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96 tweets gevonden.


Paul Tang (PvdA) Wed 7 Dec 2022, 10:07

Amazing & groundbreaking news!

Tech companies, backed by the Irish DPC, have tried to bypass the GDPR in all possible ways since its entry into force in ‘18.

@EU_EDPB now says: it’s only lawful to personalise ads if you have a data subject’s consent.…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Wed 14 Sep 2022, 17:43

For many years Accidental Americans have been asking national data protection watchdogs to protect them against adverse effects of extraterritorial US tax law #FATCA. Not much is happening. @EU_Commission when are you taking action if #GDPR is not enforced?


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Wed 24 Aug 2022, 19:31

Slight correction to @vrailas: the spyware scandal is very much European competence. That is why @Europarl_EN @EP_PegaInquiry is investigating. Apart from violating EU laws, ao #GDPR, MEPs and @EU_Commission officials were targeted. And natl gvts are part of the Council.

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Efi Koutsokosta Wed 24 Aug 2022, 14:44

+1The full letter of the Permanent Representative of #Greece to the EU @vrailas to the @EU_Commission which was asking for information on the ongoing investigation regarding the use of #Predator in #Greece


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Tue 26 Jul 2022, 10:02

The @EU_Commission told the Dutch DPA @toezicht_AP its interpretation of “legitimate interest” was too strict and hampering businesses. An unusual move, compared with the usual hands-off even reluctant attitude of the Commission to #GDPR enforcement issues. My questions 👇


Paul Tang (PvdA) Wed 27 Apr 2022, 15:43

What we all feared (and expected) seems to be the dark reallity.

Facebook’s advertising practices don’t comply with:

2. ePrivacy
3. DSA
4. DMA

Are we witnessing Facebook’s implosion or rebirth?…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Thu 17 Mar 2022, 10:01

De wet is uitstekend, maar de uitvoering en handhaving zijn de zwakke schakel. #GDPR

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Floor Thu 17 Mar 2022, 09:49

@SophieintVeld Er lopen nu zelfs (minimaal) twee onderzoeken van toezichthouders naar zichzelf omdat ze geen inzage geven omdat hun verwerker niet meewerkt. Inzageverzoeken zijn ~anderhalf jaar geleden gedaan, nog geen zichtbare handhaving.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Thu 17 Mar 2022, 09:16

#GDPR is the gold standard for data protection, but what is it worth if in practice the implementation is patchy and enforcement weak? Watch the @EP_Justice hearing here 👇

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LIBE Committee Press Thu 17 Mar 2022, 08:25

‼️ Tune in for the GDPR hearing at 9.00, details 👇


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Thu 10 Feb 2022, 11:25

Pressure is mounting on the @EU_Commission to enforce #GDPR more actively. @EUombudsman will investigate what the famous catchphrase "The @EU_Commission is monitoring the situation" means concretely.

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Johnny Ryan Thu 10 Feb 2022, 10:43

+1The @EUombudsman's letter to @vonderleyen today re our @ICCLtweet complaint that the Commission failed to monitor the application of the GDPR.
@dreynders @EUOmbudsmanEOR


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Fri 28 Jan 2022, 12:09

+2EU law has to be enforced. A lack of enforcement is threatening to sink one of Europe’s flagships: its data protection scheme GDPR. We call on the @EU_Commission to intervene. Time is running out for effective data protection.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 6 Dec 2021, 21:23

+1The Irish privacy watchdog @DPCIreland has been slammed for weak enforcement of #GDPR. Now it gets even worse: it was caught lobbying for lower standards for Big Tech.

This achilles heel in EU data protection must be addressed. @EU_Commission: start action against Ireland NOW!👇


Paul Tang (PvdA) Thu 2 Dec 2021, 11:33

We ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to future use of data. But let's strengthen GDPR oversight before it's too late, and protect personal data

@UlrichKelber @Adlc_ @OneTrust @FEDMA @bakermckenzie #EUData21

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Paul Tang (PvdA) Thu 2 Dec 2021, 10:50

Exactly @VeraJourova. There is no way tracking ads could exist if GDPR was enforced. It's crystal clear. Regulators need to back up their GDPR-enforcement or we have to make GDPR enforcement centralized.

I'll speak next at the #EUData21 conference.


Paul Tang (PvdA) Thu 2 Dec 2021, 10:50

Exactly @VeraJourova. There is no way tracking ads could exist if GDPR was enforced. It's crystal clear. Regulators need to back up their GDPR-enforcement or we have to make GDPR enforcement centralized.

I'll speak next at the #EUData21 conference.

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Věra Jourová Thu 2 Dec 2021, 09:34

At the #EUData21 Conference we need a constructive discussion on #GDPR. It stood the #Covid19 stress test and contributes to the trust in digital transformation; it's cornerstone of our digital soul. Effective implementation & enforcement are key to ensure that GDPR is respected.


Paul Tang (PvdA) Thu 14 Oct 2021, 10:36

Groundhog day. Another day, another fine.
Will Facebook ever learn to respect the GDPR?…


Paul Tang (PvdA) Tue 12 Oct 2021, 12:43

Neither Apple's, nor Google's app store ensures proper compliance with the GDPR. And some still think Big Tech can handle themselves. Think again.

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Wolfie Christl Tue 12 Oct 2021, 00:25

Highly relevant study on how 24,000 out of 570k identified free Android and iOS apps transmit personal data to third-party companies shows a massive failure of GDPR enforcement. By @KKollnig, Anastasia Shuba, @RDBinns et al, based on code+traffic analysis:…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 27 Sep 2021, 16:59

Last year, 25 (!) Member States had not fully implemented #ePrivacy Directive after #GDPR application. Has the @EU_Commission now finished its assessment and ensured proper application of the law in the whole EU? Read my letter with @moritzkoerner ↘️

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Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Wed 6 May 2020, 18:02

25 Member States have not fully updated #ePrivacy Directive since #GDPR application. After questions submitted by @moritzkoerner and me, @EU_Commission refuses to disclose any information. Citizens have a right to know about govs allowing illegal practices with their data 👇


Paul Tang (PvdA) Mon 13 Sep 2021, 10:13

98% of all significant GDPR-cases brought to the most important Data Protection Authority (Ireland) remain unresolved. Ninety-eight (!)

Concerning report of ICCL’s @johnnyryan…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 21 Jun 2021, 12:43

Helaas niet, is een beslissing van de Commissie. Maar grote kans dat het vroeg of laat door de rechter naar de prullenbak wordt verwezen. Niet in de laatste plaats omdat het VK helemaal niet van plan is zich te blijven conformeren aan de #GDPR #AVg normen.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Tue 8 Jun 2021, 12:39

From 1 July, @NHSuk will make sensitive health data of patients available to private companies. Blatant violation of GDPR..

Yet another example why the adequacy decision for the UK is not justified❌ how many more do we need before @EU_Commission realises? My questions↘️


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Sun 6 Jun 2021, 10:13

Curious to see how this would be #GDPR the Adequacy decision enabling data sharing between EU and UK has yet to be signed.

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Rachel Clarke Sun 6 Jun 2021, 08:13

Excellent piece explaining why the government’s attempt to grab your GP data - by stealth & without your consent - is so concerning. Thank you @kenanmalik.…


Paul Tang (PvdA) Tue 25 May 2021, 10:14

GDPR is jarig 🥳 Kijk hier mijn verjaardagsboodschap vanuit het Europees Parlement. 👇


Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) Thu 20 May 2021, 14:15

Het Verenigd Koninkrijk voldoet aan strenge wetgeving over dataprotectie, zoals #GDPR. Toch doet het Europees Parlement moeilijk. Uit rancune om #Brexit. Kinderachtige politiek. Het is voor het bedrijfsleven van belang dat het EP vóór de adequaatheidsbesluiten stemt. #JA21


Bart Groothuis (VVD) Fri 7 May 2021, 19:21

@PrivacyPellicn Wat een onzin. Leest u alstublieft de tekst eerst. Ik verwijs slechts naar de bepalingen zoals die al in de GDPR zijn opgenomen. Laten we die ruimte ook nemen; meeste ip-adressen zijn machine-tot-machine communicatie, nu wordt dat ten onrechte gezien als persoonsgegeven


Bart Groothuis (VVD) Thu 6 May 2021, 18:24

@UID_ In het wetgevingsrapport dat ik vandaag publiceer maak ik gehakt met die opvatting: in de context van cyber security moet je een IP-adres gewoon kunnen delen. De GDPR/AVG geeft die ruimte al expliciet en er kan straks geen misverstand meer over bestaan­ocument…­


Paul Tang (PvdA) Thu 22 Apr 2021, 09:31

De grote vraag die blijft: hoe wordt voorkomen dat we niet weer vast komen te zitten in een one-stop shop situatie zoals met de GDPR? De AI-wet moet snel in werking treden, maar kunnen alle toezicthouders dat wel aan of moet de European Artificial Intelligence Board meer macht?

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Paul Tang (PvdA) Thu 22 Apr 2021, 09:31

Het controlesysteem van high-risk AI is ook uitgebreid. Er komen conformity assessment bodies die tests, certificering en inspecties uitvoeren, die weer rapporteren aan nationale instanties. Op Europees niveau komt er een European Artificial Intelligence Board die toezicht houdt.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Sun 4 Apr 2021, 09:52

Now it the time for @DPCIreland and @EU_EDPB to show they are zero tolerance enforcers of #GDPR. @Europarl_EN has been critical of the slow and lax enforcement in countries where tech giants are established.

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Vincent Manancourt Sun 4 Apr 2021, 09:39

Massive Facebook data breach, millions of EU users affected:


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Thu 25 Mar 2021, 08:20

Het zoveelste mega-datalek. Onbegrijpelijk dat @cdavandaag voorstelt de #AVG #GDPR af te zwakken. Juist vandaag stemt @Europarl_NL over strakkere handhaving van #AVG. @D66 stemt tegen de amendementen van @jeroen_lenaers

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Joost Schellevis Thu 25 Mar 2021, 07:17

Nieuws: gegevens maximaal 7,3 miljoen personen liggen op straat. Huisadressen, kentekens, 06-nrs en e-mailadressen.

Datalek bij autogarages wordt verhandeld op hackforum.

Mensen kunnen vaker in het lek voorkomen, maar dat het er veel zijn, staat vast:…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Thu 18 Mar 2021, 18:53

Ierse Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens onder vuur wegens slap toezicht op Facebook ea. Onder de EU privacywet #AVG #GDPR treden nationale APs op als waakhond namens heel Europa op bedrijven in hun land. De groeiende twijfels over de Ierse AP zijn een probleem voor de hele EU.

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Moritz Körner Thu 18 Mar 2021, 18:02

Die Durchsetzung der #DSGVO zerfällt live vor den Augen aller Beteiligten. ⁦@derspiegel⁩ berichtet über den peinlichen Kampf zur effektiven Kontrolle von BigTech und erwähnt meinen Kommentar: Den Schaden des Streits haben die Bürger..…


Rob Roos (JA21) Tue 16 Mar 2021, 13:48

2/ Wordt het vaccinatiepaspoort ooit nog afgeschaft? Want eenmaal geïntroduceerd gaat er nooit iets weg in de EU.

En hoe verhoudt het verzamelen en opslaan van alle persoonsgegevens zich met de #AVG (#GDPR)?

We bewaken dat hier in Brussel de komende tijd.

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Rob Roos (JA21) Tue 16 Mar 2021, 13:29

1/ Voor groepsimmuniteit is 50-60% vaccinatie/COVID-hersteld nodig.

Schuld van #EU dat vaccinatie vertraging heeft opgelopen. We hadden voor de zomer klaar kunnen zijn.

En nu gaat diezelfde EU al uw data opslaan en beperkingen aan u opleggen?…


Paul Tang (PvdA) Mon 1 Feb 2021, 10:19

Your personalised ads violate the GDPR, which you are so passionate about.

You squeeze out the entire advertising market and thereby disadvantage publishers, media and SME’s.

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Paul Tang (PvdA) Mon 1 Feb 2021, 10:19

Dear @nick_clegg,

After reading your open letter, here’s mine.

You are earning 98,5 per cent of all your revenue by selling advertisements. I’m sure that’s why you love personalised ads and why you try to make your platform so addictive with perverse content ranking algorithms.


Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) Wed 27 Jan 2021, 15:48

@mertenhou @cdaeuropa @ClariskaVH @telegraaf In de toelichting bij het wetsvoorstel van de Europese Commissie (waar dus nog geen akkoord over is bereikt), vind je welke regels de opsporing bemoeilijken. NB: dit gaat niet over het GDPR, maar over e-privacy:… 1/


Rob Roos (JA21) Sat 23 Jan 2021, 10:57

De wet Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (#AVG / Engels #GDPR) gemaakt door de EU en goedgekeurd door het #EuropeesParlement (EP) is een enorme administratieve rompslomp voor het #MKB.
En is het nu juist het #EP dat zich daar zelf niet aan houdt?…


Paul Tang (PvdA) Tue 19 Jan 2021, 13:53

GDPR is starting to be enforced! Fines increased with 40% in 2020.
But: unequal enforcement remains, with tech haven 🇮🇪 nowhere to be seen. 🇳🇱 has one of the highest number of complaints, yet fines remain low…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 28 Dec 2020, 11:08

UK was already not GDPR compliant when still an EU member, ao by excluding certain categories of personal data (migrants). And it has already concluded an “e-Evidence” deal with the US.

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Vincent Manancourt Mon 28 Dec 2020, 10:09

Key takeaways from the interim data flows deal (max 6 months):
— 🇬🇧 won't be considered a third country (in effect it remains in 🇪🇺 for dp purposes)
— 🇬🇧 won't be able to devise its own data transfers regime (that means no British adequacy for countries like 🇺🇸 just yet)


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Wed 18 Nov 2020, 15:06

Just started! Ask your questions about mass damage claims for GDPR enforcement⤵️

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Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Wed 18 Nov 2020, 10:01

Today at 15h00 CET: GDPR enforcement through mass damage claims as new normal?

Watch here and ask your questions to the panelists:­atfo…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Wed 18 Nov 2020, 10:01

Today at 15h00 CET: GDPR enforcement through mass damage claims as new normal?

Watch here and ask your questions to the panelists:­atfo…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Fri 13 Nov 2020, 12:21

What is the impact of private enforcement on the rights to privacy & data protection?

Will #GDPR enforcement through mass damage claims become the new normal?

➡️ Join the Privacy Platform on Wednesday 18 Nov 15h00 CET: livestream 🎥­atfo…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Fri 30 Oct 2020, 17:17

Will #GDPR enforcement through mass damage claims become the new normal?

➡️ Join the discussion at this online Privacy Platform on 18 Nov 15h00 CET, please sign up via sophie.intveld-office[at]
More information will follow


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Wed 23 Sep 2020, 10:08

Personal data of Accidental Americans are transferred to the US because of national govs implementing extraterritorial US #FATCA. Does @EU_Commission consider this to be in line with #GDPR? My questions↘️


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 17 Aug 2020, 21:20

@floorter helemaal eens. En niet eens alleen maar een keuze, ook een verplichting op grond van GDPR. Maar @EU_Commission grijpt niet in. #laks


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 17 Aug 2020, 11:37

@floorter Lijkt me een regelrechte overtreding van de GDPR verplichting om gegevens te beveiligen. Niet alleen “vitale” bedrijven/organisaties, maar allemaal


Paul Tang (PvdA) Thu 16 Jul 2020, 13:10

@dreynders reply this morning:
'When these [educational] organisations require students to use a particular digital tool, they also become responsible for the data processing and must ensure compliance with the rules laid down in the GDPR'­ocument…­

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Paul Tang (PvdA) Thu 16 Jul 2020, 13:10

Last April, @larawoltersEU and I tabled questions after several educational institutions made the use of proctoring software, like Proctorio, mandatory. Proctorio processes biometric data of students on US-servers. To us, that seemed completely undesirable­…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Wed 24 Jun 2020, 18:45

@MelanieOderwald @RenewEurope Zonder in te gaan op die specifieke casus; de GDPR heeft allerlei goede uitwerkingen. In meer dan een opzicht is de situatie verbeterd. Er zit echter meer in het vat. De volle potentie wordt nog niet benut.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Wed 24 Jun 2020, 14:13

Europe has the best personal data protection in the world... on paper.

Annoyingly, member states refuse to properly fund data protection authorities. As a result, you stand virtually alone against data hungry tech giants (and governments).

Get data protection right! #GDPR


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 25 May 2020, 15:54

📔 detailed evaluation report and immediate action after 10 June: the @EU_Commission should finally act and start infringement procedures against member states not providing sufficient resources and abusing GDPR. People deserve to be protected by a law with teeth, no paper tiger

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Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 25 May 2020, 15:54

🦠 continuous respect for privacy and data protection during current pandemic: unnecessary and disproportionate surveillance of people should not be allowed


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 25 May 2020, 15:54

🚫 stop abuse of GDPR. Courts/authorities in 🇷🇴, 🇵🇱, 🇸🇰, & 🇭🇺 invoke GDPR to attack NGOs and investigative journalism

🌎 safe international data transfers: EU citizens’ data should not be intercepted for mass surveillance once transferred to other countries, particularly 🇺🇸&🇬🇧

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Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 25 May 2020, 15:54

Today the #GDPR turned 2y old! Birthday wishlist:

💶 more resources: privacy watchdogs are systematically underfunded by national govs. How can they tackle big tech’s malicious practices if their combined budget is only €325m, equal to just Facebook EU’s revenue in 7.5 days?


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 25 May 2020, 15:54

Today the #GDPR turned 2y old! Birthday wishlist:

💶 more resources: privacy watchdogs are systematically underfunded by national govs. How can they tackle big tech’s malicious practices if their combined budget is only €325m, equal to just Facebook EU’s revenue in 7.5 days?


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 25 May 2020, 13:11

Good to keep in mind that the Irish Data Protection Authority is basically acting as the European Watchdog, on behalf of all of us. So this is not a local matter. (and @maxschrems is doing a better job at #GDPR enforcement than most of the data protection authorities....)

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Paul Nemitz Mon 25 May 2020, 08:59

#Irland: Offener Brief von @NOYB@maxschrems⁩ deckt "geheimes" Vorgehen der irischen Datenschutzaufsicht in #Facebook -Fall auf. #Datenschutz #DSGVO


Paul Tang (PvdA) Mon 25 May 2020, 09:47

Happy birthday GDPR 🎉! Time to grow:

- More resources for regulators
- More pan-European supervision
- More actual investigations (come on Luxemburg!)

Mid-June the evaluation by the Commission will follow.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Wed 6 May 2020, 18:02

25 Member States have not fully updated #ePrivacy Directive since #GDPR application. After questions submitted by @moritzkoerner and me, @EU_Commission refuses to disclose any information. Citizens have a right to know about govs allowing illegal practices with their data 👇

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