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958 tweets gevonden.


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) wo 9 sep 2015, 10:28

RT @judithineuropa: Dus EPP voorman Juncker wil wetgeving voor arbeidsmigratie. Ik omarm dat, maar wat kijken ze bij de christendemocraten …


Judith Sargentini wo 9 sep 2015, 10:27

Dus EPP voorman Juncker wil wetgeving voor arbeidsmigratie. Ik omarm dat, maar wat kijken ze bij de christendemocraten sjagereinig.


Lambert van Nistelrooij za 5 sep 2015, 11:19

recordpoging grootste Van Gogh Vervalsing; ook meeschilderen? #SlimsteRegio @VanGoghBrabant @LandvandeHilver #EPP


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 23 jul 2015, 00:33

Stevige gesprekken @Google over neutraliteit van hun zoekmachine, Smit Singhai op vragen @Andreas_Schwab #EPP #IMCO


Lambert van Nistelrooij vr 10 jul 2015, 10:19

Mijn bijeenkomst "Europa garandeert, wie investeert?" over het Junckerfonds is van start! #EFSIevent #EPP


Marietje Schaake do 9 jul 2015, 16:11

Urged @EPP to support European Parliament's resolution on #humanrights in #bahrain and not reject as they did in case of #RaifBadawi


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 8 jul 2015, 09:59

debate has yet to start, but emotions already running high. @atsipras welcomed by boos from#EPP and applause by far left and far right


Anne-Marie Mineur di 7 jul 2015, 10:44

Met alleen EPP (o.a. CDA), ECR (o.a. SGP en Christenunie) en ALDE (o.a. VVD en D66) is er geen meerderheid voor #TTIP. Blijft spannend.


Judith Sargentini vr 3 jul 2015, 09:49

Daul, president vd Eur ChrisDem: Orbán is the enfant terrible of the @EPP family, but I like him… via @Euractiv


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 1 jul 2015, 17:14

New figures Eur. Commission on the territorial differences in the EU 28 Countries and 280 regions. #EPP #EU2020


Lambert van Nistelrooij vr 26 jun 2015, 15:40

@XanderBeks @TGLifestyleExp Lets continue this debate : Up to BiobasedEconomy Day , 4 sept. 2015, Brabant. #Slimsteregio Save the Date! #EPP


Lambert van Nistelrooij vr 26 jun 2015, 15:34

Meepraten over aanpassingen in EU regiofondsen: woensdag organiseert #EPP hearing, EP. Laat weten als je komt! #CDA


Marietje Schaake vr 26 jun 2015, 12:31

Tell Members of Euro. Parliament (especially from @EPP) why #netneutrality is important for you, EU & #openinternet…


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 25 jun 2015, 14:32

De kansen voor samenwerking met Brazilië worden door EU niet benut: land loopt voorop in #Bioeconomy Hoe?Nu in delegatie EU-Brasil #EPP #CDA


Lambert van Nistelrooij vr 12 jun 2015, 09:23

Debate on regional policy initiated by the @CPMR , with contributions of @MariaSpyraki #EPP Territorial cooperation


Lambert van Nistelrooij vr 12 jun 2015, 08:34

Denktank van EU eilanden&kustregio's bijeen @CPMR ; Kreta over effecten crisis en EU initiatieven. @MariaSpyraki #EPP


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 10 jun 2015, 08:18

Zonet Ministerraad Stedelijke Ontwikkeling begonnen,Riga; straks ga ik in op EU Pact bij NL voorzitterschap #EPP #CDA


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 9 jun 2015, 20:23

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, #EPP is trying to kill a resolution ao criticising policies of PM Orbán. Vote tomorrow


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 9 jun 2015, 19:42

EPP and S&D are blaming each other of the failure of no TTIP vote.


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 8 jun 2015, 23:33

Just arrived in Straatsburg from Espoo; great conference Open Innovation Ecosystemen in Cities: new driving force for regional policy #EPP


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 8 jun 2015, 11:49

Espoo #012Conf15 combining the Smart Specialisation #DGRegio with EU open innovation approach. Synergies Key in EU Innovation Pact 3.0 #EPP


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 8 jun 2015, 11:08

@CorinaCretuEU @eu2015lv in Espoo, Will join Riga for the Urban Agenda. #ESIF #Horizon2020 synergies&simplification are key #RIS3 #EPP


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 8 jun 2015, 09:27

Completing the @JunckerEU package by a "EU Pact for Innovation", #012Conf15 #COR #EPP #ESIF #K4I


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 19 mei 2015, 19:56

#EPP has certainly changed its tune over the years. Pity.…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 19 mei 2015, 19:02

funny how everyone who criticises Orbán is labelled "left wing" by #EPP and #ECR. They miss the point: fundamental rights are not partisan


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 19 mei 2015, 18:37

The shocking outcome of the debate is not Orbáns abhorrent views, they were known, but the fact that the #EPP continues to back him


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 19 mei 2015, 17:33

Words of @ManfredWeber do not leave room for doubt: #EPP is squarely behind Orbán and his policies.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 18 mei 2015, 17:22

#EPP opposes resolution on HU issue. #EPP backing Orbán 100%


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 7 mei 2015, 16:56

@laszloan #EPP spokesperson @MonikaHohlmeier quite rightly qualifies the questionnaire as populist


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 7 mei 2015, 16:55

en in het verlengde van het voorgaande: staat #CDA noch achter #EPP partijgenoot Orbán of niet? @Esther_de_Lange


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 7 mei 2015, 16:53

@laszloan you can also just answer the question. I am sure all voters would like to know where #EPP stands: support for Orbán yes or no?


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 7 mei 2015, 16:42

@laszloan @ALDEgroup but you are ducking the question: #EPP squarely behind Orbán? Defending the questionnaire? @ManfredWeber


Judith Sargentini di 5 mei 2015, 20:06

Katholieke bisschoppen eisen van EPP en CDA betere wetgeving tegen #conflictmineralen…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 29 apr 2015, 09:41

#EPP leader Manfred Weber dismisses Orbán "public consultation" as "national politics". Wrong. This goes to the heart of our European values


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 28 apr 2015, 17:47

#EPP thinks secret mass surveillance by #NSA #BND #GCHQ ao is fine.


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 20 apr 2015, 12:58

Roundtable: removing barriers within the #Internal #Market for the #bioeconomy. #EPP


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 20 apr 2015, 08:42

Vandaag mijn bijeenkomst in Brussel #biobased economy en de Interne markt. Nieuwe materialen, nieuwe producten moeten ruimte krijgen. #EPP


Marietje Schaake ma 13 apr 2015, 15:41

@walkfree feel free to lobby me via twitter but please correct the political group I am in, which is not EPP as you claim


Anne-Marie Mineur wo 18 mrt 2015, 17:17

@ChrisAalberts Dit is een feestje van de EPP, dus ja, dan is het niet verbazend dat het resultaat een pietsie gekleurd is.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 11 mrt 2015, 09:45

@EPPGroup I thought EPP is a political party, not a journalist forum. But still awaiting your tweets on what Pitella and Duda said then


Esther de Lange (CDA) ma 2 mrt 2015, 15:26

Today 13th @EPPGroup EU Network Meeting with Mario Monti, @ALamassoure & @lolita_cigane. #EPP


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 26 feb 2015, 10:22

#EPP "necessity PNR for prevention & prosecution has been proven". So where is the proof for this claim? When? How? How often?


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 26 feb 2015, 10:14

ah, now #EPP colleague Dati seems to suggest #EUPNR would have prevented Paris attacks, which is completely false #factfreepolitics


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 26 feb 2015, 10:03

#EPP using scare stories instead of facts to push through #EUPNR


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 24 feb 2015, 16:01

What a difference if S&D dares to let EPP go. On biofuels we maintain ambition; on ETS we don't. Good lesson for @TheProgressives


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 24 feb 2015, 15:51

And now the vote on ETS. I hope @TheProgressives paid attention. On biofuels we won everything despite oppostion EPP and ECR.

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