid van dienstenaanbieders op internet vor illegale content


Marietje Schaake di 30 nov 2010, 18:14

Amb. Kennard: 'It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see what needs to happen to this (EU) digital market' #finalizeEUdigitalmarket


Marietje Schaake ma 15 nov 2010, 19:10

@lissnup @bgurdogan Yes but #Turkey has many English speakers, the translation should be #crowdsourced. Is there digital version of book?


Marietje Schaake di 2 nov 2010, 09:51

Europe should think big and complete the single digital market!


Marietje Schaake wo 8 sep 2010, 14:20

@Labrang digital world is different from for example counterfeit medicine or batteries, even if we are talking about commercial scale


Marietje Schaake wo 8 sep 2010, 11:35

Colleague MEP Syyed Kemal reminds Commissioner that there is need for new business models in digital age, not to enforce outdated laws #ACTA


Marietje Schaake wo 1 sep 2010, 09:51

@Anne_EU_webteam I know, but a real digital revolution in the #EU institutions would be so welcome


Marietje Schaake zo 15 aug 2010, 12:58

@gladyschavez very relevant questions ! Ending the Lazy Discourse of Digital Activism" panel at #SXSW


Marietje Schaake wo 11 aug 2010, 10:39

RT @NeelieKroesEU: I uploaded a YouTube video -- Every European Digital


Marietje Schaake wo 28 apr 2010, 15:06

Panel on the Transatlantic Digital agenda: Chopra, Van Oranje, Goodlatte and MEP colleague Del Castillo


Marietje Schaake wo 28 apr 2010, 14:34

Heading to Capitol Hill for morning focused on Digital Agenda, then hearing on Iran sanctions, then flight to Brussels


Marietje Schaake vr 16 apr 2010, 16:56

The EP can surely do without Strasbourg and with a digital revolution! RT @zoobab: @MarietjeD66 Time to build a virtual parliament


Marietje Schaake wo 14 apr 2010, 00:41

Calling it a day, speeches on New Media and Democracy, Democracy in Turkey, and Public Broadcasting in the Digital Age tomorrow...


Marietje Schaake di 6 apr 2010, 22:58

Thanks for great responses to the #ACTA seminar! Bedtime after inspiring dinner with Ben Verwaayen on nxt generation leaders in digital age


Judith Sargentini ma 22 feb 2010, 20:25

@vormgevenNL ja natuurlijk ben bij femke's twist en dan kun je me natuurlijk interviewen. Nu trouwens ook in de zwijger over digital rights.


Marietje Schaake do 11 feb 2010, 08:06

Vandaag op de agenda: de SWIFT vote, en vrije meningsuiting in Venezuela, en mijn Intergroup Europe's Digital Agenda verder opzetten


Marietje Schaake di 9 feb 2010, 14:07

Congratulations Neelie Kroes! We trust your leadership in putting Europe's Digital Agenda at the top of Europe's agenda


Marietje Schaake di 19 jan 2010, 13:34

Never doubted, but Neelie Kroes is approved as commissioner Digital Agenda!


Marietje Schaake do 14 jan 2010, 17:34

Digital divide: use the single market, and try to harmonize, efficient use of the spectrum (national effort needed to open up) #Kroes


Marietje Schaake do 14 jan 2010, 17:12

Digital agenda is a huge portfolio, 30 minutes in we have discussed econ.recovery, netneutrality, sustainability, copyright (#Kroes)


Marietje Schaake do 14 jan 2010, 08:17

@Superjan @hanspeters de hoorzittinge met Neelie Kroes gaat over haar candidatuur als Eurocommissaris voor ICT, Europe´s Digital Agenda


Marietje Schaake zo 10 jan 2010, 22:54

Ready for 'hearingsweek' will ask questions to Fule (enlargement) and Kroes (digital agenda)


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) za 2 jan 2010, 19:36

leuke aanvulling op mijn e-reader vraag :0 RT @Spartz CNN: "Digital piracy hits the e-book industry"


Judith Sargentini vr 27 nov 2009, 17:57

De posten in het nieuwe Europese College zijn verdeeld en Neelie Kroes vist met de portefeuille 'digital agenda' wel heel matig bediend.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) vr 27 nov 2009, 12:50

Daar is dan Barroso's voorstel: RT @martinvisser zwart op wit ziet 't er nog magerder uit: Kroes op 'digital agenda'


Judith Merkies di 13 okt 2009, 15:22

Crowded meeting room at Digital Communication discussion, showing a great interest to explore better&quicker ways of public communication


Judith Merkies di 13 okt 2009, 12:48

On my way to a discussion about digital communication to talk about my experience using YouTube Twitter facebook (webber shandwick hosting)


Marietje Schaake di 13 okt 2009, 12:10

5,4 mil. indexcards for 16,8 mil. DDR citizens... Imagine the equivalent of this kept as our digital data now


Marietje Schaake za 3 okt 2009, 12:50

@Sywert Agreed, maar in elk geval is 1 Europese stem betere start voor wereld wijd systeem (some day). Op naar 1 European Digital Market


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 14 aug 2009, 18:32

RT @ stefankulk Dutch Digital Civil Liberties organization: 'Bits Of Freedom' is back:

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