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192 tweets gevonden.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) vr 29 mei 2020, 17:39

Straks vanaf 7 uur een Dwars Gelderland thema avond over (Europees) vluchtelingenbeleid: de geschiedenis, de huidige discussies en oplossingen en LGBTI vluchtelingen.…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 18 mei 2020, 12:52

Our webinar has gone live, with shocking numbers presented by @CzeslawWalek of @JsmeFer @praguepride. This is not unique to the #CzechRepublic but an issue all over Europe. A lot remains to be done to fight for equality of lgbti youth

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Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 18 mei 2020, 10:34

Zichtbaar jezelf zijn op school en universiteit is niet altijd makkelijk voor lhbti’s. Een dag na #IDAHOBIT2020 praten we straks met mensen die lhbti-jongeren daarbij helpen. Europa = diversiteit en dat begint op school! Kijk om 12u30 naar ons #renew4equality webinar👇🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺


Vera Tax (PvdA) ma 6 apr 2020, 16:22

Eerste actie ihkv anti-LGBTI propaganda in Polen.­-eu…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 2 apr 2020, 17:35

Viktor's to-do list: silence critical journalists, academics and NGOs: check. Capture judiciary: check. Eliminate opposition: check. Give unchecked powers to self and sideline Parliament: check. Strip LGBTI people of their rights: check. Mission #DemolishDemocracy completed.

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PinkNews do 2 apr 2020, 16:12

Hungary’s far-right leader Viktor Orban immediately moves to strip away trans rights after being granted absolute power­hun…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 3 mrt 2020, 14:32

Allies for equality! Thank you for joining us at the launch of the Renew4Equality 10 Commitments for LGBTI+ rights

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Helena Dalli di 3 mrt 2020, 12:32

+2It was my pleasure to join #Renew4Equality to discuss steps in the promotion of LGBTI+ equality. I reaffirmed my commitment to present an ambitious LGBTI+ Equality Strategy by the end of 2020.


#EU4LGBTI @EU_Justice


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 3 mrt 2020, 10:47

We handed over our 10 #Renew4Equality commitments for #LGBTI rights to Commissioner @helenadalli. We look forward to working with her, in particular to support a strong and comprehensive EU #LGBTI strategy from the @EU_Commission 🇪🇺🌈


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 3 mrt 2020, 10:15

Hate speech and violence against #LGBTI people is on the rise in Poland, says @MHodun of @Nowoczesna. We will work together to fight this, as we commit to in our second #Renew4Equality commitment 👇


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 3 mrt 2020, 09:54

Despite closing of @Europarl_EN for external speakers due to #CoronaOutbreak, we are very happy to have @EvelyneParadis with us via teleconference. We will fight together with @ILGAEurope for #LGBTI rights in all EU policy areas.#Renew4Equality


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 3 mrt 2020, 09:39

Just presented our 10 #Renew4Equality commitments for #LGBTI rights, launched together with my colleagues @IreneTolleret @maitepagaza @federley @donath_anna @moritzkoerner @MalikAzmani @LSchreinemacher @nicustefanuta and @radkamaxova. Now we listen to Commissioner @helenadalli


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 2 mrt 2020, 20:40

The launch of the #Renew4Equality 10 Commitments for LGBTI rights 🌈🇪🇺 WILL go ahead tomorrow at 9am! Working frantically with @RenewEurope staffers to make alternative arrangements for external guests following last minute coronavirus announcement by @EP_President 👇

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David Sassoli ma 2 mrt 2020, 20:06

In response to the coronavirus outbreak, the @Europarl_EN is adopting further precautionary measures. We want the Parliament to continue its legislative activity while addressing this emergency.
Read more: #COVID19


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) di 4 feb 2020, 12:38

Eind van dit jaar zal een LGBTI-equality strategie worden voorgesteld door de Commissie.
We hopen dat deze niet vrijblijvend zal zijn en de sterke woorden van @helenadalli waar maakt.

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Lilly Dragoeva di 4 feb 2020, 12:28

Great words from Commissioner @helenadalli: We cannot allow the distribution of LGBTI free zones stickers or the adoption of anti-LGBTI resolutions and not feel the responsibility for the rise in hate crimes and attacks as a consequence. @LGBTIintergroup


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 24 jan 2020, 18:39

Zeker! In het Europees Parlement is er een brede meerderheid die zich inzet tegen de haatcampagne en discriminatie, en die steun geeft aan LGBTI en mensenrechtenorganisaties. Deze zomer zullen we ook onze solidariteit betuigen door aanwezigheid bij pride marches in Polen.

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Jenne Jan Holtland do 23 jan 2020, 17:26

Daarmee wil ik niks afdoen aan de anti-LHBT-sfeer die op veel plekken wordt aangewakkerd. Het zou alleen goed zijn als de mensen die dit soort dingen delen, ook eens kijken naar wat er concreet in Polen gebeurt. [2/x]


Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) wo 18 dec 2019, 18:29

#FVD logica om vandaag homovrije zones en geweld & intimidatie van LGBTI níet te veroordelen:

1. Alle mensen moeten beschermd worden

2. De EU moet iets doen

3. Maar niet wanneer landen vanwege cultuur, historie of religie tóch sommige groepen willen discrimineren

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Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) wo 18 dec 2019, 14:10

Niks bizar. #FVD heeft onthouden van stemming. Diende bovendien een amendement in om ALLE mensen te beschermen tegen discriminatie en geweld in de Europese Unie. Weggestemd, mede door CDA en VVD.­…­


Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) wo 18 dec 2019, 13:51

Bizar. Geen steun van #FVD voor resolutie in @Europarl_NL die homovrije zones, intimidatie & discriminatie van LGBTI veroordeelt.

Gelukkig hebben we de foto’s nog.


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) wo 18 dec 2019, 13:40

Iedereen moet zichzelf kunnen zijn. We accepteren geen 'LGBTI-vrije zones' in Europa. Met het Europees Parlement spraken we ons net stevig uit tegen discriminatie. 💪

Heel veel ❤️💛💚💙💜 voor alle mensen die overal in Europa mensenrechten verdedigen.


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) wo 27 nov 2019, 16:06

This is my maiden speech in the European Parliament about LGBTI-rights in Poland. Freedom to be who you are, is under threat since local authorities are trying to create LGBTI-free zones.

Everyone has the right to grow up in a society where they are loved and respected. 💚


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 26 nov 2019, 19:29

EU Parliament debating “LGBTI free zones” in 70 Polish towns. Tomorrow we will confirm the #VDL Commission. Will @vonderleyen qualify the @pis as “Nobody is perfect” or will she be a passionate defender of European values and make clear Europe is a place for EVERYBODY 🇪🇺🌈


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) vr 25 okt 2019, 14:10

Rainbow Friday 🌈 #tęczowypiątek

There is a place for LGBTI* youth in school, where they can feel safe. Therefore I stand with you in solidarity, from Utrecht.


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) do 4 jul 2019, 18:09

@josel3 @LGBTIintergroup Hi Josel! I cannot promise this at this moment. But I do support equality and hence LGBTI rights, like all our MEPs at the @pvdaeuropa l.


Sabine Klok do 27 jun 2019, 21:53

Great to see @EBienkowskaEU
at #EqualityGala2019 which shows support of #EuropeanCommission when it comes to #LGBTI rights 🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 18 jun 2019, 15:04

+1First 🌈 March is set to take place in #Tblisi this Saturday. #lgbti phobic groups threaten with violence. Georgian authorities should thus ensure safety and visibility. We @LGBTIintergroup @TerryReintke @tfajon ask @FedericaMog @TimmermansEU @VeraJourova to intervene urgently!


Sabine Klok za 15 jun 2019, 13:07

And so am I!! Een beetje oververhit.... ;) #Europride2019 #LoveIsLove #lgbti @vienna


Sabine Klok di 21 mei 2019, 00:45

Indeed! Nr 5 that's me! Zal me in het Europees Parlement #EP2019 heel hard gaan inzetten voor een EU waar iedereen overal en altijd zichzelf kan zijn♥️🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺 #EqualRights #LGBTI #stemopeenvrouw #GroenLinks #spreekjeuit

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lau ma 20 mei 2019, 13:15

en nummer 5 van groenlinks is LGBT en voor gelijke rechten van iedereen!! stay woke x­…­


Judith Sargentini do 16 mei 2019, 08:15

Draadje. Prominent lid vd Hongaarse regeringspartij laat even zien wat hij van LGBTI’s vindt en wat daar het effect van is:

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Andras Lederer wo 15 mei 2019, 23:18

1. The Speaker of the #Hungarian Parliament, a prominent member of #Fidesz just stated: "normal (sic!) homosexuals do not regard themselves equal" and that "morally, there's no difference between an LGBT person wishing to adopt and a pedophile."…


Marietje Schaake do 18 apr 2019, 12:44

My last resolution as an MEP deals with the appalling #humanrights situation in #Brunei where sharia law foresees stoning for #LGBTI my response here ↘️­pean-pa…­


Emily van de Vijver di 9 apr 2019, 13:56

Gelijke rechten en kansen voor iedereen in #Europa, ook #lgbti 🌈 daar zet ik me voor in als kandidaat voor het #EuropeesParlement Daarom teken ik de pledge van @ILGAEurope #comeoutpledge2019 #EP2019 #stememily #stem5 @D66 🇪🇺


Marietje Schaake zo 7 apr 2019, 22:44

Too many calls for getting rid of people, minorities, now a Polish call against LGBTI ↘️


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 29 mrt 2019, 14:10

Outraged by this: #Brunei adopts a law that foresees the stoning to death of #LGBTI people. Together with @MarietjeSchaake I posed questions to @FedericaMog about what the #EuropeanUnion can do to stop this👇 #LGBTIrightsAreHumanRights


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) zo 24 mrt 2019, 10:00

What right-wing nationalists really want: abolish gender equality, LGBTI rights, sexual and reproductive rights. In short: restoring patriarchy. (this 👇 is what I wrote on it on March 8th International Womens Day­onal-…­)

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Slate zo 24 mrt 2019, 09:42

The religious right’s favorite new euphemism masks a cruel and dangerous agenda.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 11 mrt 2019, 16:24

Onze top 10 #d66 kandidaten voor de #EUelections2019 zetten zich in voor #lgbti rechten in heel #Europa: op het #D66Congres gaan ze allemaal voor de @ILGAEurope @ComeOut4EU pledge 🌈🇪🇺


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 4 mrt 2019, 17:02

As a an #euelections2019 candidate, I just signed the pledge #ComeOut4EU by @ILGAEurope to support #humanrights & #LGBTI #equality:


Marietje Schaake ma 18 feb 2019, 10:56

Always good to see EU commitment to universal #HumanRights but why no reference to #LGBTI rights and digital rights, where we could have made an important difference? ↘️

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EU Council Press ma 18 feb 2019, 10:20

Today, @EUCouncil adopted conclusions on EU priorities in @UN #HumanRights Fora
"All human rights are to be realised worldwide, whether they are civil and political rights, or economic, social and cultural rights"


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 15 jan 2019, 19:32

Again: Worrying reports of detention, arrests and torture of LGBTI people in Chechnya. It’s time for Russia to end this brutal attack on human rights. Together with the EP @LGBTIintergroup we condemn this and call for action!

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LGBTI Intergroup di 15 jan 2019, 15:09

Detention, arrests and torture against (perceived) LGBTI people have started again in #Chechnya.

It is time for Russia to take action and launch an investigation.

Read our press release ➡️…


Judith Sargentini vr 16 nov 2018, 08:25

In diplomatic terms @FedericaMog announces that the EU pulls out of Tanzania over the witch hunt on LGBTI’s and other opressive measures by pres Magufuli!pb79rH


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 26 okt 2018, 15:47

Great meeting people who are dedicated to "Pink in Blue" #LGBTI in police forces, very important work!

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Flag ! vr 26 okt 2018, 13:59

Rencontre à Bruxelles avec l’eurodéputée Sophie In’T Veld qui nous avait fait l’amitié d’ouvrir notre conférence européenne de juin dernier avec une vidéo adressée aux policiers #LGBT présents


Marietje Schaake zo 21 okt 2018, 16:36

This should not happen, if the US tracks back it may ripple the workd over #LGBTI rights are #humanrights

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NYT Politics zo 21 okt 2018, 15:25

The Trump administration is considering a legal definition of gender as immutable and fixed at birth, the most drastic in a series of moves against transgender people

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Ronny Naftaniel vr 12 okt 2018, 21:18

In #Bagdad is een 14 jarige jongen doodgestoken door een aantal jongeren omdat zij meenden dat hij #homo was. De daders maakten van de doodsnood van de jongen, die om zijn moeder smeekte, een film die op internet werd gezet. Gruwelijk.­le-6…­


Kati Piri zo 7 okt 2018, 21:04

Homophobic referendum in #Romania failed. Good!

But outrageous that there was a referendum in the first place on curtailing rights of minorities. 🌈

@RainbowRose_PES #LGBTI #ReferendumRomania


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 10 aug 2018, 12:55

How will EU make sure no information on #LGBTI activists will be shared with Russian police? My question to ⁦@EU_Commission⁩ and ⁦­-to-c…­


Hans van Baalen za 4 aug 2018, 08:37

+3Attending #StockholmPride & meeting with Liberalerna leader Jan Bjorklund; addressing the new network “LGBTI - Liberals of Europe” and supporting the Centerpartiet election rally with Annie Lööf. To fight for respect and equal rights for LGBTI+ communities is in our liberal DNA!!


Judith Sargentini wo 27 jun 2018, 08:47

Goed nieuws ondertussen uit Tjechie waar de premier het huwelijk wil openstellen voor LGBTI-koppels­…­


Kati Piri do 17 mei 2018, 14:59

Lots of #rainbow flags in front of the European Parliament today, to support all #LGBTI's on this day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.🏳‍🌈


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 7 mrt 2018, 09:18

Breakfast meeting on LGBTI rights in ao Russia, Belarus, Moldova. Very difficult circumstances for NGOs & journalists.


Kati Piri zo 19 nov 2017, 13:03

Due to 'public sensitivities', rights of #LGBTI in Ankara curtailed. While Turkey was the first Muslim-majority country in which a gay pride march was held.­…­

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Hürriyet Daily News zo 19 nov 2017, 12:44

Turkish capital bans all LGBT screenings, exhibitions, events over ‘public sensitivities’­ish-capita…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 11 okt 2017, 14:49

19/10: "Rainbow Cops" together with @LGBTIIntergoup on hate crime & diversity within EU law enforcement🌈👮‍♀️👮#LGBTI👉…


Dennis de Jong do 5 okt 2017, 12:49

We laten de lgbti-gemeenschap in Egypte niet in de steek: solidariteit!­…­

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GUE/NGL in the EP do 5 okt 2017, 11:57

MEPs demand in a letter to @FedericaMog that the EU acts against abuse of LGBTQI+ people in Egypt #EPlenary #LGBTQI #HumanRights


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 5 okt 2017, 12:36

Europe has to end crackdown #LGBTI community #Azerbaijan. MEPs @SophieintVeld & @MarietjeSchaake call for action 🌈 👉


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 4 okt 2017, 17:10

RT @MarietjeSchaake: With colleague @SophieintVeld asked written questions about attacks on the #LGBTI Community in #Azerbaijan 👉🏻 https://…

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