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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Fri 26 Nov 2021, 08:50

Europese Commissie wil stop op vliegverkeer uit zuidelijk Afrika om nieuwe coronavariant…


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) Wed 24 Nov 2021, 12:33

She clearly asks for the strictest possible sanctions cutting of every (every!) trade stream and source of income for Lukashenka and his thug regime.

This requires the member states to finally stop the perverse bargaining with national trade interests and to enforce sanctions👇🏼

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) Wed 24 Nov 2021, 12:33

‘We do not have another year. Neither does Belarus, neither does Europe. Europe needs to face autocracies much more proactively.’

@Tsihanouskaya mentions #VirusOfAutocratization and sets out the cure. She asks 🇪🇺 to live up to our values and impose full isolation of Lukashenka.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) Tue 23 Nov 2021, 10:56

Good, but long overdue. We basically have a last chance to get it right and finally cut off all major remaining resources and space for the regime. Countries have to set aside their own trade interests and stop accepting exceptions. /via ⁦…


Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) Mon 22 Nov 2021, 16:33

“Brussels under fire…”

This particular criticism comes from the European Parliament. So “Brussels” is under fire from “Brussels”?

No wonder people get confused.

Can we please stop with this generic use of the word “Brussels” for everything related to the EU?

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FT Europe Mon 22 Nov 2021, 07:12

Brussels under fire for moving too slowly on rule of law


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) Fri 19 Nov 2021, 10:51

.@ilumium gives us more insights in the lobby-tactics of Big Tech to stop policy makers from regulating targeted advertising.
Continiously trying to scare us with for example (ironically) targeted ads about SME's who love targeting customers.

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Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) Fri 19 Nov 2021, 10:47

.@johnnyryan: "this is without question the biggest data breach ever recorded and is repeated daily. And the industry's own documents tell us that every time it happens, thousands of companies receive your data and there is no way to control after what happens"


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Thu 18 Nov 2021, 16:45

👇👏 the aggressiveness has to stop. My former colleague @naomi_long is an amazing and impressive person.

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Judith Bunting 🔶🔸🔶 Thu 18 Nov 2021, 16:38

So pleased to see people across the NI political spectrum supporting @naomi_long @alliance after recent foul, misogynistic abuse.

#StopCOVID19 #EverydaySexism…

@RenewEurope @SthCenLibDems


Rob Rooken (JA21) Thu 18 Nov 2021, 13:02

Het is belachelijk dat we hout verbranden om energie te genereren. Stop met de #biomassa en stop met de #StopFakeRenewables. It’s that easy @fenokkio @TimmermansEU


Esther de Lange (CDA) Thu 18 Nov 2021, 10:56

We, the @EP_Environment, are the committee dealing with public health. This is why I call on @pcanfin to send a letter to @EP_President Sassoli to do the right thing in the middle of a new wave of infections and stop presence-only meetings. We have to set an example.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) Wed 17 Nov 2021, 23:32

Right after #COP26, living up to the promise: ‘It doesn’t stop here. It only starts’.

Quite a🧵below👇🏼on several important actions and legislative initiatives presented today by @TimmermansEU and @VSinkevicius 👏👊🏼🌍

#EUforest #EUsoil #EUwaste #CarbonNeutrality

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Frans Timmermans Wed 17 Nov 2021, 13:09

In December last year, 1,2 million Europeans asked us to take strong action against #deforestation and forest degradation. The EU’s use and consumption of palm oil, soy, beef, wood, coffee, and cocoa drives deforestation elsewhere. Today, we take action to stop it ⬇️


Samira Rafaela (D66) Wed 17 Nov 2021, 19:21

Het spijt mij dat ik jouw toxische mannenfeestje verstoor collega Hoogeveen🙅🏽‍♀️

Vrouwen hebben nooit gekozen voor het glazenplafond of de 14,6% loonkloof. Stop met victim blaming.
Loonkloof bewust ontkennen, is het in stand willen houden.

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Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21) Wed 17 Nov 2021, 15:48

videoHet spijt mij dat ik ('a colleague') het feestje van collega Rafaela kwam verstoren in de echokamer die de vrouwenrechtencommissie heet. Helaas volgde geen inhoudelijk debat, aangezien direct de fakenews- en discriminatiekaart werd getrokken. Jammer!


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) Mon 15 Nov 2021, 23:22

Outrageous that Member States still refuse to stop Dodik with strong measures, and that Borrell remains to ‘call upon all parties‘ to calm down. As a reward, Dodik immediately announced to go ahead with its withdrawal.

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Arnesa Buljušmić-Kustura Mon 15 Nov 2021, 21:40

On the topic of EU sanctions against Serb nationalist leader, Dodik: Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Czech Republic were pro. The main opponent, according to Brussels, was Hungary. Other states did not have a clear position/abstained.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) Mon 15 Nov 2021, 14:04

Bij gebrek aan werkend EU asiel- en migratiebeleid ad hoc plan nodig:
👉🏼 Stop dehumanisering en alle pushbacks aan 🇪🇺 buitengrens
👉🏼 Polen moet hulp grensbewaking en asielprocedure accepteren en humanitaire hulp toelaten
👉🏼 Overname asielaanvragen door andere lidstaten (2/2)

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Thijs Reuten (PvdA) Mon 15 Nov 2021, 14:04

Dat 🇪🇺 vandaag met hardere sancties komt tegen Lukashenka twijfel ik niet aan. Had al veel eerder gemoeten en we gaan zien of men echt over eigen belangen heen kan kijken. Maar wat gaan we horen over naleving grondrechten aan buitengrens? ⤵️ (1/2)

(Fragment #DIDD vorige week)


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 15 Nov 2021, 11:03

The #accesstodocuments Regulation indeed needs to be revised urgently. But the @EU_Commission should equally urgently revise its archiving policies and stop destroying mails and text messages @vonderleyen.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Sun 14 Nov 2021, 08:50

@ClimateHuman @GretaThunberg We have to accept Climate Change is coming and there is little we can do to stop it.


Paul Tang (PvdA) Sat 13 Nov 2021, 16:14

'Alleen de drugshandel heeft dan een nog hoger aandeel in de wereldwijde criminaliteit dan advertentiefraude.'­
Oproep­ van Paul Alberts en mij aan adverteerders:
stop met Facebook en Google!


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) Fri 12 Nov 2021, 14:58

Good step. But does this also mean that @Frontex will finally be ordered to stop its return operations with the Hungarian authorities @EU_Commission?…

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Katalin Halmai Fri 12 Nov 2021, 12:51

.@EU_Commission has decided to refer #Hungary to the #CJEU requesting that the court order the payment of financial penalties for #Hungary failure to comply with a court ruling in relation to EU rules on asylum and return


Peter van Dalen (CU) Wed 10 Nov 2021, 14:35

Putin is behind the border blackmail ⁦@politico⁩ . #Putin uses #Lukashenko and the unfortunate refugees as pawns, and the Russian dictator builds a threat of war to the European countries! So stop financing Russia, for instance with #Nordstream 2­…­


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) Mon 8 Nov 2021, 17:05

After a great event with @PeopleVsBigTech now ready to ask @FrancesHaugen what she thinks we can do to stop toxic algorithms being the status quo on big social media platforms #FacebookFiles #dsa #aiact


Paul Tang (PvdA) Mon 8 Nov 2021, 10:36

👀 Stop surveillance for profit! Personalised advertising means online stalking has become a billion dollar industry for Big Tech.
Now 100 organisations ask for people to be put back in charge of the internet.
Read the declaration at


Rob Roos (JA21) Sun 7 Nov 2021, 16:07

That’s why the #EU 🇪🇺 should stop immediately with #biomass as ‘green energy’ 🌳🌳

Burning forrest to save the planet is ridiculous! #EUatCOP26…

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European Commission 🇪🇺 Sun 7 Nov 2021, 16:00

Forests support 80% of the world's biodiversity, and they are essential for mitigating climate change.

The 🇪🇺 is fully committed to climate action both inside & outside its borders: we will work with partner countries to protect and restore the green lungs of the 🌍.



Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) Tue 2 Nov 2021, 19:11

Curious how the final text will look like and how many EU countries will be on board (looking at France who lobbies in Brussels for extra gas investments...): UK is trying to agree to stop funding of foreign fossil-fuel projects by the end of 2022­s/…­


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) Tue 26 Oct 2021, 12:46

Next stop: Lithuania - where we met the Ombudsman.

Many concerns on dire situation at Lithuanian immigration detention centres and the ongoing legalisation of pushbacks by government.

Just as in Poland, NGO's also mention the necessity to quickly ensure access to border area.


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Thu 21 Oct 2021, 19:13

@GretaThunberg Global warming is just mother nature’s way to tell us she is fed up. We have to stop making more people.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) Thu 21 Oct 2021, 10:56

Lots of big words on rule of law were spoken earlier this week concerning Poland. But the rule of law doesn’t stop at Europe's borders.

Impunity has turned horrible pushbacks into 'business as usual' in the EU. @EU_Commission enforce the basic human right to protection NOW.


Peter van Dalen (CU) Wed 20 Oct 2021, 15:46

@navalny You deserve this!! Keep up the good spirit. This prize is full support for you and your movement, and a clear message to Vladimir Putin: stop bullying the democratic opposition! @EPPGroup @Europarl_EN


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) Tue 19 Oct 2021, 14:10

Our current model for producing food is proving again and again to be unsustainable for the livelihood of farmers, rural areas and the environment.

Let’s stop waisting time on conservative forces like @COPACOGECA that are trying to keep business as usual. It’s time for change.


Kim van Sparrentak (GroenLinks) Tue 19 Oct 2021, 11:48

Met andere Europarlementariërs roep ik de grootste adverteerders in de EU op om verantwoordelijkheid te nemen:

Stop met het financieren van ondoorzichtige, polariserende en giftige advertentiesystemen gebaseerd op het continu volgen van mensen.…


Paul Tang (PvdA) Tue 19 Oct 2021, 09:17

Neem je verantwoordelijkheid. Stop met dit giftige advertentiesysteem van tracking ads. En spreek je uit!

Dat is wat ik samen met collega’s van Renew, Greens en The Left vraag van de 100 grootste Europese adverteerders. Lees hier meer: #trackingfreeads


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) Wed 13 Oct 2021, 10:53

Kunming declaration is full of good intentions. Much work to do, however, to translate this into concrete actions to really stop the loss of our biodiversity

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UN Biodiversity Wed 13 Oct 2021, 09:29

🚨 #BREAKING: The Kunming Declaration has been adopted at the High-Level Segment of the first part of #COP15

In the lead up to the second part of #COP15 & the adoption of the #post2020 framework, this demonstrates critical momentum #ForNature.

Read now:…


Rob Roos (JA21) Mon 11 Oct 2021, 22:44

#DNB had moeten opstaan tegen het absurde lage rentebeleid van de #ECB want daar zit de kern van het probleem.

Geld lenen is bijna gratis en sparen kost geld. Stop daar mee. Nu de burgers opnieuw in de portemonnee pakken is onterecht.…


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Fri 8 Oct 2021, 12:14

@ft_content Yes!!! That’s why they need to stop making more rules and regulations and start solving problems real people are concerned about. Immigration Peace&Prosperity and opportunities for all.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) Tue 5 Oct 2021, 18:53

@ABoatReport @CEPS_thinktank @EU_Commission @Frontex @CommissionerHR Oh yes it is. We have invited the Commission in the Schengen Scrutiny Group to explain what it does to stop these pushbacks. Thanks for your precious work and info.


Esther de Lange (CDA) Tue 5 Oct 2021, 15:45

We cannot go back to our national reflexes: pandemics don't stop at borders and neither should our response. That's why the @Europarl_EN has called for #HERA - that's why the Parliament should be in the driver's seat on HERA. #EPP4Health #EPlenary @EPPGroup


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) Mon 4 Oct 2021, 16:29

Yet again @Frontex chooses to ignore directions. EP told Frontex in April to refrain from charging fees, but the 🇪🇺Agency just reinstated its demand.

Frontex should withdraw charges immediately and stop sanctioning civil society for seeking transparency.…


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) Mon 4 Oct 2021, 10:51

It was already beyond all 🇪🇺 legal and humanitarian limits what was happening at the Polish-Belarus border, but pushing back children towards the border is extreme and appalling. Commissioner @YlvaJohansson please enforce our rules and values! Stop #pushbacks and #dehumanization

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Wojciech Sadurski Mon 4 Oct 2021, 07:04

It's official. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Mr Wawrzyk, admits here on a TV broadcast Sunday that children-refugees are being transported back "not to the woods but to the frontier" between Poland and Belarus. Children. Refugees. Pushback. Poland, EU, 2021.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) Sun 3 Oct 2021, 10:55

Die braindrain waar Broekers-Knol voor waarschuwt, neemt de Taliban wel voor zijn rekening als wij geen bescherming bieden. Donderdag zal Nederland daarvoor zijn bijdrage moeten leveren bij hervestigingsforum. Dus regering stop cynische retoriek en neem verantwoordelijkheid.

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VluchtelingenWerk Nederland Sat 2 Oct 2021, 12:41

Terwijl nog altijd keihard wordt gewerkt aan het redden van achtergebleven Afghanen komt staatssecretaris @ankiebroekers ineens met een misleidend pleidooi om hen vooral in Afghanistan te houden.

Waarom doet de staatssecretaris dit? Dit is ontzettend kwalijk en schadelijk!


Agnes Jongerius (PvdA) Tue 28 Sep 2021, 20:17

Collega's in Europa vragen wanneer uitbuiting van hun landgenoten in NL ophoudt. Dat de Rekenkamer hier weer op moet wijzen.

Pak uitzendbureaus aan, stop flexconstructies, verhoog de boetes:
Het kabinet hoeft niet te wachten, maar ze kijkt liever weg.…


Rob Roos (JA21) Mon 27 Sep 2021, 08:23

Laten wij onze #boeren en onze #voedselproductie koesteren. Het gaat helemaal de verkeerde kant op met de bevoorrading. Laten wij nooit afhankelijk worden van het buitenland. Stop met de absurde sanering. En dat geldt ook voor onze #vissers. #LegeSchappen­cl…­


Liesje Schreinemacher Thu 23 Sep 2021, 10:59

Goed nieuws! 🌈 Nadat de @EU_Commission aankondigde subsidies stop te zetten aan Poolse regio’s met een anti-LGBTIQ beleid heeft Poolse regio Swietokrzyskie haar omstreden beleid teruggedraaid. Heel goed, want in Europa moet iedereen vrij en veilig zijn


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Tue 21 Sep 2021, 09:41

@EmmanuelMacron If this is really important to you STOP the monthly EU/EPmovement to Strasbourg. You can do it!


Bart Groothuis (VVD) Fri 17 Sep 2021, 08:47

I ask the government in Tel Aviv to stop selling spyware to EU member states with a clear rule of law problem. Victor Orban uses it to silence the opposition and breakdown democracy in Europe. We expect better export policies from our Israeli friends @yairlapid @gantzbe


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Tue 14 Sep 2021, 06:26

In vaste dienst bij Uber? Niet alle chauffeurs zien dat zitten | Gedeeld artikel van de Volkskrant Als we in dienst moeten, stop ik morgen nog', zegt de 45-jarige Achmed terwijl hij zijn Toyata Prius door de smalle straten van de Pijp stuurt. digitalekrant.volkskrant.n­l/volkskrant/135…­

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Joop Soesan 🇮🇱🇳🇱 Mon 13 Sep 2021, 06:55

EU-directeur voor Veiligheid Laurent Muschel: "Er is een groeiende trend onder jongeren in de EU om een einde te maken aan de huidige westerse beschaving"…


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Wed 8 Sep 2021, 15:12

EP Conference of Presidents getting a sneak preview of #SOTEU by @vonderleyen tomorrow. CoP should stop playing mini-parliament with its exclusive tête-à-têtes. The only appropriate arena for presenting #SOTEU is @Europarl_EN hemicycle, in front of all MEPs and the citizens.


Esther de Lange (CDA) Wed 8 Sep 2021, 08:49

video“It takes courage to survive in a country like Belarus.” It has been one year since the brave mass protests against the #Lukashenka regime. We must never stop to raise our voice against the last dictator of Europe.­…­ #FreeBelarus


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Tue 31 Aug 2021, 08:00

More accurate title: “member state governments feverishly barricading the doors to Afghan refugees”. Gvts should stop trying to build a migrant-free fortress Europe. Asylum&migration policy cannot be only outsourced, protection must be offered in Europe too.

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EUobserver Tue 31 Aug 2021, 07:15

EU countries are preparing to stop Afghan refugees from potentially entering the EU en masse, amid fears of a repeat of the 2015 migration crisis.­9­


Rob Roos (JA21) Sun 29 Aug 2021, 17:26

🔴 Hello @EU_Commission, @TimmermansEU, @diederiksamsom

France has been showing us the way for 40 years to produce #safe, #reliable and #affordable energy without air pollution and CO2 emissions.

Please stop your irresponsible experiment with our economy. #EUGreenDeal

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Energy and Climate Sat 28 Aug 2021, 16:40

France has the option to build nuclear power plants with a combined firm clean power capacity of over 9000 MW for a mere €45/MWh. (5,5% WACC)

This is less than half the cost of any conceivable "100% green" equivalent firm combination.


Rob Roos (JA21) Wed 25 Aug 2021, 20:40

Uitgestelde zorg, economische schade, leerachterstanden, depressieve jeugd, eenzame ouderen, burn-outs, tweedeling in de samenleving …. etc.

Zet het af tegen het beleid dat wordt uitgevoerd.

En stop om alleen virologen een podium te geven.…


Rob Roos (JA21) Thu 19 Aug 2021, 08:19

Stop met deze onzin en laat de interpretatie van de vrijheid van meningsuiting over aan onafhankelijke rechters en niet de meest #woke medewerker van de marketingafdeling.

Nu ook onderdeel van de censuurmachine: BANKEN­k…­


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Fri 6 Aug 2021, 15:45

“Any price” = respecting the independence of the judiciary and refraining from a homophobic with hunt. Seems like a reasonable price for EU membership, and certainly when the vast majority of the Polish people want to be in the EU. Stop the hollow threats.

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FT Europe Fri 6 Aug 2021, 13:56

Poland should not stay in EU at ‘any price’, minister says

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