831 tweets gevonden.
Esther de Lange (CDA) di 21 jun 2022, 15:21
Our European ambitious climate goals and measures will set an example for countries all over the world. Also politicians from the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea were interested, in particular about the upcoming EU Taxonomy and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 20 jun 2022, 10:09
Started our visit to Banja Luka with a meeting of local NGOs. These brave people are on the front line of Dodik’s autocratic rule. They described an increasingly hostile climate: being purposely targeted by the government and the international community silently tolerating it.
Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 15 jun 2022, 14:04
A good deal that leaves both breathing space for industry to safeguard investments and jobs but also gives ambition to European climate policy. I would like to thank @MChahim and @pcanfin for their good cooperation!
EPP Group wo 15 jun 2022, 13:55
The @EPPGroup, @RenewEurope and @TheProgressives have reached an agreement on Emission Trading Systems (ETS) and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
Marcel de Graaff (FvD) di 14 jun 2022, 09:00
Climate change is volksverlakkerij.
ferdinand meeus ma 13 jun 2022, 09:22
+1Weet u nog, het ijs op de polen ging verdwijnen...?
Satelliet metingen zeggen omgekeerde : zee ijs op Antarctica is aan het groeien, sinds begin metingen 1979.
Bron : Nature, top vaktijdschrift.
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 10 jun 2022, 02:07
Mede gevolg van inflatie: The setback shows how politically complicated it will be to approve legislation aimed at reducing carbon emissions and tackling climate change, as governments and industries deal with growing concern over inflation, including steep rises in energy costs.
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 10 jun 2022, 02:05
EU green agenda suffers blow after MEPs reject part of climate bill via @FT
De afgelopen week heeft laten zien dat er een meerderheid bestaat in het EP tegen overambitieuze klimaatfanatici van links. Het kan dus wel. on.ft.com/3mRTEDX
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 10 jun 2022, 02:05
EU green agenda suffers blow after MEPs reject part of climate bill via @FT
De afgelopen week heeft laten zien dat er een meerderheid bestaat in het EP tegen overambitieuze klimaatfanatici van links. Het kan dus wel. on.ft.com/3mRTEDX
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 8 jun 2022, 17:22
Effort sharing adopted. Deal as struck in ENVI maintained. No surprises. We now move to land-use change; a file where additional climate ambition can be achieved.
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 8 jun 2022, 17:10
And the votes have started again. Voting first Effort Sharing Regulation, where climate reduction targets are set for Member States. Less controversial vote, will go smooth.
Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 8 jun 2022, 16:12
3/ Why is this so important for us? It is not about paper realities. It is about making sure that CBAM works in practice so that we protect jobs in Europe, while having the most ambitious climate laws in the world.
Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 8 jun 2022, 16:05
2/ Too bad, as there is agreement between the constructive center parties on 95% of the content in plenary. Trying to bring through a socialist-liberal amendment on CBAM without EPP was a risky strategy that failed.
Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 8 jun 2022, 15:57
1/ Who said the European Parliament was boring, he? Emotions running high as Socialists team up with the ‘usual suspects’ (Greens, far Left and far Right) to vote against the revision of ETS - the central part of the climate package.
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 8 jun 2022, 14:02
Vote on Social Climate Fund is easier. Important that SMEs remain excluded. Final vote not taken to allow alignment with ETS. On CBAM no vote take, since we have the same issue on free allowances there. So ETS, Social Climate Fund and CBAM back to the ENVI committee.
Rob Roos (JA21) wo 8 jun 2022, 08:03
🇬🇧 Today we vote in the European Parliament on large parts of the #Fitfor55 climate package.
Impact: Major social changes and more price hikes that no one asked for.
And the immeasurably small result really doesn't really help the planet.
Bjorn Lomborg do 15 jul 2021, 10:04
EU wants to radically change itself to reduce emissions 55% by 2030
Extra cost upwards of €10,000 per EU citizen (€5tr)
It will reduce global temps by 0.004°C (0.007°F)
Let's not be surprised when the rest of the world doesn't follow
Rob Roos (JA21) di 7 jun 2022, 19:35
Today we discuss #Fitfor55: the biggest #climate legislation package of all time. Energy #taxes will rise because of it.
Costs: €5000 billion.
Effect: 0,004°C less global warming; considerable price hikes.
I told @TimmermansEU how I think about this:
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 7 jun 2022, 18:53
Climate change is still happening.
We are about to overshoot the 1.5 degrees target, which will hit the poorest the most if we don't act vigorously now. There is no social justice without climate justice.
That's at stake in tomorrow's vote on the #Fitfor55 climate package.
Paul Tang (PvdA) di 7 jun 2022, 13:14
Banks and insurers who are exposed to climate risks need to have the capital to back them up!
Important step by 🇳🇱 government: they want capital requirements and exposure limits for climate risks
Rens van Tilburg di 7 jun 2022, 12:19
Duidelijke stappen ook van @Minister_FIN rond EBA en ESRB om te komen tot vertaling van klimaatrisico's in kapitaalseisen rijksoverheid.nl/ministeries/mi…
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 7 jun 2022, 11:36
Some want to have #CBAM and keep free allowances. You cannot have your cake, eat it & have the cherry on top. It frustrates me that they pretend to fight for the climate goals. I take the climate law very serious. SO let’s not make laws knowing we will break them! #Fitfor55
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 7 jun 2022, 11:28
The vote on CBAM is tomorrow; we have 1 day left. Maybe instead of reading emails of lobbyists, it is time to listen to our children&grandchildren and all voices of our young generations. It's time for the EP to deliver what is needed for the climate law & for future generations.
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 7 jun 2022, 09:40
Important debate today in @Europarl_NL on the ‘fit for 55’ climate package.
Watch it here: 👇
Crucial vote tomorrow 👊
Anja Hazekamp (PvdD) ma 6 jun 2022, 18:22
Sixty years #CAP at the expense of animals, farmers, nature and climate is absolutely #NoReasonToCelebrate 👎
Rob Roos (JA21) zo 5 jun 2022, 22:46
Nonsens. Prices of energy are rising because the investments in reliable fossil were stopped by billions of subsidies for unreliable renewables which depend on weather conditions. EU climate policy created the problem. Also the dependence on Russian gas. It is just Greenflation.
Christine Lagarde wo 1 jun 2022, 18:31
We are now observing “fossilflation”, not "greenflation"!
While decarbonisation in the energy sector can cause rising prices in the medium term, it can lower inflation in the long term. That's why green innovation is key.
Rob Roos (JA21) do 2 jun 2022, 17:41
🇬🇧 | Today and tomorrow, the UN is organizing the #Stockholm50 Climate Conference. Almost no one has heard of it. But it could change our lives radically. I will follow this conference closely.
Why? I explain this to you in 2 minutes:
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 1 jun 2022, 10:32
Lees (en kijk) hier een kort verslag van mijn reis. Later meer!
#Sustainability #sustainable #energy #Iceland #climate
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 1 jun 2022, 10:32
Het land mikt op klimaatneutraliteit in 2040 en is daarmee een ambitieuzer dan de EU. Het land maakt slim gebruik van zijn natuurlijke rijkdommen en staat al heel ver in de duurzame transitie. Van hun plannen en innovatieve kunnen wij veel leren.
Esther de Lange (CDA) vr 20 mei 2022, 16:36
The transition towards climate neutrality in Europe also means a socially fair transition, taking into account the different starting points of Member States. Pleasure to talk to minister Barna Tánczos of @RO_env about the fit for 55 climate package.
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 18 mei 2022, 21:04
I have been receiving a lot of enthusiastic reactions to CBAM this week. This one tops it! 🥳 #CBAM #envi #environment #eugreendeal #fitfor55 #climate
Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 18 mei 2022, 18:31
The energy transition will only succeed if all Europeans can make the transition, not only the 'happy few'. Our report on the Social Climate Fund, together with @DavidCasaMEP, was adopted in the ENVI committee with a big majority. Thank you colleagues for the broad support! #SCF
ENVI Committee Press wo 18 mei 2022, 16:50
✅ @EP_Environment & @EPSocialAffairs adopted today their position on the Social Climate Fund, calling for a socially fair transition towards climate neutrality
@Esther_de_Lange @DavidCasaMEP report approved by
Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) wo 18 mei 2022, 13:46
👇 Lees hier meer over de stemming en het Social Climate Fund:
Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) wo 18 mei 2022, 13:46
De Europese Green Deal slaagt alleen als we iedereen meekrijgen. Sociaal is niet langer het ondergeschoven kindje in de energietransitie. Een stap in de goede richting!
7 juni stemmen we in de Plenaire vergadering over het Sociale Klimaatfonds. Ik houd jullie op de hoogte!
Paul Tang (PvdA) do 12 mei 2022, 08:37
Empty talk continues at @BlackRock. We'll all face the consequences of their failure to walk the walk on climate change
BlackRock warns it will vote against more climate resolutions this year - on.ft.com/3wbyzZe via @FT
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) vr 6 mei 2022, 15:59
Must-read in the context of the negotiations on ETS and CBAM coming to end.
Open letter to ENVI committee: Time to vote for an EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) that works for climate and industrial transformation
CAN EUROPE wo 4 mei 2022, 13:08
👋@EP_Environment the ⏰ is ticking
It’s high time you made #PollutersPay for their emissions!
📣Civil society + Industry are calling for you to END free pollution permits for big polluters NOW
Read our letter 👇
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) za 30 apr 2022, 10:54
@HarrietCarr58 @_GlobalCrisis_ The climate is not an enemy. It’s nature. We have to take responsibility.
Marcel de Graaff (FvD) di 26 apr 2022, 20:44
They want to control what you think. They want you to believe their lies.
Therefore, fake news, censorship, election fraud, digital ID’s and all the fear hoaxes like Corona and climate change.
Don’t comply!
🌍 Gaia of the Universe 🌍 di 26 apr 2022, 18:58
Brussels has warned Elon Musk that Twitter must comply with the EU’s new digital rules under his ownership, or risk hefty fines or even a ban, setting the stage for a global regulatory battle over the future of the social media platform. 🙄
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) di 26 apr 2022, 10:35
"At the time, nobody else was interested in #CBAM, but I immediately knew I wanted to be the one handling this. It is of central importance to the European climate effort." #EUGreenDeal
EUobserver di 26 apr 2022, 10:10
[Magazine] Dutch MEP @MChahim is rapporteur for the proposed carbon tax on imported goods which is planned to come into force in 2026. It is one of the biggest and most complex legislative proposals Europe has ever drawn up #carbontax #EU By @Westervangaal euobserver.com/war-peace-gree…
Esther de Lange (CDA) ma 25 apr 2022, 18:56
Team work makes the dream work. Our work on the Social Climate Fund is getting ever closer to an agreement. Delivering concrete results for Europe's citizens - because we can't act green while our families are in the red.
Rob Roos (JA21) za 23 apr 2022, 22:40
The destruction of the planet and biodiversity for which @TimmermansEU and @diederiksamsom (@PvdA, @TheProgressives) are responsible.
#Biomass is the biggest climate scandal ever. Watch the report below of @CBSNews. It is horrifying. ⤵️ #EUGreenDeal
Esther de Lange (CDA) vr 8 apr 2022, 15:04
What is good for the climate, is often good for our physical and mental health. Already at an early age we should pay more attention to a healthy lifestyle. This should go hand in hand with looking after our planet. That was the clear message in the #CoFE plenary earlier today.
Rob Roos (JA21) do 7 apr 2022, 17:33
Our dependence on Russian gas is the result of climate policy in Brussels. A deep recession is imminent: my message: "Continue to support #Ukraine, do not commit economic suicide. Draw a line through the Green Deal and focus on nuclear energy!" #ECR
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) do 7 apr 2022, 08:36
Good to see 11 countries calling on the Council to accelerate the work on the Fit for 55 package.
Including @RobJetten 👍
The current situation calls for ambitious climate legislation.
Let’s get to work 💪
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 5 apr 2022, 18:43
Multiple reports of the IPCC have been self-explanatory: climate is changing, impacts are severe, but solutions are there.
From a climate and a geopolitical perspective, we need to stop the expansion of coal, oil and gas and start debating an import ban on Russia’s fossil fuels.
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) ma 4 apr 2022, 19:57
Today the @IPCC_CH published another important report on climate mitigation.
We have a major challenge ahead of us limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.
But we must succeed, so no time to waste. 💪
My intervention in plenary 👇
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) vr 25 mrt 2022, 10:36
Uhm. So E3G did a close calculation, concluding we only need 50 bcm LNG for this decade. Now Commission signs a contract with the US for 50 bcm. Making the same mistakes again! No diversification. Fossil lock-in. And ps, CO2 footprint of LNG is much worse. Climate change anyone?
Ursula von der Leyen vr 25 mrt 2022, 10:18
Thank you for supporting Europe’s energy security and independence from Russia.
Your commitment to provide us with an additional 15 bcm of LNG this year is a big step in this direction.
Europe will work to ensure stable demand for additional 🇺🇸 LNG until at least 2030.
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 14 mrt 2022, 14:47
Why am I not surprised…. Biggest funder of climate denial keeps on doing business with Russia.
Judd Legum ma 14 mrt 2022, 13:24
1. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, hundreds of corporations have suspended their operations in Russia.
One major exception: @KochIndustries, the conglomerate run by right-wing billionaire Charles Koch
Follow along for details and receipts.
Esther de Lange (CDA) za 12 mrt 2022, 08:55
@nealerichmond Good luck, Neale! Energy and food security were also top issues in our working group on climate and energy. Producing our own energy and food as an EU should be top priority 🇪🇺
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 3 mrt 2022, 19:03
+1Together with colleagues, I wrote a letter to @JosepBorrellF, to urge the EU Commission to extend the sanctions framework for Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is set to expire this month. Non-extension would send an extremely wrong signal and might create a climate of impunity.
Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) wo 2 mrt 2022, 20:52
Great meeting with @USRepKCastor, chair of the select committee on the climate crisis in the US Congres.
Discussing #CBAM, EU-US relations and climate policy.
Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 23 feb 2022, 12:14
This week is Energy Poverty Action Week. Many Europeans with little means are unable to heat their homes. As the Social Climate Fund's rapporteur, I'm eager to solve this problem. For example, by providing insulation vouchers and reducing energy taxes.
Samira Rafaela (D66) do 17 feb 2022, 17:54
The climate transition should not only be just, but it must have gender equality at its core. Today, the European Parliament overwhelmingly voted in favour of this urgent message to the 66th @UN_CSW
Samira Rafaela (D66) do 17 feb 2022, 17:54
This resolution acknowledges how the climate change crisis disproportionately affects women and girls, particularly in the Global South. We advocate for concrete steps to protect women at risk due to climate change and climate displacement.
Samira Rafaela (D66) do 17 feb 2022, 17:54
The climate transition should not only be just, but it must have gender equality at its core. Today, the European Parliament overwhelmingly voted in favour of this urgent message to the 66th @UN_CSW
Esther de Lange (CDA) do 17 feb 2022, 15:52
Today the deadline for amendments on my proposal for the Social Climate Fund closed. Many amendments were proposed by my colleagues, to make this fund even better tailored to Europe's needs. I am looking forward to working with @DavidCasaMEP and our shadow rapporteurs. #SCF
Vera Tax (PvdA) wo 16 feb 2022, 10:17
FuelEU targets are too low and Europe must be more ambitious to achieve climate neutrality. We must invest in e-fuels to achieve sustainable shipping .
Transport & Environment wo 16 feb 2022, 08:09
BREAKING: 1/4 of EU’s shipping will be LNG-powered by 2030 as misguided sustainability targets lock in fossil fuels for decades.
A green shipping future is possible. Continue to waste time on fossil gas and it will start to look impossible.
Rob Roos (JA21) wo 2 feb 2022, 20:27
Finally, we are there. #Nuclear and #gas are ‘green’ for investment’s the Commission says. 👏👏
If the @GreensEFA really believes that climate change is a problem, they should support this decision because it is the only solution.
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