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958 tweets gevonden.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 16 sep 2014, 09:38

Disappointing that EPP and S&D refused HU debate in EP plenary. Democracy and Fundamental Rughts in Europe should be on top of the agenda


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 4 sep 2014, 12:34

How much longer will @EPP tolerate the attacks on democracy and fundamental rights by their party friend Orban?


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 3 sep 2014, 17:05

mystified why @epp and @ecr voted against my budget proposal for site for proactive publication of EU docs. Hope 4 their support nxt vote


Marietje Schaake di 2 sep 2014, 09:45

Now EPP calling for the enlargement process to continue, while their candidate and Commission President Juncker wants a 5 year pause


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 16 jul 2014, 16:28

@erikwesselius @Ch1po @vBelz We opposed the block vote but EPP, S&D and ALDE voted for a block vote. Who voted what:…


Erik Wesselius wo 16 jul 2014, 10:41

The four interim Commissioners were approved 'en blocque' in the EP earlier today by a majority of EPP, S&D and ALDE (secret ballot). #FAIL


Erik Wesselius wo 16 jul 2014, 10:39

Earlier today, EPP, S&D and ALDE pushed through a block vote in the EP on the 4 interim Commissioners. Watch it here:…


Peter van Dalen (CU) wo 16 jul 2014, 09:27

Polarisatie in #EP groeit met de dag. Stemming over 4 nutteloze Commissarissen voor slechts 3 maanden doorgedrukt door EPP en S&D


Corien Wortmann di 15 jul 2014, 13:59

Clear democratic majority for @JunckerEU Congratulations! I am confident that you will be an ambitious EC president @EPP


Erik Wesselius do 3 jul 2014, 12:00

@dicknieuwenhuis @Elsevierbrussel Erg flauw, Dick. Je kent de situatie in Brussel, waar EPP en S&D al sinds jaar & dag de baantjes verdelen.


Erik Wesselius do 3 jul 2014, 11:38

@Elsevierbrussel @dicknieuwenhuis Dat is de juiste vraag. Het is dan ook meer een EPP-S&D-machtskartel dan een coalitie.


Erik Wesselius do 3 jul 2014, 11:18

@dicknieuwenhuis @Elsevierbrussel "Grote coalitie" PvdA-VVD (vergelijkbaar met coalitie EPP - S&D) was kiezersbedrog en gaat stemmen kosten


Erik Wesselius di 1 jul 2014, 12:03

Unhealthy liaisons between French MEP Dominique Vlasto (UMP/EPP) and the #tobacco industry exposed… #Philip #Morris


Dennis de Jong di 1 jul 2014, 10:33

RT @petervdalen: #EU oude politiek gaat door. Achterkamertjes, deals. #SenD #EPP #ALDE en dus wordt het #Schulz als voorzitter. Valse start…


Peter van Dalen (CU) di 1 jul 2014, 10:30

#EU oude politiek gaat door. Achterkamertjes, deals. #SenD #EPP #ALDE en dus wordt het #Schulz als voorzitter. Valse start #EP


Peter van Dalen (CU) di 1 jul 2014, 10:26

#Karim @ecrgroup : Het zou anders worden in #EU .Transparanter ook. Maar #EPP en #SenD hebben hun deal gemaakt voor #Schulz #fail


Erik Wesselius ma 30 jun 2014, 22:37

@AnneMarieMineur Foute deal van EPP en S&D om Schulz tot EP-voorzitter te willen bombarderen. GUE/NGL stemt toch zeker op Pablo Iglesias?!

in reply to avatar

AnneMarieMineur ma 30 jun 2014, 19:43

Martin Schulz komt zijn kandidatuur toelichten in de groep #guengl.


Erik Wesselius vr 27 jun 2014, 21:42

@FrancescoPenne IMO Juncker is the wrong person to be at the helm of the Commission. EPP should at least have proposed a better person.


Erik Wesselius vr 27 jun 2014, 12:49

EPP, S&D and ALDE "to form stable majority in EP for next EU Commission" A disgrace to democracy!… #EP2014


Erik Wesselius vr 27 jun 2014, 10:41

@DijkstraHylke @euro_jonathan Why didn't Katainen run? Why didn't EPP come up with a better candidate? Key questions in this drama.


Erik Wesselius vr 27 jun 2014, 10:32

@euro_jonathan The disfunctioning of EPP (and S&D similarly I would say) is part of the problem. These are NOT political parties.


Corien Wortmann do 26 jun 2014, 13:48

Warm welcome to the new Finnish Prime Minister @alexstubb at @EPP Summit


Corien Wortmann wo 25 jun 2014, 21:01

At @EPP Presidency to prepare tomorrow's #EPP Summit. Main goal for EU Council within reach: @JunckerEU to be nominated Commission President


Anne-Marie Mineur ma 23 jun 2014, 15:55

RT @erikwesselius: Double disaster EPP - S&D deal: Juncker EC president, Schulz EP president. Just what Europe doesn't need.…


Erik Wesselius ma 23 jun 2014, 15:50

Double disaster EPP - S&D deal: Juncker EC president, Schulz EP president. Just what Europe doesn't need.… #EP2014


Erik Wesselius zo 22 jun 2014, 11:36

@PH_AdvocateEU My point is: EP groups are not real parties. Look at EPP, which incorporates Orban's Fidesz and Berlusconi's Forza Italia...


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 18 jun 2014, 13:14

@S3Platform EPP GROUP meets NOW in Portugal; we see to less interregional cooperation in #RIS3 :Regulations deliberation new possibilities


Erik Wesselius di 17 jun 2014, 17:16

@Edward_kok Thanks for flagging that up. The EPP Presidency was elected in 2012 for a period of 3 years @vicky_cann


Lucas Hartong ma 16 jun 2014, 15:23

Fopparlement EP, met christendemocraten (EPP) voorop, denkt nationale premiers en parlementen te kunnen negeren. Merkel = EPP. #vingerinpap


Erik Wesselius do 5 jun 2014, 12:14

@BartInBrussel Het zijn er inderdaad meer dan tien (vice presidents EPP)


Erik Wesselius wo 4 jun 2014, 16:31

Meanwhile in #Hungary, the right-wing Fidesz government opened an assault on NGOs receiving "foreign" grants #EU #EPP


Erik Wesselius di 3 jun 2014, 16:39

@tvanheste Ik zie in uitslag #EP2014 weinig reden tot hoop. De grote coalitie EPP-S&D betekent dat alles wrsch op oude manier doorgaat.


Corien Wortmann ma 2 jun 2014, 16:15

This afternoon @EPP Political Assembly. Much to evaluate with our Member Parties and happy EPP is again clearly the largest in the #EP


Erik Wesselius za 31 mei 2014, 12:30

@wierdduk @minitrue_nl Zou interessant zijn: Oost-Europese Commissievoorzitter! Hoe heeft de EPP ooit Juncker naar voren kunnen schuiven.


Corien Wortmann di 27 mei 2014, 22:54

At @EPP Summit EPP clearly committed to nominate @JunckerEU to become President of the EU Commission, however carefull process is needed


Corien Wortmann di 27 mei 2014, 16:25

.@EPP Summit started. Big applause for @JunckerEU


Erik Wesselius di 27 mei 2014, 14:26

@GeorgiGotev @evaeuropa @JunckerEU In one respect yes: (EPP biggest party) but in another respect not (EPP lost substantially cf 2014)


Corien Wortmann ma 26 mei 2014, 21:46

Arrived in Brussels. Tomorrow important day to evaluate outcome of the elections with @EPP Presidency, @EPPGroup Presidency and @EPP Summit


Joost van den Akker zo 25 mei 2014, 22:41

EU-Liberalen onverwacht nagenoeg gelijk ondanks FDP, LibDem! “@2014Europarl: #EP2014 @TNS_opinion est. S&D 193, GN/EFA 58, ALDE 74, EPP 211


Corien Wortmann zo 25 mei 2014, 21:38

Congratulations @VitalyKlitschko @EPP according to polls elected to become Mayor of Kiev.


Corien Wortmann zo 25 mei 2014, 20:24

Is already known if @VitalyKlitschko @EPP has won elections to become Major of Kiev? Would be good news for Ukraine


Corien Wortmann zo 25 mei 2014, 19:31

Looks like @EPP is heading for a clear victory tonight. Responsible policies to overcome Eurocrisis rewarded.


Corien Wortmann zo 25 mei 2014, 18:06

Exciting evening to go #EP2014 @EPP @JunckerEU Will the optimistic forcasts for our CDA materialise + will the @EPPGroup become the biggest


Jozef van Kessel za 17 mei 2014, 00:43… Hier is een relatie met de #Bende van Nijvel en SREL (stay-behind) in Luxemburg en kandidaat J.C. Juncker van de EPP.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 15 mei 2014, 19:46

We naderen plek 3! “@electionista #EP2014-TNS prediction EPP 221 S&D 194 ALDE 62 GRN/EFA 52 GUE/NGL 45 ECR 44 EFD 33 ”


Lambert van Nistelrooij ma 5 mei 2014, 13:52

@EU_Regional @JHahnEU Congr.Where are The Netherlands with their program? Our #RIS3 with @Automotive should start soon ! Lambert #CDA7 #EPP


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 28 apr 2014, 19:42

#EUdebate2014 @GuyVerhofstadt and @SkaKeller reminding @JunckerEU of #EPP members opposed to LGBTI rights and gender equality

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