1347 tweets gevonden.
Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) di 7 mrt 2023, 12:50
Trade unionists are prevented from entering Tunisia to join a demonstration in international solidarity with
This is a disgrace.
Sign the petition of the @etuc_ces and protect trade union rights👇
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) do 23 feb 2023, 08:55
“David O’Sullivan, the EU’s newly appointed sanctions envoy, told the Financial Times that big increases in trade with countries in Russia’s neighbourhood raised questions as to whether products hit by sanctions were entering the country via the back door.”
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) do 23 feb 2023, 08:54
De sancties tegen Rusland lijken omzeild te worden…. Op een wel heel doorzichtige wijze. West probes potential sanctions busting as exports to Russia’s neighbours surge via @FT
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) ma 13 feb 2023, 11:41
Pope Francis defends LGBT rights, Pope Benedict aboard plane – DW – 02/05/2023 "The arms trade is the biggest plague in this world today. It is the plague," Pope Francis said.
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 8 feb 2023, 16:50
If countries refuse to cooperate, the EU suspends visa facilitation, development aid or trade benefits.
This perverse policy is destructive for the development of the poorest countries - therefore, cynically enough, may even result in more migration in the long run. 9/
Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 8 feb 2023, 16:50
Further, the EU abuses its power by enforcing returns and readmission in a way that is often experienced as neo-colonial. Instead of listening to the wishes of countries with which agreements are made - such as cooperation in legal migration - the EU opts for sanctions. 8/
Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) di 24 jan 2023, 15:23
Let us use the force of trade for good!
Interesting discussions today on the new TSD review with @Trade_EU. Without engagement there is no sustainable development. Working together with trade unions, NGOs and the people on the ground is essential to ensure socially green trade.
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 20 jan 2023, 21:54
“They then spent the subsequent century and a half exercising their imperial power in deploying the Royal Navy to stop slave ships crossing the Atlantic and Indian oceans, and in suppressing the Arab slave trade across Africa.” Waar gaat dit over?
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 20 jan 2023, 21:53
“After a century and a half of transporting slaves to the West Indies and the American colonies, the British abolished both the trade and the institution within the empire in the early 1800s.”
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 20 jan 2023, 21:53
“After a century and a half of transporting slaves to the West Indies and the American colonies, the British abolished both the trade and the institution within the empire in the early 1800s.”
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 20 jan 2023, 21:39
“An empire is a single state that contains a variety of peoples, one of which is dominant. As a form of political organisation, it has been around for millennia and has appeared on every continent. The Assyrians were doing empire in the Middle East more than 4,000 years ago.”
Paul Tang (PvdA) vr 13 jan 2023, 15:38
@jsblokland Business model!?
It is terms-of-trade shock. Of course, it shows in the trade balance
Paul Tang (PvdA) ma 9 jan 2023, 11:23
Trade #bitcoin? Plant a tree! 431.6 million trees 🌳 are needed to offset the carbon footprint of bitcoin mining, according to trading platform Forex.
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) zo 8 jan 2023, 20:45
Member state governments are using “national security” like Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak so as to escape transparency and accountability, and allow for unhampered use of, and trade in #spyware @EP_PegaInquiry
Nicoletta Kouroushi zo 8 jan 2023, 16:40
"Η δημοκρατία βρίσκεται σε σοβαρό κίνδυνο, εάν αυτοί που βρίσκονται στην εξουσία, δεν αισθάνονται πλέον καμιά υποχρέωση λογοδοσίας έναντι των πολιτών". Η έντυπη έκδοση της συνέντευξης της @SophieintVeld στον @philenewscy #europeanunion #pega #spyware #Qatargate
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 1 jan 2023, 23:39
“While the US recession is likely to be mild, the eurozone will suffer a larger downturn due to the huge hit to its terms of trade caused by the Ukraine war,” Capital Economics said in December.
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 1 jan 2023, 23:37
2023:Recession will hit a third of the world this year, IMF chief warns via @FT
Bart Groothuis (VVD) ma 19 dec 2022, 10:23
“Drop the tenet that national security legislation is “actor-agnostic”. It’s better to call a spade a spade” 👏
This also applies to the EU: country specific threats require specific laws, in order to keep our economies open, based on free trade. My paper:drive.google.com/file/d/1jpjgAa…
Edward Lucas ma 19 dec 2022, 09:34
Britain’s unfair spying law risks Putinising our system —
My Times column this week
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 18 dec 2022, 15:51
What about CETA? 17% more trade between NL & Canada. Can it be a model for future trade agreements? How can it be optimized? international.gc.ca/trade-commerce…
Samira Rafaela (D66) za 10 dec 2022, 10:09
+1Visiting the #cocoa processing company MI-COCOA LTD (Ohene Cocoa) 🍫
Pearl Adjei Badu, Product Development Manager and I spoke about the company, the cocoa #production, and the challenges to access the EU and international #trade market 🇬🇭
Samira Rafaela (D66) vr 9 dec 2022, 12:11
With this modernisation, we will manage to get stronger,greener and more inclusive trade relations. The dedicated gender chapter should be a precedent for making our trade agreements more inclusive and sustainable. I welcome the strong emphasis on trade and sustainability.
Samira Rafaela (D66) vr 9 dec 2022, 12:11
As Standing Rapporteur I welcome the political conclusion of the Agreement, and especially the historical dedicated gender chapter, the first ever in an EU trade or association agreement. ec.europa.eu/commission/pre…
Samira Rafaela (D66) vr 9 dec 2022, 12:11
As Standing Rapporteur I welcome the political conclusion of the Agreement, and especially the historical dedicated gender chapter, the first ever in an EU trade or association agreement. ec.europa.eu/commission/pre…
Samira Rafaela (D66) vr 9 dec 2022, 11:55
The dedicated gender chapter should be a precedent for making our trade agreements more inclusive and sustainable. Economic empowerment of women is crucial. Furthermore I welcome the strong emphasis on trade and sustainability in the agreement.
Samira Rafaela (D66) vr 9 dec 2022, 11:55
With this modernisation, we will manage to get stronger, greener and inclusive trade relations.
Samira Rafaela (D66) vr 9 dec 2022, 11:55
As Standing Rapporteur I welcome the political conclusion of the Agreement between EU-Chile, and the dedicated gender chapter, the first ever in an EU trade agreement.
Samira Rafaela (D66) vr 9 dec 2022, 11:55
With this modernisation, we will manage to get stronger, greener and inclusive trade relations.
Samira Rafaela (D66) vr 9 dec 2022, 11:55
As Standing Rapporteur I welcome the political conclusion of the Agreement between EU-Chile, and the dedicated gender chapter, the first ever in an EU trade agreement.
Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) do 8 dec 2022, 20:27
+3Standing up for free trade, low taxes and curbing the size of government.
Great meeting center-right politicians at #IDUDC this week!
Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) do 8 dec 2022, 20:20
+3Standing up for free trade, low taxes and curbing the size of government.
Great meeting center-right politicians at #IDUDC this week!
Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) do 8 dec 2022, 20:13
+3Standing up for free trade, low taxes and curbing the size of government.
Great meeting center-right politicians at #IDUDC this week!
Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) do 8 dec 2022, 16:49
The rules as proposed will allow platform workers, labour inspectors and trade unions to challenge fake self-employment. In that case, it will be up to the platforms to prove that they work with truly independent workers free from their control.
Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) do 8 dec 2022, 16:49
And as if this is not bad enough already, they are constantly monitored and managed by black box algorithms. They don’t know why they get certain tasks or prices and are sometimes even fired without any explanation.
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 7 dec 2022, 10:40
While the @EU_Commission is terribly busy doing nothing, the US are taking the lead in regulating the use of, and trade in spyware. @EP_PegaInquiry
John Scott-Railton wo 7 dec 2022, 05:02
NEW: clear US policy towards mercenary spyware industry in the new #NDAA.
And it's *bad news* for shady spyware companies.
Quick thread of highlights from Sec 6318 of this robust bit of legislation 1/
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) za 3 dec 2022, 09:17
“The rise of politico-cultural blocs more or less tracks the decline of church membership, trade unions and marriages that go the distance. An atomised population began to cast around for other kinds of belonging, didn’t it?” De politieke partij als veredelde Rotary of vakbond.
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) za 3 dec 2022, 09:14
Partijpolitiek ondermijnt de democratie When politics wasn’t a team sport via @FT “People do not work out their beliefs and then join the corresponding tribe. They join a tribe and infer their beliefs from it.”
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 1 dec 2022, 11:38
As US courts are scrutinising the spyware business, the FBI is investigating abuse of spyware on European soil, the US dpt of Trade is blacklisting spyware vendors, the EU authorities are busy…..sitting on their hands in the spyware scandal @EU_Commission @Europol
The New Yorker do 1 dec 2022, 03:10
In a lawsuit filed today, the journalist Roman Gressier will become the first American whose phone was infected by Pegasus spyware to sue for damages in a U.S. Court. @RonanFarrow reports on what’s at stake.
Samira Rafaela (D66) di 29 nov 2022, 19:59
+2Op werkbezoek in de Haven Rotterdam met de commissie internationale handel van @Europarl_NL
Veel geleerd over verduurzaming, energietransitie en de rol van deze belangrijke strategische haven voor internationale handel.
#trade #haven #europe #portrotterdam #handel
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 29 nov 2022, 09:08
This afternoon’s session of @EP_PegaInquiry will be dedicated to a first exchange of views on the draft report europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/258394… on the use of, and trade in #spyware
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 20 nov 2022, 08:02
Despite the toughened requirements under the forced-labor law, the U.S. government is working with businesses to help facilitate legitimate trade, he said. Which is even better.
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 20 nov 2022, 08:00
DNA testing as an alternative to the endless administrative burden that #CSDDD is going to introduce. The U.S. will scrutinize goods from across China to enforce a law cracking down on forced labor in the Xinjiang region, home to the Uyghur minority wsj.com/articles/u-s-o…
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) ma 14 nov 2022, 13:11
855 NON-Ngo responses: 195 (22.8%) filled in the questionnaire as NGOs, 191 (22.3%) as a company/business, 173 (20.2%) as business associations, 106 (12.4%) as a EU citizen, 53 (6.2%) as Trade unions, 33 (3.9%) as academic/research institutions, 19 (2.2%) as public authorities,
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) ma 14 nov 2022, 13:02
Midden in de Covid crisis van oktober 2020 t/m februari 2021 heeft de EC een publieke consultatieronde gehouden over de CSDDD. Hier de resultaten. Sustainable corporate governance ec.europa.eu/info/law/bette…
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) zo 13 nov 2022, 01:51
Iranian Regime is criminal. It kills it’s citizens even in Europe. There is no excuse for European leaders trying to restore trade relations. Terrorised by Iranian spies in Britain: victims reveal ordeal
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) di 8 nov 2022, 07:10
China verovert nieuwe markten. EU verliest meer en meer de status van preferred client. China becomes top exporter to Russia as sanctions hit Moscow’s trade with EU via @FT
Samira Rafaela (D66) do 3 nov 2022, 08:42
Trade can strengthen the economic position of women. We should use trade agreements to incorporate standards and provisions relating to gender equality. Thank you to the Netherlands Embassy in Kenya for organizing a wonderful diner with female entrepreneurs and leaders.
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 1 nov 2022, 13:14
On our way to #Cyprus and #Greece with @EP_PegaInquiry @rozathun. Looking for answers on the illegitimate use of, and trade in spyware #Pegasusspyware #Predatorgate
Samira Rafaela (D66) di 1 nov 2022, 09:57
+2Back in #Kenya to discuss the interim Economic Partnership Agreement, trade and investment opportunities and barriers with stakeholders. Started today with @EUinKenya and Speaker of the National Assembly. #trade #africa
Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 19 okt 2022, 09:56
Our @RenewEurope International Trade Team enjoyed an excellent dinner with the Trade Commissioner. Thank you, @VDombrovskis for the constructive meeting and we vow to work on inclusive value based and sustainable #trade together.
Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) vr 23 sep 2022, 13:12
Truss is ambitious for a bespoke trade deal with Israel: “We believe that a democracy rooted in freedom — which empowers citizens with the opportunity to innovate, create, and fulfil their dreams — is the finest form of government.
Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) vr 23 sep 2022, 11:00
We need to stop pretending that dictators are scared of trade embargoes. In fact, they embolden the regime at home, target the wrong people and don't take into account geopolitical interests of like-minded countries. As a foreign policy tool, #sanctions don't work.
Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 14 sep 2022, 14:21
Finally! We have a @EU_Commission proposal on the forced labour ban. This is very welcome in light of rules and values based trade. My response: reneweuropegroup.eu/news/2022-09-1…
Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 14 sep 2022, 09:55
Especially now, we need to strengthen our strategic autonomy and independency. Therefore strengthening our trade relations with like minded partners is crucial. Good to hear @vonderleyen wants to see ratification of the new agreement with Chile as soon as possible #SOTEU
Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 14 sep 2022, 09:43
Lots of mentioning of European values, now in upcoming trade deals. Still waiting for the fight for European values within the EU… #RuleOfLaw #SOTEU
Samira Rafaela (D66) di 13 sep 2022, 08:05
We must defend human rights globally, and we need to ensure that products made by forced labour don’t end up on the EU market. I expect the presentation of an effective trade instrument to enforce this. @EP_Trade has a clear position: no forced labour products on our EU market!
Samira Rafaela (D66) di 13 sep 2022, 08:05
How will the @EU_Commission prevent its Member States & citizens from facing this unjust dilemma? And looking forward, how does @vonderleyen reflect on strengthening the strategic autonomy of our Union so we will not be this vulnerable again?
Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 8 sep 2022, 11:12
Read more about Aherns efforts with Tony Blair to get the UK back to the table instead of risking a senseless trade war 👉🏼 theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/s… /3
Thijs Reuten (PvdA) do 8 sep 2022, 11:12
Pleasure to listen to Aherns analysis and clear responses to questions, in particular debunking some false narratives amplified by the UK government that deliberately and recklessly sought for the hard type of #Brexit and walked away from talks with the European Commission. /2
Anja Hazekamp (PvdD) wo 7 sep 2022, 17:38
+1Heartbreaking evidence of puppies being transported throughout Europe.
Illegal puppy trade is organized crime 💔
@KarenSoeters @HouseAnimals_nl
@BThiesmann @FOURPAWSeurope
Thijs Reuten (PvdA) ma 5 sep 2022, 17:22
Hoop vurig dat de nieuwe 🇬🇧 premier Truss haar wet, die het #NIprotocol en de vrede 🕊 in gevaar brengt, intrekt.
‘With rising costs of living, a trade conflict with your biggest trade partner would be disastrous’
🇪🇺🤝🇬🇧 Lees hier meer👇🏼
Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 31 aug 2022, 09:56
CETA delivers. Compared to the situation before CETA, EU trade with Canada significantly increased with 31%, and more than 50% for example the Netherlands. Trading under CETA is more beneficial than without an agreement. (2/5)
Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 31 aug 2022, 09:56
Today in @EP_Trade we discuss 5 years of implementation of #CETA. The agreement signed with our trusted partner Canada promotes green and fair trade. (1/5)
Samira Rafaela (D66) wo 31 aug 2022, 09:56
Today in @EP_Trade we discuss 5 years of implementation of #CETA. The agreement signed with our trusted partner Canada promotes green and fair trade. (1/5)
Sophie in 't Veld (D66) zo 28 aug 2022, 15:39
And more news on the shady trade in mercenary spyware. Governments are shopping around in this underworld market, allegedly for our security, but who can verify if everything is in the dark? We know already about abuse for political purposes by several EU gvts @EP_PegaInquiry
Konstantinos Venakis zo 28 aug 2022, 12:29
Έτσι είναι το #Predator από μέσα. Έρευνα που έκανα σε ψηφιακή αγορά κυβερνοεγκλήματος και δημοσιεύτηκε στο σημερινό φύλλο του #Documento.
Bart Groothuis (VVD) za 2 jul 2022, 14:27
Another groundbreaking aspect: large online platforms may no longer follow and track children’s online behaviour. The Internet wasn’t meant for that. How did this end up in the DSA? With @LSchreinemacher (former MEP, nowadays Dutch foreign trade minister) 👏 (4)
Bart Groothuis (VVD) za 2 jul 2022, 14:27
Not being able (or willing) to establish the exact amount of Russian influence on your elections, means directly handing a strategic victory to the Kremlin. We can never accept that, so the EU is taking back control of our online public sphere. (3)
Samira Rafaela (D66) do 30 jun 2022, 22:42
A welcome announcement today by the EU and New Zealand that they concluded negotiations for a progressive trade agreement! We can see eye to eye on many important issues, and we are strategic partners. @RenewEurope stands ready to scrutinize once the agreement comes to @EP_Trade
Renew Europe do 30 jun 2022, 16:10
✅ DEAL! The EU - New Zealand agreement sets a new benchmark for sustainable trade 🇳🇿🇪🇺
We welcome this political deal, which is an important and positive signal.
#NewZealand is a likeminded partner & a strong ally! #EUNZ
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