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831 tweets gevonden.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 14 mrt 2023, 14:01

The European Parliament has just agreed on an ambitious plan to insulate our buildings!

This is great news: it will lower energy bills, make us less dependent on fossil regimes and address the climate crisis.

Thank you @CiaranCuffe for your great work!


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 13 mrt 2023, 09:09

A directive that lowers the energy bill for all consumers, makes us less dependent of fossil regimes and is good for the climate. Indeed a terrible idea...

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EURACTIV ma 13 mrt 2023, 07:06

After thwarting a proposed EU ban on new fossil fuel cars, Germany's liberal FDP party is now launching an attack on the EU's buildings directive, which envisages a Europe-wide renovation obligation to reduce the sector's emissions.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 9 mrt 2023, 13:33

Another worrying case of growing pressure on journalists, including SLAPPs and a “visit” of the police to the newsroom. The climate for independent media is becoming very chilly indeed. Will @EU_Commission @VeraJourova ask the PM for an explanation?

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Francesca De Benedetti do 9 mrt 2023, 11:44

#Meloni's govt is attacking #media #freedom. What's happening here at @DomaniGiornale deserves attention at the European level. That's why I'm writing a short thread in English. ->


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) do 9 mrt 2023, 04:33

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been regarded as a holy grail in the battle to fight climate change. It enables heavily polluting industries such as chemicals, steel or concrete to operate without having to resort to expensive alternative energy sources.

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) do 9 mrt 2023, 04:32

Probleem opgelost? Ineos, the petrochemicals group controlled by the British billionaire Sir Jim Ratcliffe, has claimed a world first in a project to prove that carbon capture and storage can work on an industrial scale.…


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 8 mrt 2023, 06:55

Oil companies line up for billions of dollars in subsidies under US climate law via @FT Occidental Petroleum’s plans to deploy direct air capture technology, which sucks CO₂ from the atmosphere to be stuffed underground, in the oilfields of west Texas.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 3 mrt 2023, 07:30

Apocalypse then: lessons from history in tackling climate shocks via @FT

“Three things exercise a constant influence over the minds of men,” wrote Voltaire in the mid-18th century: “climate, government and religion.”


Rob Roos (JA21) vr 24 feb 2023, 20:32

Also one year ago 🤡

President Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry blasted for saying he hopes #Putin will focus on climate change as Russia attacks Ukraine.…


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) wo 22 feb 2023, 02:21

There is no climate crisis. It’s a hoax.

Follow the science.

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The Energy Report di 21 feb 2023, 15:40

Climate justice is non-negotiable. The #fossilfuel industry must be held accountable for its contribution to the climate crisis and pay for the #LossAndDamages caused to vulnerable communities. A global climate damages fund is the fairest way to put #ClimateJustice into practice.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 19 feb 2023, 08:27

without contrail management strategies in place, the industry will be unable to reach climate neutral operations, especially as direct aviation emissions are predicted to double or triple by 2050 Content by Etihad Airways…


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 14 feb 2023, 14:24

Wie kent er de Stanley stoomauto nog?

Net namen we een historische wet aan om de toekomst van elektrische auto's te verzekeren.

Goed voor het klimaat, schone lucht en om een Europese Stanley te vermijden. 💪

#EUGreenDeal #Fitfor55 #climate
@TheProgressives @pvdaeuropa


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 14 feb 2023, 14:21

Wie kent er de Stanley stoomauto nog?
Net namen we een historische wet aan om de toekomst van elektrische auto's te verzekeren.
Goed voor het klimaat, schone lucht en om een Europese Stanley te vermijden. #EUGreenDeal #Fitfor55 #climate @TheProgressives @pvdaeuropa


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 14 feb 2023, 12:59

!The first climate file for 2030 is adopted today. With that the end of the combustion engine by 2035 is sealed. A clear message to our European car industry to step up innovation. Pity the right failed to choose for a vital European car industry. Congratulations to @jhuitema


Lara Wolters (PvdA) do 9 feb 2023, 13:24

Excellent news, congratulations to colleague Tiemo @woelken! Looking forward to the input of the Environment Committee on climate neutral value chains. @EP_Environment providing fertile ground today for future-proof, ambitious Environmental and Human Rights Due Diligence 🌱 🌎

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Tiemo Wölken 🇪🇺 do 9 feb 2023, 12:09

Meine Stellungnahme zum #EU-#Lieferkettengesetz ist heute im Umweltausschuss angenommen worden, trotz Widerstands der CDU/CSU! Wir wollen Unternehmen dazu verpflichten, ihre gesamte Wertschöpfungskette bis 2050 klimaneutral zu gestalten und Klima-Schlupföcher schließen 💪


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) do 9 feb 2023, 12:19

Another big step: today the @EP_Environment adopted the agreement on a European carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM).

Next step: final adoption in the plenary in April!

Entry into force: 1st of October 2023. Historic!

#CBAM #carbon #border #climate


Esther de Lange (CDA) do 9 feb 2023, 09:36

Very unfortunate timing with the big Zelensky speech in @Europarl_EN today and the vote on the Social Climate Fund in the environment committee… (but safety first, so no other option than to stay home and follow from here) 🤧


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 8 feb 2023, 13:56

Received some nice mail today!

A full version of the Carbon Border Adjustment Regulation. #CBAM 🤩

Next up: vote in the @EP_Environment tomorrow!

#climate #cbam #europeanparliament


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 8 feb 2023, 10:09

Déjà vu
#BP #climate #ambition #FossilFuels

Olieconcern BP voert investeringen in olie en gas op na recordwinst via @volkskrant


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 7 feb 2023, 15:44

Weerzinwekkend! Dit soort bedrijven heeft lak aan iedereen, behalve de aandeelhouder.

Dit is wat er gebeurt als je het aan de markt overlaat, klimaatambitie moet je als overheid afdwingen.…

#BP #Climate #ambition #FossilFuel


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 7 feb 2023, 15:41

Weerzinwekkend! Dit soort bedrijven heeft lak aan iedereen, behalve de aandeelhouder.

Dit is wat er gebeurt als je het aan de markt overlaat, klimaatambitie moet je als overheid afdwingen.…

#BP #Climate #ambition #FossilFuel


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 30 jan 2023, 12:45

US republicans "want to promote the depoliticisation of our capital markets"

Unbelievable double speak

Banks and asset managers have a simple choice: please Republicans or honestly assess climate and transition risks…


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) ma 23 jan 2023, 18:23

The absolute nonsense of Climate Change: we can expect 0.3 degrees cooling. No need to stop fossil fuel!

Temperatures in Northern Hemisphere Due to Fall Over Next 25 Years, According to Six Top International Scientists – The Daily Sceptic



Rob Roos (JA21) vr 20 jan 2023, 13:56

Especially bad, #climate-focused policies

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Bjorn Lomborg vr 20 jan 2023, 13:55

This can't go on:

We used to spend 4% of global GDP on energy

Now, we spend 14%

Current energy crisis costs us 10% or $10 trillion each year

(caused both by war in Ukraine and bad, climate-focused policies)…


Rob Roos (JA21) wo 18 jan 2023, 20:24

The newest climate scam is called #ESG.

Sri Lanka had a near-perfect score of 98.1 on indicator E.

Now, their people suffer from food shortages and power outages.

ESG could destroy our #SMEs, our economy and our democracy.

The #EU should not use it in its industry strategy!


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 12 jan 2023, 09:31

So we get a CEO of an oil company as climate conference president (…)… @UNFCCC needs to draw a line here; we also need more from @antonioguterres than great speeches now.

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Office Of The UAE Special Envoy For Climate Change do 12 jan 2023, 07:08

After two tenures as the Special Envoy for Climate Change, HE Dr. Sultan Al Jaber will serve as the COP28 President-Designate.

➡️ HE Razan Al Mubarak, UN Climate Change High Level Champion

➡️ HE Shamma Al Mazrui, Youth Climate Champion #COP28UAE


Rob Roos (JA21) vr 6 jan 2023, 17:20

Like here in the Netherlands, 'The Science' has removed the heat waves of the past. So it looks like we've been having more heat waves lately than we've had in the past. Anything to increase the climate fear.…

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Roger Pielke Jr. do 5 jan 2023, 17:14

+1Why I do not trust hurricane studies, example 1763

A new paper claims:

From 1980 to 2014
➡️88 US hurricane landfalls
➡️of which 22 were Category 4 or 5
Big if true

Not true
In actual fact
➡️55 US hurricane landfalls
➡️of which 4 were Category 4 or 5…


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) di 3 jan 2023, 10:41

WEF = corporatism – “It’s all about forming and then maintaining a consensus on economic and social policies. For this reason, corporatism doesn’t cope well with dissent. Indeed, it discourages any questioning of the consensus, whether the issue is tax-rates or climate change.”

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) di 3 jan 2023, 10:36

Een goed stuk uit de Spectator van 31 december jl over de WEF en waarom het niet gek is hiertegen oppositie te voeren. Why it isn’t mad to oppose the World Economic Forum | The Spectator ⁦@2eKamertweets⁩ ⁦­e-da…­


Rob Roos (JA21) do 22 dec 2022, 22:05

@DrEliDavid Words matter. That’s why they invented a new word: ‘climate change’.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 19 dec 2022, 19:06

With this, the last climate/energy decision of 2022 has been taken. A typical European compromise with high triggerpoints, a suspension mechanism and starting only Feb 15. But hey, the cap is there. Merry Christmas.

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EU2022_CZ ma 19 dec 2022, 17:32

⚡️ #TTE Energy | DEAL! 👏 Ministers agreed on the temporary gas market correction mechanism.

The instrument will protect citizens from excessive energy prices without jeopardising security of supplies and functioning of the markets.


More ⬇️!p3PcQm


Esther de Lange (CDA) zo 18 dec 2022, 02:51

The Social Climate Fund will help vulnerable households in the energy transition in a very practical way. It strikes the ever so important balance between meeting our climate targets while leaving no one behind.

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Esther de Lange (CDA) zo 18 dec 2022, 01:57

After 30 hours of (net!) negotiation time we have an agreement about a new ETS and the creation of a social climate fund (SCF). Details to follow.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) zo 18 dec 2022, 02:08

Deal on ETS and Social Climate Fund. As always fighting for more climate ambition against many reluctant member states (remember their COP speeches?). And a Social Climate Fund is there but this is really only a small start to ensure socially just climate action.

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ENVI Committee Press zo 18 dec 2022, 01:59


EP negotiators have reached a deal with @EU2022_CZ & @TimmermansEU on a reform of the Emissions Trading System #ETS & the creation of new Social Climate Fund #SCF #Fitfor55


Esther de Lange (CDA) zo 18 dec 2022, 01:57

After 30 hours of (net!) negotiation time we have an agreement about a new ETS and the creation of a social climate fund (SCF). Details to follow.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) za 17 dec 2022, 10:05

“ Revenues from the CBAM are intended to go into the EU’s internal budget with a loose commitment to provide climate finance to countries outside the bloc, according to those familiar with the draft text.” Belasting dus. Prijs van producten gaat omhoog. U betaalt dat uiteindelijk

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) za 17 dec 2022, 10:02

EU’s trading partners: world-first carbon tax is protectionist via @FT
The US and South Africa have said “carbon border adjustment mechanism”(CBAM), the world’s first major import tax on greenhouse gas emissions, will unfairly penalise their manufacturers.


Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 14 dec 2022, 13:45

videoTune in at 14:00 today: Press Briefing on the upcoming "jumbo-trilogue" on ETS and Social Climate Fund


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 13 dec 2022, 10:45

@NKurmayer An exemption would be the wrong signal.

Substantial climate financing and technical assistance are more valuable in my opinion.


Rob Roos (JA21) za 10 dec 2022, 22:26

Prevent #climate deaths? More energy production is the solution!

Re-open the nuclear energy in #Germany and #Belgium. Finish the maintenance of the reactors in #France immediately.
And re-open the gas production in the #Netherlands.

Real #RePowerEU!

Less climate deaths ⤵️

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Bjorn Lomborg za 10 dec 2022, 13:40

Higher energy costs will mean colder houses, killing 𝟭𝟰𝟳,𝟬𝟬𝟬 more people in Europe this winter

If mild winter, 'only' 79,000
If frigid winter, 185,000

Yes, cold kills much more than heat
Yes, high heating costs will kill 79-185K…


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) za 10 dec 2022, 15:53

+1Leuk om aanwezig te zijn bij ‘Samenwerken over de grens’ van de International Foundation @groenlinks #IFG. Het zusje van @PvdA’s @FMS_Foundation Samenwerken voor democratie, mensenrechten en climate justice. ❤️💚


Paul Tang (PvdA) do 8 dec 2022, 13:43

By quitting the global net-zero alliance, @Vanguard_Group abandoned it's last pretense to be a force for good in the fight against climate change. Just to please a few out-of-their-mind Republicans with money.
You know what side they're on.…


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) di 6 dec 2022, 08:12

Die zijn er dus ook: Positive Effects of Climate Change - Greenhouse Gases sterker nog een verhoging van de concentratie CO-2 verlaagt de concentratie stikstof. Logisch. Als het ene relatief toeneemt moet het ander wel relatief afnemen.­/greenhouse-gas…­


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 4 dec 2022, 19:20

The European Commission has approved the move which will abolish flights between cities that are linked by a train journey of less than 2.5 hours.
The decision was announced on Friday. The changes are part of the country’s 2021 Climate Law.

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 4 dec 2022, 19:19

Geen interne vluchten meer in Frankrijk als er een alternatief voorhanden is.­/…­


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) vr 2 dec 2022, 17:58

Online hate does not stay on the internet, it eventually has offline effects and comes back on the streets, as Finnish Minister of Environment and Climate Change @MariaOhisalo said. This is a direct threat to our society and democracy. 5/

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Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) vr 2 dec 2022, 17:58

Still in our online public space, online platforms’ profit-driven algorithms continue to amplify online hate and disinformation, because that’s what people click on most.
Both the far right and pro-Russian actors have mastered the art of using these algorithms against us. 4/


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 2 dec 2022, 06:42

@robdewijk Overigens de Sunday Times hierover: “President Biden agreed to tweak US climate change legislation so as not to exclude Europe after President Macron argued against killing jobs with “super-aggressive” subsidies for American companies”

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 2 dec 2022, 05:55

@robdewijk De inflatie komt door Rusland (not) en de Groene Politiek van de VS, zo vurig bepleit door Links-liberaal EU, bedreigt de EU-industrie. Slachtofferschap en geklaag helpt de EU niet. Ondertussen bereid de EU zelf protectionisme in het kwadraat voor, via de CSDD-directive.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 2 dec 2022, 06:39

“President Biden agreed to tweak US climate change legislation so as not to exclude Europe after President Macron argued against killing jobs with “super-aggressive” subsidies for American companies during a hard-talking but warm state visit yesterday.”

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 2 dec 2022, 06:38

Overigens bericht de Sunday Times volledig anders over het bezoek van Macron aan de VS. Daarin wordt gesteld dat Biden wél concessies doet.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 2 dec 2022, 06:35

@nrc Berichtgeving in NRC en Sunday Times verschilt nogal: “President Biden agreed to tweak US climate change legislation so as not to exclude Europe after President Macron argued against killing jobs with “super-aggressive”…


Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 28 nov 2022, 10:23

Megatrends (low trust, growing isolationism) point towards competition, not cooperation on tax. But politics is made by crises and the climate and energy crises call for strong government, putting taxes front and centre.

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Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 28 nov 2022, 09:01

This morning I'll be speaking at @EU_Taxud's first ever Tax Symposium. Together with 🇪🇸 minister @NadiaCalvino and prof. @delaFeriaR we'll discuss the 🇪🇺's tax mix for the future!

📺Watch via…

❓And ask questions using hashtag #taxmix2050


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 21 nov 2022, 12:40

Reminder: by 2050 the world needs to be climate neutral to stay below 1.5 degrees. You wonder why countries were blocking fossil fuel language at COP27....

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Reuters ma 21 nov 2022, 12:35

Qatar signs 27-year deal with China as LNG competition heats up


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) za 19 nov 2022, 20:17

Irony is dead... (and the climate soon btw)

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Leo Hickman za 19 nov 2022, 19:58

Word from inside the heads of delegation meeting at #COP27 is that the Saudis and Russians are still saying any inclusion in text about fossil fuels is a red line.

Russia: "Unacceptable…We cannot make the energy situation worse"

Presumably said without any sense of irony...


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 16 nov 2022, 06:57

European Climate Foundation kan m.i. worden opgeheven. Doelstelling valt 100% samen met de green deal. Hier ging al € 10 miljoen van de postcodeloterij opbrengst naar toe.


Rob Roos (JA21) zo 13 nov 2022, 13:16

Climate is changing for 4.5 billion years. What’s new?

We need to train more engineers who work on climate adaptation instead of panicking young people who glue themselves to everything

Barcelona students to take mandatory climate crisis module from 2024­/nov…­


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 13 nov 2022, 02:16

Britain is preparing for climate change. If you can’t control it, you have to deal with it. If the world heats up beyond 1.5C, is Britain ready?…


Rob Roos (JA21) za 12 nov 2022, 17:01

Rich people are depriving poor people of cheap energy in the name of climate change. Why?

@algore: (with his 22-room home uses twelve times more energy than the average home) “We are going to have to change the way we live our lives”.

Go Al, you first!🫵…

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