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99 tweets gevonden.


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) Thu 9 Mar 2023, 16:44

In the dead of night, Russia launched a cowardly mass attack on sleeping Ukrainians.

Its terrorism killed another 6 civilians. Out of resentment. Because 🇺🇦 is winning.

When will they understand that the Ukrainian will to be free can’t be broken?



Marcel de Graaff (FvD) Thu 26 Jan 2023, 21:18

Well, this is a clear sign that Russia is winning the war in Ukraine.

The last time the West negotiated with Russia resulted in the Minsk-agreement. Merkel and Hollande just recently told Russia and the world, they were just buying time to arm Ukraine.


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AZ 🛰🌏🌍🌎 Thu 26 Jan 2023, 17:59

🤡🎪🇺🇸🇺🇦🇷🇺"Washington is ready to ease sanctions against Moscow for the sake of serious negotiations on Ukraine and the withdrawal of Russian troops from there and return territory" - Victoria Nuland

She is silent about her coup and what led to here...


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Sat 14 Jan 2023, 08:54

Hoe meer mensen hoe meer grondstof-winning hoe meer watergebruik. Er zijn gewoon teveel mensen. Jaarproductie bijzondere metalen: 57 procent uit China. De bekende reserves (115 miljoen ton) hebben Brazilië (18,1 procent) en Vietnam (19 procent). @nrc

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Sat 14 Jan 2023, 08:47

“ Het is technisch moeilijk en erg duur om aardmetalen raffineren…, De winning leidt tot milieuschade: het raffineren van een ton zeldzame aardmetalen vereist 200 kubieke meter water, dat daarna vervuild moet worden afgevoerd’


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Sat 14 Jan 2023, 08:47

“ Het is technisch moeilijk en erg duur om aardmetalen raffineren…, De winning leidt tot milieuschade: het raffineren van een ton zeldzame aardmetalen vereist 200 kubieke meter water, dat daarna vervuild moet worden afgevoerd’

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Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Sat 14 Jan 2023, 08:43

Elektrische auto niet duurzaam: Elke elektrische auto heeft 1 tot 2 kilo van sterke magneten nodig. Daarvoor zijn zeldzame metalen nodig. Die zijn beperkt te vinden in een beperkt aantal landen. En gaan ook weer op. EU | Gedeeld artikel van de Volkskrant digitalekrant.volkskrant.n­l/volkskrant/177…­


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) Wed 16 Nov 2022, 16:46

🌍De winning van deze grondstoffen voor de energietransitie mag niet ten koste gaan van het milieu of van lokale gemeenschappen. We moeten de beste standaarden ontwikkelen en zowel onze producenten als importeurs hieraan houden. via @NOS

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) Wed 16 Nov 2022, 16:46

De Critical Raw Materials Act (wetsvoorstel voor kritieke grondstoffen) wordt verwacht in ’t eerste kwartaal van 2023.

Dat is goed nieuws, want die is hard nodig. Deze grondstoffen zijn cruciaal voor onze groene transitie. 🌿­y…­ @EURACTIV


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) Wed 16 Nov 2022, 16:42

🌍De winning van deze grondstoffen voor de #energietransitie mag niet ten koste gaan van het milieu of van lokale gemeenschappen. We moeten de beste standaarden ontwikkelen en zowel onze producenten als importeurs hieraan houden. via @NOS

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Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) Wed 16 Nov 2022, 16:42

De Critical Raw Materials act (wetsvoorstel voor kritieke grondstoffen) wordt verwacht in ’t eerste kwartaal van 2023. Dat is goed nieuws, want die is hard nodig. Deze grondstoffen zijn cruciaal voor onze groene transitie. 🌿­y…­


Samira Rafaela (D66) Sat 15 Oct 2022, 11:24

+1It was an honor to be invited by the Deputy Chief of Mission of the US, Aleisha Woodward to a reception with Nikole Hannah- Jones, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist and creator of the “1619 project” at New York Times Magazine


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) Sun 11 Sep 2022, 22:15

Let’s hope the Swedish exit polls become reality. With Greens winning seats and the center left coalition to continue. Progressive policies are the only remedy to combat far right politics.

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POLITICO Poll of Polls Sun 11 Sep 2022, 21:45

Incumbent Social Democrat-led government has upper hand in general election.…


Rob Roos (JA21) Sun 7 Aug 2022, 19:15

4/ En terwijl iedereen in Europa in de zomer '21 in het zonnetje zat en nauwelijks gas nodig had voor verwarming was het tekort dus al aanwezig. In Europa is de winning van fossiel (betrouw en op te slaan) afgebouwd. Duitsland had intussen 11 van de 17 kerncentrales gesloten.

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Rob Roos (JA21) Sun 7 Aug 2022, 19:15

3/ De vraag naar gas steeg in de zomer van 2021 doordat wind op zee in Europa en hydropower in Brazilië veel minder energie produceerde dan de jaren daarvoor.
Zon- en windenergie is weersafhankelijk. Toch was op dezelfde hoeveelheid energieproductie gerekend. Gevolg, een tekort!


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Tue 28 Jun 2022, 08:46

Misschien kunnen we de betrekkingen wat aanhalen?? Suriname maakt ook werk van winning gas: ’Strategie aanpassen om tekort’­3…­ via @telegraaf


Tineke Strik (GroenLinks) Tue 24 May 2022, 13:02

Congratulations on winning the Tegel award! Your groundbreaking joint investigation revealed the incredible injustices taking place at our borders. Of huge importance to hold the EU and EU governments accountable for this brutal treatment of refugees. #Pushbacks

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Lighthouse Reports Mon 23 May 2022, 22:00

Thrilled to receive this year's @detegel award for our exposé on Europe's Shadow Armies. @klaasvandijken picks up Netherlands' biggest journo prize on behalf of a fantastic collaborative team


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Mon 16 May 2022, 07:58

De koers van de dollar stijgt door rente verhoging van de FED. Daardoor dalen de kosten van de import en daarmee de inflatie. The dollar is winning in a messy global economy—and that matters in the U.S. fight against inflation…


Thijs Reuten (PvdA) Mon 4 Apr 2022, 18:40

Viktor Orbán winning a super majority again is devastating for the rule of law and democracy in Hungary.

This should FINALLY be a turning point for the Commission. No more bargaining on the rule of law, no more dialogue, no more delaying tactics. No more EU funds for autocrats.


Esther de Lange (CDA) Tue 18 Jan 2022, 11:05

I am delighted to see @RobertaMetsola being elected as @EP_President. She shows the world that, even if you're young and from a small country, you can build a winning coalition. And after 20 years it was high time for a female president. Congratulations!


Dorien Rookmaker (OA-NI) Thu 9 Sep 2021, 21:59

De wereld IS doorgedraaid. Er werden miljarden verdiend. NU: “Landen zoals Irak, Koeweit en Saoedi-Arabië, hebben hulp nodig om de winning van fossiele brandstoffen af te bouwen”. Voor klimaatdoelen moeten olie, gas en kolen in de grond blijven via @nrc…


Paul Tang (PvdA) Thu 28 Jan 2021, 17:21

And congratulations @sterreclame for winning the Dutch Privacy Award of @privacyfirst and @Platform_ECP 🥳🥳


Peter van Dalen (CU) Sat 23 Jan 2021, 22:30

The #UK starts to realize: #Brexit is not about winning back control of the EU, but investing in it to survive!­021/…­


Rob Roos (JA21) Fri 18 Sep 2020, 11:26

“You know you’re winning when you see you’re being copied” #FVD

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Thierry Baudet Fri 18 Sep 2020, 11:19

Fijn om te zien dat waar #FVD al jaren voor strijdt, nu ook bij VVD en CDA op de agenda is gekomen.


Kati Piri Thu 16 Jul 2020, 19:53

Congratulations to @Zoran_Zaev @Sekerinska and @Dimitrov_Nikola for winning the elections in 🇲🇰.

Glad to see so much support by citizens for a social democratic and European path of the country. 🌹


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Mon 13 Jul 2020, 09:56

Winning elections with a homophobic hate campaign. In Europe 2020. Shameful 😠 But encouraging that so many, young people in particular, were mobilised for an open, inclusive Poland at the heart of the European Union. We support their vision! 💪🔥🇪🇺🇵🇱

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James Shotter Mon 13 Jul 2020, 08:18

Andrzej Duda has won Poland's presidential election. According to the country's electoral commission, with 99.97 per cent of votes counted:

Andrzej Duda 51.21 per cent
Rafal Trzaskowski 48.79 per cent


Mohammed Chahim (PvdA) Wed 24 Jun 2020, 16:27

Tomorrow at 14h is the awards ceremony for the European Week of Waste Reduction 🍀🔄 I will be handing out the 'Citizen Award' 🏆 Interested in all the cool (and award winning) initiatives to reduce waste? Register 👉…
#EWWRAwards #EWWR2019


Rob Roos (JA21) Sun 1 Mar 2020, 14:10

Bijna thuis. Tussenstop in Frankfurt 🛬. Met ⁦@djeppink⁩ heel de week in Washington DC geweest en ons conservatief netwerk uitgebreid tot in de hoogste kringen van de Verenigde Staten 🇺🇸 en Zuid-Amerika. #FVD is #Winning.


Rob Roos (JA21) Thu 27 Feb 2020, 18:55

Prachtige speech van Vice President van de VS, @VP Mike Pence. Conservatism is #WINNING #CPAC2020


Kati Piri Tue 26 Nov 2019, 09:02

Wow! Big congrats to @rzbh and @AhmadJoudeh90 for winning an Emmy Award with documentary ‘Dance or Die’. Realllly deserved! 💪


Samira Rafaela (D66) Wed 20 Nov 2019, 18:50

+1Football is the beautiful game. There is joy in winning and solidarity in loss.Too often however racism rears its ugly head in European stadiums. Recently at an @England game and in Dutch professional football.

I wrote a letter, co-signed by over 140 colleagues, to @UEFA 📄⤵️

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Samira Rafaela (D66) Wed 20 Nov 2019, 18:50

+1Toen Nederland in 2017 Europees kampioen voetbal werd, was ik zó blij. Dan is voetbal echt mooi. Daarom is het zo treurig en boosmakend om racistische spreekkoren in stadions te horen.

Ik roep met 140+ collega’s per brief @UEFA op om hier een einde aan te maken. #kickoutracism


Derk Jan Eppink Thu 4 Jul 2019, 15:35

Trumponomics! A Job is the best social policy possible. Better than food stamps.

Minority Women Are Winning the Jobs Race in a Record Economic Expansion


Kati Piri Mon 1 Apr 2019, 15:10

Also congrats to #HDP for strategic voting and winning back mayors in cities that were taken from them in 2016. Pîroz be Ahmet Türk in Mardin!

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KatiPiri Mon 1 Apr 2019, 15:09

I’d like to congratulate all winning candidates, including newly elected #CHP mayors of Ankara, Istanbul & Izmir @mansuryavas06 @ekrem_imamoglu and @tuncsoyer


Kati Piri Mon 1 Apr 2019, 15:09

I’d like to congratulate all winning candidates, including newly elected #CHP mayors of Ankara, Istanbul & Izmir @mansuryavas06 @ekrem_imamoglu and @tuncsoyer

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KatiPiri Mon 1 Apr 2019, 15:08

Last night proved that an important pillar of Turkey’s democracy is still alive and kicking. Congrats to voters and election observers! Big Q is whether opposition’s win will be officially acknowledged.


Hans van Baalen Mon 4 Mar 2019, 14:00

Liberals winning here. Congratulations to former EP colleague @kajakallas
with best personal result in #valimised2019 Her @reformikad can claim victory.

Glad to see the other #ALDE member in Estonia @keskerakondlane also a strong force in Estonia.

We hope liberals will unite.


Jan Huitema (VVD) Tue 19 Feb 2019, 18:07

De Europese Commissie is bezig met nieuwe regels over de import van agri producten naar de EU. De huidige regels zorgen voor balans tussen grote & kleine bedrijven, het nieuwe voorstel verstoort die balans. Why change a winning formula? Dat heb ik de Commissie vanmiddag gevraagd!


Marietje Schaake Wed 9 Jan 2019, 13:18

@APHClarkson @CasMudde Those who legally get elected make policies if they can get the needed majorities. Strategy is winning elections first and foremost


Marietje Schaake Tue 9 Oct 2018, 09:22

There are a lot of people objecting any regulation of surveillance and hacking systems on the claim ‘code is speech’, they are winning

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Chris Hoofnagle Tue 9 Oct 2018, 09:17

@MarietjeSchaake Yes George mason professor Ernie gellhorn argued that selling social security numbers was free speech before judge bates years ago. He lost.


Sophie in 't Veld (D66) Fri 19 Jan 2018, 23:19

Straight talking and sharp as always @emmabonino Using Europe as a scapegoat is good for winning elections, but useless for governing the country­…­

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Più Europa Fri 19 Jan 2018, 21:33

La politica, quando non sapeva come giustificare le proprie scelte, ha sempre detto “ce lo chiede l’Europa”. Oggi dobbiamo tornare a ricordarci e a dire cosa l’Europa ha fatto e può fare di buono per noi, per la nostra Italia.
@emmabonino ospite oggi a @tagadala7. #PiùEuropa


Paul Tang (PvdA) Tue 21 Nov 2017, 15:34

one of six winning student columns on the Future of Europe
Tax competition undermines European values of solidarity -… via @FT


Hans van Baalen Thu 9 Nov 2017, 10:30

Together in Brussels with Emilia @slabunova, leader of @ALDEParty member @yabloko. By winning the #Russia local elections, they made clear: Putin is not Russia!


Hans van Baalen Sat 21 Oct 2017, 17:13

RT @hansvanbaalen: Congratulations to ALDE Party member ANO 2011 and leader @AndrejBabis for winning Czech elections! 🇨🇿#volby2017 https://…


Hans van Baalen Sat 21 Oct 2017, 15:33

Congratulations to ALDE Party member ANO 2011 and leader @AndrejBabis for winning Czech elections! 🇨🇿#volby2017


Hans van Baalen Mon 8 May 2017, 09:51

I salute @FDP_SH FDP and its leader Wolfgang #Kubicki winning around 11,5% of the vote in the German regional elections!­…­


Bas Belder Tue 14 Mar 2017, 07:46

How Hamas is winning hearts and minds in Europe via @timesofisrael


Lambert van Nistelrooij Tue 11 Oct 2016, 20:14

Be good and tell it! Handing over the regiostars Awards to the 5 winning projects: Let the European stars shine!……


Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks) Fri 7 Oct 2016, 12:11

Anticipated tweet: Just had Santos on the phone and congratulated him on the good news of winning the well-deserved……


Anne-Marie Mineur Sun 4 Sep 2016, 09:10

Ook de winning van schaliegas kan leiden tot aardbevingen.…


Marietje Schaake Tue 15 Dec 2015, 10:59

My remarks on Raif Badawi winning #sakharov prize & the strength of @miss9afi who relentlessly fights for #freedom…


Marietje Schaake Tue 16 Jun 2015, 11:19

@Vilinthril @c3o we always prefer winning majorities for our views :)


Judith Sargentini Tue 26 May 2015, 21:29

There's a Reason Gay Marriage Is Winning, While Abortion Rights Are Losing… via @thenation


Anne-Marie Mineur Mon 26 Jan 2015, 17:23

Die andere grote linkse leider: "it is essential to understand that winning an election does not mean winning power"…


Gerton van Unnik Thu 10 Jul 2014, 07:01

Op winning #schaliegas in drukbevolkte gebieden na bedient provincie Antwerpen zich van de gebruikelijke drogredenen.…

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