2550 tweets gevonden.
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 8 feb 2023, 16:50
People get stuck in transit countries without access to asylum. For instance, Turkey systematically deports people to Syria and Afghanistan, where their safety and lives are at stake. Libya is infamous for its human rights violations and hellscape detention camps. 7/
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 8 feb 2023, 16:50
The EU annually invests tens of millions in the border control of autocratic regimes such as Egypt, Morocco, Turkey and Libya without effectively checking whether this money (in)directly contributes to the pushbacks or other violations of these regimes. 6/
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 7 feb 2023, 22:31
The EU and UN must urge Erdogan to open its border crossings to NW #Syria and to stop military actions. The victims of the #earthquake can’t wait any longer to be reached, rescued and supported.
Kenneth Roth di 7 feb 2023, 21:10
Using its UN Security Council veto, the Russian government has allowed only one border crossing for humanitarian aid from Turkey into rebel-controlled Syria. Now that single crossing is closed due to earthquake damage, just when earthquake aid is needed. nytimes.com/live/2023/02/0…
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 7 feb 2023, 22:19
Syrians already lived in an extreme dire situation. The #syriaearthquake has made it a catastrophe. Please people and states, provide support to NW #Syria #WhiteHelmets
The White Helmets ma 6 feb 2023, 07:17
NW #Syria in a state of catastrophe after 7.8 magnitude #earthquake. Destruction, devastation, and collapse of buildings. Hundreds of injuries, dozens of deaths, many trapped under the rubble or stranded in the winter cold. We call on the international community to take action.
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 6 feb 2023, 12:59
Shocked and saddened by the horrible news of the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Our thoughts with all the victims of this tragedy and their loved ones.
Malik Azmani (VVD) ma 6 feb 2023, 08:17
Horrible and shocking news from Southern Turkey and Northern Syria! My deepest condolences to all the families with these heavy losses. The EU will provide help in any way we can!
Marcel de Graaff (FvD) di 8 nov 2022, 18:39
IS was funded and armed by USA and EU. IS-women are welkomed back in the Netherlands.
The West tried to oust Assad using IS and failed. They were defeated thanks to Russian support for Syria.
USA, EU are responsible for these atrocities.
Zidan Ismail di 8 nov 2022, 18:18
IS tricked a sex slave into eating her own son&raped A10-Year-Old Girl To Death. Sick IS militants fed a hungry sex slave the mutilated remains of her son telling her that she should eat before she meets him.ISIS militants also raped A10-year to death 1/2
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 25 okt 2022, 17:46
A concerning report by @hrw confirms that the practice of forced deportation of refugees to Syria by the Turkish authorities is still ongoing: HRW notes at least hundreds of deportations during this year alone. tinyurl.com/2vwctnbb
Marcel de Graaff (FvD) za 2 jul 2022, 09:48
Excelent thread. NATO would be crushed by Russia as it is now in Ukraine.
NATO is already losing this proxy war in Ukraine as it lost in Syria.
The end of US hegemony is near, as is the end of the liberal NWO.
Will Schryver vr 1 jul 2022, 22:46
🧵Why the US/NATO could never win and will never fight a war against Russia – unless the #EmpireAtAllCosts cult somehow seizes the reins of power, in which case, it will become the biggest catastrophe in US military history, and likely result in a nuclear war:
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 9 jun 2022, 17:37
Next week Sajid, Khan, Mustafa and Shiro will come to 🇪🇺Parliament.
They walked thousands of km from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. In Europe, they walked through minefields and got hit by violent border guards.
✊ On 14 June, together we will ask for protection of all children.
Bart Groothuis (VVD) vr 1 apr 2022, 11:56
A 🇺🇦 helicopter that can fly to Russia, fire missiles, and fly back undisturbed. That reminds me of Israeli F15s that were able to bomb chemical weapon factories in Syria and experienced no problems as coordinates for Russian air defence systems in Syria were spoofed by hackers
Another video of that apparent Ukrainian helicopter strike on the oil facility in Belgorod with rockets. I was very skeptical when I first heard reports of this but there are multiple videos showing some sort of air strike.
Peter van Dalen (CU) ma 21 mrt 2022, 12:22
@RussianEmbassy @mfa_russia @RusEmbUSA @RusMission_EU @BBCWorld @ftworldnews @TelegraphWorld @guardianworld @TheEconomist @business @standardnews Allies such as North Korea, Belarus, Eritrea, Syria?! The scum of the world is gathering with 🇷🇺 #Russia #Lavrov @KremlinRussia .Repent, and turn from your devilish way
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 13 jan 2022, 12:10
Danish minister answering questions on the harsh Danish asylum policies (including the aim of returning refugees to Syria) gets support literally only from the far right in @EP_Justice.
Thijs Reuten (PvdA) wo 17 nov 2021, 01:17
The big story and the small story in one report. About a young man from Syria who died after being pushed over the border by Lukashenka. And about the Polish Tatar community where they buried him on a muslim cemetery. #humanity #compassion #savelives
Step Vaessen wo 17 nov 2021, 00:05
Our report on #aljazeeraenglish from the funeral of 19 year old Ahmed al Hasan who fled Syria and drowned in a river after crossing the border from Belarus into Poland youtu.be/j7-6bYyiadU via @YouTube
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) di 8 jun 2021, 16:02
We all know #SyriaIsNotSafe, but Danish government is calling Syria a safe country for refugees to return to and is preparing deportation.
In a letter we urge the Danish PM and @regeringDK to reconsider: tinekestrik.eu/news/co-signed…
Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 20 mei 2021, 10:59
Read the letter by the MEPs I co-signed👇🏼#Syria #Refugees (3/3) @k_langensiepen
Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 20 mei 2021, 10:59
.@YlvaJohansson said that ‘no refugee should be expelled to Syria’ and that she addressed the Danish government about the policy. (2/3)
Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 20 mei 2021, 10:59
Dutch newspaper @nrc covers the sending back to a still unsafe Syria of refugees by the 🇩🇰 In April together with 32 @Europarl_EN colleagues I sent a letter to address the issue. Happy with the effort by @YlvaJohansson👇🏼(1/3)
Volgens de Deense regering is Damascus ‘veilig’ en kunnen Syrische vluchtelingen terugkeren. Klopt dat? „Als we in Syrië aankomen, dan wordt mijn man vermoord en wat er met mij en mijn dochter gebeurt, weet niemand.”
Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 20 mei 2021, 10:59
.@YlvaJohansson said that ‘no refugee should be expelled to Syria’ and that she addressed the Danish government about the policy. (2/3)
Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 20 mei 2021, 10:59
Dutch newspaper @nrc covers the sending back to a still unsafe Syria of refugees by the 🇩🇰 In April together with 32 @Europarl_EN colleagues I sent a letter to address the issue. Happy with the effort by @YlvaJohansson👇🏼(1/3)
Thijs Reuten (PvdA) vr 23 apr 2021, 21:30
Breed ondersteunde brief aan de Deense regering op initiatief van collega Katrin Langensiepen. 🙏🏼 Syrië is niet veilig en het voorgenomen terugsturen van vluchtelingen door de Deense regering is niet humaan. #Syria #refugees
Katrin Langensiepen vr 23 apr 2021, 18:15
+2Together with other Members of @EUParl_EN from 12 different Members States I just sent a letter the Danish Prime Minister urging him to reconsider the return of #Syrian #Refugees
#Syriaisnotsafe! Sending people back to a regime that kills and tortures is irresponsible.
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 10 mrt 2021, 17:50
10 years of civil war in Syria; many people have died, cities are destroyed, hopes have vanished. Over half of Syrians lack food or shelter. Refugees can't go back, but can't build a future in Turkey, Lebanon or Jordan either. We need to take responsibility, in- and outside Syria
Rob Roos (JA21) zo 25 okt 2020, 15:59
@JosepBorrellF @RTErdogan @EmmanuelMacron What about #Erdogan's actions against the Christian people in #Syria and #Armenia Mr. @JosepBorrellF. That is also unacceptable. The #EU is deafeningly silent on that subject.
Malik Azmani (VVD) di 29 sep 2020, 18:36
Extremely worried about recent reports on alleged heavy Turkish military interference in Nagorno-Karabakh.
We have seen this modus operandi before in Syria & Libya.
Together with colleagues from @RenewEurope I asked HR/VP @josepborrell urgent questions 👇
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 6 jul 2020, 14:42
@ForensicArchi 2️⃣ On the 4th of March, seven people sustained injuries, two of whom have been identified as Mohamad Hantou, from Syria, and Zeeshan Omar, from Pakistan. One person, Muhammad Gulzar, a Pakistani citizen who had until recently lived in Greece, was killed. forensic-architecture.org/investigation/…
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 6 jul 2020, 14:41
1️⃣ Released today by @ForensicArchi: On the 2nd of March, Muhammad al Arab, a young man from Aleppo, Syria was killed.
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 6 jul 2020, 14:41
1️⃣ Released today by @ForensicArchi: On the 2nd of March, Muhammad al Arab, a young man from Aleppo, Syria was killed.
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 6 jul 2020, 14:40
Today two Greek ministers and an EU Commissioner will be questioned in the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament on the shootings at the Greek-Turkish border, which led to the deaths of two refugees.
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 18 jun 2020, 18:43
The Commission has proposed additional funding for the support of refugees living in Turkey. That is important, but it should use this support to urge Turkey not to deport refugees to Syria. Non-refoulement is key. ecfr.eu/publications/s…
Malik Azmani (VVD) do 5 mrt 2020, 11:10
As @RenewEurope we strongly condemn the continuing military offensives & targeting in Idlib, we call for strong & comprehensive EU leadership in cooperation w/ our international partners to immediately cease hostilities in #Syria. Read in full: bit.ly/39oZq7A
Malik Azmani (VVD) za 29 feb 2020, 16:26
Turkish president Erdogan is in trouble in Syria and is trying to put pressure on EU by 'opening the gates'. Unacceptable. EU has to support GR and BG and keep Turkey to its commitments under the EU-Turkey deal. Work for HR/VP Borrell👇👇
@JosepBorrellF @RenewEurope
Kati Piri wo 12 feb 2020, 12:16
We debated “The security situation in #Syria”. The reality is that there is no security in Syria.
I hope soon we will see #Assad in The Hague so some justice can be done to suffering he inflicted on millions of Syrians. #Idlib
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 16 dec 2019, 20:57
During a hearing with LIBE, Commissioner Schinas simply refuses to reply on questions about deportation of Syrian refugees to North East Syria by Turkey.
Kati Piri di 19 nov 2019, 16:15
Lively and sometimes even heated panel discussion on future of Syria and developments in the region for @RudawEnglish 📺
Bert-Jan Ruissen (SGP) wo 23 okt 2019, 15:35
De Turkse acties tegen Koerden in Syrië zijn onacceptabel. De SGP vindt het tijd om te stoppen met de Turkse toetredingsgesprekken met de EU!
Zie hier mijn speech in het Europarlement vandaag:
#Turkey #Syria @SGPnieuws
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 14 okt 2019, 18:27
I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard a proposal to increase “assistance and cooperation” with (of all countries) Turkey.
At this time? With all that is going on in Northern Syria?
Peter van Dalen (CU) wo 9 okt 2019, 21:57
Dictator Erdogan started Turkish Invasion of Kurdish Syria. With 'Disastrous' Humanitarian Consequences, Human Rights Watch Warns newsweek.com/turkish-invasi…
Kati Piri wo 9 okt 2019, 20:54
Debate in EP plenary with @FedericaMog on Turkish operation to Northern Syria. Below my statement on behalf of @TheProgressives
S&D Group wo 9 okt 2019, 20:30
“#Turkey claims to establish a so-called ‘safe zone’. What they are creating is a war zone.”
We strongly condemn this illegal incursion into North-East #Syria.
Full reaction from our VP @KatiPiri 👇 socialistsanddemocrats.eu/newsroom/sds-t…
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 11 sep 2019, 16:10
👇 The Commission on the conditions under which Turkey is a safe country for refugees. Now that Erdogan aims to send refugees back to Syria, I would like to hear from @avromopoulos next Monday if he really thinks these conditions are still met.
Source: asylo.gov.gr/wp-content/upl…
Dirk-Jan Koch ma 1 jul 2019, 16:11
'Do no harm is an illusion in Syria. Doing less harm is the best available option' on how to engage in conflict economies @ChathamHouse report funded by @MinBZ chathamhouse.org/about/structur…
Marietje Schaake za 1 jun 2019, 18:44
As it did before #Syria should be top priority in Europe. It is not ↘️
Kenneth Roth vr 31 mei 2019, 18:42
As hundreds of thousands of civilians flee, intense Russian and Syrian bombardment in Syria's Idlib province seems aimed not only at taking territory but also at setting off another refugee crisis. trib.al/kQUGMsY
Marietje Schaake vr 31 mei 2019, 08:55
The sad thing is that by ‘evacuating’ people to Idlib, the risk that sooner or later the entire area would become a perfect target, was entirely predictable, and the world does nothing to stop it #Syria ↘️
Kenneth Roth do 30 mei 2019, 20:37
Russian-Syrian bombers have hit 24 medical facilities in the Idlib vicinity in just four weeks, and they claim they are fighting (rather than being) "terrorists." @snhr trib.al/lKhhlc2
Marietje Schaake zo 26 mei 2019, 18:14
In his own words: BUILDING A FREE SYRIA, ONE TOWN AT A TIME | Raed Fares 2017 - #OsloFF Raed was assassinated in #Syria, 23 November 2018 ↘️ youtube.com/watch?v=OlWt-k…
Marietje Schaake zo 26 mei 2019, 18:04
At #OsloFF Remembering Raed Fares, described here by @iyad_elbaghdadi > Raed Fares, who believed that #Syria would be saved by its people ↘️ washingtonpost.com/news/democracy…
Marietje Schaake za 11 mei 2019, 21:35
There must be accountability for the crimes against humanity committed on industrial scale in #Syria > “People didn’t believe me,” he said. “Then Caesar’s photos came out.” > Inside #Syria’s Secret Torture Prisons: How Bashar al-Assad Crushed Dissent ↘️ nytimes.com/2019/05/11/wor…
Marietje Schaake do 2 mei 2019, 15:53
UN: Schools, health facilities and residential areas have been hit by the worst barrel bombing campaign in rebel-held northwestern #Syria in 15 months ↘️ reuters.com/article/us-syr…
Marietje Schaake di 30 apr 2019, 18:03
Holocaust Museum recognizes The White Hemlets for their life saving work in #Syria, congratulations! @SyriaCivilDef ↘️
The Syria Campaign di 30 apr 2019, 16:02
Congratulations to @SyriaCivilDef, who have been awarded the @HolocaustMuseum’s Elie Wiesel Award in recognition of their life-saving work. The White Helmets share this year’s award with Serge and Beate Klarsfeld who helped bring Nazi war criminals to justice
Bas Belder do 21 mrt 2019, 20:53
You mean of course the Northern Syria region of Afrin, but indeed Turkey “Cypriotize” the regions Jarabulus and Afrin in Syria.
Hillel Neuer do 21 mrt 2019, 20:30
Your Turkish troops illegally occupy Northern Cyprus and the Nothern Iraq region of Afrin. Areas that were never used to threaten the existence of your country. twitter.com/MevlutCavusogl…
Marietje Schaake di 12 mrt 2019, 09:57
Ahead of the #Syria conference, some thoughts about what Europe should do to become more of a player and not only a payer ↘️ marietjeschaake.eu/en/what-talkin…
Marietje Schaake za 9 mrt 2019, 06:18
Europe has never had a unified #Syria strategy. And now we are here: some countries want to get rid of refugees so much that they turn a blind eye to the brutalities of Assad enabled by his Russian and Iranian friends ↘️ foreignpolicy.com/2019/03/08/eur…
Marietje Schaake zo 17 feb 2019, 12:30
While everybody says there is no military solution to the war in #Syria (also EU line), reality shows there was. Certainly Russian bombardments & other military actions created decisive realities on ground. Drilling down need for political solution doesnt change that #MSC2019
Marietje Schaake zo 17 feb 2019, 12:15
Indeed, unbelievable, and so harmful. I fear we will feel the aftermath of this war for decades to come (of course realizing the bloodshed impacts people in Syria and the MEast first and foremost, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey see tensions rising around shelter of refugees)
Matt Steinglass zo 17 feb 2019, 12:09
This is really remarkable when you think about it. The Syrian civil war caused a migration crisis that thoroughly upended and destabilized European politics; the aftershocks still threaten the integrity of the EU. But there's still no coherent European response. twitter.com/MarietjeSchaak…
Marietje Schaake zo 17 feb 2019, 12:04
Europe’s absence in negotiating a future peace for Syria, while the impact of that horrendous war is felt throughout our continent, is staggering & should be a call to action towards much more effective foreign and security policy. EU govts lack common position on Syria #MSC2019
Marietje Schaake wo 13 feb 2019, 15:46
A crucial step towards accountability #Syria ↘️
Emma Beals wo 13 feb 2019, 14:28
Two former intelligence officers arrested in Germany for torture and crimes committed against potentially thousands of people in Syria. Accountability is slow, and for many won’t happen, but this is a very good step on the road. twitter.com/spiegel_alles/…
Bas Belder zo 10 feb 2019, 16:53
Every two weeks dr. Raz Zimmt pinpoints to Iranian involvement in Syria, Iraq and the Palestinian Arena. Latest issue January 27, 2019 - February 10, 2019. Very informative!
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