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958 tweets gevonden.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 24 feb 2015, 15:49

Now final vote! Adopted! And we got the mandate! Yes! Total loss for EPP and ECR!


Judith Sargentini do 12 feb 2015, 11:24

De EPP stemt tegen resolutie die vraagt om vrijlating Raif Badawi omdat het barbaars Saudi Arabië vergelijkt met Barbaars IS.


Marietje Schaake wo 11 feb 2015, 15:27

Read our condemnation the flogging of #Raifbadawi & ask members of the EPP to support it as other political groups do…


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) di 3 feb 2015, 20:15

@henning_ Was a strange meeting. Position EPP unclear. Next week more clarity hopefully


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 27 jan 2015, 10:30

#EPP "we know PNR is necessary". We need evidence for necessity and proportionality. Not assumption-based policy making. @EP_Justice


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 22 jan 2015, 09:24

#EPP kicking up a fuss ovr procedures for @EP_Justice hearing on HU. Wish they wld be equally critical of democratic processes in HU itself


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 21 jan 2015, 15:37

Durft #epp en @Esther_de_Lange werkelijk de subsidies aan te grote banken te verdedigen? Zo'n 300 mrd volgens IMF…


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 21 jan 2015, 15:25

De #epp herhaalt de bekende (banken)riedel dat de voorstellen om bankactiviteiten af te splitsen slecht zou zijn voor investeringen


Paul Tang (PvdA) wo 21 jan 2015, 15:22

Toch schokkend: #epp van @cdaeuropa ondermijnt voorstellen om 'too-big-too-fail' aan te pakken. #econ #ep Zie ook…


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 14 jan 2015, 12:27

@StollmeyerEU @DaveKeating Conflict was not on that. EPP only want to have positive language and S&D didn't dare to go without EPP.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) vr 2 jan 2015, 20:52

@timbales epp en ecr zullen per definitie verdeeld zijn. Liberalen kunnen eensgezind zijn. VVD en FDP dan van belang. Jan Huitema bijv.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 15 dec 2014, 17:27

@StollmeyerEU that's why EPP doesn't want a resolution. Just vague talk and no formal position. Don't be fooled by nice words in texts


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 2 dec 2014, 11:10

#EPP going all out at @pierremoscovici now. Forgot they supported him in Oct


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 2 dec 2014, 08:09

Deze morgen in teken van expertmeeting EU interne markt: naar aanpassingen o.a. op Digitale Agenda #CDA #EPP


Judith Sargentini di 25 nov 2014, 12:12

German CDU/ EPP tries again to block the vote on the legal test by the court on the #PNR with Canada


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 20 nov 2014, 14:33

@HenkBrinkDr @HNPbrussel Zeker! Nu in Riga in overleg Jyrki Katainen, vice voorz. EU Com.; over voorstellen EU investeringsplan #EPP #ESIF


Lambert van Nistelrooij do 20 nov 2014, 13:11

@SigridSengers @HenkBrinkDr @HNPbrussel ben er niet bij; In Riga #EPP Wordt het 'n feestje? Operationele EU programma's zijn goedgekeurd!


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) do 20 nov 2014, 00:17

Decision tmrw morn on @aldegroup proposal to refer EU-Canada PNR agreement fr ECJ opinion @EPP @ECR oppose. Will @TheProgressives support?


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 12 nov 2014, 19:35

Avonddebat met over interne markt voor consumenten&bedrijven: geven suggesties voor EU verdienvermogen #IMCO #EPP


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 11 nov 2014, 12:26

@DavidStellini I would hope #EPP would stand up more for rule of law and fundamental rights.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 11 nov 2014, 12:24

@DavidStellini transparency? Maybe your @EPP should support my request to EC for information on funding 2 MS 4 creating PNR systems then


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 5 nov 2014, 10:44

ah, now homophobic #EPP member stating LGBTI equality "ideology" is against constitutional tradition,proving the need for equality directive


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) di 21 okt 2014, 21:51

EPP colleague expressing concern on developments in HU proves those wrong who claim it is a "left wing war on Hungary"


Kati Piri ma 20 okt 2014, 19:00

'No one forced into EU, but once you're in, you should stick to the rules' - #EPP MEP Frank Engels about #Fidesz in #Hungary


Kati Piri ma 20 okt 2014, 18:57

Great to hear #EPP colleague Frank Engel being very critical about media freedom in #Hungary. Democrats should unite! #Fidesz


Jan Huitema (VVD) vr 17 okt 2014, 17:44

Nuttig bezoek gebracht aan voorzitter European Pig Producers (EPP) & tevens varkenshouder Gerard Driessen in Someren


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 10 okt 2014, 12:06

Slovenian Liberal Deputy PM Violeta Bulc nominated for EU Commissioner, despite shameless gerrymandering by @EPP and @TheProgressives


Gerben Jan Gerbrandy do 9 okt 2014, 16:24

Incredible. Out of 12 #EPP Commissioners only 2 are female. #ALDE 4 out of 5! Now they demand a female Slovenian candidate. Shameless!


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) wo 8 okt 2014, 18:39

@WillemSGP @D66 @VriendKlei ter info: dit was gezamenlijk initiatief van alle partijen, incl EPP.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 6 okt 2014, 17:28

Okay, Bratusek is weak. But amazing that EPP was angry about mentioning a brother-in-law while they can't stop asking about singing a song.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 6 okt 2014, 17:21

#EPP "opposition against Navracsics only because he is Hungarian". Cheap.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) vr 3 okt 2014, 10:09

@FrankMarkovic @ruitavares @ALDEgroup is highly critical. What will EPP and S&D do? Turn blind eye or stand up for fundamental rights?


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 2 okt 2014, 14:05

Where S&D calls for extra time before they decide on Canete, EPP already decided on Moscovici:…


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 2 okt 2014, 14:03

Where S&D calls for extra time before they judge on Canete, EPP already concluded on Moscovici:…


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 2 okt 2014, 09:28

@AriRodrigo hoho! That's how EPP 'democracy'. I have trust @ALDEgroup won't follow that obvious game.


Lambert van Nistelrooij wo 1 okt 2014, 08:40

Vanmorgen hebben we de hearing met kandidaat commissaris mevrouw Cretu voor Regionale Ontwikkeling. Een nieuwkomer; onbeschreven blad. #EPP


Wim van de Camp di 30 sep 2014, 20:45

#EPhearings2014 EPP colleque Massimiliano Salini also tries to improve the European Railway Traffic Management System. Mr. Sefcovic agrees.


Wim van de Camp di 30 sep 2014, 20:29

#EPhearings2014 EPP colleque AndorDeli with question about connection of EU and non EU rivers. Better connections gives more economic growth


Wim van de Camp di 30 sep 2014, 19:59

#EPHearings EPP Colleque Angelica Niebler: how far is development of EU Galileo project. Speed it up please and produce practical results


Wim van de Camp di 30 sep 2014, 19:53

#EPhearings2014 EPP Colleque G Bach with good Question on the Passengerrights dossier, while the EU Court is involved, no role for the EP?


Wim van de Camp di 30 sep 2014, 19:43

@EPhearings2014 EPP Colleque Luis De Grandes asked a sharp Question on the 4th Railway Package: the link between political & technical part.


Judith Sargentini di 30 sep 2014, 19:26

EPP man #Stylianides 'as doctor I support the abortion right for victims of sexual violence. Respect for women's choice' #EPHearings2014


Wim van de Camp di 30 sep 2014, 19:10

#EPhearings2014 EPP Colleque Dieter Koch asks for more attention to EU road safety: to many people die or are injured on European roads.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) do 25 sep 2014, 19:51

Doet CDA mee aan deze ordinaire koehandel? EPP would sacrifice Moscovici if the left attacks its Commissioners…


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) wo 24 sep 2014, 15:28

@lpaulamartins @GreensEP @SkaKeller EPP united against, just like ECR. Some individuals from ALDE, S&D and GUE made the loss...


Lambert van Nistelrooij di 23 sep 2014, 21:32

Vanavond mooie bijeenkomst #EIF gehad, waarin we @NeelieKroesEU dank hebben betuigd: digitale EU agenda. EP zet haar inspiratie door! #EPP


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 22 sep 2014, 17:08

@BenJGarside @timbales @EPP You see how the mechanisms work. This morning lobby mail by Business Europe, EPP press release in the afternoon


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 22 sep 2014, 17:03

@timbales @EPP Yes, de facto they defend this assumption. They forget to mention this in their reaction.

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