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Paul Tang (PvdA) vr 28 jan 2022, 14:11

One week ago, the European Parliament adopted 3 amendments of our Coalition on the Digital Services Act with a broad majority.

These amendments effectively ban tracking and targeting of minors and the use of sensitive data for advertising purposes.…

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Paul Tang (PvdA) vr 28 jan 2022, 14:11

It might sound crazy to hear - but a year ago the topic of regulating tracking ads wasn’t as prominent on the political agenda as it is today.

All advocacy work and the dozens of new reports in and outside of Europe opened the eyes of many for this disturbing issue.


Bart Groothuis (VVD) do 27 jan 2022, 15:31

Op Radio 1 legde ik uit welke wetten we in Brussel op dit moment maken om desinformatie van Rusland en China tegen te gaan. Hint: de Digital Services Act (haalt strafbare informatie offline), aanvullende afspraken met platforms en onafhankelijk toezicht…

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De Nieuws BV do 27 jan 2022, 12:18

Poetin geeft miljoenen uit aan campagnes vol met misinformatie over Oekraïne. Het Europees Parlement vraagt om tegencampagnes. Hoe moeten we omgaan met de Russische propaganda in deze onzekere tijd? Europarlementariër @bartgroothuis en correspondent @EvaHartog leggen het uit.


Bart Groothuis (VVD) do 27 jan 2022, 11:22

Ik diende een amendement in op de Digital Services Act om platforms zoals Facebook en Youtube deepfake video’s te laten detecteren én watermerken. Freedom of speech is niet freedom of reach. Daarover wordt de komende maanden onderhandeld met de 27 EU lidstaten👇

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EW do 27 jan 2022, 11:15

Om mensen online meer te beschermen, moet er regelgeving voor deepfakes komen, schrijven @QueenyRaj en @bgroothuis. Deze technologie wordt steeds vaker ingezet door kwaadwillenden.


Rob Roos (JA21) wo 26 jan 2022, 23:28

videoDe discussie over de European Digital Identity Wallet laait terecht op.
Ik stelde Norbert Sagstetter, Head of Unit eGovernment and Trust van de Commissie in november vorig jaar daar expliciete vragen over maar ik kreeg totaal geen antwoord. #DigitalID


Rob Roos (JA21) wo 26 jan 2022, 23:27

videoDe discussie over European Digital Identity Wallet laait terecht op.
Ik stelde Norbert Sagstetter, Head of Unit eGovernment and Trust van de Commissie in november vorig jaar daar expliciete vragen over maar ik kreeg totaal geen antwoord.


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) wo 26 jan 2022, 13:03

Hello Felix! Next to being a huge inspiration for the digital rights community, you are now also one for the lgbti-community🏳️‍⚧️
Keep on rocking it! 💪

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Felix Reda wo 26 jan 2022, 12:01

Hello world! 🏳️‍⚧️🌈 My name is Felix, pronouns he/they. I have been using my new name among friends and family for a little while now, I’m excited to also be known as Felix in public from now on!­…­


Esther de Lange (CDA) zo 23 jan 2022, 08:40

Deze week heeft het EP een grote stap gezet in de illegale puppyhandel. In de nieuwe "Digital Services Act" komen strengere voorwaarden voor online verkoopplatforms. Want wat offline illegaal is, moet online ook illegaal zijn. Theo denkt er alvast het zijne van. #DSA


Toine Manders (CDA) do 20 jan 2022, 16:35

👏Goed dat Europees Parlement vandaag besloot tot een harde aanpak van illegale handel en het onbestraft verspreiden van nepnieuws online. De 'Digital Services Act' (#DSA) regelt dat wat offline illegaal is, ook online illegaal wordt!

Lees hier meer⤵️


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 20 jan 2022, 16:16

Yes! with a huge majority, the European Parliament adopted the Digital Services Act. A big win, with support from left to right 💪!
Special thanks to all the colleagues that worked so hard to achieve this result. (cc @SchaldemoseMEP) #DSA #DigitalServicesAct


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 20 jan 2022, 15:53

Nog 8m tot nee, niet BOOS, maar de uitslag van de stemming over de Digital Services Act!
Het EP neemt wetgeving aan die minderjarigen online beschermt, en ervoor zorgt dat wat offline verboden is, dat online ook wordt.
Grote overwinning op de lobby v Big Tech. The day is ours 💪!


Bart Groothuis (VVD) do 20 jan 2022, 13:13

What if president Putin decides to fabricate deepfake videos to legitimise a ground war in Ukrain? Europe must legislate deepfakes before accidents happen. Today we vote on my deepfake amendment to the Digital Services Act 👇


Bart Groothuis (VVD) do 20 jan 2022, 13:09

What if president Putin decides to fabricate deepfake videos to legitimise a ground war in Ukrain? Europe must legislate deepfakes before accidents happen. Today we vote on my deepfake amendment to the Digital Services Act 👇


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 19 jan 2022, 17:15

Even een voorbeeld van een amendement ingediend bij de DSA, digital service act waar het EP om 18:00 over stemmen. De Groenen willen “burgercomitees” om gedragscodes op te volgen bij platforms. En dit is maar één voorbeeld van vele merkwaardige zaken die de revue passeren.


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 15 dec 2021, 19:14

+1We did it! 🎉

The EU Parliament just adopted with a large majority it’s position on the Digital Markets Act!

Congrats to my dear colleagues @egebhardtMdEP @czorrinho @Andreas_Schwab @s_yoncourtin #DMA


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) wo 15 dec 2021, 16:07

The proposals for the #DMA by the EU Parliament are a step in the right direction:

👉Mandatory interoperability
👉An opt-in for online tracking and data-collection by platforms
👉Mandatory notification for all acquisitions by gatekeepers, not only in the digital sector


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Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) wo 15 dec 2021, 16:03

A small number of big tech companies is slowly entering every aspect of our lives.
We cannot rely on them to run our entire societies in the public interest. It’s time to take back power over the internet.



Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 15 dec 2021, 14:06

The Dutch Coalition agreement is in. On digital policy:

- No facial recognition ‘without strict legal demarcation and control'
- Creation of an algorithm supervisor
- Right for children to not be followed and not to receive data profiles
- Strong emphasis on online identity

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Kabinetsformatie wo 15 dec 2021, 13:45

Lees hier het eindverslag van informateurs Remkes en Koolmees:­cumenten/ver…­

En hier het coalitieakkoord ’Omzien naar elkaar, vooruitkijken naar de toekomst’ van VVD, D66, CDA en ChristenUnie:…



Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) wo 15 dec 2021, 12:46

Met de Digital Markets Act (#DMA) kunnen we de macht van poortwachters als Google en Facebook breken.
Ik ben blij dat met deze voorstellen een eerste stap is gezet om zeggenschap over onze digitale toekomst terug te pakken.…
De belangrijkste voorstellen: 👇


Bart Groothuis (VVD) di 14 dec 2021, 19:18

This is why Europe invests in cyber security: leading efforts to mitigate a worldwide digital crisis. Bravo, @ncsc_nl 👏
It also shows the necessity of the new EU legislation #NIS2, which will force critical infrastructure to put such recommendations into swift action👇

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Catalin Cimpanu di 14 dec 2021, 16:37

The the Dutch National Cyber Security Center (NCSC-NL) has probably the most complete list of software that is (or not) affected by the Log4Shell vulnerability…


Paul Tang (PvdA) vr 10 dec 2021, 10:27

Warning! A new round of tax competition has begun, to lower income tax rates for expats and digital nomads. Spain is not the first, and will no be the last one



Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) do 9 dec 2021, 14:57

@JeremiasPrassl Thanks @JeremiasPrassl. Happy the Commission took my proposals on algorithmic management on board. Today's proposal is huge step towards protecting platform workers subjected to AI, but definitely not the last if it's up to me. We need to protect all workers in the digital age 💪


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) do 9 dec 2021, 14:52

And the proposal is a major breakthrough on algorithmic management! Something I fought hard for in the Parliament. An important step is taken towards creating a new category of digital labour rights for the 21st century. We must stop the constant surveillance of workers. (3/5)

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Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) do 9 dec 2021, 14:52

Good that we stand up against big platforms that trample on workers’ rights and that the EU Parliament’s demand to introduce a presumption of employment is in. It will be up to the platform to prove that someone working for them is truly self-employed. (2/5)


Bart Groothuis (VVD) wo 1 dec 2021, 20:26

My amendment on detecting and labelling deep fake videos made it to the final parliamentary negotiations on the Digital Services Act #DSA. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook must label deep fake video’s, for the safety of our societies. Legislate this before accidents happen!


Liesje Schreinemacher do 25 nov 2021, 12:18

Important step forward in making consumers and businesses less dependent on Big Tech companies: following our vote on Tuesday in the @EP_SingleMarket committee, the @EUCouncil has also approved its mandate for the Digital Markets Act. 👉 Negotiation time!

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EU Council Press do 25 nov 2021, 11:21

#COMPET | 🇪🇺 @EUCouncil has just reached a general approach on the Digital Markets Act, which will

🖥️ enhance competition online

🖥️ ensure fair prices and high-quality products online

Read the press release below 👇



Liesje Schreinemacher di 23 nov 2021, 18:32

Great talk with @vestager on the importance of child safety online this morning. We spoke about the need for more action to ensure safer design upfront and an end to the pervasive tracking of the digital footprint of our children👣Read the @RenewEurope 👉


Paul Tang (PvdA) di 23 nov 2021, 11:09

Warm congratulations to @Andreas_Schwab @s_yoncourtin @czorrinho @egebhardtMdEP for the adoption of the Digital Markets Act report in IMCO. The last step before the plenary vote.

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IMCO Committee Press di 23 nov 2021, 10:53

Press release - Digital Markets Act: ending unfair practices of big online platforms
Amended text approved @EP_SingleMarket by 42 votes in favour, two against and one abstention
More info…


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) vr 19 nov 2021, 10:36

Today @EP_SingleMarket Digital Single Market wg holds a hearing on targeted advertising. 🧵

@GreensEFA has a strong position in favour of a ban on targeted ads and for #afuturewithoutmanipulatio­n­ #trackingfreeads


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 10 nov 2021, 11:40

Great news!

But better safe than sorry: we need the Digital Markets Act to correct market power beforehand.

Congratulations @vestager #DMA #googleshopping #competition

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EU Court of Justice wo 10 nov 2021, 11:12

#EUGeneralCourt largely dismisses @Google action against @EU_Commission decision finding an abuse of a dominant position on its part by favouring its own comparison shopping service and upholds the €2.42 billion fine @AlphabetINC 👉­Jo2_…­


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 10 nov 2021, 09:16

Ongeacht de uitkomst in deze 12-jaar lang slepende mededingingszaak zullen we ons werk op de Digital Markets Act onverminderd voort zetten. Misbruik van marktmacht moet zo snel mogelijk worden aangepakt. Dat gaan we wettelijk regelen. #DMA #DSA­bra…­

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Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 10 nov 2021, 09:16

De grote vraag is: wordt gebruik dominantie op de ene markt om een nieuwe markt te veroveren afgestraft?

Naast Google zullen ook Apple en Amazon met klamme handen dit antwoord afwachten.


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 27 okt 2021, 10:59

Gisteravond stemde @EP_Economics voor ingrijpende voorstellen om de macht van de allergrootste techbedrijven in te perken. 🥳

De Digital Markets Act (DMA) maakt een einde aan manipulatie door big tech zoals we lezen in de #FacebookPapers en #FacebookFiles.


Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) do 21 okt 2021, 13:18

Very important result! A new mandate for @Europol is key to allow it to play its crucial role for the security of 450 million Europeans, also in the digital age.

This was a key priority for the @EPPGroup, congratulations to @FZarzalejos for the impressive work!

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LIBE Committee Press do 21 okt 2021, 13:13

#EPlenary has confirmed the @EP_Justice decisions to start negotiations on reforming @Europol's mandate (@FZarzalejos):
538 👍151 👎 0⃣ 7 (data, 3rd parties, R&D)
545 👍147👎 0⃣ 4 (#SIS alerts)

Press release to follow.


Paul Tang (PvdA) di 19 okt 2021, 09:16

In Europe alone, corporations spent €69.4 billion on digital advertising in 2020.

That’s why the Tracking-free Ads Coalition calls on the CEO’s of the 100 largest advertisers in Europe to use this money ethically right by switching to tracking-free ads…


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 13 okt 2021, 11:07

Verplichte commissies van 30%, vooraf geinstalleerde apps, geen keuze voor appstores, ongelimiteerde datacombinaties etc. etc.

Dit is waarom de Digital Markets Act (DMA) zo belangrijk is. Dit soort machtsmisbruik gaan we keihard aanpakken.…


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) di 12 okt 2021, 10:41

Happy to discuss sustainable digitalisation and democracy at work at #EWC with @etuc_ces.
👉The digital revolution at work isn't something we can just accept as a given. We have to demand the protection of workers in every step of the way💪.


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 11 okt 2021, 11:05

The Digital Market Act is the first chance in 20 years to create a fair internet that is not owned by #BigTech. But some in the European Parliament may squander this unique opportunity.
Read my comments in the Financial Times 👇…


Esther de Lange (CDA) za 9 okt 2021, 08:52

Internet speed around the world (from @simongerman600) Clearly still work to do in the EU despite improvements - good that the digital transformation is a key element of national #RRF investment plans, like for example in Italy. Still waiting for the Dutch plan, though…


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 30 sep 2021, 18:11

Starting at 19.00h, prof. @shoshanazuboff will give a keynote during the Future of our Digital World-summit happening now! Last minute registrations via


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 30 sep 2021, 16:03

Last preparations for the EU-US Summit ‘The Future of our Digital World’ are in full swing. We kick off at 17:30 with moderator @BeaRios_. More info at


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 30 sep 2021, 15:57

Last preparations for the EU-US Summit ‘The Future of our Digital World’ are in full swing. We kick off at 17.30h with moderator @beatrizrios. More info


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 29 sep 2021, 08:55

Our fourth panel with @epc_angela @timhwang @vibhanshu & @WorpLinda will discuss the economics of digital advertising. Is personalised advertising something of the past? If so, what will the future of advertising look like?

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Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 29 sep 2021, 08:55

In our third panel @karmel80 will ask @finnmyrstad @Moonalice @mutalenkonde & @RaviNa1k if they believe individuals are powerless when they try to invoke their rights against big tech and if so, what can be done to reclaim power.


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 29 sep 2021, 08:55

🔮 It’s time to think about the future of our digital world.

Join us tomorrow at 17.30 CEST for the first EU-US summit on this topic, co-organised by @TheProgressives @RenewEurope @GreensEFA @Left_EU & supported by @edri @accountabletech @SumOfUs


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 27 sep 2021, 20:20

In three days, we will offer three interesting keynotes (and six panels) on the Future of our Digital World. Next to Prof. @shoshanazuboff, we can also confirm @AdContrarian Bob Hoffman and HoC Commissioner Jourova @RenateNikolay. Register now at!


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 23 sep 2021, 20:16

In 7 days our EU-US summit ‘The Future of our Digital world’ is held! We’re very proud to have prof. @shoshanazuboff as one of our keynote speakers! More info and registration:


Esther de Lange (CDA) di 21 sep 2021, 17:51

It is also is an example of a traditional farm, which transformed itself with the help of EU policies & funds. Its innovations include the so-called Agricoltura 4.0 - a digital system through which farmers can digitally keep track of crops and product nutrients. #EPPRome21

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Esther de Lange (CDA) di 21 sep 2021, 17:50

Family-owned companies - like the La Castelluccia farm - are at the heart of Europe's green transition and the @EPPGroup's #JobsJobsJobs-strategy. Providing job and food security while lowering our carbon footprint is key. #EPPRome21


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 20 sep 2021, 10:38

🔜 EU-US Summit: The Future of our Digital World

📅 September 30th, 17.30-21.00 CET

📝 Registration free of charge:


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 15 sep 2021, 13:09

Migration policy: stuck
Digital Europe: lagging
Rule of Law: eroding

Intergovernmental Europe is dysfunctional. @vonderleyen should keep that in mind, when she voices big ambitions for Europe. The Council, where member states agree to do nothing, is the graveyard of ambitions.


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) wo 15 sep 2021, 13:05

Totally agree @vestager! We have to make sure that the digital transition doesn't hamper, but rather fosters the green transition.
👉Let's create bold and clear sustainability rules for the tech sector.

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Margrethe Vestager wo 15 sep 2021, 12:47

We need our full willpower and energy to deliver on our twin digital & green transition. The year ahead will be decisive. So as @vonderleyen put it: "let's be bold" ! #SOTEU #DigitalEU #EUGreenDeal


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 15 sep 2021, 10:27

On September 30th we organize the first large scale EU-US summit on the Future of Our Digital World. With @shoshanazuboff, Brittany Kaiser (@OwnYourDataNow), @timhwang, @Moonalice, @TomValletti, @Rasha_Abdul and many more. Registration and more info:


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) wo 15 sep 2021, 10:20

#SOTEU on digital: 'Digital is the make or break issue'. Good that @vonderleyen wants to make the EU less dependent on foreign companies for digital infrastructures. But, focus on the social side of digitalization or the sustainability of the ICT-sector is completely lacking.


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) wo 15 sep 2021, 10:08

#SOTEU over digitaal: 'Digital is the make or break issue'. Mooi dat @vonderleyen de EU minder afhankelijk wil maken van buitenlandse bedrijven voor digitale infrastructuren. Helaas geen aandacht voor de sociale kant van digitalisering of maatregelen voor duurzaamheid van ICT.


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 15 sep 2021, 09:26

In #soteu the Commission president @vonderleyen refers to digital as ‘make or break’

I would say: ‘make & break’. Breaking the monopoly power of #bigtech is essential to make and remake the digital arena

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