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408 tweets gevonden.


Samira Rafaela (D66) ma 27 jul 2020, 12:14

Withdrawal from the #IstanbulConvention by #Poland increases the already urgent need to ensure that funding flowing from the Covid-19 recovery fund and MFF will be linked to the full respect of our common values through an effective conditionality mechanism.

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Renew Europe ma 27 jul 2020, 11:48

🇵🇱 We stand with the women of #Poland!

Withdrawal from the #IstanbulConvention would represent a dangerous shift away from EU values and fundamental rights.

Read more👉


Rob Roos (JA21) di 21 jul 2020, 23:01

#Macron: "Het is niet de Franse belastingbetaler die het Europese herstelplan 'zal' betalen." en
“Dit is het project waarop de Fransen mij vertrouwden, dat ik in september 2017 in La Sorbonne presenteerde"

Niks COVID-19! En #Rutte laat NL weer betalen!…


Anja Hazekamp (PvdD) vr 17 jul 2020, 12:53

A million mink culled in Netherlands and Spain amid Covid-19 fur farming havoc…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 13 jul 2020, 18:20

Watch here 👇🎥 the statement by my colleague @moritzkoerner who is on the barricades for ❤️ couples who have been separated by covid travel bans. #LoveIsNotTourism @RenewEurope

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Moritz Körner ma 13 jul 2020, 18:10

Herr Seehofer, sorgen Sie dafür, dass Liebe kein Tourismus ist!

Heute habe ich im Innenausschuss des @Europarl_EN an Horst Seehofer appelliert und gefragt, wieso er nicht endlich Ausnahmen für Paare möglich macht.
Schau selbst im Video ⬇️

#LoveIsNotTourism #LoveisEssential


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) ma 13 jul 2020, 09:37

Mooi interview over de backlash tegen vrouwenemancipatie en de genderaspecten van de covid-19 pandemie.…


Rob Roos (JA21) za 20 jun 2020, 15:53

@Sywert Laat China dan eerst onderzoekers toelaten zodat het Westen haar eigen conclusies kan trekken. Ze zijn een gevaarlijke bron van informatie gebleken. China ziet ons graag terug in een lockdown om vervolgens de resten van onze economie bij elkaar te vegen. #COVID


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) za 20 jun 2020, 13:00

#Worldrefugeeday reminds me of visits to camps and conversations with refugees longing for protection, family unity, a safe future with new opportunities. Things that we take for granted. COVID-19 has made their life even harder. Let‘s ensure that we do not leave anyone behind.


Rob Roos (JA21) vr 19 jun 2020, 17:54

#ECR input on this file:
✅ Less bureaucracy
✅ 2 year focus on COVID-19 recovery
We couldn't support the whole report because the focus was too much on GreenDeal innovation. We believe that ALL innovation is important without prior exclusion.…


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) vr 19 jun 2020, 11:01

🔴 LIVE: Our webinar on Covid-19 and the future of Pharmaceuticals…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 18 jun 2020, 15:26

The Schengen resolution of the Parliament calls upon Member States to respect the freedom of movement and fundamental rights while combatting the Covid-19 virus.


Liesje Schreinemacher di 16 jun 2020, 17:16

Good news! The @EU_Commission is taking action to help #startups 👍 The temporary framework on state aid will be extended to ensure that startups can also benefit. Startups play an important role in post-COVID-19 economic recovery! 💪…


Kati Piri vr 12 jun 2020, 07:33

23750 fake accounts linked to Chinese government taken down by Twitter.

Topics of trolling?
🔹Hong Kong protests
🔹exiled billionaire Guo Wengui

200.000 accounts linked to same operation were already suspended in August 2019.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 10 jun 2020, 12:41­/track/click?u=…­ De Covid-19 crisis heeft in de USA veel mensen de ogen geopend voor de politieke agenda van China en de intransparante wijze van opereren van dit land. Nu Europa nog. Roemenie gaat ons voor.


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 10 jun 2020, 09:30

🇳🇱 wants three things from Covid-19 recovery plan:
👉 protecting the EU economy and internal market
👉 limited EU own resources
👉 no higher contribution to EU budget
But you can't have your cake and eat it too. They'll have to pick two!…

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Netherlands at the EU di 9 jun 2020, 16:12

Last month @EU_Commission proposed its recovery plan for Europe from the #COVID19 crisis. Today, the cabinet has sent its assessment of the proposals to Parliament.

Read more in our thread below ↓


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 9 jun 2020, 18:19

De Rechtsstaat Monitoring Group van het @Europarl_NL (die ik mag voorzitten) kijkt scherp naar de COVID maatregelen in alle lidstaten en de impact daarvan op democratie, rechtsstaat en grondrechten. We zullen zeer zeker ook een eventuele NLse wet onder de loep nemen.

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Leo van der Meulen di 9 jun 2020, 15:45

Misschien vinden ze hier in #Hongarije wel wat van, @SophieintVeld. Ik neem aan dat de EU optreedt tegen deze afbraak van de democratie? Ik zou het fijn vinden als je het voor ons, burgers van Nederland, opneemt!!


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 27 mei 2020, 15:53

EU Will Fight COVID Recession With Green Investment via @Forbes…


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 27 mei 2020, 14:12

Update uit Brussel: De Covid-19 crisis wordt in Brussel misbruikt om federaal Europa dichterbij te brengen. Idee van de EC: Laat de EU lenen en belasting heffen om dat naar de minst rendabele delen van de EU te brengen.😏Geen goed plan!


Kati Piri ma 25 mei 2020, 14:43

Presenting today before @EP_ForeignAff and @EP_Trade draft report on #Brexit negotiations. Time to turn narrative and make #COVID crisis reason for success, not excuse for failure.


Samira Rafaela (D66) za 23 mei 2020, 11:05

We have seen how COVID-19 impacts women. I iniated an online hearing this coming Thursday, with experts from @UN_Women and @eurogender, to find out more about the issue of COVID-19 and gender equality, and exchange best practices.

click & add to calendar:­the-…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 21 mei 2020, 16:24

Tomorrow 16.30 CET we will discuss the topical issue of COVID 19 disinformation. For more details check here 👇­…­


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) do 21 mei 2020, 11:05

Financiële belangen gaan nog te vaak boven de belangen van mensen in Europa. De COVID-19 crisis legt nog scherper bloot dat we bedrijven veel te veel ruimte hebben gegeven om precaire werkvormen te creëren.…


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) di 19 mei 2020, 17:47

The flexibility of the labour market is creating even more stress during the Covid-19 crisis. I want to hear from the people who are finding themselves in a difficult situation, because they are forced to be self-employed by big platforms. Get in touch ⤵️…


Kati Piri wo 13 mei 2020, 15:36

💪 ‘@LodewijkA’s essay for rebuilding post-Covid provides a vision to inspire Europe’s progressives’, argues @maxbergmann @amprog

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Matt Browne wo 13 mei 2020, 15:25

MUST READ: Europe’s Lost Decade by @maxbergmann @amprog in which he argues @LodewijkA vision for rebuilding post-Covid provides a vision to inspire Europe’s progressives­s/securit…­


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) wo 13 mei 2020, 14:21

Werknemers hebben recht op een veilige werkplek: welke beschermende maatregelen treffen we tegen COVID-19?

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Petra De Sutter wo 13 mei 2020, 14:13

+1All workers must be given the highest protection against COVID-19.

The choice between group 3/4 of biological agents must be transparent and scientific.

That is why I wrote a letter to @NicolasSchmitEU together with @a_jongerius

@etuc_ces @GreensEFA @TheProgressives


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 11 mei 2020, 16:47

Facial recognition for COVID-19 contact tracing? A database with every single one of your contacts, all your location data, and your health data?

The umpteenth step on a very slippery slope. The answer must be a clear NO✋⛔­…­


Derk Jan Eppink zo 10 mei 2020, 20:42

Hollywood elite wil dat wereld niet terugkeert naar ‘consumptie drang’ van voor Covid-19.
Velen van hen hebben riante huizen, privé-jets. Hun Open Brief aan de gewone man.

Madonna and Robert de Niro join 200 in open letter about Covid-19­le-8…­ via @MailOnline


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 7 mei 2020, 16:31

In debate with Commissioners Várhely and Johansson, I stressed today the need to include migrants and refugees in Covid-19 measures. They are victims of confinement, lack of access to health services and asylum procedures and even of pushbacks. Their health and lives are at risk.


Liesje Schreinemacher do 7 mei 2020, 13:03

@dreynders agrees that COVID-19 offers all the more reason to speed up the digitalization of justice across the #EU 👍🏻🇪🇺 We should continue the trilogues on digitalization of the taking of evidence and service of documents files asap!

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Renew Europe do 7 mei 2020, 12:52

Amid the #COVID_19 crisis businesses are facing growing uncertainties. Courts in Europe as well as the ECJ need to accelerate their digital transition to provide timely & effecient legal decisions. Says @LSchreinemacher in an exchange of views with @dreynders @EU_Justice Cssr


Anja Hazekamp (PvdD) wo 6 mei 2020, 17:40

Unbelievable 💔

Investigation by @AnimalEquality exposes (once again) animal welfare violations for thousands of lambs that are being sent by boat to Saudi Arabia, due to the lack of national demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemics.…


Lara Wolters (PvdA) wo 29 apr 2020, 17:23

Thank you Commissioner @dreynders for answering our questions in the @RBCwg webinar. Happy to hear the Commission recognizes the links between the covid-19 crisis and the need for mandatory #duediligence in EU supply chains. #bizhumanrights

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ECCJ wo 29 apr 2020, 16:58

🔴 Commissioner @dreynders just committed, at a @RBCwg webinar, to new legislation on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence in EU companies' supply chains! 🇪🇺👇🏽

These are great news - we need laws to protect human rights and the environment from corporate abuse.


Derk Jan Eppink ma 27 apr 2020, 07:44

'Media professoren' willen einde van directe uitzending WH briefing Covid-19. Nu kunnen MSM media niet filteren en verdraaien. Overigens: missers van Trump zijn ook live in beeld. Laat de kijkers zelf oordelen.

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Jay Rosen zo 26 apr 2020, 02:31

A group of professors, myself included, have written an open letter to the heads of ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, MSNBC and CNN petitioning for an end to live coverage of the president's briefings.­1FAI…­ If you're an academic and want to sign, scroll down....


Kati Piri za 25 apr 2020, 13:25

NYT writes @eeas changed this report after pressure by 🇨🇳. If true, unacceptable.

Conclusions final report, are still damning. 🇷🇺 and 🇨🇳 are engaged in massive COVID-19 disinformation campaigns & conspiracy theories in EU & neighboring countries.…


Rob Roos (JA21) za 25 apr 2020, 10:59

China's 'cover up' of COVID-19 outbreak has 'opened eyes' of world to 'dangerous' state | World | News |­27…­


Esther de Lange (CDA) wo 22 apr 2020, 11:49

Er lijkt toch een Europese regeling in de maak voor de bollen-, bomen- en bloemensector, die lijdt onder COVID. Brancheorganisaties mogen maatregelen nemen om marktsituatie te vitaliseren. 🌳🌷💐🇳🇱🇪🇺


Derk Jan Eppink zo 19 apr 2020, 10:42

Heer Zuidervaart, @BartTrouw, U bent het Noorden kwijt. Sta mij toe U even te helpen inzake EP-resolutie Covid-19. #FVD tegen. #CDA stemde: 2 voor; 2 onthoudingen. Leugens van mij?
1. Meer geld naar Brussel? Resolutie wil MFF verhogen met nieuwe EU-belastingen.

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Bart Zuidervaart za 18 apr 2020, 19:59

+1Meer dan 200 retweets voor een bericht waar niets van klopt. Gaat u dit nog rectificeren @djeppink?


Derk Jan Eppink za 18 apr 2020, 16:08

#EP stemde gisteren over resolutie Covid-19 die pleit voor meer geld naar EU; ook meer macht en bonds in allerlei vormen en maten. #VVD onthield zich. #CDA half voor en half onthouding. Wederom: grote broek in Den Haag; platbroek in Brussel! #FVD stemde tegen machtsgreep EU.


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) vr 17 apr 2020, 17:28

Glad to see that our amendment asking for better measures to protect the homeless and to suspend evictions during the COVID-19 crisis has been adopted with a large majority. #housingforall.


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) do 16 apr 2020, 15:09

De Covid-19 crisis treft vrouwen hard. We zien een toename in huiselijk geweld en wereldwijd wordt abortus moeilijker gemaakt. In Polen kon een nóg strengere abortuswet jaren geleden nog voorkomen worden met protesten. Vandaag liep dat anders ⤵️…


Peter van Dalen (CU) do 16 apr 2020, 14:05

Stemprocedure in ons Parlement loopt. Noodpakket voor #visserij krijgt bijna unanieme steun om urgent behandeld te worden. Prima! Dat belooft veel goeds voor de eindstemming vamiddag laat, of morgenochtend. Europese steun vanwege #COVID is essentieel


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) do 9 apr 2020, 12:53

Vanavond ben ik te gast in de @FYEG lockdown lounge over precair werk. De Covid-19 crisis laat nog duidelijker zien hoe grote multinationals hun verantwoordelijkheden als werkgevers verzaken. Hoe willen we dat de toekomst van werk er uit ziet?

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Green European Journal do 9 apr 2020, 12:43

If you're craving human interaction

Join @FYEG's #Lockdown Lounge on precarious work - Tonight | 19:00 CET
🔴Zoom ID: 923731422

And get ready for tonight with our special reading list on key workers, care work & the future of work 👇🏽…


Derk Jan Eppink wo 8 apr 2020, 08:35

Mijn vriend Nirj blijft goed bezig.
How a MEP captures the harsh realities of the world dominated by COVID-19? -­a-…­


Derk Jan Eppink wo 8 apr 2020, 07:45

This article shows how a good plan was suffocated by EU bureaucracy, by little kings more interested in their own power lines than fighting Covid. Sad story.

EU science chief resigns with blast at coronavirus response… via @FinancialTimes


Peter van Dalen (CU) di 7 apr 2020, 15:38

+1We zijn gestart: Visserijcommissie van het Europees Parlement bespreekt 2e pakket #covid noodmaatregelen voor de visserij met @VSinkevicius


Liesje Schreinemacher zo 5 apr 2020, 14:56

The Trump administration has now confirmed that they plan to use the Defence Production Act to ensure the supplies they need to build ventilators needed to defeat Covid-19 and do not seem to want to block exports of ventilators:…

in reply to avatar

LSchreinemacher di 24 mrt 2020, 18:13

Concerning news that the US Defence Production Act could aggravate shortages of crucial medical equipment in the EU, such as respiratory equipment which is vital in the treatment of significantly ill #coronavirus patients (1/2)


Paul Tang (PvdA) vr 3 apr 2020, 10:41

A welcome race as long as the Chinese model does not win.

Three conditions:
• Privacy first : no GPS
• One standard: interoperability
• One purpose: just tracking for Covid-19­icle/ac…­


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) do 2 apr 2020, 13:52

Goed dat er een Europese deeltijd-WW komt in tijden van nood!

Maar er is veel meer nodig dan de 100 miljard voor heel Europa, die de @EU_Commission voorstelt.

Alleen Spanje heeft al bijna 1 miljoen werklozen door COVID-19.

Dit is het moment om alle zeilen bij te zetten!

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Nicolas SCHMIT do 2 apr 2020, 12:38

Our proposal today on the new instrument for Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency #SURE is a very strong signal of European #solidarity. Fast and solid recovery is only possible if we save people’s income and jobs. #COVID19


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) wo 1 apr 2020, 21:02

We hebben geen tijd te verliezen:

Er is meer Europese solidariteit nodig als we grootschalige werkloosheid door COVID-19 willen voorkomen!

Samen met @IratxeGarper en @TheProgressives roep ik op tot een sterke Europese deeltijd-WW!



Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 1 apr 2020, 13:44

Europese steun bij werkloosheid door Covid-19 goede eerste stap­es…­ via @groenlinks


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) wo 1 apr 2020, 12:42

Many people fear to become unemployed due to COVID-19. We have to make sure that people can stay in work.

A European support instrument to mitigate unemployment risks is much needed now!

I am eagerly looking forward to the @EU_Commission proposal!

@TheProgressives #Covid_19

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Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) wo 1 apr 2020, 10:01

We moeten voorkomen dat de economie inklapt door COVID-19. Nog veel meer mensen dreigen hun baan te verliezen.

Een Europese deeltijd-WW zal helpen om mensen aan het werk te houden. Dat is hard nodig!

Ik kijk erg uit naar dit voorstel.


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