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1393 tweets gevonden.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 3 jun 2022, 13:46

Furious EU envoys’ governments and the Commission are co-responsible for this. As we should have learned by know autocrats never stop if we don’t stop them.

Orbán wins again as furious EU envoys take church patriarch off Russian sanctions list – POLITICO­…­


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 1 jun 2022, 07:35

Criminalization of humanitarian assistance must stop now. Penalisation of pushbacks must start now.

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Ingeborg Beugel wo 1 jun 2022, 07:18

+2On our way to my First Greek Court Case: accused of giving hospitality to a Afghani Refugee. Newest Gr Fashion:criminalising journalists&aid workers&ngo’s. #DropTheCharges #AllRefugeesLivesMatter


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 31 mei 2022, 14:57

The @EU_Commission is about to handout huge sums of Covid recovery money to #Poland, even if Warsaw only makes half-baked promises to restore its rule of law.

The EU should stop sending EU money to autocrats who undermine rule of law!

🖊Sign our petition­law­


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) do 26 mei 2022, 23:06

Cops refusing to step in and stop the shooting, preventing parents to save their children. Democrats sacrifice other people’s children for their power grab.

Don’t give in. Keep up the 2A.

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Matt Novak do 26 mei 2022, 04:34

This video make so much more sense now. The cops literally stopped parents from helping their kids.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 25 mei 2022, 08:42

@LauraBromet Regelaars zijn psychiatrische patiënten. Regelen = angst bezweren. Een oplossing brengt het zelden. Stop de overregulering! Het vernietigt plezier en creativiteit en vormt een bedreiging voor de wereldvrede.


Bert-Jan Ruissen (SGP) vr 20 mei 2022, 13:22

+2Indrukwekkend bezoek aan palingkwekerij Koolen in Bergeijk: prachtig hoe glasaal wordt opgekweekt en uitgezet.
Geen reden voor stop op palingvisserij maar kiezen voor verantwoord beheer! #visserij #paling


Esther de Lange (CDA) do 19 mei 2022, 18:18

Now it is up to the Member States to stop playing games and to swiftly transpose the global agreement in EU law.

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Esther de Lange (CDA) do 19 mei 2022, 18:18

Good that @Europarl_EN was fast in adopting its position today on the minimum level of taxation for multinationals. The @EPP is content that the text stays close to the OECD-agreement, including the 15% minimum rate, which will keep the EU in line with the rest of the world.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) do 19 mei 2022, 17:11

@TonElias Ton als back stop aan de beurt? De bal ligt al achter de lijn!


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 19 mei 2022, 12:57

Stop dictator Lukashenka en zijn illegale regime. Laat de vakbondsleiders en andere politieke gevangenen vrij! #StandWithBelarus 👇🏼 ⚪️🔴⚪️

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) wo 18 mei 2022, 21:43

Recent werd in Belarus ook een groep vakbondsleiders gevangen gezet. En een nieuwe wet maakt zelfs doodstraf mogelijk als je kritische stem als terrorisme wordt aangemerkt. @a_jongerius riep op alle gearresteerde vakbondsleiders direct vrij te laten.👇🏼#tradeunions #vakbonden 2/2


Peter van Dalen (CU) wo 18 mei 2022, 14:44

Mw. Timoshenko uit Oekraïne 🇺🇦 in onze fractie. Ze smeekt; geef ons meer zware wapens. En stop het gebruik van Russisch olie en gas. EENS!


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) ma 16 mei 2022, 22:05

Well, well, Germany, France and the EU allow energy companies to buy gas in rubles.

This makes 2 things very clear:
1. Germany and France dictate the EU.
2. No way sanctions are going to hurt Russia

So stop supporting nazi’s in Ukraine. Let the US fight this proxy by itself.

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Visegrád 24 ma 16 mei 2022, 20:20


European Commission, France and Germany all announced that European energy companies should be allowed to pay for gas in rubles at a closed meeting between EC representatives and EU diplomats in Brussels on late Friday evening.

Poland & the Netherlands were outraged.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) za 14 mei 2022, 08:15

Een stop op arbeidsmigratie is helemaal geen gek idee want (VK):“voor Nederland als geheel valt de som negatief uit. Dan rekenen we namelijk ook de schade mee aan de woningmarkt, aan de verloedering van wijken, aan de problemen op scholen, et cetera.”


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 11 mei 2022, 13:42

Today, @PaoloGentiloni announced plans to reduce the debt mountain 🏔️ of European corporates.

Important to stop the unfairly favourable tax treatment of debt, but need to be careful not to create another tool for tax avoidance

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EU Tax & Customs 🇪🇺 wo 11 mei 2022, 13:31

#Tax helps businesses to develop & grow sustainably. Equity helps innovative companies in their early stages and businesses competing globally. That is why our debt-equity bias reduction allowance will drive growth & innovation.
More here:!jDD4dp



Peter van Dalen (CU) wo 11 mei 2022, 11:04

@tassagency_en Stop this stupid war today! Stop killing children, stop to target schools, hospitals, apartments in 🇺🇦 .Go back home to 🇷🇺 now!


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 5 mei 2022, 14:53

@EU_Commission 3⃣ We underlined again that effective change within the Agency can only happen if Member States will also stop with systemic #pushbacks practices (3/3)

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Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 5 mei 2022, 14:53

@EU_Commission 2⃣ Parliament demands immediate access to the #OLAF report, necessary to hold Frontex accountable.

No cooperation on appointment of a new director without having read the OLAF report (2/3)


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) do 5 mei 2022, 09:19

Yeah, as severe as a simple flu.

And with cheap and easy treatment: HCQ and zinc.

Get lost with your fearmongering.
And stop supporting the abolition of fundamental civil rights!

No digital ID!

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Reuters do 5 mei 2022, 09:15

Omicron as severe as previous COVID variants, large study finds


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) di 3 mei 2022, 18:49

Het Europarlement wil wetgeving om mensen te beschermen als kunstmatige intelligentie wordt ingezet op de werkvloer.

Technologie mag niet worden gebruikt om mensen als robots te behandelen. Versterk rechten van werknemers in de digitale transitie en stop surveillance op werk!


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) di 3 mei 2022, 13:58

Today, we as European Parliament send a strong signal: we need a new legislative proposal to protect people when #AI is deployed at work.

Technology should not be used to turn people into robots. Empower workers in the digital transition and stop AI-driven surveillance at work!


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 1 mei 2022, 12:47

Deze radicalist/extremistVerhof­stadt­ wordt gesteund door D66 en VVD. Hij wil in EU superstaat en de opheffing van soevereine staten. Geen sikkepit respect voor democratische waarden en de rechtstaat. Nog steeds de puber die denkt het allemaal te weten. Stop deze onzin!

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Guy Verhofstadt za 30 apr 2022, 11:37

BREAKING — Conference on the Future of Europe approves radical overhaul of the EU: end of unanimity, abolishment of veto’s, launch of Joint Armed Forces of the Union, transnational lists and many other reforms…



Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) vr 29 apr 2022, 12:38

Leggeri resigns because 'Frontex mandate has silently but effectively changed'. Meaning: I never understood that Frontex must protect fundamental rights in all its actions. Next director must make this a top priority. But also the Commission needs to stop impunity at the borders.

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Steffen Lüdke vr 29 apr 2022, 11:10

Following our investigations, #Frontex Director Fabrice #Leggeri has offered his resignation and communicated his decision to the Management Board, according to our info. // @derspiegel @LHreports

Management Board met at 11am this morning to discuss. More soon.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 25 apr 2022, 07:38

By rejecting Jansa and Le Pen, voters in France and Slovenia call for democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights. EU Commission and Council, pick up this message. Stop and reverse the autocracy in Hungary and Poland. Their citizens can’t do that on their own anymore.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) za 23 apr 2022, 16:45

Met het financieren van Poetins oorlog financier je raketten op Odessa, maar ook de verkrachtingen, de terreur, de massagraven.

Regeringsleiders: kies! Stop per direct alle Russische fossiele import en geef Oekraïne de wapens die nodig zijn om Poetins Rusland te stoppen. 2/2

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) za 23 apr 2022, 16:45

Misdadig, ontmenselijkend. Er moet over bericht blijven worden hoe weerzinwekkend ook. Volkomen bewust, berekenend. Een terreur strategie om angst aan te jagen, de mensen te breken. Deze jonge vrouw is zoals zovelen in 🇺🇦 voor het leven getekend. 1/2


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 22 apr 2022, 19:21

Een goed begin is het halve werk, maar in dit geval echt te weinig!

@MinPres, leg dat energie-embargo nu meteen op & stop Poetins wrede oorlog en de nieuwe aanval op de Donbas. /via @NOS


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) za 9 apr 2022, 16:25

Lees in het draadje hieronder wat er - behalve de ontbrekende volledige stop op energie import - allemaal nog meer mis is met het vijfde sanctiepakket van deze week en waarom ik in de uitspraak van het Europees Parlement het dichten van deze gaten heb ingebracht👇🏼 - 3/3

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) za 9 apr 2022, 16:25

Een EU breed embargo met onderlinge solidariteit en ook samen zorgen dat de meest kwetsbaren worden ontzien, heeft de voorkeur.

Maar als dwarsliggende landen niet snel gaan bewegen zullen verwacht ik meer landen zich gaan aansluiten bij 🇵🇱🇪🇪🇱🇹🇱🇻 - 2/3


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) za 9 apr 2022, 14:42

🧵 #EU #sanctions

I have said before: the 5th EU sanctions round is not good enough. How on earth does imposing a coal embargo in August (!) help stop Putin’s troops from murdering more civilians today?
But there is more to be ashamed of. And it’s not what you think.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 8 apr 2022, 16:33

Freedom is not free. Ukraine's brave people literally pay for our European values with the blood of their children. And our governments will ban coal AS-OF-AUGUST!

@EUCouncil, what further atrocities do you need before you stop funding Putin’s crimes against humanity?

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 8 apr 2022, 13:13

After @Europarl_EN voted to IMMEDIATELY ban ALL Russian energy imports to stop funding this gruesome war, the ONLY thing leaders agreed on is banning the least valuable one: coal imports.

IN FOUR MONTHS! AS OF AUGUST! #speechless #shameful


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 8 apr 2022, 13:13

After @Europarl_EN voted to IMMEDIATELY ban ALL Russian energy imports to stop funding this gruesome war, the ONLY thing leaders agreed on is banning the least valuable one: coal imports.

IN FOUR MONTHS! AS OF AUGUST! #speechless #shameful

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 8 apr 2022, 13:13

Yesterday: European Parliament votes for full & immediate energy embargo on Russia.

Today: EU Member States refuse.

Also today: Russia bombs 🇺🇦 refugees in Kramatorsk with cluster ammunitions, killing 30 injuring 100. Mostly women and children. My heart bleeds.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 7 apr 2022, 17:58

Accepting pushbacks means giving up on European values. EU Commission must enforce respect for human rights at the border, Frontex must stop assisting pushbacks, all Member States must take responsibility.

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Commissioner for Human Rights do 7 apr 2022, 10:55

The scale and normalisation of #pushbacks and #humanrights violations at Europe’s borders requires urgent and concerted action by @coe governments and parliamentarians.

Read my report outlining 4 key areas of action needed to end pushbacks


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) do 7 apr 2022, 07:20

Calls from Poland, the Baltic coun­tries and oth­ers for the EU to stop buy­ing Russ­ian gas have en­coun­tered op­po­si­tion from Ger­many, Hun­gary and Aus­tria.…


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 5 apr 2022, 18:43

Multiple reports of the IPCC have been self-explanatory: climate is changing, impacts are severe, but solutions are there.

From a climate and a geopolitical perspective, we need to stop the expansion of coal, oil and gas and start debating an import ban on Russia’s fossil fuels.


Esther de Lange (CDA) di 5 apr 2022, 18:18

Secondly, the Commission proposes a ban on Russian ships form accessing EU ports and a ban on Russian and Belarusian road transport operators. An essential step to block the Russian industry from obtaining key goods and to stop the production of more weapons and armed vehicles.

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Esther de Lange (CDA) di 5 apr 2022, 18:18

Having seen the heinous crimes in #Bucha and beyond, Commission President @vonderleyen rightfully proposes new #sanctions on Putin and his henchmen. Among them is an import ban on Russian coal - another 4 billion Euros which will no longer fund the Russian war machine.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) di 5 apr 2022, 09:50

🔔 The first response I read from the side of the ⁦@EU_Commission⁩ after 🇭🇺 elections.

Want to SEE the action! Now! Stop the words and act. The EC has no credibility anymore, so start restoring it by acting and delivering for 🇭🇺🇵🇱 and 🇪🇺 1/2…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 4 apr 2022, 09:25

Orban won the elections, rule of law lost. Strong European support to the citizens and their rights is more needed than ever. I call upon the Commission to stop funding autocracy and corruption and to fiercely defend minorities and NGOs, independent media and judiciary.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) zo 3 apr 2022, 11:47

How much longer will the world dither, appease, hesitate, tolerate? We have to do everything it takes to stop Putin and his henchmen. "Democracy and freedom" are not a free lunch.

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Dmytro Kuleba zo 3 apr 2022, 11:19

+3Bucha massacre was deliberate. Russians aim to eliminate as many Ukrainians as they can. We must stop them and kick them out. I demand new devastating G7 sanctions NOW:

-Oil, gas, coal embargo
-Close all ports to Russian vessels and goods
-Disconnect all Russian banks from SWIFT


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) zo 3 apr 2022, 09:38

Massa executies van weerloze, geknevelde burgers jong en oud in Bucha. Oekraïne. Europa.

Onze energie import financiert letterlijk misdaden tegen de menselijkheid.

Stop alle gas, olie en steenkool inport. Nu! We kunnen dat als we creatief zijn en met de meest kwetsbaren. 1/2

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NOS zo 3 apr 2022, 09:07

'Zeker 300 doden', steeds meer duidelijk over gruwelijkheden in Boetsja


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) zo 3 apr 2022, 09:38

Komende week gaan we in het @Europarl_NL pleiten voor een volledige stop van 🇷🇺 energie import. Het feit dat Poetin de kraan zelf nog niet heeft dichtgedraaid, maar er alleen mee dreigt, betekent dat dit een effectieve sanctie is. Die pijn doet, maar noodzakelijk is. 2/2

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) zo 3 apr 2022, 09:38

Massa executies van weerloze, geknevelde burgers jong en oud in Bucha. Oekraïne. Europa.

Onze energie import financiert letterlijk misdaden tegen de menselijkheid.

Stop alle gas, olie en steenkool inport. Nu! We kunnen dat als we creatief zijn en met de meest kwetsbaren. 1/2


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) zo 3 apr 2022, 09:06

@FlorisBeemster @Bundeskanzler We will work on this as @Europarl_EN this week. Member states have to come together and stop all energy imports. We must stop financing this war and Putin’s #warcrimes


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) za 2 apr 2022, 22:19

I never thought to see the day where Verhofstadt would be pleading to destroy the EU, but here it is.

Stop import of Russian gas and by consequence, destroy the economies of the EU member states.👍🏻😎

This guy is brilliant.

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Guy Verhofstadt za 2 apr 2022, 20:08

Lithuania leads the way as the first 🇪🇺 country to stop the import of Russian gas. 👏

Where they tread, 26 others must now follow ! We have to stop financing Putin's war machine


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) za 2 apr 2022, 04:46

In april 2008 at a NATO summit Ms Rice,a Sovjet and Russian expert - said Putin wanted to use Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia to rebuild Russia’s global power, and that extending the shield of NATO membership could be the last chance to stop him. WSJ…


Rob Rooken (JA21) do 24 mrt 2022, 19:16

The #EU should not abuse the terrible situation in #Ukraine to introduce a permanent, mandatory relocation scheme for refugees.

Instead, the EU should stop bashing #Poland and start supporting it. Poland deserves no scold, but praise!

In 1.5 minute I explain the situation:


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 23 mrt 2022, 16:36

I appeal to Alina to use her influence on Putin: stop him killing innocent people!!­a_Kab…­


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) wo 23 mrt 2022, 15:22

De heer Huizinga is te gast in Brussel met drie verzoeken voor Oekraïne:
1. Stop het vechten 2. Help met brandstof 3. Help bij het herstel na de oorlog.


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 23 mrt 2022, 09:24

The use of personal data revealing one’s health condition, sexual preferences or religion is simply unethical. We need to stop the use of it as the European Parliament agreed to.

@EmmanuelMacron @cedric_o

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Tanya O´Carroll di 22 mrt 2022, 14:41

🚨EU lawmakers are currently deciding whether or not to axe one of the Digital Service Act’s most important proposed measures: a prohibition on using people’s sensitive data in targeted advertising. 🧵A quick thread on what is at stake.


Peter van Dalen (CU) di 22 mrt 2022, 19:27

@RussianEmbassy @nytimes @mfa_russia @RusEmbUSA @natomission_ru @BBCWorld @FinancialTimes @guardian @Telegraph @RT_com @REESOxford I prefer a cold war instead of a hot Russian war with the bombing and killing of innocent people in 🇺🇦. Stop your lies and repent, and turn from your devilish way #Putin @KremlinRussia_E


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) za 19 mrt 2022, 12:03

I think European citizens are largely with us on this.👇🏼The leaders of the governments are hesitant, maybe they fear the electorate. We can do this! It will not be painless, but in solidarity we’ll get trough it.

Stop all energy imports. Stop financing Putin’s cruel, crazy war.

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Nikola Dimitrov za 19 mrt 2022, 11:31

Europe, please ban Russian oil and gas! No economic hardship can justify enabling this barbarism.


Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) za 19 mrt 2022, 08:19

Stop met dat dromen over een Europees leger! Als wij #Poetin echt willen afschrikken, dan moeten wij investeren in de #NAVO!
#JA21 @L1 #Avondgasten


Rob Roos (JA21) za 12 mrt 2022, 17:00

Voor de extra prik is GEEN MEDISCHE NOODZAAK.
Hiermee kunnen problemen met INREIZEN in SOMMIGE landen worden opgelost.🥺

Er is geen enkele logica meer! VWS zegt het zelf. Stop de #EUDCC (EU Digital Covid Certificate)

#coronapas #QRCode #Coronabedrog

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Ministerie van VWS vr 11 mrt 2022, 16:30

Heb je het Janssen-vaccin en een booster gehad? Dan kun je vanaf 16 maart een extra mRNA-prik krijgen. Hiermee kunnen problemen met inreizen in sommige landen worden opgelost. Voor de extra prik is geen medische noodzaak. Kijk ook op ⤵️­rprik-co…­


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) za 12 mrt 2022, 14:22

+1Tweede stop in Renkum

Samen met @MarinkaMulder ging ik in gesprek met buurtbewoners van de Parenco-fabriek. De fabriek en het dorp zijn de laatste jaren steeds verder uit elkaar gegroeid.

@PvdARenkum zoekt actief naar oplossingen voor een meer leefbare en duurzame woonomgeving


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) vr 11 mrt 2022, 22:02

Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb­03/invest…­

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