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831 tweets gevonden.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 13 mei 2019, 16:31

Big interview in the Taz today. On Germany's lost leading role in climate action.

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Ulrich Schulte ma 13 mei 2019, 16:28

"Warum lassen sich die Deutschen das gefallen?" @BasEickhout, Spitzenkandidat der europäischen #Grünen, spricht im #taz-Interview über Merkels Auftritte in Brüssel und die Tricks der deutschen Autoindustrie.…


Sabine Klok vr 10 mei 2019, 11:18

'The EU budget should not finance any policy detrimental to the objective of fighting climate change'
Hope the others will follow soon. #ClimateAction #EUbudget…


Claudia Hofemann di 7 mei 2019, 11:42

Imagine a world without #forests
Now a #world in which forests are restored and available to people and wildlife!
The #EU has both the power and responsibility to make the second vision a reality!
#EUElections2019 #Stand4Forests #ForestPledge #Climate…


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) za 4 mei 2019, 09:33

Today in Barcelona, on climate action.

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En Comú Podem za 4 mei 2019, 09:30

Vivim en un sistema depredador amb el planeta i amb les persones que demana una transició ecològica i justa. Com plantem cara al canvi climàtic des d'Europa?

En parlem amb @ernesturtasun, @BasEickhout i @MartaJunque

⌚11 h
📍Col•legi Periodistes #BCN…


Frans Timmermans ma 29 apr 2019, 19:51

Green policy is not the property of the Green Party.

We are not up here in a beauty contest. We can have a broad coalition that delivers good results for our environment and fights climate change together.



Sabine Klok ma 29 apr 2019, 08:36

This has to stop!!! #noplantb #climatechange
Oil And Gas Giants Spend Millions Lobbying To Block Climate Change Policies [Infographic] via @Forbes…


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) za 27 apr 2019, 17:08

Grandparents for climate ondersteunen de jongeren en strijden voor een toekomst voor alle jonge en toekomstige generaties. #everyoneforclimate

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Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) za 27 apr 2019, 17:06

Students for climate proberen zo veel mogelijk studenten te mobiliseren voor het klimaat. #everyoneforclimate


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) za 27 apr 2019, 17:06

Students for climate proberen zo veel mogelijk studenten te mobiliseren voor het klimaat. #everyoneforclimate

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Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) za 27 apr 2019, 17:05

Workers for climate staakt samen met youth for climate om hen zo goed mogelijk te ondersteunen. #everyoneforclimate


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) za 27 apr 2019, 17:05

Workers for climate staakt samen met youth for climate om hen zo goed mogelijk te ondersteunen. #everyoneforclimate

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Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) za 27 apr 2019, 17:04

Teachers for climate voert onder andere actie om meer aandacht voor klimaat in het onderwijs te krijgen. #everyoneforclimate


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) za 27 apr 2019, 17:04

Teachers for climate voert onder andere actie om meer aandacht voor klimaat in het onderwijs te krijgen. #everyoneforclimate

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Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) za 27 apr 2019, 17:03

Wat een heerlijke dag met @jagraag en @greenpeace_be. We begonnen met youth for climate en sluiten nu af met teachers for climate, workers for climate, grandparents for climate en citizens for climate. #everyoneforclimate


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) za 27 apr 2019, 17:03

Wat een heerlijke dag met @jagraag en @greenpeace_be. We begonnen met youth for climate en sluiten nu af met teachers for climate, workers for climate, grandparents for climate en citizens for climate. #everyoneforclimate


Patricia van der Kammen vr 26 apr 2019, 11:34

OMG EU is bragging about protecting people's savings. Thanks to EU many hard working families can only dream about savings. Their money is spend on idiotic EU-policy incl. overpaid bureaucrats, Africa, millions of immigrants and climate nonsense. We need freedom! #Nexit #StemPVV

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EU Finance 🇪🇺 ma 15 apr 2019, 10:03

+1What has the EU ever done for us? 🤔🇪🇺
Your money in EU banks is protected up to 1⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣€ in case of default by the bank #MyMoneyEU #BankingUnion


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) di 23 apr 2019, 11:03

What the young people like @GretaThunberg and @AnunaDe are asking for is common sense. And apparently... it's news. Fact-free climate change politics will create a catastrophe. #letsact #ClimateElection

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BBC News (UK) di 23 apr 2019, 07:57

Greta Thunberg: Teen tells UK politicians 'listen to climate scientists'


Frans Timmermans vr 19 apr 2019, 09:09

Essential viewing!

BBC One - Climate Change - The Facts…


Frans Timmermans do 18 apr 2019, 09:41

My main messages in part 2 of last night’s debate, in English:

✅ Make multinationals pay fair tax
✅ Pay women and men the same
✅ Minimum wages in Europe
✅ Tackle climate change
❌ Don’t attacks fundamental values
❌ Don’t create conflicts in society
❓A rethink on Brexit


Raoul Boucke wo 17 apr 2019, 12:02

Vorige week kwam @IRENA met een nieuw rapport over de voor -en nadelen van klimaatmaatrgelen. Hier enkele interessante conclusies over wat het ons gaat "kosten". #klimaatdrammer #climate #duurzaam #milieu #CO2


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) di 16 apr 2019, 17:03

Will EPP finally see the climate crisis as it is? A crisis? @ManfredWeber

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FYEG di 16 apr 2019, 16:20

@EPPGroup @ManfredWeber @GretaThunberg Hi Manfred! It's great that you're finally waking up to the climate crisis! 👍 Especially as your party has watered down ambitious climate action for so many years... This is what EPP said about #ClimateStrike a month ago 🤔 #EPlenary #FridaysForFuture


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 16 apr 2019, 14:12

Now @GretaThunberg in the Environment committee; great turn-out of Members of Parliament. What an interest in climate;-)

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Greens in the EP ma 15 apr 2019, 18:46

Want to know our 10 priority measures to protect our climate?

Look no further👉
#ClimateAction #Youth4Climate #Fridays4Future


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 16 apr 2019, 10:06

Climate change will be key issue in EU elections, poll shows @EURACTIV­t…­


Claudia Hofemann ma 8 apr 2019, 09:27

People need reminding that the #climate #crisis is no longer a #future problem – we need to tackle it now, and every day matters thats why the #Guardian is putting global #CO2 levels in the #weather #forecast #voorverandering #gl #europa #co2tax­t/20…­


Jan Huitema (VVD) vr 29 mrt 2019, 18:16

@HarrietBirdlife @aprescher_muc @NABU_Biodiv @EP_Agriculture @MariaNoichl @MariaHeubuch @peter_jahr @UliMuellerMdEP @EricAndrieuEU @albert_dess @federley @MartinHaeusling Nice soundbite, but greening by conditionality was a failure and doesn’t work. Instead we need more room and proper funding for eco-schemes! Only then we will achieve results on climate, environment and biodiversity!


Jan Huitema (VVD) do 28 mrt 2019, 15:50

@MrMachteld Nice soundbite, but greening by conditionality was a failure and doesn’t work. Instead we need more room and proper funding for eco-schemes! Only then we will achieve results on climate, environment and biodiversity!


Gerben Jan Gerbrandy do 21 mrt 2019, 11:34

@lifelearner47 Climate denial has infected politics, certainly. But the fight can only be won on psychlogical front. That was my point.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) vr 15 mrt 2019, 09:13

A day full of climate strikes globally, Guardian is doing a live blog on it:­t/li…­ I am in Stockholm today; the city where it all started.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 14 mrt 2019, 12:59

And again. European Parliament calls the EU to raise its climate targets to -55% in 2030! Large majority! Member States need to act!


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 14 mrt 2019, 10:36

@GreenSefa @europeangreens @yjadot Today in France citizens are suing the government for climate inaction, inspired by the Dutch success in the #klimaatzaak by @urgenda. We are with you!

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Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 14 mrt 2019, 10:18

Βravo à #LAffaireDuSiecle qui dépose aujourd'hui le recours pour inaction climatique contre l’État français. Avec @GreenSefa @europeangreens et la liste conduite par @yjadot vous avez des alliés solides !


Gerben Jan Gerbrandy wo 13 mrt 2019, 17:17

Breakthrough in #climate policy in NL after appreciation of climate plans by Environmental Assessment Agency : -49% CO2emissions in 2030 with few additional measures within reach, total costs €1.6-1.9 bn/year in 2030.
Government will introduce carbon tax for industry.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) zo 10 mrt 2019, 13:05

Huge climate march about to start in Amsterdam. Rain not holding us back.


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 5 mrt 2019, 20:59

Evidence based climate policy: #Copernicus contributes to EU leading role in adequate information. @k4innovation platform. Tonight debate with industry: how to coöperatie on Paris Climate goals @EPPGroup @cdaeuropa


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 21 feb 2019, 13:39

At the Climate march in Brussels, passing trade unions office: 'No jobs on a dead planet. Workers support the students'


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 12 feb 2019, 20:35

Tonight we go into the third (and last?) round of negotiations on CO2 standards for trucks; last part of climate legislation of this Commission. European Parliament insists on higher ambitions.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 24 jan 2019, 11:29

And again big climate march in Brussels! Asking for action, not just talks.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 21 jan 2019, 15:24

Now in the Environment Committee of the EP; pressing for a deal on CO2 standards for trucks, getting higher ambitions on EU climate policies and greening agricultural policies.

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RO2019EU ma 21 jan 2019, 15:15

+1Minister of Environment, Gratiela Leocadia Gavrilescu, & Minister for Waters and Forests, Ioan Deneș present 🇷🇴 #RO2019EU 🇪🇺 priorities at the @Europarl_EN Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety­/en/com…­ @EP_Environment


Marietje Schaake za 19 jan 2019, 10:05

+1Gesprek over Climate Leadership met Premier Rutte op 24/1 in Davos (met livestream) ↘️


Annie Schreijer (CDA) wo 9 jan 2019, 18:07

+2Important aspects stressed by director Gonzalo Pastrana @AsajaNacional and Robert Graveland of @HZPC at @EULandownersOrg Innovation Conference 2019 on new breeding techniques: young farmers and climate resilience require crop varieties produced by #NBTs! #ELOconference


Judith Sargentini di 11 dec 2018, 18:54

Time to leave #Marrakesh as the #GlobalCompactforMigration comes to an end, but enthusiasts of multilateral politics please tune in at my colleague @BasEickhout at the #COP24Katowice on combating climate change.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) zo 9 dec 2018, 09:29

Biggest march in Paris yesterday was.... the climate march.... Media attention close to zero: Thousands march for climate in Paris despite 'yellow vest' unrest


Gerben Jan Gerbrandy wo 5 dec 2018, 16:41

This is truly historic. Largest car producer in the world annouces it will only develop zero emission vehicles from 2026 onwards! Market will surpass policy. #climate #NOx­s/…­


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 29 nov 2018, 12:00

Climate summit in Katowice about to start: Time's Up For Business as Usual at COP24­mes-up-for-b…­ via @GreenEUJournal


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 27 nov 2018, 16:41

More than ever the EU needs to increase its climate ambitions before 2030: Greenhouse gas emissions gap wider than ever: U.N. report | Article [AMP] | Reuters­…­ Will Eur. Commission deliver tomorrow in its Long-term zero-carbon strategy?


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) za 24 nov 2018, 16:06

YES! Excited to be elected as leading candidate for @europeangeens. Because it's time to change Europe. 🇪🇺
People want a Europe that fights climate change. A Europe that works for its people.
Join us!


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 7 nov 2018, 10:01

And we have started our climate conference in Brussels; on COP24 in Katowice, the latest IPCC report on 1.5 degrees and coal phase-out: Outdated outlook or modern vision ?­ve…­


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 25 okt 2018, 15:18

Another important part of today's adopted resolution. Slamming the utterly weak approach of ICAO to reduce aviation's climate impacts.

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Andrew Murphy do 25 okt 2018, 14:38

Update: this environment committee position has been adopted by the full Parliament this afternoon. Europe's aviation ETS should not be traded away for a weak and unfinished offsetting scheme!­ress/meps-fir…­


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 25 okt 2018, 15:01

EU lawmakers push for harder stance in U.N. climate talks­u-lawmakers…­ via @BI_Europe


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 8 okt 2018, 21:28

Tomorrow a very important Environment Council (discussing the next climate summit in Katowice, deciding on CO2 and cars) but Belgium doesn't manage to send one of the four environmental ministers they have..... (And it is in Luxembourg....)

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Pieter Haeck ma 8 okt 2018, 18:54

Allemaal te druk met campagne voeren? Schande. 4 ministers en niemand komt.… via @tijd


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 8 okt 2018, 11:09

And there is the European Commission:… It reads as if the Commission is acknowledging that climate warming should be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius. So now time to act on much higher ambitions for 2030&2050. And CO2 and cars tomorrow in Envirnmental Council


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 8 okt 2018, 09:49

Still waiting for a strong reaction of the European Commission on the latest IPCC report.... Until now we only have this: Behind-the-curtain of the EU’s 2050 climate plan­t…­


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 3 okt 2018, 09:10

Higher climate targets for cars means higher benefits to our society: it could create up to 151,000 new jobs.
The vote on CO2 standards for cars is today at 12h.

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