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2655 tweets gevonden.


Peter van Dalen (CU) za 24 okt 2020, 12:11

Hamas, Turkey and Erdogan: cooperating aggressors! Don’t let ⁦@NATO⁩ and the ⁦@eu_eeas⁩ look ⁦@JosepBorrellF⁩ away! ⁦­as-…­


Peter van Dalen (CU) za 24 okt 2020, 08:24

. ⁦@NATO⁩ Secr. Gen. ⁦@jensstoltenberg⁩ calls Turkey a “valued ally”. Who is briefing this chap?!? #StopTurkeyAggression@Eurofractie⁩ ⁦@EPPGroup⁩ ⁦…


Kati Piri do 8 okt 2020, 20:39

A new made up indictment against Osman Kavala, asking for 3 x aggravated life sentence + 20 yrs in prison.

And EU leaders speaking about ‘a positive agenda’ with Turkey?

Forget it. Not going to happen until political prisoners remain jailed.



Kati Piri vr 25 sep 2020, 22:22

Another black day in Turkey with massive political crackdown on @HDPNLD

Arresting 82 politicians for Kobane protests in 2014, shows AKP/MHP alliance’s aggressive and polarizing stance.

For democratic future of Turkey, peaceful coexistence w/ Kurds is a pre-condition.


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 23 sep 2020, 16:05

@JFCrisp But the borderprocedure is also applied for applicants coming from a safe third country, read Turkey, read Moria.


Kati Piri vr 4 sep 2020, 23:11

Message Judge Spano in Turkey: ‘implement rulings of ECtHR’

Now let’s hope Turkish government will listen and release Osman Kavala and Selahattin Demirtas.

If not, what a bad decision to do such a politically controversial visit to 🇹🇷


Kati Piri do 3 sep 2020, 22:23

@vdogantekin @ECHR_CEDH Please explain which ‘both sides’ judge Spano is meeting in Turkey?


Kati Piri di 11 aug 2020, 00:36

@FlorianIrminger No, but still sad that Turkey has come to this point.


Kati Piri di 28 jul 2020, 19:21

Turkish MFA reaction: “The rule of law prevails in Turkey and Kavala's trial is being carried out by independent courts.”

WHAT A BAD JOKE! The fact that Osman Kavala, and many others, are in jail proves that there is NO rule of law nor independent courts.

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Ahval di 28 jul 2020, 19:10

Turkey says U.S. call for release of Kavala incompatible with rule of law



Kati Piri di 23 jun 2020, 18:06

If a politician is brave, outspoken and inspiring, chances are big to end up in prison in Erdogan’s Turkey.

We stand behind you, @Canan_Kaftanci - keep strong and continue the fight for justice and democracy in Turkey. 💪

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Ahval di 23 jun 2020, 17:28

Head of main opposition CHP’s Istanbul branch, Canan Kaftancıoğlu is sentenced to 9 years & 8 months for her social media posts dating back to 2013. The sentence is upheld today.

June 23th is also 1st anniversary of Istanbul rerun elex where Kaftancıoğlu helped her party to win


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 18 jun 2020, 18:43

The Commission has proposed additional funding for the support of refugees living in Turkey. That is important, but it should use this support to urge Turkey not to deport refugees to Syria. Non-refoulement is key.…


Kati Piri vr 12 jun 2020, 07:00

7340 troll accounts attributed to youth wing of Erdogan’s AKP taken down by Twitter.

Turkey’s ruling party actively engaged in spreading disinformation: amplifying AKP politicians & criticizing opposition across 37 million (!) tweets.



Kati Piri do 4 jun 2020, 21:59

Three opposition MPs stripped of their parliamentary seats.

Another 3 to be added to the long list of elected officials removed due to politically motivated trials.

In Erdogan’s Turkey everyone who doesn’t agree with the man is labeled ‘terrorist’. What a democracy...


Kati Piri za 23 mei 2020, 19:53

After a month of fasting under extra difficult circumstances, I wish a happy and peaceful #EidAlFitr to all Muslims celebrating #EidMubarak around the world. And to my followers in Turkey: #mutlubayramlar!


Kati Piri vr 15 mei 2020, 12:56

Priorities amidst a pandemic in #Turkey. The political witch hunt against elected officials continues.

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Nacho Sánchez Amor vr 15 mei 2020, 12:28

Upon orders of the 🇹🇷 @TC_icisleri, another 4 #HDP mayors and district mayors (from #Iğdır, #Siirt, #Baykan & #Kurtalan) have been detained and dismissed. Of 65 municipalities won by @HDPgenelmerkezi in last elections, more than 44 have been now taken over by central Government.


Kati Piri di 21 apr 2020, 11:29

The 2020 World Press Index shows that press freedom is under serious pressure in some EU member states. And candidate countries still far behind, with #Turkey in place 154. #RSFIndex


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 2 apr 2020, 12:03

OK, now the Greek minister admits it: he doesn’t want to evacuate asylum seekers from the islands, as they cannot be returned to Turkey anymore. So their return is prioritised to protecting their health. Do other Member States step in?


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 2 apr 2020, 11:52

According to Frontex, Turkey doesn’t readmit any returnees from Greece since March. But what about pushbacks by Greece? And why are asylum seekers still detained in Greece, if they can’t be deported anyway?


Rob Roos (JA21) di 24 mrt 2020, 15:56

#Turkey weaponized migrants and sent militias to the Greek border with teargas and Molotov cocktails. Unacceptable! The #EU should finally make itself useful by putting immediate financial and trade sanctions on Turkey. The sabotage and violence of #Erdogan must stop!

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UN Special Procedures ma 23 mrt 2020, 11:30

URGENT: #Greece must take immediate action to end the violence against migrants & asylum seekers at the 🇹🇷🇬🇷Turkey-Greece border and enhance their protection – @UNSR_Migration 👉


Derk Jan Eppink ma 9 mrt 2020, 07:01

Turkey still in NATO?

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Abdullah Bozkurt zo 8 mrt 2020, 10:44

Dangerous escalation on #Turkey-#Greece border. :

Turkish special police operation units point their high-powered rifles at #Greek border patrol cars along Evros (Meric) river line.


Marcel de Graaff (FvD) za 7 mrt 2020, 19:56

There are no refugees at the border with Greece. There are invaders, send by the government of Turkey. #stopislam

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Abdullah Bozkurt za 7 mrt 2020, 16:00

Refugees who cross to Europe will soon top to a million, European governments will fall, their economies will be destabilized and their stock exchanges will tumble and they can't do anything about it, says #Turkey's Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu.


Kati Piri vr 6 mrt 2020, 17:14

EU27 should have prolonged the financial support for refugees in Turkey months ago. Then it wouldn’t have come to this point. #failure

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Laura Pitel vr 6 mrt 2020, 17:09

Emergency meeting in Zagreb ends with EU27 refusing to increase refugee support to Turkey. Josep Borrell, Brussels’ top diplomat, says that recent steps by President Erdoğan were an “unacceptable way to push for further support”. Story via @MehreenKhn:…


Kati Piri vr 6 mrt 2020, 12:44

“Laying the blame on the Turkish president is simply too easy. If the EU-Turkey deal is in tatters, it’s also because the EU was -at the very least- negligent in delivering on its side of the bargain.” @POLITICOEurope…


Malik Azmani (VVD) wo 4 mrt 2020, 16:34

We are facing a serious challenge, but we have to remain calm. The EU has to immediately initiate talks with Russia and Turkey to resolve both crises in Idlib and at EU’s borders. Support for GR and BG is of utmost importance. We have to de-escalate and act now!


Kati Piri zo 1 mrt 2020, 16:50

Ironic that EU leaders suddenly all call for EU-Turkey statement to be upheld, while NO money has been reserved in #MFF for its continuation.

Funding for 500.000 Syrian schoolchildren ends 9/2020 and cash assistance to 1.7 mil Syrians in Turkey end 3/2021.

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Mark Rutte zo 1 mrt 2020, 10:50

Just expressed my concern and full support to @PrimeministerGR following developments at the Greek-Turkish border. The EU-Turkey Statement must be upheld in full.


Malik Azmani (VVD) za 29 feb 2020, 16:26

Turkish president Erdogan is in trouble in Syria and is trying to put pressure on EU by 'opening the gates'. Unacceptable. EU has to support GR and BG and keep Turkey to its commitments under the EU-Turkey deal. Work for HR/VP Borrell👇👇
@JosepBorrellF @RenewEurope


Kati Piri wo 19 feb 2020, 17:13

The Pelican clique’s witch hunt #Turkey

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Fercan Yalinkilic wo 19 feb 2020, 16:35

High Council of Judges and Prosecutors started investigating three judges who acquitted Osman Kavala and ruled for his release from the prison yesterday - AA

Kavala was detained before he was released for 2016 coup attempt investigation which he was acquitted from before.


Kati Piri wo 19 feb 2020, 13:12

In case of any doubt, here the full proof that Turkey’s judiciary is run by @RTErdogan. His own words on case of #OsmanKavala from this morning below:


Kati Piri di 18 feb 2020, 20:50

Thinking about Osman and his family. His wife, his mother, all his loved ones. 💔

And Selahattin Demirtas & his family, living through the same nightmare.

And so many more others in Turkey who are unjustly in jail.

Today was clearly not the start of return to justice.


Kati Piri di 18 feb 2020, 13:02

The best news in a long time from Turkey! Osman Kavala acquitted and judge ordered his release.

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Ragıp Soylu di 18 feb 2020, 12:51

BREAKING — Turkish court acquits all Gezi Park protests defendants, including philanthropist Osman Kavala.


Kati Piri zo 16 feb 2020, 17:47

In 2013, millions of people in Turkey went on the streets during the #Gezi protests. @RTErdogan attempts to re-write history by calling it a coup attempt.

On 18 February we’ll all watch the trial. ECtHR has called for the immediate release of Osman Kavala. #YargıYokİnfazVar


Kati Piri do 6 feb 2020, 17:19

There’s no limit to the madness in #Turkey - Osman Kavala, @yigitaksakoglu & @MucellaYapici and all others in #gezi trial are innocent, as proven by European Court. Prosecutor asks for aggravated life sentences.


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Jennifer Hattam do 6 feb 2020, 15:55

Istanbul’s top prosecutor delivers his opinion in #GeziDavası, asking for civil society figures #OsmanKavala, Yiğit Aksakoğlu & Mücella Yapıcı to receive aggravated life sentences for their purported role in organizing mass protests in Turkey in summer 2013.


Kati Piri di 28 jan 2020, 23:14

ANY doubts about the state of the judiciary in Turkey? Then read this article.

I’m certain that many respected Turkish judges, prosecutors and lawyers are utterly ashamed of what their country has become.

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Diego Cupolo di 28 jan 2020, 22:25

“It’s shambolic. It’s farcical. It would be funny if it wasn’t this tragic,” @MilenaBuyum told me regarding today's Gezi trial, in which Osman Kavala was sent back to prison after 819 days in pretrial detention.

My latest for @AlMonitor:…


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 16 dec 2019, 20:57

During a hearing with LIBE, Commissioner Schinas simply refuses to reply on questions about deportation of Syrian refugees to North East Syria by Turkey.


Peter van Dalen (CU) di 26 nov 2019, 18:28

EU: Andrew Brunson thanks MEPs & Warns them on Religious Freedom in Turkey ⁦@christenunie⁩ ⁦@Eurofractie⁩ ⁦…


Peter van Dalen (CU) do 21 nov 2019, 15:48

Christian Evangelist killed in #Turkey .Religious freedom under Erdohan doesn’t exist. Time to strike hard on his regime! @christenunie @Martijncda @EPPGroup @FoRB_EuroParl @JoelVoordewind @eu_eeas @persecutionnews @Eurofractie­/chr…­


Kati Piri vr 15 nov 2019, 19:50

Selahattin Demirtas receives 2019 Progressive Alliance Award. His wife @Basak__Demirtas received the prize and read out letter of @hdpdemirtas who dedicates it to all the peoples of Turkey.


Peter van Dalen (CU) wo 13 nov 2019, 12:50

+2With colleagues Manfred Weber and Michael Gahler #EPP meeting pastor Brunson and his wife. The pastor once again explained the islamic-nationalistic direction Erdogan in #Turkey is going


Peter van Dalen (CU) wo 13 nov 2019, 11:19

Pastor Brunson is very clear: Erdogan’s #Turkey is moving into the direction of an islamic nationalistic state. That is the agenda of Erdogan for both Turkey and the whole region


Peter van Dalen (CU) wo 6 nov 2019, 15:22

Next week meeting in the European Parliament #EU with pastor Andrew Brunson on #ReligiousFreedom in #Turkey All welcome!@ECLJ_Official


Bert-Jan Ruissen (SGP) wo 23 okt 2019, 15:35

De Turkse acties tegen Koerden in Syrië zijn onacceptabel. De SGP vindt het tijd om te stoppen met de Turkse toetredingsgesprekken met de EU!
Zie hier mijn speech in het Europarlement vandaag:
#Turkey #Syria @SGPnieuws


Kati Piri vr 18 okt 2019, 12:30

Turkey must be held responsible for war crimes committed against Kurdish civilians. The use of white phosphorus is not only cruel but also strictly prohibited by international law.

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The Times vr 18 okt 2019, 07:40

The burns on the screaming child brought into the Syrian-Kurdish hospital at Tal Tamir were enough to reduce even hardened medical staff to silence yesterday­s/t…­


Kati Piri wo 16 okt 2019, 08:50

Welcomed CHP Presidential candidate @vekilince in European Parliament. Discussed critical developments in EU-Turkey relations & need for cooperation progressive forces.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) ma 14 okt 2019, 18:27

I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard a proposal to increase “assistance and cooperation” with (of all countries) Turkey.

At this time? With all that is going on in Northern Syria?


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) ma 14 okt 2019, 16:02

EU Ministers call for the prevention of further arms export to Turkey, but lack on concrete sanctions or commitments. No words on Erdogan’s threats to deport Syrian refugees. EU remains at the sideline, while we can’t afford to wait any longer.


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) ma 14 okt 2019, 14:05

Condemns is in. And 'Member States commit to strong national positions regarding their arms export to Turkey'. The state of EU foreign affairs 2019....

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EU Council Press ma 14 okt 2019, 13:51

The EU condemns #Turkey’s military action in North East #Syria which seriously undermines the stability and the security of the whole region.

Read the @EUCouncil Conclusions:!tw84FG


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) do 3 okt 2019, 20:37

#Schinas answer on EU Turkey deal is concerning: Avramopoulos and Seehofer are currently in Turkey in order to ‘refresh’ the deal. He praises new Greek government for ‘aligning with EU’s policy’. Doesn’t sound like more responsibility sharing.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) zo 29 sep 2019, 21:50

This is happening in Europe, on our watch. It is deeply, deeply shameful and infuriating. The result of political choices. And some still have the nerve to call the Turkey deal “a succes”.­e…­


Kati Piri wo 25 sep 2019, 21:55

A very kind, modest man. Always willing to explain me -patiently-about the complexity of Turkey. Passionate about a just and free society & ready to contribute his part. #SevgiliOsmanKavala #DearOsmanKavala


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) wo 11 sep 2019, 16:10

👇 The Commission on the conditions under which Turkey is a safe country for refugees. Now that Erdogan aims to send refugees back to Syria, I would like to hear from @avromopoulos next Monday if he really thinks these conditions are still met.


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